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Presidential debate is over, have your opinions changed ? What was your take ?

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10 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

The people checking out Trump were also disappointed by some of the crazy stuff he said.


We'll see how the polling reacts to Biden's bad night.


Disappointed and despondent as similar as they seem are completely different. 

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5 minutes ago, susanlea said:

He is mentally gone.


Are you trying to say that Elvis has left the building? These days i am not so sharp myself  although in remember the days i was with elvis when john walked in to the bar. His uncle had just been eaten by cannibals and he had just purchased a new 18 wheeler. John's where are you John come up on stage.

anyway whatev... mic cut.

Edited by Cryingdick
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2 hours ago, stoner said:


is it though ? it has been clear for quite some time about biden. yet the media and the entire party stood behind it all and allowed it to happen. you had so many voices on here adamant about his mental health etc. 


these people are supposedly smart well educated. donors. industrialists. politicians. money men. the list goes on. people that went to the best schools out there. worked at the highest positions of corporations and government. all of these people helped prop up a system that allowed it to get to this point. why ? 


conspiracy or just the brutally corrupt system. 

Yes, the folks running Biden for the past 3 1/2 years need to be indicted.

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2 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

The people checking out Trump were also disappointed by some of the crazy stuff he said.


We'll see how the polling reacts to Biden's bad night.

Trump disappointing? Say it ain't so!


Seriously, Trump was classic Trump on the night, blathering on about loads of stuff except on the question. Trump gold! That's why his base loves him- he doesn't play by Washington rules, just charges head first through them and leaves his opponents wondering "what the heck just happened"?


Let's face it, when someone like Biden is actually a candidate for leader of the free world- say that again "leader of the free world, the inmates must have taken over the asylum, and in that case, the best response is to put a clown up for the top job, ergo Trump.

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8 minutes ago, jas007 said:

I wasn’t planning on watching the debate, but since I was in the hospital in Bangkok and didn’t really have anything else to do, I figured “why not?” The hospital’s cable didn’t include CNN, but the debate was simulcast on another channel.


Anyway, my take: the moderators seemed decent and unbiased, for a change.  Has CNN turned over a new leaf?  As for the candidates?  Trump was just being Trump, but he seemed more measured and subdued than usual.  Biden did better than I thought he would, although that’s not saying much.  Occasionally, he could actually finish a sentence. Maybe even two sentences back to back!  Nobody watching the debate could reasonably conclude that Biden was fit for the job.  And yet there he was, up on stage, presumably a candidate for the presidency.  The “Leader of the free world.”  What could the Democrats be thinking?  Over three hundred million people in America, and this is the best they could come up with? 

The really shouldn’t be doing this to Joe.  Some would call it “elder abuse.” 

The most interesting part of the debate on CNN was the after analysis, when all the Dem guys were agreeing that Biden was toast, and has to go. Say that again "the DEMOCRAT guys were saying that Biden has to go" WOW. Never thought I'd hear that on CNN, the home of Biden lovers, or did I get that wrong and it's the home of Trump haters? I don't remember them actually saying much if anything about Trump. It was all about Biden. It must hurt when one comes prepared to gloat how Biden owned Trump and he visibly fell apart right in front of them.


Such is life.

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6 minutes ago, jas007 said:

I wasn’t planning on watching the debate, but since I was in the hospital in Bangkok and didn’t really have anything else to do, I figured “why not?” The hospital’s cable didn’t include CNN, but the debate was simulcast on another channel.


Anyway, my take: the moderators seemed decent and unbiased, for a change.  Has CNN turned over a new leaf?  As for the candidates?  Trump was just being Trump, but he seemed more measured and subdued than usual.  Biden did better than I thought he would, although that’s not saying much.  Occasionally, he could actually finish a sentence. Maybe even two sentences back to back!  Nobody watching the debate could reasonably conclude that Biden was fit for the job.  And yet there he was, up on stage, presumably a candidate for the presidency.  The “Leader of the free world.”  What could the Democrats be thinking?  Over three hundred million people in America, and this is the best they could come up with? 

The really shouldn’t be doing this to Joe.  Some would call it “elder abuse.” 


What's more disturbing is that the US media is constantly bombarding us with the "our democracy" narrative.  How it's under threat or about to be destroyed if you don't go along with the "narrative" of the day.  Wars, never mind, they are dictators.  Everyone we don't like is an authoritarian, dictator, anti-democratic or whatever, sanction them.

Meanwhile - this is the "public face" of our democracy laid bare for governments all over the world to see.  I don't say this with any glee or expectation of a short-term fix.

Sad day for the USA.

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4 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I've been wondering the same thing. I got a hunch they purposely didn't juice up Joe properly on purpose so he would fail at the debate.


I actually feel a bit bad for him, a bit.

I said that a while back. I suggested they made him do it to try and make him withdraw after failing ( they must know how bad he is now, and don't want to lose the election ). Doesn't appear to have worked though.

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1 minute ago, Isaan sailor said:

Dems should ditch Biden, nominate RFK Jr.  He could win.

 Of course RFK Jr. could win.  But the Democrats won’t touch him.  They’ve gone out of their way to paint him as a nutcase. An anti-vaxer. A conspiracy theorist. They’ve repeatedly denied him Secret Service protection, and they did everything they could to keep him out of last night’s debate. 

He won’t follow “the narrative.”

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2 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

 He revels in using superlatives- everything is the best, worst, biggest, etc.

Thats 1980s NYC developer language. He has been like that since he first burst onto the scene back then and Democratic politicians lined up to suck off his turgid pen.


Those of us who are old enough to remember the social and cultural milieu that Trump emerged from understand him.

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5 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

Since polling this early in the campaign is mostly name recognition, talking about Biden a lot might give him a bump in the polls.


The Trump trolls here may be helping Biden.


must be awfully cold out there alone ? good on your for sticking to it though. almost everyone has abandoned ship but here you are violin and all. 


please tell me you still don't think biden will win the election ? i take you for a much smarter man than that. 

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2 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

OK time to eat my words. When I'm wrong, no problem admitting it. Certainly doesn't happen very often😀


I said Biden would clean Trump's clock and I was dead wrong. That confessed...Trump wasn't any better. Lies, avoidance, no substance nor intelligence, full of brash BS, as always. It's a major embarrassment and failure to the USA that these 2 are all both parties can muster. 🤮

Trump was horrible but Biden was so incredibly horrible that all the attention is on Biden's disaster.

As said by a pundit, all Biden needed was a C- performance but he gave us an F. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Better question, what few things out of his smirking smug narcissistic burger hole were NOT lies!?

In other words, you cant point out one.



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Just now, Yagoda said:

In other words, you cant point out one.



I would say if YOU can't point out several that maybe YOU should seek a screening for cognitive decline.

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