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enlarged prostate.

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saw palmetto is the source of phytoestrogens. why order something from iHerb if it grows in Thailand?

but seriously - does this phytoestrogen works?

I thought it was for treating PMS and enlarging b00bs

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8 minutes ago, NativeBob said:

saw palmetto is the source of phytoestrogens. why order something from iHerb if it grows in Thailand?

but seriously - does this phytoestrogen works?

I thought it was for treating PMS and enlarging b00bs

Two large, high-quality studies funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), each using a different preparation of saw palmetto, found it was no more effective than a placebo (an inactive substance) for BPH symptoms. Saw palmetto products are made in a variety of ways and differ in composition. Some studies of saw palmetto products other than those used in the NIH-sponsored studies have suggested that they might be helpful for BPH symptoms, but many of these studies were of low quality. No saw palmetto product has been conclusively shown to be effective for BPH



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34 minutes ago, K2938 said:

Thank you for this, Sheryl.  I was advised that the key 5 year underlying evidence is from a manufacturer affiliated study putting a question mark over its reliability.  Moroeover, even this is just a single study and only 5 years.  So I was advised that if one views this over a longer period, like 10+ years, one will most likely need a conventional operation on top of this as the prostate just continutes to grow over the Urolift implants with a later operation at older age being much more dangerous.  The "EAU Guidelines on Non-Neurogenic Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS)" in their current, i.e. 2024, edition concluded as follows in view of the totality of the evidence currently available:


And that is what a 2024 study concluded:


"The reprocedure rate of UroLift at 4 yr is double the rate of TURP and PVP. In appropriately selected patients, UroLift might be a suitable option for those who desire symptomatic relief from BPH with minimal erectile and ejaculatory side effects. However, the risk of secondary surgical intervention should be considered when considering BPH treatments."



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5 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Two large, high-quality studies funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), each using a different preparation of saw palmetto, found it was no more effective than a placebo (an inactive substance) for BPH symptoms

thanks! I thought so too

there are so many "cure you prostates' herbal medications" online! 

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2 minutes ago, NativeBob said:

thanks! I thought so too

there are so many "cure you prostates' herbal medications" online! 

Most likely the change in diet did the flow wonder while palmetto became the placebo.

Serious conditions should be investigated and diognosed properly, not do self diognosis and self medication 

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Most likely the change in diet did the flow wonder while palmetto became the placebo.

Serious conditions should be investigated and diognosed properly, not do self diognosis and self medication 

you tell me. 

self medication crippled my dad. can't see without tears

Edited by NativeBob
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1 hour ago, aldriglikvid said:

Are there any known long term negative effects of 2.5mg Cialis daily?

Have been taking .5mg of the Thai Cialis for 4 years for BPH and the only side-effect is a noticeable (but not dramatic) uptick in Rosacea activity (known side affect), does help quite a bit. I am also taking what is now called the Triple Pill for low end high blood pressure but I buy the minimal doseage of the pills that make up the triple pill and cut them in half.  Much cheaper at $0.45 USD per day. Dials me right in for BP a week after starting to take and keeps me there.

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15 hours ago, p414 said:

 Hi Jim..

What medicines are you taking?

and do you have any side effects?

Mine are not too good and am looking for some way to stop taking my dutasteride and 400 micrograms Tamsulosin daily..[ all from Uk]

I was taking both finasteride and 0.4mg tamsulosin daily.  I stopped the finasteride because of peeing and ejaculating blood.  Then after a few episodes of acute urinary retention and emergency room visits my doctor prescribed a second dose of tamsulosin, one in the morning and one in the evening.  Works for me. 

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21 hours ago, p414 said:

 Hi Jim..

What medicines are you taking?

and do you have any side effects?

Mine are not too good and am looking for some way to stop taking my dutasteride and 400 micrograms Tamsulosin daily..[ all from Uk]

Hi p414,


I am taking 400 micrograms Tamsulosin (manufactured by Astellas, Meppel, The Netherlands) daily after a light breakfast.


No side-effects.

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7 hours ago, DrPhibes said:

Have been taking .5mg of the Thai Cialis for 4 years for BPH and the only side-effect is a noticeable (but not dramatic) uptick in Rosacea activity (known side affect), does help quite a bit. I am also taking what is now called the Triple Pill for low end high blood pressure but I buy the minimal doseage of the pills that make up the triple pill and cut them in half.  Much cheaper at $0.45 USD per day. Dials me right in for BP a week after starting to take and keeps me there.

What's the Thai Cialis name?

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The main side effects of cialis are headache, dyspepsia, nasal congestion, flushing and back pain. It also can lower blood pressure which can sometimes cause dizziness or fainting. This is most likley to happen in people combining cialis with alsohol or people on other blood pressure-lowering medications.


Cialis  must never be combined with certain heart medications (specifically, nitrates, and that includes both therapeutic medications and certain "recreataional" drugs e.g. poppers). Deaths have been reported from such combinations.


It is strongly recommended that anyone with cardiac problems, or on heart medications, consult their doctor before taking cialis (or other ED medications)

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On 7/6/2024 at 6:18 PM, JetsetBkk said:

I recently had a major checkup at Bangkok Phuket hospital - their "Emporer checkup program". 

One curious result was that my testosterone level is 50% higher than the top of the normal range. My doctor explained that Dutasteride, which I take for BPH, prevents an enzyme from converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). 

He recommended changing to saw palmetto, which I have done. 

Thanks for the post...I have bordered some 'saw palmetto' from Iherb..how much should I take each day?

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3 hours ago, JimHuaHin said:

Hi p414,


I am taking 400 micrograms Tamsulosin (manufactured by Astellas, Meppel, The Netherlands) daily after a light breakfast.


No side-effects.

Thanks Jim..I have been taking Dutasteride and 400 micrograms of tamsulosin daily for mor than 2 years..but get side effects [ I think from Durasteride].I will continue the tamulosin.but have ordered some saw palmetto and will try that instead of dutasteride...

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16 hours ago, Sheryl said:

It is intended to be a permanent solution. Follow up data at this point is for only 5 years as the device is new. 5 year results are favorable.




Should note that this, like Rezum, is suitable only for relatively small prostate size.  


Laser treatments can be used with larger prostates

Good morning,Sheryl.

I have ordered Saw Palmetto from I HERB...

Have you any idea of how much of this herb I should take daily?.

I will also carry on taking 400 micrograms of Tamsulosin but cut out Dutasteride.


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Hi there,

I saw your post about considering surgery for your enlarged prostate. While I can't speak to your exact situation, I wanted to share my own experience. I decided not to go on medication when I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate. Instead, I focused on making significant changes to my lifestyle.

I started walking over 10,000 steps a day and adopted a healthier diet. This approach has worked wonders for me. I went from needing to go to the bathroom every hour to just a few times a night.

It’s frustrating that doctors often don't emphasize lifestyle changes, but regular exercise and a balanced diet made a huge difference for me. Before opting for surgery, you might want to try incorporating more physical activity and making dietary changes. These could potentially reduce your symptoms and improve your overall health without the need for more medication.

Wishing you the best of luck with whatever path you choose, and I hope your pill-popping days come to an end soon!

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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

The main side effects of cialis are headache, dyspepsia, nasal congestion, flushing and back pain. It also can lower blood pressure which can sometimes cause dizziness or fainting. This is most likley to happen in people combining cialis with alsohol or people on other blood pressure-lowering medications.


Cialis  must never be combined with certain heart medications (specifically, nitrates, and that includes both therapeutic medications and certain "recreataional" drugs e.g. poppers). Deaths have been reported from such combinations.


It is strongly recommended that anyone with cardiac problems, or on heart medications, consult their doctor before taking cialis (or other ED medications)

Thanks. I have a larger prostrate but not much trouble, but I have noticed symptoms are worse now after my recent 9 hour back operation. I think it's everything rearranging itself as my posture has been changed with rods and screws. Dr put the curve back in my lumbar spine now I stand nearly normal and not bent right over. Dr said it could take a year to be mostly better.

So I will try that herbal Saw Palmetto. 

I am not on any blood pressure or other medicine.



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3 hours ago, carlyai said:

What's the Thai Cialis name?

Cialis is the trade name for Tadalafil which will probably be understood by a Thai pharmacist.

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1 hour ago, p414 said:

Good morning,Sheryl.

I have ordered Saw Palmetto from I HERB...

Have you any idea of how much of this herb I should take daily?.

I will also carry on taking 400 micrograms of Tamsulosin but cut out Dutasteride.


Sheryl...Noted your remark re 'small prostate.'..I think my prostate is twice normal size...Is this 'small' enlargement?

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1 hour ago, kiteman9 said:

Hi there,

I saw your post about considering surgery for your enlarged prostate. While I can't speak to your exact situation, I wanted to share my own experience. I decided not to go on medication when I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate. Instead, I focused on making significant changes to my lifestyle.

I started walking over 10,000 steps a day and adopted a healthier diet. This approach has worked wonders for me. I went from needing to go to the bathroom every hour to just a few times a night.

It’s frustrating that doctors often don't emphasize lifestyle changes, but regular exercise and a balanced diet made a huge difference for me. Before opting for surgery, you might want to try incorporating more physical activity and making dietary changes. These could potentially reduce your symptoms and improve your overall health without the need for more medication.

Wishing you the best of luck with whatever path you choose, and I hope your pill-popping days come to an end soon!

Thanks Kiteman, for your post and your best wishes..

Good luck to you with your health program.

I do not drink or smoke and play badminton regularly.. I do eat vegetables often [frozen] but not much fish..

Just one cup of coffee daily, but 4-6 cups of tea. I eat too much bread, cakes and cheddar cheese which I guess are not so good. I am close to 80 years old now.so surgery will be a lst resort.



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4 minutes ago, p414 said:

Sheryl...Noted your remark re 'small prostate.'..I think my prostate is twice normal size...Is this 'small' enlargement?

You really need an estimate in cc (ml)


Anyway doesn't matter if you are not contemplating Rezum or Urolift at this time.


But...stopping dutastreride, a drug which helps reduce/control prostate size - may lead to increased size and thus increased symptoms in the long run. You won't see the difference immediately, takes months..



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1 hour ago, kimamey said:


I started off when I was 65 in early 2021 with a slight problem of not emptying properly and needing to pee again shortly after. Not really a serious impact on my life to be honest. I'd had a prostate exam in my mid to late 50s that showed nothing.


From early 2021 things changed quickly I'd had further prostate exams but as I was told they can't feel right round the prostate apparently. I also has an ultrasound which hurt a bit. From the figures they  use an app to calculate the possibility of cancer which was 12% and 3% of it needing early treatment. I was offered an MRI if I wanted to check further, but it was up to me. I decided to take it to be safe. I'd already had discussions on possible treatments, which included hormone treatment, what the surgeon liked to call reboring my prostate, and removal of my prostate. There were other possibilities that weren't thought appropriate at the time but would be considered depending on future tests.


The MRI showed what might have been issues on both sides of the prostate but a biopsy would be needed. Not surprisingly that wasn't fun, but worse was to come. I'd done a previous flow and volume urine test which showed a problem and I was asked to do another after the biopsy. I could only do a very small amount and subsequent attempts were even worse until I couldn't go at all. The urge was there, but no relief. It was horrendous, I'd never felt anything like it. I assumed they'd have to fit a catheter, which I wasn't keen on based on previous experience. It was worse, they wanted me to poke the catheter up my penis myself, on a regular basis. I think they wait until it's unbearable so you don't refuse, plus they have a nurse stand next to you while you do it. Mandy, I still remember her name. The relief when it released was unbelievable. It turned out having to self catheter wasn't a problem.


When the results of the biopsy came through the treatment options had reduced to removal, and fairly quickly. I had the robotic prostatectomy on 1 November 2021. The incontinence early on was a shock but I'm now just using the thinnest Tena protective shields for the slight dribbles. If I run out of those I use the Sofy ones for women's periods as apart from large nappies there doesn't seem to be provision here for men. I returned to Thailand in early March 2022 and I was concerned about the flight so I had a large number of large and small pads for the flight but strangely I seemed to improve suddenly on that flight.


The point of this overly long post is that diagnosing that you have a problem with peeing is simple. You can see it yourself and it's down to an enlarged prostate, which is common in older men. It's the unseen cancer that has no symptoms that is the problem. I could very easily have missed the diagnosis and not be here now at 70.  My daughter's father in law died aged 65 from prostate cancer. He was diagnosed, and even then only because his friend needed a prostate exam and he said he'd go and have one as well for moral support. For him it was too late.


My treatment was under the NHS by the way.


Now I've scared the crap out of you all, I'll be off. 

Did you use any herbs, or did the Dr offer you alternative medication? 



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2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

You really need an estimate in cc (ml)


Anyway doesn't matter if you are not contemplating Rezum or Urolift at this time.


But...stopping dutastreride, a drug which helps reduce/control prostate size - may lead to increased size and thus increased symptoms in the long run. You won't see the difference immediately, takes months..



I thought taking saw palmetto would be used instead..IU still only know my prostate is twice normal size..what do professionals regard as 'large'?


1 hour ago, JetsetBkk said:

I have no medical training, but I take 450 mg before breakfast. Here's what Chatgpt says:



Thanks jetset.

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2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

You really need an estimate in cc (ml)


Anyway doesn't matter if you are not contemplating Rezum or Urolift at this time.


But...stopping dutastreride, a drug which helps reduce/control prostate size - may lead to increased size and thus increased symptoms in the long run. You won't see the difference immediately, takes months..


Thanks Sheryl..I thought taking saw palmetto would do instead of taking duodart which has many side effects....


5 minutes ago, p414 said:

I thought taking saw palmetto would be used instead..IU still only know my prostate is twice normal size..what do professionals regard as 'large'?


Thanks jetset.


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5 hours ago, Hummin said:

Did you use any herbs, or did the Dr offer you alternative medication? 




Well it was all a bit quick so I didn't really have time to consider it. The doctor would only be allowed to prescribe something if there was evidence to show it would have the desired affect. I don't know if any herbs have passed that test. A lot of medicines are formulations of the active ingredients of herbal remedies or alternatives to them. Extracts from willow bark were used before Aspirin was developed from it.

Hormone treatment, as far as I know is used to reduce the effect of testosterone which encourages the cancer. Once the results came through and it was clear the cancer was close to extending outside the prostate it needed to be removed quickly.

It saved me but I wouldn't recommend it otherwise. It took a lot longer than normal since the insertion of the various tubes to allow the insertion of the instruments, which apparently normally takes about 20 - 30 minutes, took around 2 hours due to mesh that had been inserted during previous hernia removal. The surgeon nearly gave up, which would have meant a normal operation through an incision.

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On 7/7/2024 at 7:26 PM, carlyai said:

What's the Thai Cialis name?

Sorry for the delay, just arrived in the US for a family vacation.  Apcalis and it's pretty cheap.  I take 20mg and cut them into quarters.

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On 7/7/2024 at 7:26 PM, carlyai said:

What's the Thai Cialis name?

Also for the blood pressure regulation, blood pressure medications telmisartan (20 mg), amlodipine (2.5 mg) and chlorthalidone (12.5 mg).


I get the lowest dosage of each which is 2x the above dosages and cut them in half.




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On 7/8/2024 at 8:26 AM, carlyai said:

What's the Thai Cialis name?


Name of the active ingredient is tadalafil.
Just ask for generic cialis.

400-500 depending on the pharmacy you use

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