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Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene wants Speaker Mike Johnson out

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Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has initiated a bold move within her party by launching a bid to remove Speaker of the House Mike Johnson from his position. This latest development adds to the ongoing internal struggle within the Republican Party, further complicating the dynamics within the House of Representatives.


As the House was in the midst of voting on a crucial $1.2 trillion spending package to prevent a government shutdown, Greene filed a "motion to vacate," signaling her intent to challenge Johnson's leadership. If she proceeds to formally introduce the measure, the House could be forced to vote on Johnson's fate in the coming days.



Greene, a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump, clarified that she initiated the removal process as a "warning" to Johnson. Her move comes amid discontent within the Republican ranks over Johnson's leadership and the direction of the party.


Johnson, a congressman from Louisiana, assumed the role of Speaker last October following the ousting of California Congressman Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy's removal came after weeks of internal strife within the party, highlighting the deep divisions among Republicans.

During the recent vote on the spending bill, over 100 Republicans, including Greene, opposed the legislation backed by Johnson and other party leaders. The dissenting Republicans cited concerns over the funding amount, immigration policy, and provisions supporting healthcare clinics performing abortions.


Following the vote, Greene accused Johnson of betraying Republicans and failing to effectively lead the party. While she expressed reluctance to plunge the House into chaos, Greene emphasized her determination to proceed with the motion to vacate if Republican leaders fail to find a suitable replacement for Johnson.


Despite Greene's bold move, she currently lacks significant support within her party for ousting Johnson. Fellow Republican Matt Gaetz cautioned that Greene's efforts could inadvertently result in a Democratic Speaker, potentially with the backing of centrist Republicans.

Other Republicans, such as Congressman Mike Lawler, criticized Greene's actions, describing them as detrimental to conservative priorities and the nation as a whole. Additionally, Congressman Mike Gallagher's announcement of his formal resignation further diminishes the Republican majority in Congress, complicating Greene's prospects for success.


While Greene may only need one more Republican to join her cause to remove Johnson, securing unanimous Democratic support for the vote remains uncertain. Some Democrats have expressed reluctance to trigger another power struggle within the House, potentially complicating Greene's path forward.


Ultimately, Greene's bid to remove Johnson underscores the deep-seated divisions within the Republican Party and the ongoing struggle for leadership and direction in the House of Representatives.






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I hope she continues like this, and hopefully more and more GOP politicians will support her.

That will maybe help the rest of the GOP supporters to finally wake up and realize how crazy that party is now.


I know it's not only the GOP with crazy politicians, but the definitely win that they have the craziest nutters on their side.


I wonder if that country will ever return to a situation where people accept facts and talk about facts and not just alternative facts. I don't have much hope.

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