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Stealing a Federal Election

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This should be the shortest topic ever, because I am inviting the Trumpers to show proof that the 2020 election was stolen (implying that the 2024 election could be stolen, as well).


I have served as a poll watcher, and have watched the votes being counted.


I suspect that the foreign Trump supporters are clueless about election procedures, maybe the domestic variety, too.

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13 minutes ago, johng said:

Any Proof has long since been eradicated   

your "fact checkers" will no doubt opine that there was never any proof  without providing "proof" of no proof 😋


Did you watch the mail in ballots  the automated counting machines that were ( and still are) open to hacking  let alone not accepting slightly out out spec paper   or the printers not able to print the paper in the first place  the illegal or dead voters ???

unexplained power cuts ,flooding and Covid outbreaks at polling stations etc etc etc... :cheesy:

Tell me how mail in ballots were fraudulent.

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2 minutes ago, johng said:

 You tell me  you're the expert "poll watcher"

It's impossible to fraudulently submit mass numbers of mail in ballots, such as "pre printed ballots". Anyone who believes in fake mail in ballots doesn't understand elections.

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You may as well have asked for evidence that The Gulf of Tonkin was a lie between1964 when it happened and 1971 when The Pentagon Papers leaked out. 


We won't know the truth for years, if ever.  Maybe during Trump's next term...  Otherwise it'll be after Pelosi, Clinton(s), Obama and the rest shuffle off their mortal coils, or the statutes of limitations expire.


Hillary says the Russkies stole 2016, and she'd never lie.  And Wray just came out and said the Russkies have been meddling for years and years.  So I'm really questioning the narrative that 2000 was the most fair and secure election in the history of elections.


Meantime, 40% of the voters don't trust the results, including millions of Dems.



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