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Unkown speeding ticket.

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20 hours ago, rainyday said:

My wife went to pay the yearly car taxes today. Surprise surprise, she had to pay for a fine-ticket we did not know about, or she would not get the tax sticker. Apparently I have been speeding in Chiangrai about 3 months ago. No further information could be given! Pic of my car with license plate: NO, exact speed: NO, exact location: NO.... How can one check if it's correct? 3 months later and, in theory, could have been almost a year. The tax-lady told my wife to go to Chiangrai to check with the police........
Is this something new to fill the coffers?

OK: No pay, no Sticker.....Its your choice.:clap2:

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1 minute ago, KhunLA said:

I move over and let them pass me, which the driver had plenty of opportunity to do, and unless passing themselves, should yield to the left anyway.   Why would you allow someone to tailgate you that long  ...  as stupid as the person tailgating IMHO

What do you mean by yield to the left? Are you confusing American roads with Thai roads?

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20 hours ago, rainyday said:

No further information could be given! Pic of my car with license plate: NO, exact speed: NO, exact location: NO....

That is almost certainly from a police roadside camera.  Fines from the overhead/fixed cameras normally come from the Land Transport Office through the post and with all the details printed on them.


I got one of those photos once but I was stopped near Korat at a regular place for checkpoints (ker ching!) - apparently the camera was 5km back.  As per yours, no details whatsoever.  I confirmed that I accepted the photo was of my car but that I was not speeding.  I was told that I'd have to go and speak to the camera guys 5km back - I suspect as a ploy - them thinking I wouldn't bother.


I said OK but I didn't go back and never heard from them.


You're not going to be so lucky and it'll cost you more than the fine to go back

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Normally they post the speeding ticket to the name of the car owner and the registered address. This has a picture of the front of the car which includes the number plate and picture of the driver (faint through the windscreen). Details of location, speed and date.

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2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

I move over and let them pass me, which the driver had plenty of opportunity to do, and unless passing themselves, should yield to the left anyway.   Why would you allow someone to tailgate you that long  ...  as stupid as the person tailgating IMHO

because as u are  unaware there was a  car in front of me and a  lorry to the side, when i past the lorry i let roger retard do his  thing. I was NOT at the front causing the hold  up. Apology accepted

heres the front view, note fkwit in blue car in front  and me keeping left  when safe to do so , mR i cant wait shows  his  displeasure by carving me up and  the other mr I cant wait tries to slide up the side of  him  hitting a  car parked on the hard  shoulder  image.png.725bbe5640a8e66c11f04a7d88195d05.pngimage.png.993db1235f4982871bca278d00a26f09.pngimage.png.8ec1474749be3beecd5be9caae5cf62d.png

Edited by Rampant Rabbit
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6 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Made me laugh at the end.

yeah it was 1  fkwit behind me and then another fkwit  behind him but the 3rd fkwit was the one at the front causing  the hold  up............he swerved pretty darned quick later mind, many dont watch the whole video its the last 5  second that make it entertaining

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5 hours ago, Peterphuket said:

Similarly, the 3 different speeds on motorways, it is ridiculous and invites to speeding.
For example, someone driving on the right lane, where you can drive 120, drives 100, you can't pass them without committing an offence.
Is there any other country in this world where you have 3 different speeds on the same road?

I got a  ticket for moving into the  middle  lane (100)  doing 120 (outer lane 120), stupid rule really, forces you to stay only in the outer lane even when all three are empty.........didnt pay it

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3 hours ago, phetpeter said:

I always found that out of the registered province, my local cop told me they refuse to follow up on other provinces' tickets, and the local road tax office acts the same way. Only paid my province speeding and that was once, as it was later found the local cop shop in the area had illegally placed a 60 kph sign along a 90 kph road and placed a camera to make some additional funds. If pulled over make sure there is an officer with the group of police as that is also illegal.

Thats almost answers my query  as I taxed 1  in Bangkok but the other fine was in province. Either way I taxed them ok without issue

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2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Anyone ever got a camera citation for 1-5 kms over the limit; 61-65 in a 60kph zone or 91-95 in a 90kph zone ?


I'm hoping they allow 5 kms, for at least calibration or speedometer differences.   Or just being nice.

got one for doing 123 in a  120.filed it with the rest in the garbage

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3 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

I got a  ticket for moving into the  middle  lane (100)  doing 120 (outer lane 120), stupid rule really, forces you to stay only in the outer lane even when all three are empty.........didnt pay it

Yes indeed for normal western people are this kind of rules


3 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

Thats almost answers my query  as I taxed 1  in Bangkok but the other fine was in province. Either way I taxed them ok without issue

Truly incomprehensible, ridiculous I would even call it, and it only makes traffic more dangerous.
Either it is deliberate, or they don't understand, there is no other possibility.

and then there are those who give a smily as a response....

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11 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

I got a  ticket for moving into the  middle  lane (100)  doing 120 (outer lane 120), stupid rule really, forces you to stay only in the outer lane even when all three are empty.........didnt pay it


That is a new one on me. Not many three-lane roads up here.

Unless of course it was near an exit and there was a solid line.


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20 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:


That is a new one on me. Not many three-lane roads up here.

Unless of course it was near an exit and there was a solid line.


 they have  3  speed  lanes now going down from BKK to Hua  Hin with overhead illuminated signals, inner  lane is 60ish  middle is  max 100 and outer minimum 100 max 120............if you change lanes u cant exceed the speed in that lane no matter what vehicle you drive, so to go from the 120 lane you must  enter the 100 lane at............100, I entered it at 120 got a ticket, didnt  pay. 

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Heres the queue behind  the guy sitting  happy  in the outside lane  after I  moved over and undertook him after clearing about 4  lorries  as he was driving like a tortoise , the tailgater has already just passed me at this  point but mr i cant wait BLACK  pick up then roars down the hard shoulder in a cloud of black smoke...... straight into a parked  carimage.png.300686fb69248680db97efefd4271642.png

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But if  u like true fkwittery how  about the guy that drove into the back of me in almost staionary traffic...............guess I should  have moved over for him to eh? Pick up was two days  old , needed new  bumper and reverse  sensors 20k baht. I DIDNT pay once insurers had seen video he was screwed and my no claims wasnt affected. Guess  halfwit was  too  busy behind his BLACK windows to see me.


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Just now, it is what it is said:


i'd say speeding is a problem because you have less time to react


there are bad drivers everywhere, and thailand seems to have more that its fair share, but nothing like the insanity i've seen in lebanon and india. so be thankful for that, and be careful out there.

Id  say its FAR from the MAIN probelm, but it is the easiest to  screw money out of people for and lets face it no one cares  about safety here its ALL  about  money.

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6 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

But if  u like true fkwittery how  about the guy that drove into the back of me in almost staionary traffic...............guess I should  have moved over for him to eh? Pick up was two days  old , needed new  bumper and reverse  sensors 20k baht. I DIDNT pay once insurers had seen video he was screwed and my no claims wasnt affected. Guess  halfwit was  too  busy behind his BLACK windows to see me.


IMO the most likely explanation is texting on his mobile. With the dark windows, no-one can see them doing it.

Illegal even in Thailand, but then TIT.

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22 hours ago, stupidfarang said:

Had a few fines over the years, all ways had a photo, date, speed etc.

There are more and more cameras on the overhead gantries across motorways, plus they have ways to catch you when you think you are following the speed limit, traveling from Chang Mai to BKK, I was in the 120klm lane, and I got 3 tickets.


The speed said 118 to 116 on each, wife called the number on the ticket and pointed out our speed. Turns out when approaching a U-Turn section on the highway you must reduce your speed to 90klm, there were no signs on the road saying this. We paid up on two tickets (500 baht each) the third we were let off, cannot remember why.

Beg to differ.  I've driven many times CM to BKK and saw many signs reducing the speed limit from 120 to 90 at U-Turns...these reduced speed signs are almost right at the U-Turn giving you no time to slow down before you pass the U-Turn...I just watch for these U-turns and slow accordingly

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On 3/28/2024 at 10:16 PM, chickenslegs said:

I expect that this is the only correct advice she could be given, as these speed traps/cameras seem to be locally administered.


I have had a few speeding fines over the years. Each time I (well, my wife - as the car is in her name) received a letter containing the location/date/time/speed. I don't recall whether there was a photo.


Generally, I am a law abiding driver. My only excuse for breaking the law is that some highways seem to have variable speed limits (120/80/60) which are not very well posted, and not easily understood. For example: 60kph in a school zone at 19:00hrs.


My attitude is: Pay the fine and just accept it as part of the overall cost of the journey.  



I was sent a photo with the ticket, Korat

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14 hours ago, phetpeter said:

I always found that out of the registered province, my local cop told me they refuse to follow up on other provinces' tickets, and the local road tax office acts the same way. Only paid my province speeding and that was once, as it was later found the local cop shop in the area had illegally placed a 60 kph sign along a 90 kph road and placed a camera to make some additional funds. If pulled over make sure there is an officer with the group of police as that is also illegal.

Officer from whar department? "make sure there is an officer with the group of police as that is also illegal".

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22 hours ago, KhunLA said:

So they actually enforce that (90 kph @ U-turns), and all I have seen were posted for 90kph, and didn't notice anyone slowing down, self included.  Last trip to Krung Thep was a while ago, so I guess I escaped their scrutiny.  Hua Hin via Phetchaburi to Krung Thep is only real spot for us to do 120 kph.   Then a few sections on Rama 2 / hwy #35.


Knock on wood, haven't had a camera ticket for years, and try to do the speed limit, even use the cruise control now, as the EV is a really smooth ride, and when not using the cruise control, catch myself doing 100+ too often, especially if passing, and 120 kph isn't even notice, compared to the ICE version of same car.  90kph feels so slow at times, and many times, one of the slower cars on the road, as people blow by doing at least 120kph.   They must really rack up the tickets during the year.

 https://ptm.police.go.th/eTicket website to find out whether or not they have unpaid fines.

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12 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

what hassle? no hassle  at  all

We had a thread on here not that long ago about non-payment of traffic fines, and that now they were going after non payers with another fine on top for not paying. So how many have you got, how much will it add up to, including the (I think) 1000bht fine, EACH.....................🤣

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On 3/28/2024 at 7:37 AM, rainyday said:

Apparently I have been speeding in Chiangrai about 3 months ago. No further information could be given! Pic of my car with license plate: NO, exact speed: NO, exact location:

Apparently you were driving too fast probably heading down the hill towards Maekachan, you know, where the speed cam is.

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On 3/28/2024 at 7:20 PM, impulse said:

While I agree with the gist, I think people are more motivated by immediate feedback than delayed punishment.  I'd prefer to see them buy a few of those Dodge Challenger chase cars and pull them over and embarrass the scofflaws.  Or maybe add lights and graphics to some of the confiscated super cars, and send some cops to race driving school.  Win-win.  Put the fear of Buddha into scofflaws and the cops can have fun.



How about hiring a bunch of retired intolerant traffic cops from the US for traffic enforcement, the Thai government would be rolling in cash being that the cops would be non-stop busy shelling out traffic citations for careless driving, sloping into lane, no traffic signal, no helmet, on and on….

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On 3/29/2024 at 8:31 AM, connda said:

Really simple: drive the speed limit.

You think ...

... or start a thread to complain about being caught & cited for speeding.


Bastards ... :coffee1:

May the enforcement continue 👍

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Pls read my post! We've got no picture, no nothing....... Yes, the car is registered @ my official home address and NEVER got anything. To all posters telling me to "simply, not speeding". I am a fast driver but respect the rules and I try to not speeding which is not that simple. F.e. coming from BKK on the 3 different speed lanes.

One more time: NEVER got anything, NADA. So, how can one check???? I don't know where exactly (just the moobaan)- I don't know which speed (only that I apparently was speeding). I will not return to Chiangrai just for this. The fine was 500 Baht. I will put it in my desk in the big file labeled 'TIT".  Yes, it became a very fat one after 20+ years and driving 25.000 + miles a year.

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On 3/30/2024 at 8:51 AM, transam said:

We had a thread on here not that long ago about non-payment of traffic fines, and that now they were going after non payers with another fine on top for not paying. So how many have you got, how much will it add up to, including the (I think) 1000bht fine, EACH.....................🤣

ive already answered that, they arent doing this in Pranburi or Bangkok, being as thats the only places I go I cant vouch for the rest of  Thailand, however as one person commented it seems if its  not in their area they dont link up with another province ie you get a speeding ticket in Prachuapm and try to tax it  in Prachuap they "might" get you, but even then I have domne that with no problem just a few  weeks  ago. I also said I have retaxed 2 of my own and the Wifes  car and all had speeding or violating a  rule tickets recently with no problem.

They said  about 18 months  ago they were doing this and havent, also said you would get "demerit"  points on your  licence.

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