There are not many legal options available, which is unfortunate since edibles make more sense if you use cannabis for medical reasons. However, there is always Dip Trip, a completely legal product we developed in collaboration with a 'snus' factory in Thailand. It can be consumed as a dip (snus) or as a tea.
Yes. Ukraine must admit defeat to some extent and hand over most of what's been taken. What's the alternative? Ukraine cannot win without massive amounts of military assistance that simply won't be coming it's way. Putin doesn't want all of Ukraine. This would be impossible and be Russia's next Afghanistan.
Why is it that your fervently support the Palestinian cause and don't support other similar causes ?
Why is it that you support the Palestinians , but don't support the Rohingyas in Myanmar or the Marsh Arabs or the 5000 of groups of people who want independence ?
Why is it that you just support the people fighting against the Jewish state ?
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