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2 minutes ago, Inderpland said:

This must be at least the 8th post by you I've had the misfortune to read where you call someone 'stark raving mad', just in the last couple of days.

May I suggest that if your linguistic skill are that limited you use an app like 'Grammarly' or 'ClickUp' to help you with your shortcomings?


He's just a troll.  His comments rarely make any actual sense.

1 minute ago, BangkokReady said:


Who is saying this???

I have bumped into many europeans in Hua Hin who were more or less claiming such rubbish and considering themselves superiour solely due to their light complexion. Sorry, but there are such jerks out there and I agree with the preivous comment....most of these chaps have thai women with dark complexion.

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8 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

I am living the life in Thailand due to my white privilege.

No point denying it as some woke like to do.

You have to embrace it.


Doubly good when you add “male” to it.


White male = nothing better.

If that's your thing, go for it! I'm a social liberal and applaud you guys coming out of the closet and getting equal treatment under the law.

Personally I'm more of a 'Caramel colored Asian women = nothing better' person myself.

But hey, whatever floats your boat!

Just now, Inderpland said:

Can't really argue with that!


No beer, no burger, no Colt, no US flag tatoo? ? WTF, why do you deny our greatness?


Skin color has nothing to do with nothing.


The guy in the photo above is not in the same class as Elon Musk. 


Thailand has the elite class, the middle class, and the peasant class. 



1 hour ago, Bday Prang said:

I'm still waiting for a few examples of world changing inventions that Africa can claim responsibility for. I can't think of any  


us white men did it all, And we did it all with nagging white women dragging us down the whole time.


We should all be given a medal.

  • Agree 1
49 minutes ago, Inderpland said:

Caramel colored Asian women = nothing better'

We are talking about contributions to the greater mankind.

They are nice people, but their greatest contributions are, well, er



  • Agree 2
7 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:


us white men did it all, And we did it all with nagging white women dragging us down the whole time.


We should all be given a medal.

           We used to be treated with due respect all over the world,  especially the Brits as we naturally  controlled most of it. And we controlled our women properly too until  relatively recently

            It only started going wrong when the self hating bed wetting liberals snidely started attacking us from the inside.  The savages that we governed quickly sensed weakness and using the benefit if the education we provided them with eventually became independent  . Didn't work out too well for many of them though judging by the numbers attempting to invade us daily   



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8 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

Yeah, they are doing well. 
can you actually list some of those wonderful inventions.

Anybody who seeks to dismiss , discredit ,or deny the huge contribution the British or the White race in general have made to humanity as a  whole, in virtually every aspect of  life,  from the cradle to the grave should be forced to live their miserable woke life without using or benefitting from any of it ,    At least until they say they are sorry

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9 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

And we controlled our women properly too until  relatively recently


9 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

And we controlled our women properly too until  relatively recently

That is when we lost it. It opened the floodgates for the LGBTIA+ and all the others.


History will show that by giving them a vote was the worst mistake we ever made. It just confused them.

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1 hour ago, SingAPorn said:

I have bumped into many europeans in Hua Hin who were more or less claiming such rubbish and considering themselves superiour solely due to their light complexion. Sorry, but there are such jerks out there and I agree with the preivous comment....most of these chaps have thai women with dark complexion.


I've encountered a lot more Thai Supremacy than White Supremacy.  Are you as annoyed with the Thais that have this attitude as you are with the foreigners?

1 hour ago, Inderpland said:

Can't really argue with that!


So to me that is just a picture of a bloke with his shirt off but then again I'm just a bigoted right wing knuckle dragger 

            But you who claim to be a social liberal, presumably proud of your tolerant views and fully supportive of diversity and inclusion  of all people seem from your comment to have drawn a very negative opinion of the  subject,

          That wouldn't be due to any unconscious bias or negative stereotyping on your part by any chance would it ? 

           Your smarmy comment does not really reflect your real hatred,  perhaps you should also avail yourself of "grammarly" if only to express yourself better  and expose your own bigotry to us in a clearer manner

  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, MalcolmB said:

We are talking about contributions to the greater mankind.

They are nice people, but their greatest contributions are, well, er



Look, your trolling is becoming tedious. Are you stark raving mad?

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14 minutes ago, Inderpland said:

Look, your trolling is becoming tedious. Are you stark raving mad?

So you can not name a single thing so you personally attack me.

Are you a feminist?

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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

I've encountered a lot more Thai Supremacy than White Supremacy.  Are you as annoyed with the Thais that have this attitude as you are with the foreigners?

Thai supremacy has that weird sneer aspect that they seem to have perfected. I don't see it in other cultures. It's a particular way of looking down on something I have not encountered before. One could call it passive-aggressive I suppose. It seems to be almost a perversion of the smile, exhibiting a particular facial gesture.


To me it's more repulsive then a white guy mouthing off or shouting slurs, or that sort of thing.

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5 hours ago, BangkokReady said:


Then how has it become the dominant culture around the world?  That doesn't sound like something a weak culture could achieve.

Excellent question. Jared Diamond wrote a whole book on this. In a word, geography and environment. When Europeans developed certain advantages, say resistance to certain diseases, this was not due to genetic superiority but rather to wide spread trade, agriculture and intermingling, this widespread trade was faciliated by geography.


Diamond argues geographic, climatic and environmental characteristics which favored early development of stable agricultural societies ultimately led to immunity to diseases endemic in agricultural animals and the development of powerful, organized states capable of dominating others.


Diamond argues that Eurasian civilization is not so much a product of ingenuity, but of opportunity and necessity. That is, civilization is not created out of superior intelligence, but is the result of a chain of developments, each made possible by certain preconditions.


He said Europe's geography favored balkanization into smaller, closer nation-states, bordered by natural barriers of mountains, rivers, and coastline. Advanced civilization developed first in areas whose geography lacked these barriers, such as China, India and Mesopotamia. There, the ease of conquest meant they were dominated by large empires in which manufacturing, trade and knowledge flourished for millennia, while balkanized Europe remained more primitive.


However, at a later stage of development, western Europe's fragmented governmental structure actually became an advantage. Monolithic, isolated empires without serious competition could continue mistaken policies – such as China squandering its naval mastery by banning the building of ocean-going ships – for long periods without immediate consequences. In Western Europe, by contrast, competition from immediate neighbors meant that governments could not afford to suppress economic and technological progress for long; if they did not correct their mistakes, they were out-competed and/or conquered relatively quickly. 




Whilst Europeans did dominate other cultures, it is  important to realise that it was due to technology. Not superior intellect or physical ability. If you put a gun in a short weak man's hand, he will shoot you, no matter how much stronger and smarter you are. The emergence of this technology however was an accident of geography, competition and necessity, not superior culture, genetics or strength.



4 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

              Athletic ability is neither here nor there especially when combined with inherent laziness, "running around" is nothing more than a recreational playground activity, nothing to do with the real work and achievements necessary to advance   Hence the location of most of the 3rd world

               Asians may well have a higher IQ  the Japs and the Chinese have indeed run their own empires in the past and kudos to them for doing so 

               But its never the industrious and successful Asians that spend most of their time dismissing or criticising "white culture" is it ?   It not those productive and hardworking people walking around with a chip on their shoulder either. 

                Its not even the majority of the less successful Africans who have this issue with whiteness, most of them are too lazy to be bothered anyway, and the others are like everybody else just too busy getting on with life to worry about bizarre concepts like whiteness

                 No, the only people attacking whiteness and white culture  are the relatively small number of   misguided members of the very same community    For some reason our society has allowed these people to become semi educated at low grade further education facilities where the majority of semi educated  teachers are raving nutters. Then once they have received their  guaranteed pass diploma in  critical race theory or whatever,  they end up unemployed with all the time in the world to devote themselves to this rubbish.

                  White culture is under attack ,  but only from within



Well, if you take laziness, and without a doubt, Indonesians say, are more lazy than the British, you have to immediately realise that this laziness is a clear product of the environment and geography. The reason Filipinos, Indonesians, etc are more lazy than the British, is that the weather is not conducive to running around working all day, and it makes a lot of sense to refrain from this. Again, because of enviroment, since fruit was abundant in the trees, why kill yourself working anyway?


I am not dismissing white culture at all, it has been spectacular and it has dominated other cultures. What I am dismissing is the notion that this happened as a result of inherent superiority of white culture or white people. Because clearly that was not the case, it was an accident of geography, climate and other factors that led to the technology gap which started to emerge in the European's favour.


It wasn't just that of course, it was also treachery, brutality and wild animalistic greed and violence, if you look at the Spanish conquest of the Amerindians for instance. In other words the exact OPPOSITE of civilization and cultural superiority.


But in any event "White culture" is a myth, there's Spanish, English, Scottish, German, French, American culture and many shades in between, it's not a homogenous mass, English white people can't take credit for inventing the X rays, Germans can't take credit for inventing the steam engine.

 But in any event neither of those inventions confers an innate superiority on whites, Germans, English or Spanish or Americans.


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3 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

Nevertheless all of the above are white  which is what this thread is about,  The case for white culture is not weak at all   as you implied in a seperate post

Most of your comments have a blatant anti British tone to them    you should start your own thread if that is what's driving you 


But that does not mean anything. Yes, Europeans developed a technological gap, due to accidents of geography, climate and history. However, you can see clearly now that not only are the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans proving that they can achieve the highest technolgoical feats, even Africans can establish complex mobile phone networks. There is no glory in this temporary technological gap, which was only a snapshot in time anyway.


The case for white cultural superiority is weak. When you realise what really caused the technological gap. Accidents of fate.


I like the British very much and have no issue with them. Many of their achievements have been extraodinary, but one has to confine one's self to the facts and reality, one can't claim that because one is white and British therefore you automatically have cultural superioirty over Germans, French, Americans, Thais, Chinese or Koreans.  To be born British is not to win in God's lottery. It's just another accident of birth, that can be beneficial or not, depending on circumstances. The British did not invent the telephone or television or bicycle.


If you, yourself, prove yourself to be intellectual, physically superior then I will happily sing your praises, but if you claim you're superior because you're British or White, you're not even understanding history properly.



8 hours ago, Cameroni said:


When you talk about German cars, there's always one pitiful soul that pulls out some survey, but the fact remains Germans still build the best cars on the planet, as they once again proved with the Porsche Taycan.


As I already explained copying  others is just a first step. After all the British started as pirates and stole everything from the Spanish and copied their idea of empire shamelessly. In academica the calculus and other areas illustrate the British were a nation of copyists and plagiarists, before they attained a modicum of creativity and originality, which admittedly was short lived.


The same applied to German industry, yes, first engaged in copying British products, but ultimately far surpassing them and creating far better products than the British ever did.


And so it will be with the Chinese, yes, they copied at first, but they are already showing incredible innovation and filing more patents than the US, UK or Germany, and they will surpass Germany, Japan and the USA in terms of quality of products, indeed in some areas have already done so.


The downfall of the German automobile industry started with its embrace of of cutting production costs through shortcuts and  the embrace of cheaper parts with a built in obsolescence.   German auto workers were trained for years and labour was respected. No more. Today's products reflect that embrace of short term profit , of greed over quality and pride of workmanship. That's "White Western Culture" . 



The British did not start out as pirates. The reality is that all countries with a ocean going capability were equally given to piracy. It was Great Britain which helped put an end to international piracy, and in particular with the Dutch, brought peace to the South China Sea. The "White" culture of the British is what ensured that some semblance of security was put into effect to protect shipping routes and the passage of people without constant attack.


The accusations against the British as plagiarists and copyists (sic) is nonsense. The reality is that such behaviour was the norm throughout the developing world. We saw it with some of the great musical composers of all time where they often "borrowed" from  students or lesser musicians. We have seen it in scientific R&D where scientists often borrowed from others. The fact is that the activities were all in their own cultural sphere. No one was  copying or plagiarizing from the Arab world, or from Africa or from the Americas.


The greatest barrier to R&D is the ease of  Communication. Cultures that do not have a language basis that allows an ease in communicating and in disseminating complex concepts are at a disadvantage.  The Chinese language is vast and inconsistent.  The language relies on characters, which includes at least 50,000 characters, of which an estimated 10,000 are used in regular communication. Consider that the English and French alphabet has 26 letters, the German has 30, and the Russian alphabet 33 letters  and it becomes obvious why some cultures have been able to share information faster and to advance quickly. Vietnam is an excellent example. It changed to a Roman alphabet in the early 1900's and that is what laid the foundation to its development. Instead of relying on cumbersome chinese characters to  communicate with, the Vietnamese language could be communicated with a  simplified and consistent easy to master series of  29 letters that preserved and respected Vietnamese tones and cultural meanings.


You also ignore the fact that great scientific though requires a nurturing environment. The west offers its   innovaters a place to  think and live in freedom.  China cannot offer its scientists this, nor will it. One need only look at the disappearing scientists of China during Covid to understand that point.

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20 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

A lot of it seems to be accurate.  Certainly in terms of attitude, if not always reality. 


Kind of weird that it seems to be being presented as a negative thing.

It's called white guilt. Makes some white people lose their last remaining brain cell.

  • Thumbs Up 2
7 hours ago, Cameroni said:


Well, if you take laziness, and without a doubt, Indonesians say, are more lazy than the British, you have to immediately realise that this laziness is a clear product of the environment and geography. The reason Filipinos, Indonesians, etc are more lazy than the British, is that the weather is not conducive to running around working all day, and it makes a lot of sense to refrain from this. Again, because of enviroment, since fruit was abundant in the trees, why kill yourself working anyway?


I am not dismissing white culture at all, it has been spectacular and it has dominated other cultures. What I am dismissing is the notion that this happened as a result of inherent superiority of white culture or white people. Because clearly that was not the case, it was an accident of geography, climate and other factors that led to the technology gap which started to emerge in the European's favour.


It wasn't just that of course, it was also treachery, brutality and wild animalistic greed and violence, if you look at the Spanish conquest of the Amerindians for instance. In other words the exact OPPOSITE of civilization and cultural superiority.


But in any event "White culture" is a myth, there's Spanish, English, Scottish, German, French, American culture and many shades in between, it's not a homogenous mass, English white people can't take credit for inventing the X rays, Germans can't take credit for inventing the steam engine.

 But in any event neither of those inventions confers an innate superiority on whites, Germans, English or Spanish or Americans.


Of course culture is a by product of environment. The Australian Aboriginal existed 50,000 years and never invented the wheel, but given the environment they lived in that is expected. Likewise the Native Americans never developed crossbows or rifles, despite living in a land replete with iron ore.


Whatever the reason, I'm happy that I grew up as a white person in a white culture.

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8 hours ago, JimTripper said:

Thai supremacy has that weird sneer aspect that they seem to have perfected. I don't see it in other cultures. It's a particular way of looking down on something I have not encountered before. One could call it passive-aggressive I suppose. It seems to be almost a perversion of the smile, exhibiting a particular facial gesture.


To me it's more repulsive then a white guy mouthing off or shouting slurs, or that sort of thing.

If one wishes to compare Thai and Euro culture, I'll take Thai culture over Euro every time. As a generalisation, they seemed happier that Euros, and if they have a sense of superiority it's probably deserved.

The worst thing that happened to Thais IMO, is that they seem to have sold out their culture and try to be just like Euros, which IMO is a giant leap backwards.

13 minutes ago, G_Money said:

Be proud of your race.  Never apologize to anyone for being who you are.

As top of the tree we don’t care if other lesser races want to try to put us down.

The “n” word,  being “anti semetic”  etc are examples of other racial groups being over sensitive from a feeling of being inferior. Why else would they care. Same as women, they have fought for their rights for “sexual freedom” but if you mention it to them you will be accused of slut shaming.

Same with fat people being fat shamed. You can not shame a fit person simply because there is nothing to be ashamed about.


The smarter Asians don’t seem bothered by it but others do. 

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19 hours ago, Foxx said:

I see this graphic is from the National Museum of African American History and Culture.  It's good to see that they are acknowledging the superiority of white people.  I trust that the African Americans are now going to respect the natural order of things and go back to being slaves.



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