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Trump says he would 'encourage' Russia to attack Nato allies who do not pay their bills

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6 minutes ago, scorecard said:


Trump has an appalling track record of not paying many contractors and hotel employees etc., and for not pay dozens of lawyers but has no hesitation to make statements re NATO countries. 


He's an Idiot. 

So, don't vote for him, vote for the other idiot, the one mentally unfit to stand trial for willfully retaining classified documents and sharing them. LOL

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6 hours ago, Tug said:

The word of the office of the presidency carry’s weight unlike yours that is just an opinion .trump has a possibility of becoming president that that’s very very serious trump just said (in a manner of speaking) he would let Europe go up in flames that sir is serious very serious you laugh it off I take it seriously as should any lucid human being 

Ya, lookup the current prez's 3 law degrees speech and the retraction by the main news

chan's at the time, not like now, only mockingbirds now.

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3 minutes ago, Wrwest said:

I take Trump as a serious threat to my very flawed country. Far too many in the working middle class are emotionally willing (seemingly) to follow anyone who gives voice to their justified frustration/anger. This is driven by sheer emotion not thought as to consequences.

Unfortunately You may be closer to the truth than many, like myself, would like to see!

I just wish it was not Biden he was against!




Edited by scottiejohn
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4 minutes ago, candide said:

As usual Trump is lying in order to mislead people like you. European countries pay their share of the NATO organisation's own budget and the U.S. is not paying their bills.


What European countries don't do is spend enough money for their own army. They don't spend enough but that's another matter.

The fact, for example, that a country may buy only 300 tanks when it ideally should buy 400 tanks, absolutely doesn't mean that the U.S. taxpayer is paying the missing tanks. 


It's not a direct payment, but when (for example) Canada doesn't pay their share and only buys 300 tanks when they need 400, US taxpayers have to buy the extra 100 tanks, to use your example.  They don't go to Canada, but they're on call to defend Canada.  Same with ammo, missiles and all the other goodies.


NATO members agreed to spend 2% of their GDP on defense.  Someone's got to cover the shortfall if they welch on their obligation.  US taxpayers are tired of being that slush fund.  So was Trump.  Would he actually fail to defend a NATO member?  Doubtful, but they seemed to pony up when he threatened not to.  Being unpredictable is not necessarily a bad thing.






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10 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

If Mr Trump decides to pull out of NATO then it leaves the other Treaty members with some significant decisions. They will have to decide whether to disband the alliance or to continue without America.


Militarily the alliance will of course be weaker without the USA, but still a potent force for the defence of it's European members, more so now it includes Finland and Sweden. Defence of the European democracies is it's core purpose.


It will however be freed from various (American attempts) to include the Alliance in it's various expeditionary wars, which were not the intention of forming the alliance.


It should also be born in mind that if the USA cuts NATO loose then it is also possible, probable, that NATO will cut the USA loose. The US has massive armed forces, geared to a large extent to an ability to project power worldwide, for it's own geo-political interests. That requires a great deal of "forward basing", for it's Navy and Air Force. Many of those bases are in NATO countries. Without them that ability to project power would be limited.


For sure, if you look at, for example, the Mediterranean. A nuclear powered carrier can cruise around the unlimited by fuel constraints, but it still requires fuel for its aircraft, food for its crews, places with facilities to go for maintenance and repairs, and a whole fleet of support shipping to keep it going. Take away the bases in Spain, Gibraltar , Italy and Greece, and the airbases in Italy, then that task becomes much more difficult.



Excellent post and I totally agree but as far as trump thinking something through before he yaps come on we all know trump isent intellectual enough to think more that a sound bite ahead he’s a moron just ask Rex Tillerson there’s a self made man who rose through hard work and ability.trump is a New York City trust fund baby with a big stupid mouth.

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4 hours ago, illisdean said:

So, don't vote for him, vote for the other idiot, the one mentally unfit to stand trial for willfully retaining classified documents and sharing them. LOL

Was it you calling others out for false statements which you identified as lies?

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