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I've got my self into a big big mess, been using Tramadol since my pains started approx 4 yrs ago(I think) taking 1 50mg tablet every six hours even though I didn't have any pain (taking them to stop pain returning) people warned me as did the Hospital but I was so scared of the pain returning that I foolishly kept taking the tablets, I've not taken the tablets for 1 day now, im in terrible pain, my body feels like it's electrified, I don't know how to make myself better, I'm at my wits end.

I know I've been stupid, the tramadol made me pain free.

I'm not looking for a telling off just helpful advice as to how I can make myself better.

Am I experiencing withdrawal, it's awful.

My gf is with me so I am not on my own, this is not nice for her.

Never thought this would happen to me,  I'm 68.

In my desperation I've taken 2 50 mg tablets to try and stop the pain, it's worked, not better just more bearable, how do I go on from now, I never want to take Tramadol again.



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4 minutes ago, Gaccha said:

I think it's unlikey you'll manage just to stop. You are facing an opioid addiction. You might need methadone, therapy and considerable support. And this is putting aside the physical danger from suddenly stopping.


This link gives the info you need.


Good luck King. You've got this.

Tried to stop it's been awful, after taking 2 tablets I'm feeling better,.

Thanks for the advice.

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3 hours ago, newbee2022 said:

(You feel stupidity sometimes hurts.)


Well, take other painkillers alternatively. As Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Orphenadrine or combinations of those.

I've tried to stop the Tramadol, I can't do it because the pain is too much for me, plus my legs won't relax, I can't sleep.

I need an alternative to take which will take the pain away at the same time letting the  Tramadol effects subside, comments say it should only be for a few days.

I will ask in my local Pharmacy in the hope they can recommend something.



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Given the choice between an opioid addiction and a weed addiction, I'd rather kick a weed addiction.  Especially if there are no legal downsides.


Full disclosure:  I took the oath back in 1988 and only take what the doctors and I discuss with that full knowledge all around.  I haven't tried weed in 35 years, but I know some chronic pain sufferers who use it quite successfully.  With no addiction problems, though their cancer pain would trump their addiction concerns.


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19 hours ago, Badrabbit said:

I've got my self into a big big mess, been using Tramadol since my pains started approx 4 yrs ago(I think) taking 1 50mg tablet every six hours even though I didn't have any pain (taking them to stop pain returning) people warned me as did the Hospital but I was so scared of the pain returning that I foolishly kept taking the tablets, I've not taken the tablets for 1 day now, im in terrible pain, my body feels like it's electrified, I don't know how to make myself better, I'm at my wits end.

I know I've been stupid, the tramadol made me pain free.

I'm not looking for a telling off just helpful advice as to how I can make myself better.

Am I experiencing withdrawal, it's awful.

My gf is with me so I am not on my own, this is not nice for her.

Never thought this would happen to me,  I'm 68.

In my desperation I've taken 2 50 mg tablets to try and stop the pain, it's worked, not better just more bearable, how do I go on from now, I never want to take Tramadol again.



Go to a good hospital if you can the one that prescribed the meds in the beginning. They will be able to put you on a program to gradually reduce your intake.  I was on some heavy meds for my back after surgery doctor started reducing dosage slowly.  Took 7 months to get free 

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With any addiction, tapering off is the way to go.


But it takes a lot of awareness, and effort, to do it.


Keep track of when you take the pills, start by reducing intake by 10-20% per day, in about a week, you will be down to negligible amounts, when you can stop completely without any ill effects.


BTW the same goes for alcohol.

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Tramadaol is an opioid and the pain you're having now is from the withdrawal, just like what a heroin addict goes through when he runs out of junk. The human body produces its own opiates, but when you start taking opiates it will stop producing its own and when you get off them, you'll experience pain because it takes a while for your body to start producing its own again.


If you're mentally strong enough to get rid of your addiction by yourself, I would just reduce the daily dosage bit by bit until you get to zero, instead of going cold turkey...


You can try this:


Take only three quarters of a pill and see how it goes, if you get withdrawal pain it should be much better to handle than taking nothing. Eventually your body will get used to the reduced dosage and the pain will go away. Then start taking only half a pill, when that's good, reduce it to a quarter and then eventually nothing.  The good news is that the physical pain is the lesser of the two evils when it comes to addiction. The much greater one is the psychological aspect. The key to getting rid of that is that you REALLY have to WANT to get rid of it.  There's a book called finally non-smoker by Alan Carr. As the name indicates it's about giving up smoking, but his method can be used for any type of addiction and it works like a charm and is much easier than people think. The main problem with addiction is to set the point in time when you're gonna stop. Once you've done that, you're already halfway there. But it very much seems like you're ready and you can definitely do it, if you want it!


If you don't think you can handle it on your own then get professional help, but they'll most likely ease you off it as well. They might have some other medication to help with the pain that isn't on opiate basis. 


All the best to you! 




Edited by pacovl46
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23 minutes ago, CanadaSam said:

With any addiction, tapering off is the way to go.


But it takes a lot of awareness, and effort, to do it.


Keep track of when you take the pills, start by reducing intake by 10-20% per day, in about a week, you will be down to negligible amounts, when you can stop completely without any ill effects.


BTW the same goes for alcohol.

Nonsense. Just stop.

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It definitely needs to be tapered gradually.


There sre some medications that can help but  I doubt a pharmacist will be aware of them (e.g. clonidone, which is not a pain medications but can help with withdrawal...and sometimes an SSRI  Your pain is actually a withdrawal symptom). 


Needs to be done under medical supervision. 


Unfortunately although there are (very expensive) private rehab places in Phuket there do not seem to br any psychiatrists specislizing in addiction medecine. And that is what the OP really needs.  I can recommend an excellent one in Bangkok. 

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The OP needs to be aware he is developing a tolerance for tramadol, which means it will lose effectiveness in relieving pain if he continues on this path.


IMO he needs to progressively increase the length of time between doses, hour by hour.


Distraction techniques, such as reading or watching videos may help. Dwelling on the pain won't.


It's OK to take tramadol as long as you are controlling the drug, and the drug is not controlling you.


I use it myself for back pain, but only every second or third day, and only if I feel I really need it.


For sleep, try Codiphen or Amitryptiline.

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