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Ugandan Killer Spared Deportation from the UK Due to Mental Health Concerns

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A Ugandan national, convicted of a brutal murder in London, has won a legal battle to remain in the UK, despite efforts by the Home Office to deport him. The man, identified only as ZM, was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2006 for the murder of Eugen Breahna, whom he and a gang viciously attacked in the back of an ambulance. The court ruled that deporting ZM to Uganda would breach his human rights due to the lack of adequate mental health treatment in his home country.


The case revolved around ZM’s deteriorating mental health. Lawyers representing him argued that deportation to Uganda, where proper psychiatric care is unavailable, would be “inhumane” and lead to a rapid decline in his condition. They successfully invoked Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which protects individuals from inhuman or degrading treatment.


The court accepted that ZM would face "serious, rapid and irreversible decline" in his mental state if deported, citing the absence of adequate medical facilities in Uganda. Judge Christopher John Hanson emphasized, “I find that if [ZM] was removed to Uganda there would be serious, rapid and irreversible decline in their state of health resulting in intense suffering or significant reduction in life expectancy.”


ZM’s crime, a brutal murder, shocked London. He was part of a North London gang that pursued their victim, Eugen Breahna, into the back of an ambulance, where Breahna had sought refuge from the attackers. Armed with baseball bats and golf clubs, ZM and the gang cornered him and savagely beat him to death. Prosecutor Aftab Jafferjee described the horror of the incident in court, saying, “He was trapped like a caged animal and clubbed to death in a place most normal human beings would think offered them sanctuary.” ZM, who was 18 at the time of the murder and is now 37, was ordered to serve a minimum of 16 years in prison.


Following his release, the Home Office sought to deport ZM to Uganda, but a first-tier immigration judge blocked the move. The Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, appealed the decision, but the appeal was dismissed. The court was told that ZM suffers from a psychiatric disorder characterized by a “pervasive distrust and suspiciousness,” which causes him to hold grudges and grievances against those he perceives as having wronged him. His lawyers argued that deportation would exacerbate his condition, as living in an unfamiliar environment without support in Uganda would likely lead to a worsening of his mental health.


The court found that ZM would face a traumatic experience if deported, as he has no friends or contacts in Uganda and would be separated from his mother, who resides in the UK. Judge Hanson noted, “All of those factors lead me to conclude that there is a real risk of ill-treatment, capable of breaching [ZM’s] Article 3 rights, in the context of reception procedures in Uganda.”


ZM’s case is just one of thousands currently before the UK courts. As of March this year, there were 27,000 appeals waiting to be heard, a significant rise from the previous year. The backlog is further complicated by over 110,000 asylum seekers in the system, and the Refugee Council predicts that the number of deportation challenges based on human rights grounds will continue to grow.


Based on a report from: Daily Telegraph 2024-09-24







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1 hour ago, BarraMarra said:

This is exactly why Farage the Reform leader wants the UK to leave the Human Rights laws from European judges to decide for ourselves when a criminal is kicked out of the UK. We in the UK are fed up with murder's, rapists, child abusers are given another chance once there Sentence is over. The Human Rights lawyers are the first to be contacted to avoid deportation.

What about the thousands of British rapists murderers and child abusers? What would you do with them?

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3 hours ago, BarraMarra said:

This is exactly why Farage the Reform leader wants the UK to leave the Human Rights laws from European judges to decide for ourselves when a criminal is kicked out of the UK. We in the UK are fed up with murder's, rapists, child abusers are given another chance once there Sentence is over. The Human Rights lawyers are the first to be contacted to avoid deportation.



Nothing to do with European judges.

Edited by Will B Good
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3 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

Great. So nutters from all over the third world know that they can go to the UK and have free food and lodging.

12.500 have arrived over the Channel in there rubber boats since our new PM took office two and a half Months ago free everything even a translator because most dont speak English.Tropicalevo. 

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16 hours ago, Social Media said:

The court was told that ZM suffers from a psychiatric disorder characterized by a “pervasive distrust and suspiciousness,” which causes him to hold grudges and grievances against those he perceives as having wronged him.


The real disgrace is that a person in this state of mind has been released onto the streets within 19 years of committing a horrific murder.


If he's too mental to be deported he has NO business on the streets where he might easily feel slighted at any time of night or day or on any bus or in any shop he doesn't get what he wants. He should have immediately been sectioned after release.


Minimum 16 years. What a joke.


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4 hours ago, Will B Good said:




Tories are to blame....they let them all in.


14 years they allowed this to continue.

Moreover they closed the avenues for people to seek asylum before arriving in the UK.

And then failed to clear the applications of migrants who made it to the UK, leading to a backlog of over 100,000 claimants rotting at cost to the public purse.



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4 hours ago, Will B Good said:




Tories are to blame....they let them all in.


14 years they allowed this to continue.

The person in the article has served 16 years in prison. 


He was 18 at the time of the murder. He's 37 now. That's 19 years. 

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12 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:



   As it happened in 2006 , wouldn't it have been the Blair/Brown Labour Government in power at the  time who "let them all in" ?

There is zero information in the report that provides any indication of when he entered the UK or under what circumstances.

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14 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

There is zero information in the report that provides any indication of when he entered the UK or under what circumstances.


  I was replying to the statement that it was the Tories "who let them in" , I was just pointing out that there would have been a Labour Government then and not a Tory Government 

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What's done is done its no good blaming others from years gone by. What is important is the release of murder's and Rapist locked up and one released they use the old Human Rights ticket and as usual we have to pay them on release instead of sending them back to there Country of origin. 

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14 hours ago, youreavinalaff said:

What about the thousands of British rapists murderers and child abusers? What would you do with them?

Hang them from a rope.


A child rapist wasn't even given a prison sentence recently. The jails full with people writing nasty words on the internet according to the judge.......  

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10 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

There is zero information in the report that provides any indication of when he entered the UK or under what circumstances.


Might be a good idea to stop blaming the Tories then 😆.

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12 hours ago, BarraMarra said:

The Human rights court sits in Strasbourg where human rights are decided not the UK. 


Because the UK is signed up to the ECHR....nothing to do with 'foreign' judges as such...they just apply the law.


The court could have been set up in London.


The European Court of Human Rights is made up of one judge from each of the 46 member states of the Council of Europe. The Council was set up in 1949 to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

Each judge is elected for a single, non-renewable nine-year term, and is required to be independent and impartial while carrying out their judicial functions.


Tim Eicke KC is the current UK judge at the Court. 

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