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Trump says he hopes economy crashes in next 12 months: ‘I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover’


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On 1/16/2024 at 2:13 AM, pegman said:

Trump need not worry. The prior 2 terms before Hoover got elected had Republicans in the presidency


Quotes lost to time. I love running onto these.

"Witnesses claimed that Calvin Coolidge seemed to have aged ten years between 1929 and 1932. His face and neck grew gaunt; The former President had a haggard, haunted look about him in the last twelve months of his life. No longer was silent Cal a popular folk hero. He died shortly after noon on January 5th, 1933, alone at his home in Northampton."

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16 hours ago, Walker88 said:

--First President to leave office with fewer Americans working than when he entered office since.....Herbert Hoover


---Worst average GDP change over his term since.....Herbert Hoover


trump inherited the growing economy created under Obama and left Biden a Recession and 6.8% unemployment,

Someone keeps omitting to mention that something called covid had something to do with unemployment, and GDP.

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On 1/11/2024 at 5:20 AM, Tug said:

Hate to break the news to you but your hero actually allready has been compared to Hoover on account of his bigley massive biggest ever job losses on his watch and his incredible shrinking economy.not to mention on his watch more Americans died than all the wars we were ever involved in .due to Covid his shameful incompetence and interference cost many American lives + great economic loss he far surpassed Hoover bigley massively!!


So unfair. Similar problems in many counties at the same time. 


Something to do with a deadly virus, I think.

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On 1/11/2024 at 2:50 PM, ozimoron said:


There will be a crash, there always is eventually. It was widely anticipated that it would come last year or this year but markets have priced in no rate cuts now until 2024. Another little clue is that rate inversion (5 year over 10 year) always uninverts about 6 months before a crash. That hasn't happened yet. The treasury secretary has called a soft landing and the market agrees very much at the moment. The Fed has also been injecting liquidity into the markets to keep them propped up.


tl:dr; don't hold your breath, it's a forlorn hope before the elections. 2025, probably.


It is 2024.


Yield curve analysis generally uses 2 year and 10 year bonds.

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On 1/12/2024 at 1:31 PM, Georgealbert said:


Redfin? Sounds fishy.

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5 hours ago, nauseus said:


Redfin? Sounds fishy.

So funny, 55555 Maybe you should have read the post I was replying to, see below. Maybe ask them if the site is fishy.


That poster, another Trump supporter,  was using Redfin, to attack the Biden economic performance, I just quoted other links from the same site, to show how that poster was cherry picking, to support Trump. Think that is called a balanced view.


But thank you for proving to everyone the bias shown by the cultists.


Edited by Georgealbert
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4 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

You mean the virus that Trump said would go away?


"You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April."


"when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done."


Was Trump wrong about Covid?


I think just about everybody, everywhere, was wrong about Covid.


But that does not make Covid Trump's fault.





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14 minutes ago, Georgealbert said:

So funny, 55555 Maybe you should have read the post I was replying to, see below. Maybe ask them if the site is fishy.


That poster, another Trump supporter,  was using Redfin, to attack the Biden economic performance, I just quoted other links from the same site, to show how that poster was cherry picking, to support Trump. Think that is called a balanced view.


But thank you for proving to everyone the bias shown by the cultists.



I made a poor joke but never mind - it was nothing to do with anything anyone else wrote. But what was your point? I know that you think you have one. Redfin, or anything else, can be used to justify attacking "Bidenomics". It's easy.


It is comical for someone to say that a link to support a post is biased - it has to be - if you really want to look at it like that. A better word would be relevant, even of you don't like it.


The reality is that it is still difficult for house buyers in the US to afford a change of home or start into the market. Even if interest rates fall there will be quite a lag before borrowers see much relief. The relief in mortgage rates is only minimal so far. There have been actual no rate cuts from the Fed yet. Too much speculation, as ever.


My biased link is below:



All that said, housing market difficulties are only one aspect to do with Bidenomics, whatever that's supposed to mean. Rates finally went up after years in the supernatural world of zero interest. Debt and inflation are the two biggest threats and Biden is making both worse. 



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17 minutes ago, Georgealbert said:

55555 is that an attempt at another joke, I need to check, as it is never clear from your posts.


Let me details the facts for you, which you clearly do not want to accept.


1. My post was a reply to someone else that quoted from Redfin, that was clearly told to you, but you choose to ignore.


2. My links were just the other stories on Redfin, which were below that original link, again told to you and you ignored.


3. The bias was that the poster picked only 1 of the 4 stories, as it was the only one that meet their agenda, it requires critical thinking to see that, which you demonstrate to lack.


4.I posted the other links to show a balanced view from that site, again explained and again ignored.


5. It took you 10 days to reply to my post, are you having a bad day and want to let off steam by having a go at everyone who does not agree with you, hence the multi posts!


6. You now claim you were just making a joke, really, you seem to lack as much humour as you do intelligence.


7. Then you go off on a tangent, that has zero to do with the discussion about my post, to try and deflect, from admitting the truth.


So have a good day, I do not waste any more of my time on cultists that are in an alternative reality.



No joke. I was being serious that time. You have insulted me and I'm angry.


Yes, I don't accept your so-called and irrelevant 7-point "fact" list.


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2 hours ago, nauseus said:


I made a poor joke but never mind - it was nothing to do with anything anyone else wrote. But what was your point? I know that you think you have one. Redfin, or anything else, can be used to justify attacking "Bidenomics". It's easy.


It is comical for someone to say that a link to support a post is biased - it has to be - if you really want to look at it like that. A better word would be relevant, even of you don't like it.


The reality is that it is still difficult for house buyers in the US to afford a change of home or start into the market. Even if interest rates fall there will be quite a lag before borrowers see much relief. The relief in mortgage rates is only minimal so far. There have been actual no rate cuts from the Fed yet. Too much speculation, as ever.


My biased link is below:



All that said, housing market difficulties are only one aspect to do with Bidenomics, whatever that's supposed to mean. Rates finally went up after years in the supernatural world of zero interest. Debt and inflation are the two biggest threats and Biden is making both worse. 



Actually, the Fed operates independently of the executive branch. It followed the usual course for battling inflation which is to raise interest rates. It's true that some on the left insisted they were overdoing it. As it turn out, most likely a correct objection since it's becoming increasingly clear that inflation, which is declining rapidly, was due to the economic disruption occasioned by the pandemic.

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28 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Actually, the Fed operates independently of the executive branch. It followed the usual course for battling inflation which is to raise interest rates. It's true that some on the left insisted they were overdoing it. As it turn out, most likely a correct objection since it's becoming increasingly clear that inflation, which is declining rapidly, was due to the economic disruption occasioned by the pandemic.


I know that is supposed to be the case but sometimes I do wonder. Inflation just picked up again a bit last month so we'll have to wait and see, I suppose. 



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1 hour ago, Danderman123 said:

While Trump was making bad predictions about Covid, Dr. Fauci  was speaking the truth (in March 2020):


We're going to get hit. There's no doubt about it. We see it in New York. New York is ter- is terribly suffering.


No matter what lame excuse you attempt for Trump, someone will counter your posts with facts, and eventually you will give up, having realized the more you post, the worse your Orange Jesus looks.




So you're saying covid was Trumps fault then? 

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4 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

I am saying that Trump mismanaged the epidemic, which led to many additional deaths.


Trump's lies about Covid caused many of his most fervent fans to suffer long agonizing deaths.


And I am saying that most governments mismanaged the epidemic. There may have been many "additional" deaths however it was handled. There was very little information available early on. 


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19 minutes ago, nauseus said:


And I am saying that most governments mismanaged the epidemic. There may have been many "additional" deaths however it was handled. There was very little information available early on. 


Well, at Keystone the first wave was managed differently  I.e. between the U.S. and the EU.



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23 minutes ago, Tug said:

Thankfully on my family’s part we always take whatever trump says as fancifully at best,when we saw the Chinese building hospitals at breakneck speed we bought ppe when it was still available and listened to what the science was telling us,not trumps magical thinking (that’s sarcasm btw)self serving lies that cost thousands and thousands of American lives.no Covid wasent trumps fault the response is and was absolutely his fault.Mostly because of his mental illness wouldent let him let qualified experts direct the response he is what he is wholeheartedly unqualified to be POTUS 


So how come Biden lost more people in his first year than Trump did? Even with vaccines rolling out by then?

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43 minutes ago, nauseus said:


Most leaders would not have wanted to create a panic. So what?

Good leaders prepared for the coming pandemic. Dr. Fauci warned about it.


Trump lied about it, and many peopke died.

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20 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


And the MAGA cult is still locked into defending Trump's covid failure, resulting in many continuing deaths. One only need look at the death rate for the unvaccinated compared to those vaccinated and where those people lived against a map of registered voters for each party.


Researchers from Yale University who studied the pandemic's effects on those two states say that from the pandemic's start in March 2020 through December 2021, "excess mortality was significantly higher for Republican voters than Democratic voters after COVID-19 vaccines were available to all adults, but not before."


Pro-Trump counties continue to suffer far higher COVID death tolls

More specifically, the researchers say, their adjusted analysis found that "the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters" after vaccine eligibility was opened.

The different rates "were concentrated in counties with lower vaccination rates, and primarily noted in voters residing in Ohio,"




Lots of variables in there that are not accounted for but which the article itself acknowledges.


However, the trend is there, indicating that Republicans who chose not to vaccinate but who contracted Covid were more likely to die. But that was their choice and Trump allowed that, although he received the vaccine in early 2021 and everyone knew it. 


There was no mandate and people were free to be free and tribal. I think that it has to be that way.



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25 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

you really don't remember?  Perhaps you Google before you try to whitewash your Orange Jesus.


First off, there was full blown Covid the entire first year of the Biden administration, whereas in Trump's last year Covid only achieved full blown status later in 2020.


When Biden came into office, Covid was at its peak:




Peak Covid deaths came exactly as Trump left office, and was reduced thereafter.





Full blown like your story?


Already by April 2020 there were already 2.5k deaths/day in the US. Not peaky enough? There were several other similar peaks/waves post Biden's arrival at the high 20/21 winter peak, all the way onto 2022.






Biden still lost more people in '21 than Trump lost in '20, despite new availability of vaccines, PPE, treatment techniques and information.

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1 minute ago, ozimoron said:


Trump failed to tell anyone he'd received the vaccination at first. Biden never mandated the vaccine, he just recommended it instead of fostering a cult following around antivax conspiracy theories. There's a difference between recommending that everyone get vaccines and mandating them.


When Trump had the vax it was widely reported at the time.

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