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Biden is closely monitoring the situations unfolding on college campuses across the country

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26 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Joe will take whatever stance will get him the most votes. It's politics. I should say Joe's handlers will tell joe which way the wind is blowing and what to read.

Except Joe can't take back all that "israel all the way hey hey hey" ranting, and how people that don't like thousands of kids being blown up don't understand that it's OK to do so if they would just listen to him explain it.

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In a couple of days it's going to be the 54th anniversary of the shootings at Kent State University.  Ref;  Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young song. "Four Dead in Ohio".


Student riot due to US invasion of Cambodia.  US military US War, US students. Nobody woke, nobody entitled.


Eager Ohio National Guard soldier "wannabe warriors" getting tough with anti war students but killing innocents.


I was there.


I don't think they give the Nat'l Guard bullets for demonstrations anymore. 


Makes me kind of miss the old days.




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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The students are not going to vote for Trump anyway, but the growing protests in the US, being led by Ivy League university students should see Biden stressing about the youth vote slip, slip, slidin' away. Could be the difference between winning and losing swing states.

While they won't vote for Trump, they could stay home or vote independent.

Maybe the White House hopes that after the students (hopefully) go home for the summer that things will calm down, except for the Democratic Convention in, where else?, Chicago. Remember 1968?


While planners may have a holding pen for demonstrators out of sight of the convention hall, the demonstrations will be all over social media expressing their disdain for Biden.

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There are a number of videos of Jewish students being harassed and blocked from going to classes just because they are Jewish. They have nothing to do with Israel. Imagine how these kids must feel. They have never seen or felt anything like it. This is pathetic and this antisemitism needs to be addressed big time. We have let this filth grow on our watch and personally it disgusts me.

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9 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

yes... very peaceful... Guns confiscated from anti-Israel protesters at UT Austin, University of South Florida


What a hypocrite! You and your Right-Wing cohort have been telling us for years that a well-armed society is a polite society, and that guns don't kill people, the people firing the gun do. Texas has open carry laws too I think. So why are you denigrating the peaceful protesters when all they're doing is following their god-given right to carry around a weapon that can easily kill people if they feel like it? This is what you and your lot have been telling us is "freedom" for all these years. What therefore does it have to do with the protesters being peaceful?

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2 hours ago, Brian Hull said:

I am not an American but I support Joe Biden in most things. But his no-strings-attached provision of weaponry to Israel after they have killed tens of thousands of Palestinians is the root cause of the student protests. He had better get a lot tougher on Israel and quickly or he will lose the election to the deranged would-be fascist dictator.


   The USA has a long history off fighting against terrorists , that is why the USA supports Israel in Israel's fight against terrorists 

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45 minutes ago, placnx said:

The pro-Palestine camp at UCLA didn't seem to have guns when they were violently assaulted by masked thugs, not student age. Governor Newsom complained that it took too long for the police to respond. Now the University is calling for protest to end because of violence, that caused by Zionist outsiders. Who needs protection? Maybe the Jewish students who are protesting against the Israeli government. 


  Why have you labelled them as Zionist outsiders ?

Could be that the protestors picked on Jewish students and abused them and the picked on students got their mates together and went back to confront the bullying protestors .

   I doubt that its anything to do with politics , just people naturally  fighting back against abusive bullies

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1 minute ago, Nick Carter icp said:


  Why have you labelled them as Zionist outsiders ?

Could be that the protestors picked on Jewish students and abused them and the picked on students got their mates together and went back to confront the bullying protestors .

   I doubt that its anything to do with politics , just people naturally  fighting back against abusive bullies

And, as noted, the police nowhere in sight. Whoever was wrong or right, this kind of violence should not be allowed on a university campus.  Those participating should be identified, expelled (if students) and charged with crimes.  It is shameful on the university administration to allow this. At least Columbia finally nutted up. 

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10 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

Yes... very peaceful... Protester smashing window


The best part of that incident were all the flash bulbs going off on the other side of that door he's breaking down.    They were already inside, in big numbers.


That's what's referred to as gratuitous vandalism.


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18 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

And, as noted, the police nowhere in sight. Whoever was wrong or right, this kind of violence should not be allowed on a university campus.  Those participating should be identified, expelled (if students) and charged with crimes.  It is shameful on the university administration to allow this. At least Columbia finally nutted up. 


  I disagree , the protestors who were picking on people and abusing them got what they deserved .

The people were reclaiming the streets and the classrooms from the violent mob .

   I thoroughly enjoy seeing bullying mobs getting dealt with by (usually) law abiding citizens 

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2 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


  I disagree , the protestors who were picking on people and abusing them got what they deserved .

The people were reclaiming the streets and the classrooms from the violent mob .

   I thoroughly enjoy seeing bullying mobs getting dealt with by (usually) law abiding citizens 

Yeah, I do too. It's a guilty pleasure. But it really shouldnt be necessary. This is a job for law enforcement. No need to make martyrs of the idiots. The real villains are the cowards who run the universities and let this fester in the first place.

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