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39 minutes ago, Harrisfan said:

You seem to hate America


Or perhaps he uses a modicum of intelligence, which is more than most Trump fans utilise. 

Trump fans appear to see only in black and white. Everyone is a Liberal to them. Reality is an anathema to them. They see only in opposites.


The reality? They are ALL criminals, it just depends on which side of the fence you are on as to how you see it.

We have criminals as allies, we do business with criminals. To imagine that not every major country is indulging in subterfuge is to be naive in the extreme. State sponsored drug running, production, distribution and money laundering is par for the course. Both Republicans and Democrats are involved in all sorts of shenanigans.


Think about the cartels and what happens to the money they make. Where does the money go? Do you imagine that it's under someone's bed in bundles of US$? 

That's part of the problem with US politics. The simplistic hate the other side thinking, when really they have more in common than you might imagine. 

Follow the money and you realise the cartels aren't always what they seem and the drug and people smugglers are not always who you might imagine.

Drugs for guns....think about that. Our friends aren't always our friends, but sometimes partners in crime.

Trump will do some good things and some not so good things. But American politics is usually played out as good vs evil. That's 'dumb'. 


It's a messy world and you would need to open your mind to understand what goes on. We aren't always the good guys and we aren't always the bad guys. 









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Trump is right to crack down on immigration and government fraud and waste, but his empirical desires for Greenland, Canada and Gaza,  and his tariffs against both friends and enemies will bring only grief.  

The EU is now looking to Canada for LNG as they no longer trust the US., Canadians are on a "Don't buy American" spree, China is restricting the sale of Rare Earth minerals to the US, and also adding it's own counter tariffs, and we haven't even got to all the other countries adding theirs yet.


Going back to gold instead of the USD has already been pushed by BRICS. Could it get more headwind in the near future because of Trump's actions?


A trade war is no good for anyone. Even industry bosses that voted for D.T. are saying this.



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4 minutes ago, Centigrade32 said:

I don't want to skim through the page. I want to have a discussion.


You don't want to have a discussion, you want to shut down discussion.


You asked what he achieved, and when shown, of course, your response was "I don't want to see what he achieved".


If your technique of choice for beginning a discussion is to ask a question, then when given the answer, you refuse to look at it, a discussion is unlikely to take place. But then, you already know that.


I'm sorry your attempt at derailing/silencing me was unsuccessful. I hope you have more luck elsewhere.

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6 minutes ago, cjinchiangrai said:

Why would you think the fourth reich will outlive the third?


Iam pro KKK and nazi.. nowt wrong with fourth reich but USA will always be top of the pile.


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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Kind of a typical response of a Trump supporter, it's the old Bush Jr. Doctrine, you're either with us or you're against us, everything's black and white and there is no gray area, no nuance, no room for discussion, no debate.


We are the best, we are number one, we always have been, and we always will be. 






Thats exactly how it is. No matter what side of the room you're on, there is no conversation to be had.
Look at you, you made a dumb statement, knowing just how dumb it was because you just want to throw <deleted>e against the wall and see what sticks. You're not interested in an intelligent conversation at all.

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26 minutes ago, Photoguy21 said:

It may be a draw but China will not win overall

Sure they will.

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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

China will not only win this trade war, they will kick the US in the butt. Just another example of simpletons under estimating them, and diminishing not only the US economy, but it's remaining influence. And in the process dramatically overestimating the importance and the influence of the US on the rest of the world.


There is no question America is not the country that it once was, and that the entire planet is infinitely less dependent on them than they used to be.


Which is a good thing for the planet, but a terrible thing for the very simplistic president of the US. 


He has never won a trade war with Xi, and he was outsmarted in every negotiation with Kim, Putin and MBS. Trump is an absolutely terrible negotiator. 





It's not so simple.

China is in a weaker position than during Trump's first mandate. China will win on the long run and Trump will be forgotten. On short term, it's not likely.


The true issue is how many economic entities will Trump target at the same time? The U.S. cannot sustain an economic war with Mexico, Canada, the EU and China at the same time, as they represent more than 60% of its exports. If the U.S. deals with them one after the others, it has more leverage.


There is also the risk of consumers boycotting U.S. products. With Social networks, it can spread very fast.

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30 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


I think there are basically only two options:

Countries who are openly against Trump.

Countries which pretend that they want to work with Trump, but we can be sure they will put a knife in his back when there is a possibility.


And then there is that little country in the middle east who is sponsored and supported by almost all American politicians. They obviously love America. And by supporting them no matter what America makes lots of enemies in that region. 


Nobody in that region is our friend and they never have been so no loss there.
Take away all the foreign aid and you'll really see it.

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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:


Wasn't he far more successful negotiating with Kim than any other president?


If this one claim is provably false, it really casts doubt on the rest of your post.


It's a shame, because you're normally fairly insightful.  It seems, sadly, that no one is immune to the Trump-hating madness.

No. It was another failed negotiation and Trump got very little in return for his concessions. 


The biggest policy change the president unveiled was that the US will halt joint military exercises with South Korea, which has served as a crucial way for the US to put military pressure on North Korea. This announcement came as a surprise for a number of reasons.


First, it appears that Trump made the concession without getting anything remotely comparable from Kim in return. Second, he framed it as a financial issue, pointing out that cutting back on the drills will save a “tremendous amount of money.” In the process, he criticized US ally South Korea for not pulling its weight. “South Korea contributes [to the military exercises], but not 100 percent, which is a subject that we have to talk to them about,” the president said.

Analysts were shocked by the statement. “Apparently jet-fuel is so expensive, it’s worth casting aside a 60-year ally and friend,” Robert Kelly, a professor at South Korea’s Pusan National University, said.



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