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What part of Asia are people more friendly?

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On 5/5/2024 at 10:33 AM, hwas said:

My point being that I worked with Thais for many years in an international company.  Spent countless hours in meetings and eating out with Thais.  Since you did not answer my question, I assume that you cannot speak Thai.  Further, your interactions with Thais are limited to bar girls, motorbike taxis, store clerks, etc, very few of whom have the ability or interest in communicating with you.  Tell us why you do not move to Malaysia - my bet is that you do not have the financial means to qualify

In general the low class and lower middle class Thais are friendlier. The further up the scale you move, the more arrogant and distant they become. At the top ,the Chinese Thai elite feel so entitled and superior. 

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3 hours ago, Celsius said:


Nothing judgemental.


Here we have someone yet again claiming villages are real Thailand where women are friendlier.


People in big cities are mostly on the clock. God forbid they get out of their way, forget their daily worries just so you can get a fake smile.




Pathetically trying to justify your rude previous post.


You haven't succeeded

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When you are tourist in one place others attend you as a tool of their wealth and it doesnt have to do your origin country or arrivals State.

Japanese -Taiwanese  is the worst people for friendly feelings and it doesnt have to do if you are foreigner because I have already seen that in many tourist places in E.U States or Asian States the same thing exit among Japanese to Japanese or Taiwanese to Twaivanese.

Thais and Malays are number one States in freendly feelings furthermore very willing to help you (majority of people).

I cant say that for Americans -Canadians or northern European States people because local people in ther neighborhood have received millions migrants from Arabian States aswell as from African and Ukranian States.


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