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Are you Dehydrated ? what you need to know

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The silent threat of dehydration

Water is the essence of life. Every living organism on Earth, including humans, relies on water for survival. For humans, water is vital for various bodily functions, including cognitive, digestive, cardiovascular, and muscular activities. Despite its importance, many people fail to drink enough water daily. Alarmingly, up to 75% of individuals globally are chronically dehydrated, often without realizing it. Dehydration can manifest in subtle ways that are easy to overlook. This article explores the signs of dehydration, why they occur, and how you can ensure you stay properly hydrated.

The importance of staying hydrated

Maintaining proper hydration is essential to overall health. Water is a fundamental part of every cell, tissue, and organ in the body. Without sufficient water, cells can’t function optimally, leading to various health issues. Here’s why staying hydrated is so important:

  • Regulates body temperature: Water helps regulate body temperature through sweating and respiration.
  • Lubricates joints: Water keeps joints lubricated, reducing the risk of joint pain and injuries.
  • Protects tissues: Hydration helps protect sensitive tissues like those in the eyes, mouth, and nose.
  • Supports digestion: Water aids in digestion by breaking down food and absorbing nutrients.
  • Detoxifies the body: Proper hydration helps flush out toxins through urine and sweat.


Effects of long-term dehydration
Dehydration can lead to severe complications, such as kidney stones, seizures, swelling of the brain, kidney failure, shock, coma and even death.


How much water do you need?
Hydration needs vary depending on factors like age, gender, activity level, and overall health. General guidelines suggest that men should aim for about 3.7 litres (125 ounces) of water per day, while women should aim for about 2.7 litres (91 ounces) per day. However, individual needs may vary, and it’s essential to listen to your body and adjust your intake accordingly.


Recognizing the hidden signs of dehydration

Headaches and tension: More than just a common issue

Headaches are common, but they can also be a sign of dehydration. When the body lacks sufficient water, brain tissue loses water, causing the brain to shrink and trigger pain. Additionally, reduced blood volume due to dehydration means fewer nutrients reach the brain, exacerbating the headache.

Solution: Instead of reaching for painkillers, rehydrate with water and electrolytes. Vitamin IV therapy can be a quick and effective way to alleviate headaches by replenishing your body’s water and nutrient levels and avoiding the side effects associated with over-the-counter pain medications.


Dark yellow urine: A clear indicator

One of the simplest ways to check for dehydration is by observing the colour of your urine. Ideally, urine should be clear or light yellow. Dark yellow urine indicates concentrated waste products, a sign that your body needs more water to flush out toxins.

Solution: Pay attention to your hydration status and drink more water throughout the day. Incorporating a balanced intake of nutrients can also help maintain optimal kidney and bladder function. Vitamin IV therapy can provide a quick boost of hydration and essential vitamins to help regulate urine colour and overall hydration.

Persistent fatigue: When sleep isn’t enough

Feeling unusually tired despite getting enough sleep can be a sign of dehydration. Water is essential for energy production, and without it, your body works harder to perform basic functions, leading to fatigue.

Solution: Increase your water intake and consider vitamin-rich hydration solutions like vitamin IV therapy to boost your energy levels and enhance overall well-being. This combination can help you feel more awake and productive without relying on caffeine or sugary energy drinks.


Constipation: A common digestive issue

Difficulty in bowel movements can also be a symptom of dehydration. Water is necessary for digestion, and a lack of it can lead to harder stools and constipation.

Solution: Rehydrating with water and ensuring you consume enough fibre can help alleviate constipation. Vitamin IV therapy can also support digestive health by providing essential nutrients that promote regular bowel movements.




Muscle cramps and tightness: The hidden culprit

Muscle cramps and tightness, even without recent physical activity, can be caused by dehydration. When the body prioritises vital organs over muscles for water distribution, muscles can cramp due to insufficient hydration.

Solution: Stay hydrated by drinking water and replenishing electrolytes, especially after exercise. Vitamin IV therapy can help prevent muscle cramps by ensuring your body has the necessary nutrients and hydration to support muscle function.

Understanding dehydration: The underlying causes

Dehydration doesn’t just occur from lack of water intake; various factors can contribute to it. Conditions like diarrhoea, vomiting, excessive sweating, and even certain medications can lead to acute dehydration. Chronic dehydration, on the other hand, can develop over time due to inadequate daily fluid intake.

How to recognise dehydration

Recognizing the signs of dehydration can help you address it before it becomes severe. Here are some key indicators:



Fatigue: Dehydration affects sleep-wake cycles and overall energy levels.

Dark-coloured urine: A practical indicator of dehydration; aim for light yellow urine.

Dry skin and lips: Decreased skin elasticity and cracked lips can be signs of dehydration.

Headaches: Often linked to dehydration due to reduced brain hydration.

Dizziness: Light-headedness, especially upon standing, can indicate dehydration.

Heart palpitations: Dehydration can cause irregular heartbeats due to electrolyte imbalances.

Low blood pressure: A serious sign of severe dehydration requiring medical attention.

Poor concentration: Dehydration can impair cognitive functions and mood.

Dehydration in infants and children

Children are more susceptible to dehydration due to their higher metabolic rates and greater water loss. Signs of dehydration in children include fewer wet diapers, dry mouth, and sunken eyes. Severe dehydration can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.

Preventing dehydration: Practical tips

Stay hydrated with the right fluids

To prevent dehydration, it’s essential to consume adequate fluids daily. Here are some tips:

  • Keep water accessible: Carry a water bottle with you to encourage frequent sipping.
  • Flavour your water: Add fresh fruit, lemon juice, or mint to make water more appealing.
  • Drink herbal tea: Unsweetened teas can count towards your daily fluid intake.
  • Eat hydrating foods: Fruits and vegetables with high water content, like cucumbers and watermelons, can help maintain hydration.
  • Monitor urine colour: Use the colour of your urine as a gauge for hydration status.
  • Set reminders: Use a phone app or alarm to remind you to drink water throughout the day.
  • Track your intake: Keep a log of how much water you drink to ensure you meet your hydration goals.

Special Considerations for Athletes and Pregnant Women

Athletes and pregnant women have higher hydration needs. For athletes, replenishing electrolytes lost through sweat is crucial. Pregnant women should increase fluid intake to support increased blood volume and prevent dehydration-related complications

Additional Causes of Dehydration

  • Diabetes

People with diabetes, especially those undiagnosed, are at higher risk of dehydration due to increased urine output as the body attempts to expel excess glucose.

  • Medications

Certain medications, including diuretics and those with side effects like diarrhoea or vomiting, can contribute to dehydration.

  • Low-carb diets

Carbohydrates help store water in the body. Reducing carb intake can decrease hydration levels, so it’s essential to compensate by drinking more fluids.

  • Stress

Chronic stress can lead to adrenal fatigue, affecting hormone levels that regulate fluid and electrolyte balance, leading to dehydration.

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS symptoms like nausea and chronic diarrhoea can cause significant fluid loss, increasing the risk of dehydration.

Unusual signs of dehydration

  • Bad breath: Reduced saliva production can lead to bacterial overgrowth in the mouth, causing bad breath.
  • Dry or flushed skin: Dehydration can cause dry skin and reduced skin elasticity.
  • Fever and chills: These can indicate heat illness, which exacerbates dehydration.
  • Food cravings: Difficulty in breaking down glycogen due to dehydration can lead to cravings, particularly for sweets.

When to seek medical help

While mild dehydration can often be managed by increasing fluid intake, severe dehydration is a medical emergency. Symptoms like extreme fatigue, sunken eyes, and minimal urination require immediate medical attention. Infants, children, and older adults are particularly vulnerable and should be closely monitored for signs of dehydration.




Hydration for a healthy life

Dehydration is a common yet often overlooked health issue. By recognizing the signs and understanding the importance of proper hydration, you can take proactive steps to maintain your health. Ensure you’re drinking enough fluids daily and consider incorporating hydrating foods into your diet. For those with higher hydration needs, such as athletes and pregnant women, paying extra attention to fluid intake is crucial. If you suspect severe dehydration, seek medical help immediately to prevent serious complications. Stay hydrated, stay healthy, and enjoy the benefits of a well-hydrated body. Embrace the benefits of proper hydration for a healthier, more energetic, and vibrant life.


Origimal article






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Posted (edited)

Concerning Dehydration, and other disorders of water balance:


Everybody should watch this video from this girl.

She's a good instructor, IMHO.


Very simple.

Yet, informed.

This is all you need to know, unless you wish to pursue it even further.

(I never let myself become dehydrated.)



NICE and simple presentation.



DEHYDRATION, particularly:



NOTE:  It's important to recognize that old guys (the aged) are sometimes less able to recognize that they need to take in more water, and become more easily dehydrated.....



Edited by GammaGlobulin
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23 minutes ago, patman30 said:


if you pee dark yellow
go drink some water

All you need to know

More important, the colour in the morning! Throughout the day, you can drink coffe, sugar sodas, energy drinks, alchohol, and still have a clear colour, but not in the morning! 


There is a huge difference between clean water with no addetives and anything mentioned above

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31 minutes ago, patman30 said:


if you pee dark yellow
go drink some water

All you need to know

If you keep thoroughly hydrated with plenty of beer, you'll never pee dark yellow (well, until your liver is finally shot).  So - bottom's up!  🍺

I. P. Freely

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I dont think hydration is all that difficult. There’s a great book written for pro athletes by I believe noakes called waterlogged. He basically comes to the conclusion via research that we should drink… get this, when we are thirsty. This is tough I know. Real complicated stuff. 

Hydration is easy. Where people screw up most likely is diet. People think yogurt with granola on top of it is good for them, idk because they aren’t eating cheeseburgers anymore. I suppose it’s better but it’s not good food. And all the fat expats will disagree with me quite strenuously, don’t you worry. 

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26 minutes ago, CanadaSam said:

I was told long ago to recognize dehydration by "pinching" a part of your skin.


If it does not revert back into it's normal shape immediately, get help!

not sure about humans
but this is what you do with puppies
you pinch the back of the neck 

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Living in Thailand, we're likely all dehydrated and, if you're a heavy drinker, are rarely if ever properly hydrated in this climate. Getting the right electrolyte balance is especially important. Drinking gallons of water only (esp RO, which is devoid of minerals) won't do you any favours.

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Ralf001 said:

Regular intake of beer keeps my pee clear.


Be careful if you intend to replace water with beer for your daily hydration.....


THIS IS A DYNAMITE Channel which teaches lay people and medical students, alike.....


I have been following this channel for years.


The presenter is originally from Taiwan....

But traveled to the USA when he was quiet young.

This guy is well-schooled, intelligent, and hilarious, as well.

You can learn a lot here about beer drinking and many other serious medical issues....



This Pharmacologist and Physician knows his stuff, for sure.

He is a teacher of med students, after all....

Worth viewing, IMHO....



Drinking too much beer, too quickly, can change the electrolyte balance.....it seems....

So, be careful.....




Edited by GammaGlobulin
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I was but not now. I was running up to 10km in 35C and only drinking 1 liter a day.

Caused dizziness, heart issues, low  blood pressure, mineral issues. 

Now 2 liters every day with electrolytes and feel great. 

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