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Israeli Soldier Videos from Gaza Raise International Law Concerns

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10 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I know lots of people talk about that.

But I don't know how many would be already satisfied with part of that land.

Like: I want it all, but I can live with half of it, because that is better than nothing.

I would be surprised if Hamas is a homogenous group where everybody wants the same.

Hamas are also blatant terrorist liars who can't be trusted. You obviously didn't bother to view the video I posted to you. Hamas promised to adhere to the ICJ ruling last month. The ICJ ruled they have to release all hostages with no pre conditions. They did not stick to it, they lied. Hamas broke the last ceasefire truce on hostage/prisoner exchanges end of November and as a result set the war off again.


Hamas could stop the killing right now, today by adhering to that ruling, instead it prefers to continue using its own civilians as human shields. There is no future in this world for Hamas and has to go. 

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8 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

That's obvious. Or not?


Not to many on here it seems. Quite a bunch of posters who embrace a totally one-sided narrative. And then you have those that say both sides, then go on and on about Israel only. Sure, you got the mirror image of that as well, but for the most part it's an Israel Bad thing (on this forum). As for your comments, they usually fall into the both-sides-but-Israel variety, except when you lose it and drop the act - then it's Israel Bad as usual.

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So typical of the far left BBC. Focusing on those nasty Jews while ignoring the atrocities committed by the Palestinians who started this latest round of violence with the horrific attacks on October 7.


Have they actually recognized Hamas as terrorists yet? Or are they still calling them freedom fighters? It's tough to watch the BBC these days. Personally I don't.



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8 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

It's a question of the perspective.

Do you think people in Gaza who join Hamas join them because they want to be terrorists? Or is it more likely that they want to join freedom fighters?

My statement is clearly from the point of view of survivors of Israelis killing their friends and family.

If your family would be killed by soldiers from country X, would you fight against them? And if yes, would you call yourself a terrorist or a freedom fighter? 


It's a 'question of perspective' if you adopt the Hamas point of view. That's a choice. As pointed out, not a whole lot of countries/regimes embrace this label - most of those are either dictatorial or repressive in their own right. I think most (or at least a lot of) Western countries designate Hamas as terrorists. In my opinion, this division is significant, you may think differently.


I think a whole lot of those joining want 'revenge'. Do unto them stuff. Freedom? Living under Hamas rule is not freedom, what Hamas offers in case it manages to make its Charter come true is more of the same.


There is a difference between fighting, and what took place on 7/10. That was not about freedom.



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31 minutes ago, Morch said:


Not to many on here it seems. Quite a bunch of posters who embrace a totally one-sided narrative. And then you have those that say both sides, then go on and on about Israel only. Sure, you got the mirror image of that as well, but for the most part it's an Israel Bad thing (on this forum). As for your comments, they usually fall into the both-sides-but-Israel variety, except when you lose it and drop the act - then it's Israel Bad as usual.


"when you lose it and drop the act"

Do you really think I pretend sometime that I write both sides do bad things?

Maybe it's only me, I have maybe roughly a view that 70% is the fault of Israelis and 30% of Palestinians. (No, I didn't think long and hard about those percentages, it's an example). And then, sometimes I read something horrible of what Israelis did, and I blame them more, maybe 90/10% or something like that. And another day I think the Palestinians are more responsible for the fighting and the percentages change again.

At least for me I am not consistent - you noticed that already.

And I don't even try to be consistent. Because sometimes one side is more to blame, and sometimes the other side. And often it's not easy to really understand what is going on and who is to blame.


I am sure one reason that I see more the bad side of Israel is that Israel is a democratic country which is supposed to play be the good guys rules. Hamas are officially a terrorist group. Nobody expects from a terrorist group to be judged with the same criteria like a nation state.


If the Palestinians had a country with an elected government and their own official military and is this would be a war between two countries, then they should be viewed with the same expectations to abide by international rules. 



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35 minutes ago, Morch said:

It's a 'question of perspective' if you adopt the Hamas point of view.

I think to understand any situation it makes a lot of sense to try to see that situation from the viewpoint of each side.

What do Palestinians think about Hamas and what they are doing. What do they think about Israel.

And what do Israelis think about their government and Palestinians?

And obviously not all Israelis think the same and not all Palestinians think the same.

I think we should try to look at problems from their point of view.


Another example, I know this tread is not about that, is Putin's view about the was in Ukraine. I found it interesting to hear his view. That doesn't mean I agree with what he said, or I believe everything he said, I see it as the viewpoint which he presents. And I think it's interesting to look at things also from that viewpoint.  

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The israelis are Hamas's best recruiting agents ever. Hamas will have more applicants than they need, as will Hezbollah and all the other anti israeli groups.




Was there a shortage of volunteers before?

Also, given Hamas's losses, it will take some time to fill the ranks anyway.

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

"they want all the land for themselves"

Now the question is obviously about all the land. I guess for some people that involves a lot of land. For others maybe only the land where they used to live before Israel took it away or destroyed everything on that land. 


Hamas's agenda is about all the land. What you 'guess' got little to do with it.

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2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I know lots of people talk about that.

But I don't know how many would be already satisfied with part of that land.

Like: I want it all, but I can live with half of it, because that is better than nothing.

I would be surprised if Hamas is a homogenous group where everybody wants the same.


You somehow seem to imagine that the Palestinians live in a fully democratic society. One which gives much room for personal views etc. This is not the case even under PA rule, never mind Hamas's.


Instead of assuming things, how about getting a clue? Hamas sometimes says stuff that can be interpreted as such, but when broken down (or when looking at the source, the original statement) it often falls short. They sometimes talk about 'ceasefire', 'long term pause in hostilities', or claim that they will abide by the 'people's will'. None of that got any actual expression in their agenda/charter, none of that implies full peace, recognition of Israel, or accepting a permanent compromise. Given how they treated the opposition last time disagreements rose, accepting the 'people's will' (determined how? And by whom?) doesn't mean a whole lot.


What you're on about may apply to the PA and it's supporters. But that's neither what we're talking about, nor does it address the issue of Hamas and its followers.

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27 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


"when you lose it and drop the act"

Do you really think I pretend sometime that I write both sides do bad things?

Maybe it's only me, I have maybe roughly a view that 70% is the fault of Israelis and 30% of Palestinians. (No, I didn't think long and hard about those percentages, it's an example). And then, sometimes I read something horrible of what Israelis did, and I blame them more, maybe 90/10% or something like that. And another day I think the Palestinians are more responsible for the fighting and the percentages change again.

At least for me I am not consistent - you noticed that already.

And I don't even try to be consistent. Because sometimes one side is more to blame, and sometimes the other side. And often it's not easy to really understand what is going on and who is to blame.


I am sure one reason that I see more the bad side of Israel is that Israel is a democratic country which is supposed to play be the good guys rules. Hamas are officially a terrorist group. Nobody expects from a terrorist group to be judged with the same criteria like a nation state.


If the Palestinians had a country with an elected government and their own official military and is this would be a war between two countries, then they should be viewed with the same expectations to abide by international rules. 




I think that your comments on here speak for themself. When push comes to shove, you revert to the Israel Bad mode. The strong language, commentary and so on? That's hardly ever directed at the Palestinians, of even Hamas. The bulk, both in terms of quantity and 'quality' is saved for Israel. Don't think I ever saw you comment about 'the Palestinians are more responsible for the fighting'. As for not being consistent, we'll disagree - as said, I think you're mostly anti-Israel, sometimes much more so. That's all.


And here's the rub. No one expects Hamas to act right. And by extension, not much of that with regard to the Palestinians as well - for any excuse possible. If you think Hamas is a terrorist group, then they ought to be criticized like one - not 'understood', not being labeled as 'freedom fighters', and not normalizing their agenda and actions.


We will have do disagree that having a state, and an army are requisites for expectations regarding behavior of groups. Being the underdog (never mind own actions and choices playing a part in that) is no carte blanche.

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31 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I think to understand any situation it makes a lot of sense to try to see that situation from the viewpoint of each side.

What do Palestinians think about Hamas and what they are doing. What do they think about Israel.

And what do Israelis think about their government and Palestinians?

And obviously not all Israelis think the same and not all Palestinians think the same.

I think we should try to look at problems from their point of view.


Another example, I know this tread is not about that, is Putin's view about the was in Ukraine. I found it interesting to hear his view. That doesn't mean I agree with what he said, or I believe everything he said, I see it as the viewpoint which he presents. And I think it's interesting to look at things also from that viewpoint.  


There's trying to understand a point of view, and then there's adopting it, or considering it justified, legit.

A whole lot of people on here seem to cross that line. When it suits.

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1 hour ago, Morch said:

There's trying to understand a point of view, and then there's adopting it, or considering it justified, legit.

A whole lot of people on here seem to cross that line. When it suits.


I think the problem is often that we, or at least I, have too little information to be sure.

I.e. Palestinians often complain that Israeli soldiers kill many innocent people.

And Israelis claim that Hamas hides behind civilians.

I am pretty sure both statements are correct, and they can be correct at the same time.

Then the question is how often is it more the case that Israeli soldiers just don't care and how often is it more the case that Hamas uses civilians as shields? Who knows? I am sure there are lots of people who have some guesstimate, but how many know the truth?

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6 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

You go to extraordinary lengths to cover the truth.


My quote: “There were girls with broken pelvis due to repetitive rapes, their legs were split wide apart in a split,” was not relayed via Zaka or Greyman but by the Israeli police Yael Richert, a superintendent with the Israel Police.






ONE sentence from a non Zaka source, with the other half of the sentence following on from the Zaka guys and you think I am incorrect? PHHH. Get stuffed. The whole article is from a Zaka source. Literally.


The police officer is quoting testimonies from other anonymous Zaka people. Think about it - how did someone witness repeated gang rape within such a short space of time, and did not get caught themselves? Why haven't ANY victims come forward?


The modern world we live in has set standards for evidence. This does not amount to any credible evidence. You need a survivor. You need semen samples. You need CCTV. Barring CCTV, you need a witness to corroborate your claims.


You need something, not a bunch of broken bones which is what happens in a war zone.


It is notable that the Israeli government has already started to wind down the systemic rape claims. Since the investigation uncovering Zaka, did you not notice a lack of Israeli spokespeople on the news lately. Watching Eylon Levy on LBC yesterday was a first for a long time. This is how Israel controls the media - put out a big story to make everyone angry and inflamed while we go over here and commit some war crimes while no one is watching. Why won't Israel allow journalists into Gaza? Why can we only see one side of the story? Putin lets journalists into Ukraine - Netanyahu won't allow journalists into Gaza.



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2 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


ONE sentence from a non Zaka source, with the other half of the sentence following on from the Zaka guys and you think I am incorrect? PHHH. Get stuffed. The whole article is from a Zaka source. Literally.


The police officer is quoting testimonies from other anonymous Zaka people. Think about it - how did someone witness repeated gang rape within such a short space of time, and did not get caught themselves? Why haven't ANY victims come forward?


The modern world we live in has set standards for evidence. This does not amount to any credible evidence. You need a survivor. You need semen samples. You need CCTV. Barring CCTV, you need a witness to corroborate your claims.


You need something, not a bunch of broken bones which is what happens in a war zone.


It is notable that the Israeli government has already started to wind down the systemic rape claims. Since the investigation uncovering Zaka, did you not notice a lack of Israeli spokespeople on the news lately. Watching Eylon Levy on LBC yesterday was a first for a long time. This is how Israel controls the media - put out a big story to make everyone angry and inflamed while we go over here and commit some war crimes while no one is watching. Why won't Israel allow journalists into Gaza? Why can we only see one side of the story? Putin lets journalists into Ukraine - Netanyahu won't allow journalists into Gaza.

"Get stuffed."



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39 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

"Get stuffed."




Zaka's founder was arrested for being a serial rapist. This is an extremist right wing organization, to compare, a Millwall football team supporters group would be a good analogy. Still want to listen to their proven lies?




An investigation into the numerous allegations of rape and sexual assault against the founder of the ZAKA emergency service was reportedly in an advanced stage ahead of his apparent suicide attempt on Thursday.

Police planned to arrest Yehuda Meshi-Zahav at the beginning of next week, as a number of the cases being investigated are within the statute of limitations, Israeli television reports said.

According to the reports, there are dozens of additional complaints against Meshi-Zahav that are not within the statute of limitations but can be used as proof of his serial behavior.



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54 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


Zaka's founder was arrested for being a serial rapist. This is an extremist right wing organization, to compare, a Millwall football team supporters group would be a good analogy. Still want to listen to their proven lies?



How that relates to me previous response I have no idea but then I never know what the mind of  Hamas supporter has :saai:

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2 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

How that relates to me previous response I have no idea but then I never know what the mind of  Hamas supporter has :saai:


This is the only Ham-mas I support




Understanding that these people hate their oppressors does not equate to support. Analyzing comments made about them (rapists) and pointing out that there is a lack of evidence to prove this, is not support. Accurately translating their name as 'resistance' fighters - just like the French resistance - and calling them freedom fighters is an accurate depiction of their struggle against their oppressors. This is not support. Acknowledging all of the injustices the Palestinians face, and understanding why they need these groups is not support. They have committed atrocities. Israel has committed atrocities. We shouldn't get stuck in the long blame game of who is worst... because quite frankly, it isn't even a fair fight. Israel would lose just based on total death count alone.


The world needs to step in. Israel cannot be left to deal with this, as it is one of the aggrieved parties, whilst also being one of the aggressor parties. As is Hamas. The international community needs to put things right, because it is the international community that caused all of this in the first place. This was not started by Jews, Zionists, Israelis, Palestinians, or Arabs. This was a problem started by European countries, so European countries should now step up and fix what they started.

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6 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:


I think the problem is often that we, or at least I, have too little information to be sure.

I.e. Palestinians often complain that Israeli soldiers kill many innocent people.

And Israelis claim that Hamas hides behind civilians.

I am pretty sure both statements are correct, and they can be correct at the same time.

Then the question is how often is it more the case that Israeli soldiers just don't care and how often is it more the case that Hamas uses civilians as shields? Who knows? I am sure there are lots of people who have some guesstimate, but how many know the truth?


This has nothing to do with what I posted about.

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6 hours ago, Brickleberry said:


ONE sentence from a non Zaka source, with the other half of the sentence following on from the Zaka guys and you think I am incorrect? PHHH. Get stuffed. The whole article is from a Zaka source. Literally.


The police officer is quoting testimonies from other anonymous Zaka people. Think about it - how did someone witness repeated gang rape within such a short space of time, and did not get caught themselves? Why haven't ANY victims come forward?


The modern world we live in has set standards for evidence. This does not amount to any credible evidence. You need a survivor. You need semen samples. You need CCTV. Barring CCTV, you need a witness to corroborate your claims.


You need something, not a bunch of broken bones which is what happens in a war zone.


It is notable that the Israeli government has already started to wind down the systemic rape claims. Since the investigation uncovering Zaka, did you not notice a lack of Israeli spokespeople on the news lately. Watching Eylon Levy on LBC yesterday was a first for a long time. This is how Israel controls the media - put out a big story to make everyone angry and inflamed while we go over here and commit some war crimes while no one is watching. Why won't Israel allow journalists into Gaza? Why can we only see one side of the story? Putin lets journalists into Ukraine - Netanyahu won't allow journalists into Gaza.






You can keep denying rapes. You can keep running interference for Hamas. It's what you do. Zero expectations from 'people' like you.


There were testimonies.

There are a couple of topics dealing with evidence, with links to other sources as well.

There are autopsy reports.

And then there's you. A rape denier, Hamas fanboy who says otherwise.

Scum is generous in your case.


Levy was sort of 'ousted' from his position as the lead representative when Netanyhu's wife discovered he was also an anti-government activist prior to the 7/10 attack.


Your Israel controls the media conspiracy theory is kinda funny considering you keep insisting (without proof) this or that is all over them media, when it suits.

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5 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

How that relates to me previous response I have no idea but then I never know what the mind of  Hamas supporter has :saai:


It doesn't. He just slings mud at every opportunity hoping it sticks.

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2 hours ago, Brickleberry said:


This is the only Ham-mas I support




Understanding that these people hate their oppressors does not equate to support. Analyzing comments made about them (rapists) and pointing out that there is a lack of evidence to prove this, is not support. Accurately translating their name as 'resistance' fighters - just like the French resistance - and calling them freedom fighters is an accurate depiction of their struggle against their oppressors. This is not support. Acknowledging all of the injustices the Palestinians face, and understanding why they need these groups is not support. They have committed atrocities. Israel has committed atrocities. We shouldn't get stuck in the long blame game of who is worst... because quite frankly, it isn't even a fair fight. Israel would lose just based on total death count alone.


The world needs to step in. Israel cannot be left to deal with this, as it is one of the aggrieved parties, whilst also being one of the aggressor parties. As is Hamas. The international community needs to put things right, because it is the international community that caused all of this in the first place. This was not started by Jews, Zionists, Israelis, Palestinians, or Arabs. This was a problem started by European countries, so European countries should now step up and fix what they started.




You do not just 'understand' them, by identify with them. Running interference on each unflattering topic, trying to derail those that don't fit with your (and their) agenda, denying almost everything putting them in a bad way, constantly posting half-truths, outright lies, and banging on with the same one-sided narrative.


There's understanding, and then there's going the extra mile. You're a couple of steps further.



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Talking about law concerns, a Dutch judge has forbidden the sale of F-35 parts to Israel due the possibility there is a risk they may be used to commit war crimes.

Edited by stevenl
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35 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Talking about law concerns, a Dutch judge has forbidden the sale of F-35 parts to Israel due the possibility there is a risk they may be used to commit war crimes.


When I read the OP, my expectation was that the wannabe 'pro-palestinian' posters on here would be all of this like flies on what-did-i-just-step-on. Turns out the OP is almost ignored, and the topic goes every which way but. Interesting.


As for Dutch thing - the Dutch government will appeal. And unless very much mistaken, the USA is beholden to supply withheld parts from own stocks under sales agreement (meant to address situations such as this). Regardless, if there are significant delays or the government appeal fails, then Dutch manufacturer(s) and government will find themselves the target of some heavy duty litigation by Israel's government, The USA administration and USA manufacturers.


So, overall, I don't think this would have much impact by itself. As to whether it will give other groups in countries who are part of the production/supply chain such ideas, need to wait for the appeal. If it's accepted, it's a good bet that's how similar lawsuits will end.

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14 hours ago, Morch said:




Let me set you straight on this,


There is no law against autopsies in Israel.

The law provides for families the right to object/refuse one under certain circumstances. This mostly applies/utilized by observant people, but not all. If authorities insist, such in cases involving a crime, for example, they can override this. Families may appeal, of course.


As for Judaism - for starters, this line of argument would apply only to observant Jews. A whole lot of those murdered and raped were not. Also, there is a general provision in Judaism which allows for pretty much any edict etc. (other than core ones, perhaps) to be breached - mostly if the circumstances are life-threatening, an emergency is involved and so on. Autopsies in cases of violent crimes often fall into that category, as the proof required to see justice done is also seen as the protection of the community from potential danger (such as rapists, murderers, terrorists).


And as for you early morning everyone just out of bed nonsense bit - many of the communities attacked were centered around agriculture. If you'd know anything about that, the day begins real early. Even here in Thailand 6:30 is when people start cutting grass in the fields around, some start earlier. And, of course, a many of the rapes occurred at the site of the Nova festival. Again, if you'd know anything about anything, you'd realize this would have been the highlight - sunrise or just after. 


As for the 'no evidence' - even the link you provided says otherwise. So do UN bodies. So do survivors. You're out there, alone.



Are you Israeli?

I'm surprised any member here would support the killing of innocent  kids so vehemently every day. 

You really are not making any friends with this continual support of Netanyahu and co.

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7 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Are you Israeli?

I'm surprised any member here would support the killing of innocent  kids so vehemently every day. 

You really are not making any friends with this continual support of Netanyahu and co.

@Neeranam Do you get a kick from spewing out inflammatory slurs? Nobody wants to see innocent children get killed, ever. Your accusations to any member here regarding that are abhorrent.  


Your extreme anti-Semitic link to an Israeli wanting that done is additionally disgusting.

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12 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Are you Israeli?

I'm surprised any member here would support the killing of innocent  kids so vehemently every day. 

You really are not making any friends with this continual support of Netanyahu and co.




Other than in your trolling posts, I did not support either.

Surprised you didn't toss in 'Islamophobia' to complete the set of bogus allegation you toss about whenever you've nothing to contribute.


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