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Swiss Expat Sentencing in Phuket Set for September 3rd


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7 hours ago, mdr224 said:

To assume that as a foreigner you have any rights here would be a mistake

 I don't think that its  only foreigners  who suffer  in that respect ,  Nobody really has any "rights" here, it all depends on who you know,     Even as a foreigner, knowing the right people or having the right connections can make all the difference 

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9 hours ago, mdr224 said:

Sounds like a pretty believable story to me from my experiences here. When things go wrong here they go really wrong really quickly. And no lawyer or policeman will save you

Over the years there have indeed been many stories of things going very very  wrong very very quickly for some people. whilst in many cases  people  only have themselves to blame, there is no shortage of innocent people who have become the victims of circumstances and ended up  "up to their neck " in the brown stuff

9 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Not true, have had several things going wrong over the years but never got in any serious trouble. Police did help.

Never say never,    It might not have happened to you,  but that does not mean that it never will, or that it has never happened to anybody else.   The police may well have helped you previously, but their services  can be  bought  and as such  their  assistance cannot be taken for granted to the extent that it might be in one's country of  origin  ,  

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2 hours ago, Tomtomtom69 said:


My guess is, he'll be showing up in Cambodia, Laos or Vietnam within weeks of being deported from Thailand to try the same scam he was involved in here.


That is what I was thinking.


He won't get much of a chance in Vietnam, they can be sticklers for rules and regulations plus it can be tough to stay there when not married to a Vietnamese or a legitimate business, (of course there are ways around it) They are on the ball in Vietnam, usually.


The country with the weakest government enforcement, and allows a lot of latitude, would be Cambodia, which also has plenty of elephants.


I hope he doesn't head there,


Cambodia doesn't need idiots like him.

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9 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

He is getting what he deserves:

  • Blocking an ambulance
  • Kicking someone in the back who sits at the beach near his home
  • Waving a gun around somewhere else


He isn't on trial for two of those things, though.

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14 hours ago, smedly said:
15 hours ago, Dave0206 said:

Oh oh kicked wrong person looking like swiss david may have to find new country to live.im sure owner of luxury villa must be p"ssed off too that the steps were shown to be illegal must make access to beach harder

what ?


incoherent bs

Nothing incoherent about that comment.

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13 hours ago, steven100 said:

The Dr will get a few hundred thousand baht as compensation,  sore back etc ... 

Everyone will get a birds nest basket and flowers and wai's all around.

It'll all be put down as a big misunderstanding ....      and it'll be forgotten in a couple of weeks. 

It's been going on for twenty-two weeks already, if that settlement was happening it would have happened by now.

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12 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

If my wife or anyone I cared about were kicked like this, I’d be demanding a Machiavellian response

A Machiavellian response?  Huh?  Why would you be demanding that?  I'd be looking for a draconian punishment.

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21 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

It's been going on for twenty-two weeks already, if that settlement was happening it would have happened by now.

I've read a few posts you made can not disagree with any of them .

My own comment was regarding the fact as stated by many the Dr was not for paying off and I say good for her.

As highlighted swiss david has made a name for himself as a bully kicking a woman. Blocking an ambulance ect ect  are only the ones we hear about I very much doubt his behaviour other times was exemplary so I say uck him.

Other members moan about the fact thai's are worse we all know thai judiciary is not the best but farangs are guests in this country so kicking them out is an option not open to locals.

Either way his day in court is coming up and I for one would not be surprised @ any verdict after all a low level government official can get 200 years for corruption whilst others well list is too long if he is kicked out I say auf wiedersehen

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13 hours ago, RT555 said:

Send this Eurotrash home on Sept 4th.

Two errors in a  6 word sentence, congrats.


1 euro is a money

2 The guy is from Switzerland, not an European Union country

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6 minutes ago, vangrop said:

Two errors in a  6 word sentence, congrats.


1 euro is a money

2 The guy is from Switzerland, not an European Union country

People drink too much or are just plain dumb.

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10 hours ago, saakura said:

Very strange, a Swiss national running an elephant sanctuary in Thailand, and that too in Phuket. Unless he is some kind of animal expert.

Some time ago I read that after Inquiry the authorities had found that all except one were "rented" from Thai farmers.

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23 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

Rubbish, Thais pay compensation to drop charges all the time. It is way the legal system works here, the police see if they can get a compromise which saves court time.

Very clever these Thais.

I think Swiss Dave tried the wai, sorry, compensation route, but the doctor wouldn't accept, and asked for charges of assault to be brought against him. Plus the public outcry and demonstrations ensured this was always going to court.

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14 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

 The police may well have helped you previously, but their services  can be  bought  and as such  their  assistance cannot be taken for granted to the extent that it might be in one's country of  origin  ,  

Police in my country are useless.

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13 hours ago, still kicking said:
14 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

No, the victim did.

What do you call a victim? I used to get a kick in the backside when I was young did I sue anybody?

1. The victim is the woman who was attacked.

2.  The woman is not suing Fehr, he is being prosecuted by the Thai authorities.

3.  You could have sued for the abuse if you had wanted to.

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13 hours ago, vangrop said:

Two errors in a  6 word sentence, congrats.


1 euro is a money

2 The guy is from Switzerland, not an European Union country

If you want to be like that , there are more than three errors in your own comment!


1.  "1 euro is a money"...what?  One euro is one euro.

2.   The euro is a currency, not "a money"

3.   Switzerland is a European country, geographically.

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14 hours ago, Dave0206 said:

after all a low level government official can get 200 years for corruption

If we're referring to the same case, that person got a theoretical 200+ years because there were 50 offences that he was charged with; even if it was humanly possible he wouldn't have to serve 200+years.  That type of penalty is not peculiar to Thailand, it is normal in most, if not all legal systems...commit multiple offences, get multiple charges and multiple sentences.

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2 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

If we're referring to the same case, that person got a theoretical 200+ years because there were 50 offences that he was charged with; even if it was humanly possible he wouldn't have to serve 200+years.  That type of penalty is not peculiar to Thailand, it is normal in most, if not all legal systems...commit multiple offences, get multiple charges and multiple sentences.

I understand all I am trying to say is as we all know the bar is not set equally where ludicrous excuses are given and accepted ( watches from friend) example  so whatever the decision of the court on the swiss man non of us should be surprised harsh or lenient there is 2 weeks left before publicly decision is given 

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