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My blood test shows high Cholesterol – Looking for advice - Drugs / Diet .

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2 minutes ago, newbee2022 said:

Maybe in your area? Nowadays labs are working fully automatic, just to avoid misreadings or misinterpretation or other mistakes. But I admit mistakes could happen where human beings are at work.

These automatic machines have to be properly maintained and regularly calibrated. A step ofen omitted. Reagent solutions/kits need to be properlly stored and not used beyond expiration (ditto).


And samples have to be correctly  labelled and correct patient name entered. 


Mixing up of patient results is something I have encountered several  times including at major, ISO certified hospitals. 





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Statins are very effective when used to lower the cholesterol reading, particularly the LDL reading. Unfortunately the cholesterol reading is only a symptom of your problem and not the cause. Treating the symptom will never fix the cause of your condition - most likely various levels of inflammation, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. If this is the cause, then the quickest, easiest and most effective treatment is Nutritional Ketosis. Stop eating all junk food and most carbohydrates, and begin eating a keto style diet high in fat, medium protein and low carbs. For faster results combine intermittent fasting and mild exercise.

Suugest you get advice from a medical professional that understands Nutritional Ketosis.

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1 hour ago, tomgreen said:


Thats interesting , so basically have I got this right . You were originally taking statins ,but stopped taking them after two weeks , now your last blood test results has shown a decrease in your cholesterol numbers ( - 25 % ) and you have made no lifestyle changes other than taking non cholesterol acting supplements .







That is the case. I didn't know such a spontaneous reversal was possible. 

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2 hours ago, Eaglekott said:


Yes much cheaper at local pharmacy, I have to verify the Simvastatin price I just remember it was much cheaper than Atorvastatin at my local pharmacy.


We just picked up a supply of Bestatin brand Simvistatin at our local pharmacy.


Blisterpack of 10 x 20mg   40 baht.

Box of 10 blisterpacks     360 bath.

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1 hour ago, Chris BKK said:

Try no margarine, it is a poison, use extra virgin olive oil on sandwiches and toast and salads. a tablespoon of olive oil daily will bring down bad cholesterol. Statins can make the old fellow not work so well, I tried with old fellow less willing to work, so stopped right away then back to normal. Agree with comments above re fish oil or oily fish

If only I knew where to buy real olive oil and not the fake type .

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7 hours ago, tomgreen said:


Thanks for the article link , I wonder why that study is not more commonly known ?


.The pharma industry would not be too happy.  Statins are a great revenue.

as far as I understand, cholesterol is produced by the liver and is like dishwashing detergent, it swallows up lipids (fat) into tiny nano molecules and carries out into the blood just like dishwasher detergent gobbles up the fat on your dishes..  We need that fat, it is used to help fight inflammation and infections.  The higher the rate of inflammation/infection the higher the rate of LDL.The mistake is really to artificially, bombastically and forcefully get the LDL down by artificial means.  The LDL is high for a reason!  Find out where/why inflammation/infection is in the body, treat that and your cholesterol will be normal. When your levels are forced down docs and you are happy, alas it’s only hiding the reason LDL was high in the first place.


the “normal levels” for blood pressure, cholesterol etc has always fluctuated as per when the pharma industry has to sell more ace inhibitors or beta blockers or statins, etc. .  Whenever I see inhibitor or blockers in so called medicine I know that side effects can be severe due to the fact that doctors have been educated by professors who are often on the boards of big pharma companies.  Don’t get me going on PPI (proton pump inhibitors) or SSRI’s .  Find out the source, fix the source and live happily ever after.  
unforunately, there is a revolving 💰door between pharma, FDA and the CDC.

If your body is in homeostasis (good balance), all your tests will be normal.


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3 hours ago, Travis179 said:

Have you considered a CAC scan? A few years back my cholesterol was sky high (mostly LDL, the rest was in the normal range). My PCP was aggressively pushing statins, but I was concerned about the potential side effects. I subsequently got the scan in Pattaya, reviewed the results with the attending cardiologist, who informed me my score was zero. He told me to forget about the medication, and just continue what I was doing (ketovore diet). After that, my PCP didn't mention it again. Not medical advice of course, I'm not a doc, just something for you to consider.

    I was also going to suggest a CAC scan.  I had never had one until my annual physical last year, even though I have been taking statins for high cholesterol for many years.  Unlike you, my CAC score was very high--432--which shocked me as I don't smoke, don't drink, I exercise, am not overweight, have normal blood pressure, and eat the same healthy diet as my spouse, who had a zero CAC score.   I'm glad I had the test so I at least know what I am dealing with but it would have been helpful to have also had the test years ago so I could compare numbers.

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17 hours ago, tomgreen said:

So over time I have had 3 blood tests all at the same Thai hospital ( different doctors ) 


1. Blood test was on 12th December 2022       ( A ) 
2. Blood test was on 19th of September 2023  ( B ) 
3. Blood test was on 5th of March 2024           ( C ) 


The first blood test done on 12th December 2022 ( A ) showed that I had high numbers in several areas , so the hospital doctor prescribed 20 mg of Atorvastatin , once a day and made a new blood test appointment for the 19th of September 2023 ( B ) .


The second Blood test was done on the 19th of September 2023 ( B ) , and the results from that blood test showed that my previous high numbers had now come down , due to me taking 20 mg of Atorvastatin , once a day . On seeing the reduced numbers in that blood test the hospital doctor said to me that I could stop taking the Atorvastatin if I wanted to , so I made the decision to completely stop taking the Atorvastatin. The hospital doctor then made a new appointment for a blood test for 5th of March 2024 ( C ) 


The Third blood test was recently done on the 5th of March 2024 ( C ) and the test results showed that my numbers had gone way back up. On seeing those blood test results the doctor prescribed 40 mg of Atorvastatin , once a day . And a new blood test appointment was made for the coming 28th of May 2024 .


The blood test results are shown as screen shots – A / B / C .


So it seems that I may have made a mistake by accepting the hospital doctors choice to stop taking the Atorvastatin on the 19th of September 2023 ( B ) when in reality I should have just continued to take the 20 mg of Atorvastatin on a daily basis . 


During all the previous times I was taking the 20 mg of Atorvastatin I did not alter my diet or life style, but the doctor who looked at my recent blood test results on the 5th of March 2024 ( C )  did say that I should look at altering my diet .I’m 74 years old , Five feet Seven inches tall , my weight is 79.1 Kg , my blood pressure is 117 / 71 / 65 , a non smoker / non alcohol drinker . I am not really physically active . ( Lazy ) 


So looking back at my past blood test results , there could now be a possibility that I may have to take the prescribed drug Atorvastatin for the rest of my life . 


I’m now wondering if any one here has had a blood test done and the results showed a high level of LDL cholesterol , and if so did you rely on drugs to lower the high  LDL cholesterol number or a combination of diet + drugs .


Any advice , suggestions or recommendations very welcome. 



Thanks - Tom 


I have high cholesterol; and I'm not overweight. Plus I exercise, fairly regularly.

                                                              I'm older than you - and a few inches taller - and I started out on statins, but am now on Norvasc.                                                                                 It's just a part of my daily routine, and I really don't notice it.                                                                                   Diet-wise, I eat what I want, in general ... though I don't overdo the fatty stuff; and I don't eat the fat on the likes of meat. 


17 hours ago, tomgreen said:








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3 hours ago, tomgreen said:


Over the 20 years that Ive been living in Thailand , I would guess may be 6 Thai government hospitals . I live in a small rural town and the Thai government hospital here is best avoided for any thing other than a cut finger .







Just had very successful Gall bladder removal by laporoscapy method, no problems at all. Bht 40,000

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I hate to say this....eat what you don't like, i.e. Vegs etc, drink what you don't like i.e. Water, less alcohol, do some mild exercise, as to drugs, well they may alleviate the problem, but that's it really!

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2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

These automatic machines have to be properly maintained and regularly calibrated. A step ofen omitted. Reagent solutions/kits need to be properlly stored and not used beyond expiration (ditto).


And samples have to be correctly  labelled and correct patient name entered. 


Mixing up of patient results is something I have encountered several  times including at major, ISO certified hospitals. 





Well, you know that in every lab at least one person is only responsible for documentation according ISO and data protection Act. As long as a robot take samples and labels are printed everything works smoothly. But as I stated, when it comes to human beings putting there fingers into the automatic process things might go wrong. However, after having implemented the ISO, coming with tons of formulars things turned to the better. The error rate was going to 0.0x %.

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After several years of normal readings; i have two full medicals a year and i'm 78, my LDL went above the safety levels and the Doctor asked me if i wanted a Drug to help or if i wanted to try to correct it myself through diet and exercice.   I upped my excercise every day and stopped eating so much processed food laced with too much salt and sugar and six months later i was back in safe numbers.  I find it just takes will power and more thinking about what food i eat.  I hate Drugs unless there is no other way and the longer i can control life without any the better.

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22 hours ago, Sheryl said:

It made no sense at all to stop the atorvastatin when it was clearly having the desired effect. Naturally your numbers went right back up. That's what happens. These are long term medications, not ones taken just until the labs improve and then stopped -- that is completely crazy and it is incredible that a doctor would advise it.  I would definitely stop going to that doctor. 


The only reason to stop would be if you had intolerable side effects (and even then, a different medication might be advised in its place). 


Countless people take statins long term and 20mg is a low dose of atorvastatin (but appeared adequate for you). 


I am surprised nothing was said about your HDL which is too low. You should eat more oily fish (mackeral, tuna etc) and/or take fish oil capsules to get that number up.


Beyond that I cannot advise re your diet without knowing what you currently eat. 


Cholesterol aside,  your abnormally high creatnine is worrying and suggestive of kidney disease. You need to see a nephrologist. Sooner rather than later. 


Where in Thailand are you?  And where have you been going for health care? (You need to change it, for sure.) 




in my case 80g Atorvastatin caused Creatinine to go through the roof.
was switched to 40mg plus Ezetimibe 10 mg, now all stable for 15 years or so.
Maybe OP has a comparable reaction ? 

The Cardiologist advised to take medicin in the evenings, as she said Cholesterol seems to be produced mostly during sleep, is that so ?

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1 hour ago, trainman34014 said:

After several years of normal readings; i have two full medicals a year and i'm 78, my LDL went above the safety levels and the Doctor asked me if i wanted a Drug to help or if i wanted to try to correct it myself through diet and exercice.   I upped my excercise every day and stopped eating so much processed food laced with too much salt and sugar and six months later i was back in safe numbers.  I find it just takes will power and more thinking about what food i eat.  I hate Drugs unless there is no other way and the longer i can control life without any the better.

similar here, after moving to Thailand and eating mostly homecooked Thai food, my readings droppen to low-normal range.

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21 hours ago, mstevens said:

I'm not a doctor, but am reasonably well read on cholesterol and diet.


It sounds like you're carrying some extra weight. Do what you can to lose some weight. The best way to do this is through diet. Exercise is helpful, but diet is a much more effective way to lose weight.


If you're willing to try a ketogenic diet (high fat, very low carb / max 20 grams of carbs per day), I imagine the weight will fall off you and your cholesterol profile will improve markedly with HDL increasing and Triglycerides decreasing. Your A1C will also improve.


A ketogenic diet essentially means half your plate is meat / animal products like eggs, and the other half is non-starchy vegetables. This approach would see you lose weight, your cholesterol profile improve - and you would not need to use drugs.


To be clear, this is not the approach which conventional doctors use although there is a growing number of doctors who recommend exactly this approach in preference to the prescribing of statins.

Extra weight? he is only 79 kg? I had high cholesterol all my life and I am turning 77 in a few months. I was skinny al my live (well I put on a few kg in my later life) and my cholesterol level hasn't changed. 

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15 hours ago, Sheryl said:

These automatic machines have to be properly maintained and regularly calibrated. A step ofen omitted. Reagent solutions/kits need to be properlly stored and not used beyond expiration (ditto).


And samples have to be correctly  labelled and correct patient name entered. 


Mixing up of patient results is something I have encountered several  times including at major, ISO certified hospitals. 






While waiting to have my recent hospital blood test carried out , and seeing the very long line of other people also waiting to have their blood taken , and taking into consideration that the the majority of those blood test results would be available within 1 - 2 hours on that day . I thought to my self , I wonder what sort of blood analyzers would be used and how those machines could deal with so many blood test numbers within a short time period on the same day. 




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On 3/7/2024 at 11:23 PM, tomgreen said:

So over time I have had 3 blood tests all at the same Thai hospital ( different doctors ) 


1. Blood test was on 12th December 2022       ( A ) 
2. Blood test was on 19th of September 2023  ( B ) 
3. Blood test was on 5th of March 2024           ( C ) 


The first blood test done on 12th December 2022 ( A ) showed that I had high numbers in several areas , so the hospital doctor prescribed 20 mg of Atorvastatin , once a day and made a new blood test appointment for the 19th of September 2023 ( B ) .


The second Blood test was done on the 19th of September 2023 ( B ) , and the results from that blood test showed that my previous high numbers had now come down , due to me taking 20 mg of Atorvastatin , once a day . On seeing the reduced numbers in that blood test the hospital doctor said to me that I could stop taking the Atorvastatin if I wanted to , so I made the decision to completely stop taking the Atorvastatin. The hospital doctor then made a new appointment for a blood test for 5th of March 2024 ( C ) 


The Third blood test was recently done on the 5th of March 2024 ( C ) and the test results showed that my numbers had gone way back up. On seeing those blood test results the doctor prescribed 40 mg of Atorvastatin , once a day . And a new blood test appointment was made for the coming 28th of May 2024 .


The blood test results are shown as screen shots – A / B / C .


So it seems that I may have made a mistake by accepting the hospital doctors choice to stop taking the Atorvastatin on the 19th of September 2023 ( B ) when in reality I should have just continued to take the 20 mg of Atorvastatin on a daily basis . 


During all the previous times I was taking the 20 mg of Atorvastatin I did not alter my diet or life style, but the doctor who looked at my recent blood test results on the 5th of March 2024 ( C )  did say that I should look at altering my diet .I’m 74 years old , Five feet Seven inches tall , my weight is 79.1 Kg , my blood pressure is 117 / 71 / 65 , a non smoker / non alcohol drinker . I am not really physically active . ( Lazy ) 


So looking back at my past blood test results , there could now be a possibility that I may have to take the prescribed drug Atorvastatin for the rest of my life . 


I’m now wondering if any one here has had a blood test done and the results showed a high level of LDL cholesterol , and if so did you rely on drugs to lower the high  LDL cholesterol number or a combination of diet + drugs .


Any advice , suggestions or recommendations very welcome. 



Thanks - Tom 









Stay as far away from "statins" as you possibly can... it is another killer introduced by BIG PHARMA... there are other ways to deal with high cholesterol.

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Well an expat friend has recommended a local Blood Test Facility , so I will be having a blood test there in a few days time . The range of test options at this local Blood Test Facility , looks comprehensive . My Thai wife telephoned that blood test facility and asked what the cost would be for the following tests....


1. BUN

2. Creatinine

3. Sodium

4. Potassium


And my wife was quoted ..... 300 / 400 Baht


The completed test results would be available after 1 hour .



So its going to be interesting to see what the upcoming blood test results will reveal


( attached are the options available from the local Blood Test Facility )






 Blood Test Listxxxx.jpg

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10 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

After several years of normal readings; i have two full medicals a year and i'm 78, my LDL went above the safety levels and the Doctor asked me if i wanted a Drug to help or if i wanted to try to correct it myself through diet and exercice.   I upped my excercise every day and stopped eating so much processed food laced with too much salt and sugar and six months later i was back in safe numbers.  I find it just takes will power and more thinking about what food i eat.  I hate Drugs unless there is no other way and the longer i can control life without any the better.


 Its great to hear that you have managed to get the numbers back into the safe zone , through only diet and exercise . Ive just started down the road of adjusting my diet to help with lowering my cholesterol numbers, but already I’m finding it difficult to come up with a range of enjoyable things that I can eat and drink while on my new diet . 





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23 minutes ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

Stay as far away from "statins" as you possibly can... it is another killer introduced by BIG PHARMA... there are other ways to deal with high cholesterol.


I would be interested to hear about the other ways to deal with high cholesterol ?




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8 hours ago, still kicking said:

Extra weight? he is only 79 kg? I had high cholesterol all my life and I am turning 77 in a few months. I was skinny al my live (well I put on a few kg in my later life) and my cholesterol level hasn't changed. 


Thats interesting about being skinny , I always had it in my mind some how that over weight people were more susceptible to having high cholesterol numbers . Do you know what your current cholesterol numbers are .





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9 hours ago, KKra said:

in my case 80g Atorvastatin caused Creatinine to go through the roof.
was switched to 40mg plus Ezetimibe 10 mg, now all stable for 15 years or so.
Maybe OP has a comparable reaction ? 

The Cardiologist advised to take medicin in the evenings, as she said Cholesterol seems to be produced mostly during sleep, is that so ?


Thats interesting about Atorvastatin causing Creatinine to go through the roof. 







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9 hours ago, KKra said:

similar here, after moving to Thailand and eating mostly homecooked Thai food, my readings droppen to low-normal range.


My Thai wife's home cooked food is basically fry every thing in oil 😀






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14 hours ago, RT555 said:

Wait until the $hit hits the roof and then panic..........then wonder Why?

Just like an automobile, a business...etc.......PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE....Before something happens.


its the preventive maintenance I would like to know about .






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14 hours ago, KannikaP said:

Just had very successful Gall bladder removal by laporoscapy method, no problems at all. Bht 40,000


Thats great to hear , and 40,000 Baht sounds impressive . 





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15 hours ago, newnative said:

    I was also going to suggest a CAC scan.  I had never had one until my annual physical last year, even though I have been taking statins for high cholesterol for many years.  Unlike you, my CAC score was very high--432--which shocked me as I don't smoke, don't drink, I exercise, am not overweight, have normal blood pressure, and eat the same healthy diet as my spouse, who had a zero CAC score.   I'm glad I had the test so I at least know what I am dealing with but it would have been helpful to have also had the test years ago so I could compare numbers.


 So have I got  this in the right order . There you were,  you had been taking statins for high cholesterol years , you had an annual physical exam that included a CAC scan and the results of that CAC scan were very high . You don’t drink alcohol or smoke and you exercise and are not over weight along with normal blood pressure . You eat a healthy diet . So after having the CAC scan and finding out that the results were very high , what action did you take .





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