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Has The World Gone Mad?

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I think gay behaviour is acceptable in television programming and other media because it's something you see in real life, but I think it should be relatively balanced (so not having around 50% of the characters in a TV programming gay, but maybe seeing a gay couple once in a while or having a couple of gay friends etc...) and of course there's going to be a gay main occasionally sometimes as well because that reflects life.


But I think you have a right to state gender and racial preferences. A lot of the world dislikes fat people but while that is hurtful it's not discriminator.

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1 hour ago, MangoKorat said:

Excellent post and well evidenced.


'Hopefully all this craziness will pass and we'll return to some form of normalcy.'


I sincerely hope you are correct.


With regard to your comments on the US:


To the rest of the world, the US has always been portrayed as a bellweather for attitudes, a country to be admired, a world leader etc. etc.  Previously I've never taken much notice of the US, not for any particular reason, just that what goes on there didn't interest me.


However, in recent years its been hard to ignore the goings on in the US - much of which is unfathomable.  I won't refer to specifics because to do so would only invite off topic comments but in general I'm refering to politics - one 'politician' in particular, envirionmental matters, and crime - more specifically gun crime.


Although what happens in the US has little influence on me, other than to draw disbelief, it would be difficult to argue that things in the US don't have a strong influence in attitudes around the world.


Again though, I suspect that mainstream attitudes in the US may not actually reflect those of the majority (or am I being too hopeful?) and purely by way of example, I will outline the experience of a friend.


I have a very close friend in Bangkok, a female who married an American guy around 3 years ago (for our friend uttrdait, they met online). She's an educated girl and also possesses an above average amount of common sense.


On a visit to the US just after they were married, her husband's parents, a reasonably ,well to do Christian couple, found it necessary to apologise for the antics  of a certain 'politician' who, amongst other crazy things, without a scrap of evidence was claiming that an election had been stolen from him.


The perception of this man around the world, amongst those I talk to, is that he's a complete lunatic - I happen to think that the more recent term used to describe him 'unhinged' is much more fitting. And yet what was it? Over 90 million Americans voted for him?


As in this topic, is it possible that the views we see online and to a lesser extent in the news do not actually reflect the views of the majority?


As I said previously, by far the majority of people I discuss woke-ism and PC attitudes with, are absolutely sick of it. Yet reading news articles and what those that take the time to post online think - you might be tempted to think otherwise.


Well you are right about the man being considered a lunatic by the vast majority of people around the planet. You're also right about the vast majority of Americans not being able to relate to PC nonsense and the tragic aspect of that, is that millions of democrats are being pushed away from the party by the needs of 0.05% of the population. 


I am one of them, though I will still most likely vote democrat, over voting for a creep, and I disagree with a lot of the nonsense on the progressive left. I wish the party would gain some common sense and stop pandering to their ridiculous demands. 

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4 hours ago, MangoKorat said:

Oh, another one - and just how old am I pray tell?


Strange that without exeception, my friends - who range from their late twenties to around sixty, all think the same.

In Korat? I think you invented a problem that doesn't exist outside the media

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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

am one of them, though I will still most likely vote democrat, over voting for a creep, and I disagree with a lot of the nonsense on the progressive

So you choose dementia over reason?  No right to whinge about wokeism then.

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41 minutes ago, uttradit said:

In Korat? I think you invented a problem that doesn't exist outside the media

Where did I say I was in Korat?  I don't live in Korat full time, I split my time between 2 countries and I have friends in both.

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43 minutes ago, uttradit said:

Why don't you just say it. Get it off your chest.



Because my age has absolutely no bearing on this discussion - which I will remind you is about the wording 'No Trans' being classified as 'Hate Speech' and woke-ism in general. However, it seems that the majority of people don't actually subscribe to this current madness.

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3 minutes ago, MangoKorat said:

Where did I say I was in Korat?  I don't live in Korat full time, I split my time between 2 countries and I have friends in both.

Korat in your name perhaps? Wokeism is a US thing. Stop voting Democrat and it will go away.

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2 minutes ago, uttradit said:

Korat in your name perhaps? Wokeism is a US thing. Stop voting Democrat and it will go away.

You're getting confused.  I don't live in the USA and I'm not a US citizen, I can't vote democrat.  I think you should put that bottle down.


Just so you understand, my time is spent between the UK (my home country) and Thailand.  I have a home in both.

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4 minutes ago, MangoKorat said:

You're getting confused.  I don't live in the USA and I'm not a US citizen, I can't vote democrat.  I think you should put that bottle down.


Just so you understand, my time is spent between the UK (my home country) and Thailand.  I have a home in both.

And you are 68yo?

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56 minutes ago, uttradit said:

In Korat? I think you invented a problem that doesn't exist outside the media

It exists everywhere - clearly you don't take notice of the news reports that have been around for the last few years.  Just because you have no experience of it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

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Just now, MangoKorat said:

It exists everywhere - clearly you don't take notice of the news reports that have been around for the last few years.  Just because you have no experience of it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Stop watching the news. It's bad for your health.

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2 minutes ago, uttradit said:

And you are 68yo?

You are drunk, either that or crazy.  I've said all I wish to and as you have nothing to add to this discussion, I think you should go to bed.  I certainly won't be replying to you further.

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1 minute ago, MangoKorat said:

You are drunk, either that or crazy.  I've said all I wish to and as you have nothing to add to this discussion, I think you should go to bed.  I certainly won't be replying to you further.

Hard to believe guys need an app in Thailand to find a woman. Of all places. Then some trans people stopped you. It's actually very funny.

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On 2/11/2024 at 8:48 AM, MangoKorat said:

Naa not desperados.  Its the popular way to meet these days and I've had a lot of success on that particular site - more than any other. You are however, correct that they are all full of scammers and liars but I guess its the price you pay.  I just don't see how stating 'No Trans' is wrong.


One thing that is possible - I believe that this particular site intitially reacts to anyone who reports your profile.  It could well be that my profile is re-instated once my 'appeal' has been looked at.  If not, they'd better damned well refund my Gold membership fee.

Post some photos of these real attractive women on these websites then

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2 hours ago, Baht Simpson said:

Then why was it the first thing you mentioned in your original post? 

Jeez, is that not apparent on reading? 


I was setting the scene that I had been called a Hater on another thread - something which I certainly am not. In much the same way, I have been accused of 'Hate Speech' by the staff of the dating App.


The fact that I don't want to watch Gay behaviour and that it makes me feel ill hurts no one.  Likewise, I don't see how stating 'No Trans' harms anyone.  If I was a 40 year old man and came across a profile I liked but member stated they only wanted to date people between the ages of 18 - 35, I'd simply move on to the next profile.  Do you think the same dating site would accept a claim of 'Ageism' from me and ban the member?


If I'd stated something like 'No Trans Perverts' that would clearly be offensive and a ban would be fully justified - and that's the whole point. The wokeists are seeking to stem basically innocous statements etc.  when the problem in reality is their over sensitivity.  In the case of the App itself, I think its the fear of law suits and bad publicity that drives them. 


The particular App itself is full of girls openly stating they are 'Freelance', 'A Working Girl', girls stating No Indians, No Thai's, No Foreigners etc. etc. etc. So they may appear to accept illegality and what some might consider racism but mention the topic of the moment - Trans, and the ban people!


However, I think the truth is that they don't actually police any profiles, they certainly don't vet them on joining.  They may I suppose, use AI to search for key words but I doubt it. I see the same girls stating the above week after week but they don't seem to get banned so most likely nobody is objecting. What happens is that some overly sensitive 'Woke' thinker reads the profile, reports it and bang, its banned. I wonder if the same ban would be handed out to a gay man who said 'No Straight People'.


Why should anyone have the right to object to a 'bland' statement anyway? Surely someone should be able to state their preferences. My underlying thought, if you hadn't got that already, is that this is just getting crazy - people have to step back and think before they make the blandest of statements already - where is it going.


Look at the limitations placed on comedians, its now illegal to wolf whistle at a girl (in the UK) and a football chief who kissed a girl in the euphoria of winning the world cup has not only lost his job, he's facing sexual assault charges.  Before anyone chirps up about that 'kiss', I suggest they take a look at the videos on Youtube - althougn its a rear shot, as the girl turns and moves along the line to the next person, she's smiling. She was so horrified that she smiled. Immediately afterwards she made a comment something to the effect of 'it wasn't a problem'.  Only when the feminists got involved was the matter escalated to firstly, an 'unwanted' kiss and then sexual assault.




This is the woke society folks and for me, they can stick it as far as it will go.

Edited by MangoKorat
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On 2/10/2024 at 7:19 PM, MangoKorat said:

There was a recent thread on AN regarding being exposed to gay behaviour on TV programmes etc.  I was strongly criticised by a couple of members on that thread for stating that I don't want to see such behaviour - it honestly makes me feel physically sick.  I was accused of being a 'Gay Hater' which is ridiculous, I don't hate Gay people in any way, shape of form. I believe that Gay people have the same rights in life as anyone does and I would defend that to the death. I was simply answering the question posed by the thread and stating my preference.


Ten days ago after a brief 'holiday' from the site, I re-joined a popular dating app and paid for their 'Gold' subscription - thankfully only for one month.  As usual I received several 'likes' each day with some coming from Ladyboys - some of whom do not state their sexual orientation in their initial contact. I have no interest in dating a ladyboy and so to try and reduce the amount of contact from them. I wrote 'No Trans' in a list of preferences my profile. I also get regular 'matches' on the site from 'girls' who's real intention is to try and sell me Crypto Currency - so I also include 'No Crypto' in my profile. I have no interest in hearing from either.


Today my account has been banned from the app for 'hate speech' - I presume because of the 'No Trans' statement, they don't say.  Just banned me and no offer to refund the fee for Gold membership. An appeal is allowed but strangely the site does not offer the facility for someone to state why they are appealing - there is just a button to click that says 'appeal'. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I've offended Crypto Currency - in this screwed up world, who knows?


So I ask you, what is the world coming to - has this PC sentiment gone too far? It has in my opinion - way too far. How is simply stating a group that you do not want to hear from 'hate'?  How long will it be before Gay and Trans people are allowed to take someone to court for refusing to date them?  Will that be classed as 'discrimination'? Will we all be required to date a 'Trans' person if they wish to date us? 


IMHO, there is something very wrong with today's world.  Genuine hate speech should not in any way be tolerated and should be treated in the same way as racial discrimination.  On that subject, I have no particular preference on the skin colour of the girls I date but if I did, would I not be allowed to state so? I clearly state in my profile that I am straight, surely a person who makes such a statement is within their rights? If I had stated 'NO Pervy Trans/Queers' in my profile, that would be hate speech. But when did simpy stating your preferences become wrong? Careful in stating that you like blondes lads, the brunettes will be sueing you!


If we, and by we, I include moderate Straight, Gay and Trans people, don't make a stand on this and 'nip it in the bud' - I can see a time, not so far away where simply stating you are 'straight' will be classed as discriminatory - think about it. 


I'll be completely clear on this - there are moves afoot - maybe even already in existence in some countries where Trans people are able to alter their birth certificate. This is just as opinion and I believe we all have a right to one but I believe that for example, having an operation, taking hormones etc. etc. does not alter the gender of a person. I can never see, for example, a day when a male to female Trans will be able to have a baby and breastfeed it.  All the operations ect. do is to alter the sexual orientation of that person and give them the physical appearance of a female.


Now, there are those amongst you that are attracted to Ladyboys and that is fine for you but in itself that is a distinction - they are attracted to the fact that Ladyboys are transgender and many specifically visit Thailand in order to meet them.  How long before such people also come under fire for only being attracted to a person BECAUSE they are Trans. Will that also be discriminatory?  Will Ladyboys start complaining, 'You don't like me because I'm a woman, you only like me because I am Trans'?


The way things are going, if we are 'straight' we will all be compelled to offer relationships to any person who presents themselves to us, regardless of their actual gender.  Taking it to the extremes, will you have to date a fat person or someone you consider ugly , even if you do not find them attractive in the slightest? If you refuse, will that be classed as 'hate'? Is it discrimination?


Will each one of us soon lose the right to choose the factual gender of our long term or sexual partners? Lose the right to choose what attracts us and what doesn't?


In all honesty, I'm glad I'm the age I am because as far as I'm concerned, the world has gone mad.  We've gone from giving gay and transgender people equal rights in law - to which they are very much entitled, to utter madness.  There are websites and other places I believe, where you are not allowed to call someone 'he' or she' its 'they or 'them' - you must refer to them not as what they actually are, but as per how they 'identify'.


What the hell is going on and where will it end?


(Purely as a footnote - to the 2 or 3 people that jumped on me on the other thread - I have honestly placed you on ignore so you are wasting your time replying directly to me, all I am able to see is that you have posted - up to you, I care not.)

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

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12 hours ago, MangoKorat said:

You raise an important point.  The 'woke' community would have us believe that this is the new world, the new norm and often state that we are out of date, put it down to age etc. etc.


Yet, when I talk to people on this subject and other similar facets of 'woke-ism' or the matter of having to be PC, they are, almost without exception, sick to death of it. So maybe its even more than 3/4 of us remaining rational?


One of the problems however is that the sane amongst us tend to be readers rather than writers so it can appear that there are far more in favour of this 'new world' when in fact, the opposite is true.

IMO, the western world, for reasons I'm unaware of ( perhaps all the intelligent people got killed off in 2 world wars ) has become controlled by minorities, and they are so powerful ( Metoo, BLM, homosexual organisations etc ) that any rational person is quite rightly afraid to speak out against them, for fear of overwhelming attack.


For example I give you the humble Playboy centerfold, which used to be prominently displayed in most male workplaces, but is now a "banned" decoration. Rather than stand up for the right to have a Playboy centerfold on display, businesses wimped out and removed them. Real men everywhere are diminished by the lack of a Playboy centerfold to admire in their workplaces.

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2 hours ago, MangoKorat said:

Look at the limitations placed on comedians, its now illegal to wolf whistle at a girl (in the UK) and a football chief who kissed a girl in the euphoria of winning the world cup has not only lost his job, he's facing sexual assault charges. 

Regardless of what the girl did after, IMO uninvited kissing a girl on the mouth that one is not in a relationship with is a form of assault. Even prostitutes often refuse to kiss customers on the mouth. Had he kissed her on the cheek, no problem. Perhaps the girl was just so stunned by it at first that she made one of those embarrassed smiles we make in such situations.


Wolf whistling makes many girls uncomfortable, so why allow it? It's not as though they give permission for it by just walking around. It's not at all like having a Playboy centerfold in a workplace where women are not in evidence.

I doubt men would like it if women commented on the size of their junk in public.


I'm not in any way a supporter of emasculating men, but some things are just not polite in public places, so there is no justification for doing them

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8 hours ago, MangoKorat said:

Jeez, is that not apparent on reading? 


I was setting the scene that I had been called a Hater on another thread - something which I certainly am not. In much the same way, I have been accused of 'Hate Speech' by the staff of the dating App.


The fact that I don't want to watch Gay behaviour and that it makes me feel ill hurts no one.  Likewise, I don't see how stating 'No Trans' harms anyone.  If I was a 40 year old man and came across a profile I liked but member stated they only wanted to date people between the ages of 18 - 35, I'd simply move on to the next profile.  Do you think the same dating site would accept a claim of 'Ageism' from me and ban the member?


If I'd stated something like 'No Trans Perverts' that would clearly be offensive and a ban would be fully justified - and that's the whole point. The wokeists are seeking to stem basically innocous statements etc.  when the problem in reality is their over sensitivity.  In the case of the App itself, I think its the fear of law suits and bad publicity that drives them. 


The particular App itself is full of girls openly stating they are 'Freelance', 'A Working Girl', girls stating No Indians, No Thai's, No Foreigners etc. etc. etc. So they may appear to accept illegality and what some might consider racism but mention the topic of the moment - Trans, and the ban people!


However, I think the truth is that they don't actually police any profiles, they certainly don't vet them on joining.  They may I suppose, use AI to search for key words but I doubt it. I see the same girls stating the above week after week but they don't seem to get banned so most likely nobody is objecting. What happens is that some overly sensitive 'Woke' thinker reads the profile, reports it and bang, its banned. I wonder if the same ban would be handed out to a gay man who said 'No Straight People'.


Why should anyone have the right to object to a 'bland' statement anyway? Surely someone should be able to state their preferences. My underlying thought, if you hadn't got that already, is that this is just getting crazy - people have to step back and think before they make the blandest of statements already - where is it going.


Look at the limitations placed on comedians, its now illegal to wolf whistle at a girl (in the UK) and a football chief who kissed a girl in the euphoria of winning the world cup has not only lost his job, he's facing sexual assault charges.  Before anyone chirps up about that 'kiss', I suggest they take a look at the videos on Youtube - althougn its a rear shot, as the girl turns and moves along the line to the next person, she's smiling. She was so horrified that she smiled. Immediately afterwards she made a comment something to the effect of 'it wasn't a problem'.  Only when the feminists got involved was the matter escalated to firstly, an 'unwanted' kiss and then sexual assault.




This is the woke society folks and for me, they can stick it as far as it will go.

Calm down. You'll have a stroke. Lol. 

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Go back in time only 100 years or so and look at all the things that would have been called "woke" using today's definition. Giving women the vote, extremely woke idea. Giving black people the vote, even more woke than letting women vote. Allowing mixed race schools, breaking the woke meter. I don't agree with everything they are pushing and think they are doing some of it too fast but things will probably sort themselves out over time. I thought it was the end of the world when that rock n roll music came along.

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15 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO, the western world, for reasons I'm unaware of ( perhaps all the intelligent people got killed off in 2 world wars ) has become controlled by minorities, and they are so powerful ( Metoo, BLM, homosexual organisations etc )

I can't speak for Metoo or BLM but where is the power for "homosexual organisations" centred?


There are no LGBT nations.
There are no LGBT races.
There are no LGBT religions.
There are no LGBT governments.
There are no LGBT armies.
There are no LGBT political parties.
There are no LGBT multi-national companies.
There are no LGBT terrorists organizations.


The only power that LGBT people have is in lobby groups and activism, routes open to non-LGBT as well. That's why Pride and visibility is important. 


I see that the right wing Daily Wire are now calling for the "execution" of certain members of the LGBT community, including some at Pride. It would be too easy to slip back to the bad old days without this representation.




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12 hours ago, Baht Simpson said:

I can't speak for Metoo or BLM but where is the power for "homosexual organisations" centred?


There are no LGBT nations.
There are no LGBT races.
There are no LGBT religions.
There are no LGBT governments.
There are no LGBT armies.
There are no LGBT political parties.
There are no LGBT multi-national companies.
There are no LGBT terrorists organizations.


The only power that LGBT people have is in lobby groups and activism, routes open to non-LGBT as well. That's why Pride and visibility is important. 


I see that the right wing Daily Wire are now calling for the "execution" of certain members of the LGBT community, including some at Pride. It would be too easy to slip back to the bad old days without this representation.




Try going out in a public place and verbally attacking the LGBT community, or demanding that women lose the vote.


Women and the LGBT community had no power at all, but they eventually made enough people afraid to speak out in public against them and that was the beginning of the end of the opposition.

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On 2/13/2024 at 10:22 PM, Arindos said:

I think gay behaviour is acceptable in television programming and other media because it's something you see in real life, but I think it should be relatively balanced (so not having around 50% of the characters in a TV programming gay, but maybe seeing a gay couple once in a while or having a couple of gay friends etc...) and of course there's going to be a gay main occasionally sometimes as well because that reflects life.


But I think you have a right to state gender and racial preferences. A lot of the world dislikes fat people but while that is hurtful it's not discriminator.

I don't know where you live but where I live openly homosexual behaviour by two men would result in facial damage.


I have no idea what goes on on tv as I don't watch any live tv other than Al Jazeera. I don't watch it because IMO it's garbage and has far too many ads.

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On 2/13/2024 at 9:02 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO, the western world, for reasons I'm unaware of ( perhaps all the intelligent people got killed off in 2 world wars ) has become controlled by minorities, and they are so powerful ( Metoo, BLM, homosexual organisations etc ) that any rational person is quite rightly afraid to speak out against them, for fear of overwhelming attack.

Agreed.  I think I've been clear that the rights etc. that have been granted to minority groups was long overdue.  Even though I'm more than uncomfortable with openly gay behaviour that's about as far as it goes - in most other aspects I support all types of people - 'All Men Are Equal' and all that - oh, what am I saying, no doubt some nutter would object to me saying Men.


But back to your sentiment, you are correct and just as minorities have a right to put their case, people have a right to have an alternative viewpoint - publicly.  But as you say, its getting so people are afraid to do so.  That does not mean that its OK to attack (verbally or written) a particular group but people should be able to make their point.  Just as, in my opinion, I should have been able to state 'No Trans' - I really don't see what's wrong with that.  I previously stated 'No Ladyboys' and never had a problem with that.  If I had stated 'No Dirty Trans', I would fully understand.  These minorities seem to have large chips on their shoulders.


I will say one thing though - there are a lot of Ladyboys on the App in question and many of them make requests for people to be respectful in their profiles - which appears to indicate that disrespectful treatment is common. That I really would not support.  The ones that don't state what they are and enter into a conversation with a member before doing so or don't until questioned, deserve everything they get but when its made clear in their profile - just swipe left and move on.

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On 2/14/2024 at 4:22 AM, alanrchase said:

Go back in time only 100 years or so and look at all the things that would have been called "woke" using today's definition. Giving women the vote, extremely woke idea. Giving black people the vote, even more woke than letting women vote. Allowing mixed race schools, breaking the woke meter. I don't agree with everything they are pushing and think they are doing some of it too fast but things will probably sort themselves out over time. I thought it was the end of the world when that rock n roll music came along.

Naaa - everything has its limit.  When someone who likes fishing objects to being called a 'Fisherman' and says its 'Fisherperson' -  as with the singer Sam Smith, when we are not allowed to call a female 'her' or a male 'him' things have gone too far, way too far. Any man or woman that objects to that can take a running jump, I will not ever refer to them as them/they instead!

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10 minutes ago, MangoKorat said:

Naaa - everything has its limit.  When someone who likes fishing objects to being called a 'Fisherman' and says its 'Fisherperson' -  as with the singer Sam Smith, when we are not allowed to call a female 'her' or a male 'him' things have gone too far, way too far. Any man or woman that objects to that can take a running jump, I will not ever refer to them as them/they instead!

That's just a few people. You never met Sam Smith so doesn't matter. You met Noi from a dating app. Noi isnt her real name.

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