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Trump found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records


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3 hours ago, Walker88 said:

I'll try to answer.


1. Unlikely, given the endless appeal process, he would be jailed before the election. Possible, but unlikely.


2. Theoretically he could run things from prison, though his Presidency was primarily golfing ($175,000,000 cost to the US Taxpayer), doing rallies, calling into Fox, grifting off his properties by hosting foreigners who wanted something, & Tweeting. He just ran things....into the ground, as evidenced by his Recession and rising unemployment, plus massive increases in debt.


3. Repubs are cowards and have zero interest in American ideals or democracy. Note how the EXACT same ones still claiming 2020 was 'rigged' were perfectly happy to accept their own House or Senate victories on the same ballot. They just want to keep their jobs and hope they get chosen for some position. Some are just Performance Artists trying to create a brand; they have done zero legislation since retaking the House. They even blocked a Bordewr Security Bill a Repub Senator wrote, because the convicted felon wanted the border as an issue for the election. Right now they are all sucking up to be the VP on the ticket. They are also so embedded in the cult that they can't see that he actually is a loser. He only won in 2016 because of the anachronism called the Electoral College. He helped Repubs lose the House in 2018, barely hold the Senate, then lose the White House, House and Senate in 2020. Repubs seem not to have noticed he is actually the kiss of death.


The Repubs could put up a replacement who could probably beat Biden, but won't. Own goal.

Couldn't it also be said the Dems are cowards for not putting Biden out to pasture? I mean by keeping him in the hot seat it's giving the Republicans a genuine chance of winning. Surely any half decent Dem could beat Trump. 

Seems to me both parties are happy see this freak show ride out, for some strange reason. 

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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:


I'm aware that it is well documented that the press lies about Trump.  🤷‍♂️

Link showing the press lies about Trump...or just trolling

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29 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

exactly, and the bulk of legal observers in this case say it wasnt.


Any independet American voter here convinced by the TDS arguments here or the show trial conviction? Any Trump vote changed? 


Topics such as this are for the TDS crowd to sit around hurl insults at ordinary Americans who either support Trump or dont thinkl he has been treated fairly. Much of the babble comes from folks who dont matter (non Americans, who use the whole situation to sniff the air and show how superior they are) and all of the incoherent bleating and screeching shows an astonishing ignorance of American law as well as the loathesome elitist denigration of thsoe who arent in their "cool" crowd. There isnt a person here babblefrothing about how fair the trial was or how Trump is guilty that could write a coherent legal brief on any issue involved in this case. They sure as hell cant name any crime that Trump was trying to cover up, how many pages now? Even the lefty corrupt NY Court system cant put an Appellate imprimatur on this one, and if they cut loose Harvey Weinstien, this one is a no brainer.


But it matters not. 53 million dollars in small donations donated to the Orange Tough Man in 24 hours and 30% coming from new donors, polls showing Biden has only a single digit lead in NY (Im waiting for the new polls with bated breath) and the continual erosion of viewership in the anti Trump media especially among young folks and the concomitant growth of Fox news, demonstrate that over the next few months, you are going to see more and more of a howlingdervish insane hate filled frenzy on message Boards as the likelihood of a landslide grows. 


Because as Big Don says. "I'm doing it for you". He is. Any of us who think outside the Democratic box are vulnerable until they are once and truly defeated. To reuse the old fake Yamamoto quote: "the sleeping giant is awakened".





The bulk of legal observers say it wasn't a fair case. BS. A jury of his peers found him guilty. Accept it and move on

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Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

They've made him into a martyr.


All the Republicans need now is Hillary to make a speech calling his supporters nasty names and it will be a slam dunk for the GOP.


Come on Hillary, think about Monica and let rip with that bile. Maybe Obama could do a speech as well, he managed to secure Brexit so let's hear his empty threats again.

This is always very confusing to me.

In America there is a continuing discussion about letting the rule of law follow it's course versus the political consequences that may or may or not have.

Pundits on talk shows take that position sometimes (leave it up to the voter!), rabid politicians do it, posters like JonnyF do it, and even the famed AG Merrick Garland, handpicked by Biden, was quivering in his boots just thinking about the possibility of investigating and prosecuting a former president for obvious crimes. Most of which he swept under the carpet, for political reasons I guess.


All very strange. To me.

Edited by Presto
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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Roo Island said:

Musk is a total nutter. A horrible person

He is a shoe in for the sequel to "The Smartest Guys in the Room". 

Edited by shdmn
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2 minutes ago, Roo Island said:

Musk is a total nutter. A horrible person

And what credibility do you have to support your post?


I feel the same way about Biden and Bragg and Judge what’s his name.

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5 minutes ago, Roo Island said:



President Biden may be struggling in national polls, but he recently overtook former President Donald J. Trump in at least one important measure: the total number of donors who have given to his campaign, which is often seen as a proxy for voter engagement.

Think again!



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11 minutes ago, G_Money said:

And what credibility do you have to support your post?


I feel the same way about Biden and Bragg and Judge what’s his name.

One of many articles about him. He's nuts. Impossible to compare him to Biden or Bragg.



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