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Is Thailand Value for money


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7 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


It seems you have a very limited view of Thailand. Maybe visit some luxury condominiums and shopping malls. That should convince you it is possible to live in luxury in Thailand.

And there are many great restaurants out there.

And let's not forget all those beautiful girls and women. Where else can you go into a restaurant or shopping mall, and you see plenty of them all the time.








Nice facilities.....chicken farm condo where you can't swing a cat. Made for middle class Thais to feel rich.


Perfect material for those broke YouTubers claiming you can live in Bamgkok on 1000 USD a month.


Meanwhile buses burning with kids inside and world class traffic accidents that make it truly 3rd world.

Edited by Celsius
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At the moment it is extremely poor value for money. Inflation was used as a mechanism to raise prices and now prices of imported goods are going to go up again because of the high baht. Compared to other Asian markets I don't see any bargains in Thailand. Hotels were cheap (very cheap) but the last time I stayed in a hotel it was 3500 baht for nothing special (except it was clean). Labour was cheap.....we have 3 staff and I pay 400 a day each, I like to pay a little above minimum, but we are away for half the year so I am paying wages and don't know what work I am getting for the money or whether we could make do with 2 people. 

I eat western food....I hate Thai food with few exceptions....and western food is very expensive....cheese is ridiculous, steaks are pretty vile (tough as leather), pork and chick good and reasonable. Fruits were cheap but have crept up in price in the supermarkets such that we but fruit on the markets now. 

I should add that I have not been to the UK or US for a few years. The last time I went was in 2019, before COVID....I could not believe the prices for clothing and especially food. The only reasonably priced grocery was in Lidi or Aldi, I might have a heart attack next time I go there. 

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4 minutes ago, Celsius said:


Nice facilities.....chicken farm condo where you can't swing a cat. Made for middle class Thais to feel rich.


Perfect material for those broke YouTubers claiming you can live in Bamgkok on 1000 USD a month.


Meanwhile buses burning with kids inside and world class traffic accidents that make it truly 3rd world.

Don't exaggerate. It was ONE bus, totally unnecessary though.

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5 minutes ago, retarius said:

I eat western food....I hate Thai food with few exceptions....and western food is very expensive....


Me too. I truly dislike Thai food unless it is from a place like Savoey.


And it is not that Western food is expensive. I can not even find 5% of stuff that is available in Canadian supermarket.

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15 hours ago, Celsius said:

Is Thailand a good value for money - if you have money?


In my opinion it was always bad value, even 11 years ago when I moved and cad$ was worth 30 baht.


Thailand always wants to take all while giving nothing in return. Actually they will take it even more.


They want to tax you, but give you no benefits. As a matter of fact, still report to us every 90 day like a criminal.


They want to give you LTR visa, but you have to invest millions, while still giving you nada besides tome tax benefit that may or may not hold up in the future.


They want to sell you a long term tourist visa for 30,000 usd.


Is 😺 and 🛕 really worth it.


This place would be a hard pass with anyone who has brain.

Thailand is fun, like most of SE Asia. Don't torture yourself thinking every minute whether you are getting value or not. Enjoy life, Carpe Diem. If you don't enjoy it here the world is big enough.

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27 minutes ago, Celsius said:



Me too. I truly dislike Thai food unless it is from a place like Savoey.


And it is not that Western food is expensive. I can not even find 5% of stuff that is available in Canadian supermarket.

They have to pay me to live in Canada. Life is too short to spend it in a freezer.

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3 minutes ago, gearbox said:

They have to pay me to live in Canada. Life is too short to spend it in a freezer.


Life is too short to be whining about UK and AUS pensions yet every month there is a whining and whining thread about it.


Yea... Thailand is great until you run out of money. Then back to NHS as soon as you get sick.



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19 minutes ago, Celsius said:


Life is too short to be whining about UK and AUS pensions yet every month there is a whining and whining thread about it.


Yea... Thailand is great until you run out of money. Then back to NHS as soon as you get sick.



Indeed, life is too short to be whinging about pension, it is what it is, stuff mostly beyond pensioner's control. They should find a way to enjoy life with what they have. Thailand has plenty to offer.

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1 hour ago, Celsius said:

Nice facilities.....chicken farm condo where you can't swing a cat. Made for middle class Thais to feel rich.


Perfect material for those broke YouTubers claiming you can live in Bamgkok on 1000 USD a month.


Meanwhile buses burning with kids inside and world class traffic accidents that make it truly 3rd world.


So, according to you, if there are poor and middle class people in a country and bus accidents happen, then there can't be rich people who live a luxury life at the same time. Interesting.




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5 hours ago, theblether said:



For your average Brit access to the NHS is worth a minimum of 100,000 baht a year. 




More than double that actually, the average Brit costs the NHS £4,188 a year.


But it costs each UK taxpayer  £5838 each year. 


If you're not in the UK you're not paying these £5838 in most cases.


If you look at the true value you have to look at true cost as well. The NHS is not for free.


In actual fact, if you're outside of the UK and not paying UK tax and national insurance, you're clearly in the green as regards loss of NHS services to start with.


You then need to look at your health insurance options in Thailand, which have become fantastic with insurance providers for expats like Genki for example. 


So actually people who live in Thailand can pay a LOT LESS than 5833 pounds for health insurance now and get more services for what they pay. Don't forget the NHS does not pay all treatments and does require payments in some circumstances as well.



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1 hour ago, retarius said:

I eat western food....I hate Thai food with few exceptions....and western food is very expensive....cheese is ridiculous, steaks are pretty vile (tough as leather), pork and chick good and reasonable. Fruits were cheap but have crept up in price in the supermarkets such that we but fruit on the markets now. 


Yes, if you eat Western food that can be expensive. I can't live without top quality bread, quality Lomo Iberico or similar, nutella, good steak (which means buying Austrailian btw) , croissants, Boursin, Gouda, Swiss chocolate, french green beans etc, and those are by far the biggest items in the groceries list.


However, I still pay only half of what I paid in the home country for groceries.. So groceries are exceptionally good value in Thailand.


Then in terms of electricity bill, even running the aircon non stop I pay one tenth of what I paid in the home country, water bill is also one tenth. So also exceptionally value.


I live in a new-build  4 bed house with swimming pool and pay 560 USD, so again, exceptional value..


Almost everything is great value in Thailand.

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The common observation that it is all relative is appropriate.

The value proposition works for me. I shop for western food at specialty stores and Tops and the cost is similar to the cost in my home country. I eat quality meals for 25-50% less than the cost in my home country. I am fortunate to be in an area where there are many fine restaurants, including authentic European and Japanese cuisines.  I have housekeeping services that are cost effective. I can have as many massages as my heart desires, if I have the time.

On the days when I want a quick dash to Tops and to avoid traffic and  parking woes,  I can take a tuk tuk for less than 120 baht,or a passing empty sangthaew for 15 baht. A private saloon car to or from the airport and Hua Hin is 2000 baht. I just sit back and nap. Best of all are the smiles I get from the locals. No cost for that and all I need to is to smile to get one.

And yes, I really do enjoy many Thai dishes. Thai food when prepared with quality ingredients, is delightful. 

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After living here for over 20 years, it's great value couple that along with the weather and ease of life..there is no better place to be. Rent, same as.20 years ago, internet, water and electricity cheaper or very minimal increase, food, just about everything you require has hardly increased...no inflationary pressures here..so yes fantastic value

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

It seems you have a very limited view of Thailand. Maybe visit some luxury condominiums and shopping malls. That should convince you it is possible to live in luxury in Thailand.


No actually I don't as I have owned great condo's in Chiang Mai (sold them) & still own a nice home further north. I have been to the nice shopping malls & your right their nice as are some of the coffee cafes but...........


The OP's question was....."Is Thailand a good value for money - if you have money? "


To that I said flat out no because that is the truth. You gave a couple lipstick on a pig examples but that does not transform a country into a destination for those that can afford better period.


As to your last comment....


And let's not forget all those beautiful girls and women. Where else can you go into a restaurant or shopping mall, and you see plenty of them all the time.


That is really the big draw for most right? Face it Thailand is filled with middle to low class sexpats who could not pull anything close in any other country other than another poor country where basically your feeding off their poverty. Sure they see it as doing the girls a favor right?


All the guys who claim they can get a young girl to sleep with them here...they are basically chihuahuas running down a street humping any leg that moves. Because it costs less than anywhere else 🙄


But yeah luxury in just a mall or hotel in an otherwise low quality country is not where someone with money goes is it? Not to live long term when they can live anywhere & that was the OP's question....

"Is Thailand a good value for money - if you have money? "

 & no that does not mean as some have claimed they are "financially comfortable" it means they can live anywhere they want in this world. In which case none would purposely choose Thailand


Again it is good a low cost option in this world exists but no need to try & build it into something it never was nor likely will ever be. Because if it was 99% of the expats here would flee just as they now threaten to should the baht drop or taxes rise.

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12 hours ago, Cameroni said:

Building materials and houses here are of quality that is on a par with the US

May be true...I remember how surprised I was in the US how they build there shackshouses. No wonder they fly away when the wind blows.


It's not necessarily bad that way. The walls of my parents' house were 1m thick and would easily last for 500 years - what for?

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