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How Much of a trumper are You?

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On 4/9/2024 at 7:57 PM, charleskerins said:

    Unbelievable that anyone would consider voting  for Trump again, he's totally incompetent, confused and forgetful. A rapist , seditionist , mishandler of Covid and negative job numbers  but take heart the Chinese and Russians are helping him.


Danger -- TDS steroids at work.

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On 4/9/2024 at 8:02 PM, Excogitator said:


Could those same people name a single (factual) thing Biden had done that they did not approve of?


If you listen to fox, newsmax and other rightwing propaganda-outlets, they love to criticise Biden, but there is very little of substance or even truth to their claims, and it mostly boils down to slander, lies and insults..

Meanwhile, in the realm of reality, we have consistently strong jobs growth, rising GDP, and markets at record highs. They have even managed to tame inflation, which has been trending down for over a year now. Pray tell, what is so wrong with that?


Inflation is ticking up again. Not down.

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On 4/9/2024 at 8:23 PM, Tug said:

I wish to thank walker 88 for creating this thread it’s a riot!no pun intended.i do think you left one category out,that is trump’s fawning over the worst despots our planet has to offer presently and in the past,that in itself is enough to flush this specimen down the toilet,that’s not even getting into his views on pows vets debt business failures and on and on again thanks for the thread and lock him up!!!


No pun detected. It's OK.

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On 4/9/2024 at 11:00 PM, Dan747 said:


  3 hours ago, Dan747 said:

Not a "TRUMPER"-Just 41% of those asked approve of the way Biden is handling his job. His approval rating on the economy has dropped to 37% – down 8 points since early December alone. Only 45% approve of his handling of the pandemic he was elected to end. When those who disdain Biden’s overall performance were asked to name a single thing he’d done that they approved of, 56% had nothing positive to say. “I’m hard pressed to think of a single thing he has done that benefits the country,” so I will be voting for "TRUMP!"


Could those same people name a single (factual) thing Biden had done that they did not approve of?


If you listen to fox, newsmax and other rightwing propaganda-outlets, they love to criticise Biden, but there is very little of substance or even truth to their claims, and it mostly boils down to slander, lies and insults..

Meanwhile, in the realm of reality, we have consistently strong jobs growth, rising GDP, and markets at record highs. They have even managed to tame inflation, which has been trending down for over a year now. Pray tell, what is so wrong with that?

Edited 2 hours ago by Excogitator


Facts: How about the Border.

Inflation-Just go to the Grocery store or buy gas for your car all up 25+%.

Job growth-Parttime workers and Illegal aliens. 

Excogitator-Thanks for the Gaslighting!!




Pot calling.....

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On 4/10/2024 at 6:03 AM, Excogitator said:

Do facts make you uncomfortable..?

Here are some more facts; under Trump the economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased to 6.3%. illegal immigration increased. The murder rate rose to the highest level since 1997. the number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million. the federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion, and also under trump, his billionaire buddies increased their wealth by 1 trillion, while ordinary Americans' disposable income fell..


Links for all or turn yourself in at dawn.

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On 4/10/2024 at 7:32 AM, Excogitator said:

Nice cherrypicking.. the same goes for any inflation-adjusted wages in any comparable country in the world, since Trumps paymaster, Putin, invaded Ukraine, sending the cost of energy sky-high, following a covid pandemic that severely disrupted the worlds supply-chains driving up the cost of nearly everything.  It should also be mentioned that during this time, the US-economy has outperformed any other comparable economy in the world. Quite an achievement for the Biden administration.


Yeah - that's why Brandon's approval rating is so high.

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On 4/10/2024 at 4:30 PM, Excogitator said:

Under Trump, illegal immigration increased. During his four years he accomplished absolutely nothing in terms of reducing illegal immigration into the US. That's a proven track record of incompetence.. What's happening now, again, is that the maga-republicans in Congress are blocking any attempts to get anything done about the border, probably to give Trump talking points for his campaign.. Biden did not **** up the border as you say, he inherited the problem from those before him.


You never offer a shred of evidence of anything. Hopeless.

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22 hours ago, AreYouGerman said:


Oh, nothing changes for you? Oh, right, you're living in isolation, as I said.


I am paying triple the amount for electricity in Germany because the US in an act of war attacked our pipeline and decided to go all in vs. Russia. We got 1 million Ukrainians living on welfare (additionally to the 5 million muslims) in Germany while the Germans who work get taxed by 50%. Soon, the muslims from Gaza who don't want to get slaughtered will arrive in Germany as well. Thank you, everybody!




Thank Mutti Merkel.

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"trumper' is a word used by anti-Trump supremacists, who really do think they are better, more intelligent than Trump supporters. 

Trump is more honest than Biden and obviously better for the job due to his age and mental capabilities. 

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23 minutes ago, nauseus said:


You never offer a shred of evidence of anything. Hopeless.

What is it with you maga-**** and facts?

Google it if you can, alternatively ask someone to help you..


As I said before, anyone can fact-check anything I write.


Maybe you should try that  instead of throwing lazy insults at everyone..?

Edited by Excogitator
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1 hour ago, Excogitator said:

So, now that you've lost the discussion, you turn to petty insults and abuse..


I have no time for a depraved russian troll.. Go join putins murderers and rapists in the trenches of occupied Ukraine...

sorry, who was the one that turned to insults and abuse ?? 

Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 21.49.46.png

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On 4/10/2024 at 6:03 AM, Excogitator said:

Here are some more facts; under Trump the economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased to 6.3%. illegal immigration increased. The murder rate rose to the highest level since 1997. the number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million. the federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion, and also under trump, his billionaire buddies increased their wealth by 1 trillion, while ordinary Americans' disposable income fell..

The economy faced significant challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to job losses and an increase in the unemployment rate. However, it's important to note that the pandemic's impact on the economy was unprecedented and affected countries globally.

While there were fluctuations in illegal immigration levels during the Trump administration, attributing it solely to his policies overlooks broader factors influencing migration patterns, such as economic condition.

The increase in the murder rate cannot be solely attributed to Trump's policies. Crime rates are influenced by a complex interplay of social, economic, and cultural factors that extend beyond any single administration's control.

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Just now, Excogitator said:

Biden also had to deal with the pandemic and its entire aftermath, in addition to Russias Invasion of Ukraine. Still, he has performed significantly better than Trump.

I disagree. There wouldn't be a war in Ukraine if Trump had been in power. 

You are biased, trying to make Trump not starting a war like Biden did in Ukraine and Gaza look like a negative thing!!! 

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20 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

anti-Trump supremacists,

Please define what "supremacist" in the above means in simple English if one is just opposed to something/someone on purely political grounds?



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3 minutes ago, Excogitator said:

Sorry, but you are delusional..

Putin, not Biden, invaded Ukraine.

Hamas, not Biden, attacked Israel.

Netanyahoo, not Biden, invaded Gaza.

How many wars started under Trump? 

Who gave Netanyahu the bombs and Billions of dollars to use them?

Biden stirred things up between Russia and Ukraine. His government benefits from the war. 


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12 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Trump not starting a war like Biden did in Ukraine

I thought Putin was the dictator in charge of the Russian Invasion of an independent sovereign nation called Ukraine!

I also thought that President Biden, along with many other democratically elected Governments, are/have tried to assist the oppressed Ukrainians despite the objections of the megalomaniac MAGA Trump!

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27 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

How many wars started under Trump? 

Who gave Netanyahu the bombs and Billions of dollars to use them?

Biden stirred things up between Russia and Ukraine. His government benefits from the war. 


Wars under Trump:

In 2018 a large regional war involving Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sudan started.

In 2020 Armenia and Azerbajan went to war

Also in 2020 Western Sahara and Morocco went to war

There were several clashes between Israel and Gaza in the trump years

Ongoing wars in Afganistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia

Many smaller civil wars and conflicts.


Trump gave 3-4 billion dollar in military aid to Israel and Netanyahoo every year during his term. Many of these weapons were used in the clashes with Gaza and in the current war.


Trumps governent also 'benefited from war' as you say, selling huge amounts of weapons to among others Saudi Arabia, who used them on Yemen.

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3 hours ago, Neeranam said:

How many wars started under Trump? 

Who gave Netanyahu the bombs and Billions of dollars to use them?

Biden stirred things up between Russia and Ukraine. His government benefits from the war. 


Your source fits you to a tee.


MintPress News - Wikipedia


MintPress News (MPN) is an American far-left[1] news website founded and edited by Mnar Adley which was launched in January 2012[2] and also publishes the MintCast podcast. It covers political, economic, foreign affairs and environmental issues. Editorially, MintPress News supports Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, and the governments of Russia, Iran, and Syria.

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4 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

I thought Putin was the dictator in charge of the Russian Invasion of an independent sovereign nation called Ukraine!

I also thought that President Biden, along with many other democratically elected Governments, are/have tried to assist the oppressed Ukrainians despite the objections of the megalomaniac MAGA Trump!


In the actual reality, the US went into an endless war with Russia to protect the 1991 border integrity of the former Russian territory of the Ukraine, which is now completely independent forever for some reason.



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