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What time do you get up at?

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I worked my whole life in a 24/7/365 industry. I had a variable roster. One day I'd be working all night. A day or two later I'd be working all day. Constant shift changes, with crack of dawn starts, followed by middle of the night starts. All over the clock.


Now I'm retired and my greatest luxury is - a lie in. More than that is the freedom to set my own bedtime/wake up routine.

I've settled into one where I normally hit the sack around midnight and tend to read for an hour before sleep hits me on the head.

I wake most days at 0830, bit nap until 0930. I then catch up with the news of the day on my iPad until I roll out of bed for breakfast around 1000-1030.

I've been known to lay reading until 1100.

Like I said, this to me is luxury after decades of sleep disruption and deprivation.

The only drawback is that my days seem to fly by too fast. I sometimes wish I was more of a 'morning person' and was naturally waking (and rested) at 0700. I could probably get more done in the day.

But, I am what I am.


How about you? What's your routine?

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I wish I could sleep longer, I try to put of going to bed as long as I can, say 11.30, but after I have eaten I get really tired, normally wake up just before 7am, and can't get back to sleep, if I'm lucky 7.30, if it's very overcast 8 - 8.30, even though my room has dark curtain's, raining helps me sleep, I think the latest I got up in a very long time was 8.40.

 I don't like to lay in bed awake, I'd rather make a coffee and retreat to my sofa. I'm 73, and I used to have early starts for work sometimes catching a 'red eye' flight 5.00am check in,... or truck driving with 3am starts. I thought I was in luxury one time when I got a job with an 8.30am start, most jobs I had were 7 - 7.30 starts, ...aged 15, I was starting work at 7.30am. had that job for 9 years. 

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1 hour ago, Flyguy330 said:

I wake most days at 0830, bit nap until 0930. I then catch up with the news of the day on my iPad until I roll out of bed for breakfast around 1000-1030.

I've been known to lay reading until 1100

You are wasting the best part of the day. 


Crikey, I've had breakfast, a dump, run 3km, had a few coffees and lunch before 11am. 


Whether I'm on holidays or working I'm up around 4am. 


Unless I'm out with the mates (seldom) nights, I'm asleep by 9pm. 


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During my 12 years at my previous job, my routine was to wake up at 6 am, drive 30 km to a 50m pool near my workplace, swim 20 to 25 laps, shower, and then grab a quick breakfast before starting work at 8:30 am.


Now, as a retiree in Thailand, my schedule is to go to bed between 9:30 and 10 pm, wake up at 5 am for meditation, and then, weather permitting, take a 3 km walk at sunrise, which is around 6:10 am. This time is the golden hour for me, with minimal sun and the coolest temperatures of the day.


Following this, at 7 am, I have breakfast, shower, perform some flexibility exercises, and get ready for the day.


By avoiding alcohol and coffee, sticking to a fixed routine, and maintaining regular exercise, I find that I sleep well and thoroughly enjoy life after 75.


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