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American Arrested for Stabbing Australian to Death in Thailand


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14 hours ago, MangoKorat said:

Why do people carry knives? The last thing I would ever do is go out with a knife in my pocket, it just doesn't enter my head to do so.  Alcohol + knives (or guns) + testosterone = trouble.


The 'hard man' has ruined the lives of the aussie's family and ruined his own life - for what?


Probably being a "hard man" is all he has in life.  Some people would rather die than back down from a fight.  Probably had a violent and abusive father.  Prisons and cemeteries are full of people who "don't take sh*t from no one".


Very sad state of affairs.

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3 hours ago, off road pat said:

Lots of people carry knives without ever killing someone. I always carry a multi tool with a knife incorporated. Before that, I had a folding knife.


Unless you are working, its totally unecessary.

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7 hours ago, heybruce said:

Some knives are trouble, other knives are tools.

The only knife you need in a restaurant is the one you eat your food with.  Working, DIY etc. fair enough but when out at night, its asking for trouble and there is no justification.

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8 hours ago, Baba Naba said:

Well, in the US most working men (those that use their hands for work. Keyboards do not count) carry a knife. You never know when you'll need one on the job, and not for self protection.

There is a clear distinction between work and leisure.  Note: in the OP the guy was in a restaurant.

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12 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Times are changing

Yes, there are more idiots out there.  Done him a lot of good hasn't it.  I'm told the food in Bang Kwang is pretty dire - hope his stomach is up to it.

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10 minutes ago, MangoKorat said:

The only knife you need in a restaurant is the one you eat your food with.  Working, DIY etc. fair enough but when out at night, its asking for trouble and there is no justification.

A post earlier said it was shown on local tv that the American went back to his house to get the knife. So pre-meditated 


9 hours ago, petermik said:

The American has a Thai wife...footage on Thai TV News shows the American going to his residence and returning with the knife......murder.

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9 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

Are police allowed to charge those found carrying a weapon on routine searches in Thailand, Australia or the UK? US obviously no, given the 'right to carry arms' culture


This problem has to be gripped and should be adopted in any right thinking nation. Get the w@nkz off the streets!


I'm not sure of the legalities.  But back around 1979 on an overnight bus trip from Loei to Bangkok, the cops searched our bus at a checkpoint.  All men had to get off.  They went through the bus and one cop asked my wife which bag was the foreigner's.  She pointed to a bag in overhead rack.  They searched it and found a knife with a blade about 10-12 inches long.  I had bought it from a blacksmith in the Ban Vinai refugee camp where I worked.
The cops tried to make a big deal of it but I argued that it was just a farmer knife.  I had worked with farmers the prior two years and always carried a big knife when I was out and about on my motorcycle.  They ended up giving it to the bus stewardess for safekeeping until we reached Bangkok.  She was mad that I had caused a delay and said she'd announced before the bus left to check "weapons" with her.
My wife never let on that she knew me.   I've always wondered what the cops thought when they found women's undergarments in our shared bag, LOL.

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41 minutes ago, MangoKorat said:

A man is dead because of such a stupid action.

Be specific and tell us exactly what action Taboo2 made reference to that caused the death of that Australian.

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3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Any man who carries a knife is a coward IMO.

One size fits all blanket statements like yours are usually made by idealists who have lived very narrow and sheltered lives.

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Platinioum rule in Thailand, as much as possible avoid mingling with the westerners here. Of course all are obviously not the types to avoid. But I personnaly keep my distances with the tatooed types or the mouthy scandinavian, UK, US or german types with their rent-a-week teen girlfriends and who love to boast all around.



Keep in mind that most of these people were nothing back home and had no social status whatsoever in their native homelands.



Once in Thailand, thanks to the exchange rate and cost of living many become overnight millionnaires. Of course I am only referring to those who are like that and obviously this is not charachteristic to all these nationals. So don't twist what I mean.


Those really loaded in wealth, rarely need to brag all over and would not be living here in the first place maybe ?


Avoid these chaps with their big ego issues or drug or booze abuse issues that are rarely visible at first signt.


Many can look decent but can suddenly shift and turn violent at the slightest contradiction or mainly after a few drinks and when in a club with girls. Their deeply rooted inner complexes and lack of self esteem can suddenly take over and turn them violent.


Have fun, stay safe, play around but never give your real address to strangers or bring any girlies back to your house especially if you live a a nice post pool villa.


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16 hours ago, AnotherOneHere said:

Sad and tragic accident. Hope they learn their lesson from this. 🙏


jesus, you should get the stupid post of the year award


keep on trolling

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I'm from Texas and live there half the time, looks like he traded his pistol for a knife when he moved to Thailand. 

My neighbor that lives across the street from me, told me one day if I had any trouble that he just bought an assault rifle. Holy S&&it.  I said ok thanks. I let him park in my driveway when I travel, and gave him a key to my house,  my house is more secure than if in a compound. I love it. But, I would never go over and start any trouble with him. Works for me, but I am a tea totaler. 


Bring that mentality to Thailand and you are in a world of trouble. This guy won't see daylight for a long time.

Edited by Gknrd
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11 hours ago, twizzian said:

To take take a knife out with you means your aggressive thoughts are ready for some action, and is a cowardly way to win a fight whoever starts the argument.

The world is much more violent these days than it ever was

More often than not, I've carried a knife ever since I was a Boy Scout ("Be Prepared!").  Useful tool.

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19 minutes ago, Damrongsak said:

More often than not, I've carried a knife ever since I was a Boy Scout ("Be Prepared!").  Useful tool.

Are you American? Should we expect to see you in the news soon when you get drunk and angry? All people that carry knifes to bars in Thailand should be arrested 


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46 minutes ago, Damrongsak said:

More often than not, I've carried a knife ever since I was a Boy Scout ("Be Prepared!").  Useful tool.

Good for you! I carried a .38 caliber revolver for a number of years when I drove a taxicab in San Francisco and made numerous citizen's arrests with it. I also shot one holdup man who had just robbed me. Bottom-line, I have dealt with all kinds of people in my life and I can tell you not to pay any attention to anyone who tries to convince that you have emotional problems for carrying a weapon of some sort to defend yourself. In fact, it has been my experience that those types of individuals are useless and can never be depended on to aid their fellow citizens if they are being attacked by criminals. 

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19 hours ago, Taboo2 said:



Aussies need to understand that America is a violent country.  Everyone I know back there is packing some kind of heat when they go out.


Such is life....and alcohol is to blame.  Best if they had some Green.

You have no idea as to what the dispute was about. For all you know, the deceased could have attacked the accused. Why not wait for the facts of the event to be established?

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7 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Any man who carries a knife is a coward IMO.


Hope he gets life in the Bangkok Hilton, alcohol is no excuse, e.g. he had the knife before he started drinking.


Too bad for the Ozzie and his family, so a young a mans life is lost, because of a gutless bastard.


C'mon. My friend is a fishing fanatic. He has a folding filet and deboning gizmo that he carries in his bag all the time. I have a a mountaineer utility pocket device in my side back that has a blade long and sharp enough to slice open a throat.  It also has a corkscrew that can crack a head,  multipurpose hook that Denzel Washington used to kill someone with in the Equalizer, and metal saw that can sever a finger.  It also has a saw blade, a corkscrew.   This doesn't make me a coward, just someone who can McGyver my way out of a lot of common incidents.

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He would get a life sentence in Texas, they should deport him back to the US. 

What will happen now? If he is wealthy enough he can walk out to freedom soon.


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8 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

These Americans are violent people 


They have ruined their own Country with guns and violence and want to impose their violence in other Countries .

Apparently in some States they walk around with guns on their hips ,why you ask ....wait for it...to protect themselves from their fellow American countrymen!


What a country to live in ....low wages .... homelessness...no unemployment benefits after 6 months ..walking around with guns ...lovely place 


These Americans know no better ..one American guy on here was shocked that in Australia we get 6 weeks annual leave and double rates working Sundays ....your joking he said 

Average Salary

USA. $63,795

AU     $65,660


Not much difference in average salary


Unemployment Rate


USA 4.1%

AU   4.1%


GDP per capital 

USA $84,057

AU   $66,589


Violent Crime

USA 389/100,000

AU   290/100,000


BTW I have 8 of leaves per year. 


No one should have more than 6 months of unemployment pay less there is a reason for it.  People always magically find job when the 6 months ends. The term is often extended during recession.   

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8 hours ago, Sandboxer said:


I'm an American who hates guns. Yet, if I were to live in that s-hole again, I'd be armed to the teeth a day after I arrive. It's simply too late to impose any kind of effective gun control legislation. Estimated 350-450 million guns, of which only about 6m are actually registered.


I never carry, nor do I ever feel like I’m ever in danger.   Where did you live?  

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54 minutes ago, TedG said:

Average Salary

USA. $63,795

AU     $65,660


Not much difference in average salary


Unemployment Rate


USA 4.1%

AU   4.1%


GDP per capital 

USA $84,057

AU   $66,589


Violent Crime

USA 389/100,000

AU   290/100,000


BTW I have 8 of leaves per year. 


No one should have more than 6 months of unemployment pay less there is a reason for it.  People always magically find job when the 6 months ends. The term is often extended during recession.   

So after 6 months unemployment your on ya knees !

Or you are forced to take a job kissing the boss's bum for $8 an hour or tips only 


Lovely the way it treats it citizens , 


You get 8 weeks annual because you work a University Professor job and are privileged ,the normal American doesn't get 8 weeks annual leave !!!


How about the workers who are forced up work for tips or $6 an hour because they are unskilled ,they're getting a lousy 2 weeks annual leave working in a supermarket or being forced to be Casual or on call


Rich vs poor ,shocking place ,more working poor 🥺

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44 minutes ago, TedG said:


I never carry, nor do I ever feel like I’m ever in danger.   Where did you live?  

Exactly because you feel like that everyone else should be too

He lives in Alice Springs 

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1 hour ago, TedG said:

Average Salary

USA. $63,795

AU     $65,660


Not much difference in average salary


Unemployment Rate


USA 4.1%

AU   4.1%


GDP per capital 

USA $84,057

AU   $66,589


Violent Crime

USA 389/100,000

AU   290/100,000


BTW I have 8 of leaves per year. 


No one should have more than 6 months of unemployment pay less there is a reason for it.  People always magically find job when the 6 months ends. The term is often extended during recession.   

Age is the biggest negative regarding finding employment, that goes for Thailand also, only Thailand's starts earlier (35 years approx)

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Carrying  a knife like the one in the picture when going out drinking at night means only one thing:  the bearer intends to use it as a weapon in a confrontation.




Knives are useful tools in a number a trades and also when fishing, camping, gardening, etc.  NONE of that applies when drinking in a bar.  I hope my countryman is punished to the full extent of Thai law for killing the Ausstralian. 


Tourists and resident ex-pats don't need to carry any knife larger than a multi-tool pocketknife when out drinking and even that is mostly unnecessary.


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