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The EU's Struggle with Identity: A Shift Towards Xenophobia and Ethnic Nationalism?

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On 9/27/2024 at 12:11 PM, Sigmund said:

Speak to the managers of your Pension Funds, should it be in the US or in Europe. They will all confirm the high yields in the portfolios during Trump's term. Like Trump or not, but for the economy, he's the best to do the job as he...he knows how to make money and not live off public money orΒ  to live through the "commissions" got from the arms lobbys.

Life (and the economy) was better nearly anywhere in the world before the pandemic. Surprising? πŸ˜ƒ

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On 9/27/2024 at 2:21 PM, JonnyF said:

Which would be a terrible shameΒ :coffee1:.

Not in my opinion. The EEC was probably a good idea for Europe, but the push to make it a political and monetary union was ill considered and an expensive mistake, as was expanding it willy nilly.


Far as I'm concerned, it was always a project that would fail, as the political structure is not fit for purpose.


The most obvious failure is the liberal idiots trying to force all the EU countries to share the illegals that they were so keen to invite in.

Now of course the results is plain- right wing gains in elections and countries like Germany desperately imposing "restrictions' that are so pathetic as to be meaningless.


IMO it's going to fail anyway, so now is as good a time as any.

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15 hours ago, blazes said:


SameΒ  applies to BLUESPUNK...Β  Not been seen/heard since March 2023..

He was even more prolific than Chomper.

I'd completely forgotten about him. Mind you, so many posters have vanished in past year it's hard to remember them all.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Not in my opinion. The EEC was probably a good idea for Europe, but the push to make it a political and monetary union was ill considered and an expensive mistake, as was expanding it willy nilly.


Far as I'm concerned, it was always a project that would fail, as the political structure is not fit for purpose.


The most obvious failure is the liberal idiots trying to force all the EU countries to share the illegals that they were so keen to invite in.

Now of course the results is plain- right wing gains in elections and countries like Germany desperately imposing "restrictions' that are so pathetic as to be meaningless.


IMO it's going to fail anyway, so now is as good a time as any.

The liberal idiots...keen to invite in? How long has the EU been going? 31 years. Maastricht and Thatcher, remember? You think everything was foreseeable back then? And who exactly has extended an invitation to illegal migrants? The first wave of "migrants" was from the newly joined eastern European countries liberated from the Soviet jackboot. And who didn't "hire a Pole" to get the job done, cheaply and efficiently, outclassing the Brit working classes with their Β£70 call out fees etc. Seems there's immigration and there's Islam. If the West chooses to invade and destroy several middle eastern countries, well actions have consequences. If millions end up on your doorstep as a result, next time, maybe think twice before devastating their countries.

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3 minutes ago, bradiston said:

If the West chooses to invade and destroy several middle eastern countries, well actions have consequences. If millions end up on your doorstep as a result, next time, maybe think twice before devastating their countries.


Yes that lying idiot Liberal Tony Blair and his imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction and subsequent destabilizing of the middle east certainly has a lot to answer for.Β 

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2 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Yes that lying idiot Liberal Tony Blair and his imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction and subsequent destabilizing of the middle east certainly has a lot to answer for.Β 

True, but he's flown the coop. As have Bush and the rest of the gang. Probably go down in history as one of the greatest foreign policy blunders ever made.

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I 'think' a lot of the problem of immigration into the EU is the fact it is made of largely young males.


Young men are a problem even when they are indigenous to a country.


My Grandparents went to the US as a family. Both they and my parents learnt English within a few years and were fully integrated, not sure thats true for the demographic entering the EU, who, if the media is to be believed seem to want to live in ethnic enclaves.


I'm now a third generation latino, my daughters fourth and I would never consider myself anything but an American. I speak Spanish but I'm most definitely not a Mexican. Even my Thai son, born in Singapore educated in the US see's himself as American, while still recognizing his ethnic roots


I think thats the real difference with this wave of migration we're seeing across the world



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2 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

I 'think' a lot of the problem of immigration into the EU is the fact it is made of largely young males.


Young men are a problem even when they are indigenous to a country.


My Grandparents went to the US as a family. Both they and my parents learnt English within a few years and were fully integrated, not sure thats true for the demographic entering the EU, who, if the media is to be believed seem to want to live in ethnic enclaves.


I'm now a third generation latino, my daughters fourth and I would never consider myself anything but an American. I speak Spanish but I'm most definitely not a Mexican. Even my Thai son, born in Singapore educated in the US see's himself as American, while still recognizing his ethnic roots


I think thats the real difference with this wave of migration we're seeing across the world



It's unfortunate that the very word "immigrant" has such low life connotations. Migrant I suppose might be described as a "woke" version, or displaced person, of whom there are millions. Migration has been happening throughout human history. The US is really a nation founded on migration. It wouldn't exist without it. Most of the "English" migrated from Celtic nations and Europe. It's nothing new. At some points in history, it was the Jews who were reviled and exiled, from Europe in particular. The Irish and Caribbean people have suffered, and no doubt, continue to suffer discrimination. Times change, and we're in the "target Islam" era. But we kicked over the bee's nest and now we're getting stung.

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10 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

This won't help the EU. Someone should have told them that every action has a reaction.Β 






Yeah, the "Friends of Adolf" party, what my father and probably yours, went to war with Germany about. Of course Adolf was an Austrian by birth. We hear the same rhetoric used against Moslems as was used against the Jews. In any case, a better description might have been inaction has reactions. Let's see what these bogeymen from the right can come up with other than a lot of rabble rousing hate speech.

Edited by bradiston
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1 minute ago, bradiston said:

In any case, a better description might have been inaction has reactions.


I disagree. there has been a deliberate shift in many European countries to bring in swathes of immigrants and the public was expected to shut up and take it in silence. Anyone who raised concerns was labelled a racist, bigot, xenophobe etc.Β 


It doesn't really work like that.Β 


The massive over-reach by the EU was bound to create a rise in political partys like this. They were just too stupid/arrogant to see/acknowledge it.

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