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Yvette Cooper Vows Unprecedented Crackdown on Illegal Migration

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5 hours ago, Social Media said:

Home Office caseworkers since the election, specifically to track down, detain, and return illegal migrants. Moreover, up to 100 new specialist intelligence and investigations officers are being recruited to the National Crime Agency (NCA). These officers will collaborate closely with European agencies to target and dismantle people-smuggling gangs.

It seems the Home Secretary has hit the ground running.


She of course needed to given the utter shambles the Tories left rotting.


5 hours ago, Social Media said:

This initiative marks a significant shift in the government’s approach, as Cooper aims to expand immigration detention centres to facilitate the removal of over 14,500 illegal migrants within the next six months.


Hardly a shift, it’s a development of the already imitated measures quoted above.


So the Home Secretary is getting on with the job he predecessor failed to do, and look ladies and gentlemen at who’s doing all the moaning.

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7 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


And all the fakes can be deported ASAP. 

I absolutely agree, moreover I don’t know anyone that does disagree with deporting bogus asylum seekers.


But here’s a thing Jonny, they first need to have their claim assessed, something the last Government had failed to do resulting in a backlog of over a thousand cases while the Government cut funding to the immigration service.


As this article points out, the new Labour Home Secretary is taking positive steps to address the mess she inherited, I’m only surprised you aren’t backing her and wishing her every success.

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8 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


If I believed her I would back her.


I strongly suspect this is simply an attempt to placate the vast number of people in the UK who are absolutely fed up with the current situation. An attempt to reverse the tanking popularity of Starmer and his government. His Stalin impersonation has failed so now we have the empty words from Cooper. Lip service. She will do nothing. 

So those extra 300 places in detention centers, an extra 300 case officers, 100 new intelligence officers.


Is The Telegraph telling lies?

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12 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

So those extra 300 places in detention centers, an extra 300 case officers, 100 new intelligence officers.


Is The Telegraph telling lies?


"will be" recruited.


"are being" created.


I suspect it is not the Telegraph that is lying. 

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Does she not understand that detaining illegal immigrants is not a solution. She must stop the boats coming by sticking a middle finger up to Europe and sinking the boats until the traffickers get the message. Enough is enough!

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Does anyone know WHERE she will be sending them to? Back to their home countries? Very expensive. Back to France? I doubt the French will agree. Certainly not Rwanda.

Destroying the gangs that arranged for them to enter the UK is probably the best idea. Confiscate the money they made.

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7 minutes ago, Purdey said:

Does anyone know WHERE she will be sending them to? Back to their home countries? Very expensive. Back to France? I doubt the French will agree. Certainly not Rwanda.

Destroying the gangs that arranged for them to enter the UK is probably the best idea. Confiscate the money they made.


She hasn't got a clue about any of it. It's a soundbite to try and placate the people who are already regretting their decision to vote Labour into power. 




She's good at holding up placards saying #refugeeswelcome. Governing? Not so much. 

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1 hour ago, Purdey said:

Does anyone know WHERE she will be sending them to? Back to their home countries? Very expensive. Back to France? I doubt the French will agree. Certainly not Rwanda.

Destroying the gangs that arranged for them to enter the UK is probably the best idea. Confiscate the money they made.


You've hit the nail on the head. The key is destroying the gangs that arrange for illegal immigrants to enter the country.


The question is how do you do that? I imagine that most European governments would like to know the answer to that question.


Until then, we are stuck with those who will do no more than complain about any Labour government policy without giving it a second thought or a chance to succeed (or fail).

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3 hours ago, Purdey said:

Does anyone know WHERE she will be sending them to? Back to their home countries? Very expensive. Back to France? I doubt the French will agree. Certainly not Rwanda.

Destroying the gangs that arranged for them to enter the UK is probably the best idea. Confiscate the money they made.

France has no wish to accept returned migrants, indeed every 50 that make it off their beaches are 50 less to worry about. For that reason alone, they are unlikely to do more than pay lip service to co-operation. Pragmatically ( and the French can be very pragmatic) the people smugglers are rather doing them a favour!

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24 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

France has no wish to accept returned migrants, indeed every 50 that make it off their beaches are 50 less to worry about. For that reason alone, they are unlikely to do more than pay lip service to co-operation. Pragmatically ( and the French can be very pragmatic) the people smugglers are rather doing them a favour!


I agree and not it's not just France. I dare say every European country holds a similar view which, imo, is why Europe as a whole needs to act as one and search for a co-ordinated, collaborative solution to the problem.

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47 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

Sinking the boats in the channel is NOT the solution. It is simply not acceptable, morally not politically.



Well said. It really is that simple. How anyone could disagree with your statement is beyond me

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7 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

As you've stated most European governments don't know how to destroy the people smuggling gangs. Even with the overarching EU in place (which you'd think would enable member states to seek a solution together), the gangs continue unabated. 

So if the gangs can't be stopped the focus needs to be on deterrents.


The UK is way too fair toward illegal migrants, giving them housing, cash etc, plus once in the country it's almost impossible to deport them (as was shown by that Kurdish guy with multiple convictions who went on to push someone onto the tracks in the London Underground). 


The UK is a magnet for those reasons. We need to stop being so fair minded, and stop lining the pockets of immigration lawyers. 


Notwithstanding that I disagree that the UK is any more of a magnet for illegal immigrants than countries such as Germany, it's fair to point out that in the absence of a solution which destroys the smuggling gangs, deterrents are necessary. (Incidentally, I assume that you are not suggesting starving illegal immigrants).


However, the government faces no end of problems in this regard. Ignoring my misgivings about the treatment of these individuals, I would still question what form these deterrents should take: For example, would the Rwandan plan be successful i.e. have the desired deterrent effect? Is it financially viable? Other suggestions such as returning illegal migrants to France are imo non-starters unless the UK wants to provoke a major diplomatic incident with the EU (I discount blowing up the boats for the same reason as HeffieHandbag: Imo no civilised person should even contemplate the idea).


Controlling illegal immigration might not be impossible but - to restate the blindingly obvious - it certainly isn't easy.

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6 minutes ago, Regyai said:

If you keep fete'ing them with god sent benefits when they arrive in country of course they'll keep on a'comin


Make it so there's no point in coming and they wont


Right to the point, and this doesn't account for the UK only, but for the whole of the western world.

We need foreign workforce, so we are told, so if you want to come for working you're welcome.

Give them the first 2 months after arrival free in a low cost stay, without any other benefits other than maybe free food, and if they after 2 months don't have a job, return to sender

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12 minutes ago, CallumWK said:


Right to the point, and this doesn't account for the UK only, but for the whole of the western world.

We need foreign workforce, so we are told, so if you want to come for working you're welcome.

Give them the first 2 months after arrival free in a low cost stay, without any other benefits other than maybe free food, and if they after 2 months don't have a job, return to sender

Why do “we” need foreign workforce? 


I can’t speak to the UK, but in the US, the labor force participation rate is 62% overall, and 68% for men. 


The rich want cheap labor and a citizenry that is dependent on the government. 



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