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Your opinion on leasing ? Why isn’t more popular ? It offers some kind of certainty

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Hi guys,


I’m a 59 years old frenchman who will come and live in Thailand in about 4 years time.


I will probably be renting as it guarantees freedom but … at the same, I was thinking about leasing (not straight away but after a while, once having explored around a bit). 


What’s your opinion about the value of leasing?

Thanks for your advice and help figuring out that stuff,


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Renting vs Leasing? Aren't they the same thing? Are you talking about property, a vehicle or a woman? 


Please clarify for us as many may be curious as to your plan.


Edited by soi3eddie
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37 minutes ago, Franck60 said:

I’m a 59 years old frenchman who will come and live in Thailand in about 4 years time.


in 4 years a lot can change, in your personal life as in thailand as well ...

it seems you're serious about your plan to leave your home country ...:smile: 


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@Franck60 What are you talking about? I assume you are talking about a car?

53 minutes ago, soi3eddie said:


Renting vs Leasing? Aren't they the same thing?


Renting and leasing are not the same12. Here are some differences between the two:

  • Leasing contracts have two parties – lessor and lessee. A rental agreement has two parties as well – landlord and tenant.
  • Leasing is usually done for assets/equipment. Renting is mostly done for properties or lands.
  • In leasing, the servicing and maintenance are done by the lessee when s/he takes the equipment on lease. In renting, on the other hand, the servicing and maintenance are done by the landlord even if the tenant takes the property on rent.
  • The critical difference between lease and rent is their duration. Whereas a leasing remains valid for the period specified in a formal agreement (typically one year), a rental agreement could cover a short-term period for month-to-month stays or vacation rentals.
Edited by Gottfrid
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