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I'm experiencing memory issues / cognitive impairment for several years. 


Many doctors on youtube are recommending the ketogenic diet which comprises of cutting down on carbs and UPF ultral processed foods. No more bread, rice, potatoes. Sugar is not permitted. 


Eating fatty meat and seafood is recommended. Healthy fats eg avocados, nuts, oils. If I do this the liver produces ketones apparently. How will I know that I have succeeded. 


It seems the idea is to eat nutrient dense, low carb, foods. The lower carbs helps to stabilize the blood sugar. 


I used chatgbt for keto receipes and think that Im going to lose weight. 


If you have any suggestions or useful websites it would be appreciated. 



It's never necessary to go on any "diet" because all have their downsides. Having a healthy lifestyle is easy if you just eat a variety of food. If you need to lose weight fast, which isn't recommended anyway, you can use the keto because you will be starving your body from it's easily accessed source of energy, sugars. That will help you burn stored fat and is okay to use for a period. It is never smart to totally give up carbs because they ensure a healthy gastro system. Low carb, high protein, moderate to low fat is okay. The slower you lose weight, the more likely you are to keep it off, as you're adopting a new lifestyle and not relying on fast results that might have you return to old eating habits once you've lost the weight you want.


If you don't need to lose weight and just want to eat healthy,more carbs in the way of fruits, grains, veggies and root vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes of a few varieties and the squash family are good choices. Just watch what you put on them. Too much butter, margarine or oils isn't healthy, as is too much salad dressings on your salads. 


Fatty fish is healthy, like salmon, sardines, trout, tuna or herring. Eggs are a good source or protein. Just eat more whites than yolks, especially if your cholesterol is high.  Meat should be lean as possible if you want to lose weight and keep your heart  healthy, as too much fat isn't good either. Nuts in small quantities are good, as is peanut butter, as long as you get the ones without added sugar and oil. Bread, whole grain, is okay in small amounts. I've eaten it daily, along with pasta, oatmeal, root vegetables, squashes, whole grain cereals, and a variety of rice for over 50 years and have stayed lean. 


Everything I've mentioned helps with brain health also.You never have to go radical while eating. Everyone can stray from their "diets", meaning a good healthy lifestyle, as long as it's only occasionally. Many will favor a certain diet, saying it's best, but no diet works forever if you want to stay healthy and lean. You can find many opinions on many diets online but eating healthy is a lot easier than trying to follow a diet that could hurt you in the long run.

1 hour ago, advancebooking said:

I'm experiencing memory issues / cognitive impairment for several years. 


Many doctors on youtube are recommending the ketogenic diet which comprises of cutting down on carbs and UPF ultral processed foods. No more bread, rice, potatoes. Sugar is not permitted. 


Eating fatty meat and seafood is recommended. Healthy fats eg avocados, nuts, oils. If I do this the liver produces ketones apparently. How will I know that I have succeeded. 


It seems the idea is to eat nutrient dense, low carb, foods. The lower carbs helps to stabilize the blood sugar. 


I used chatgbt for keto receipes and think that Im going to lose weight. 


If you have any suggestions or useful websites it would be appreciated. 


Keto might make it worse. I would get another opinion.

  • Haha 2

Taking Creatine may help.  Vid below.


I don't take supplements on weekend, to flush any excess out, if any.   I do know, if I don't start taking my multi vitamin for a day or so, after the weekend, I'll get a bit of brain fog.


So obviously something in the vitamin, that my diet is lacking.  Do need to get a vitamin & mineral blood test, to see if I'm deficient in anything.  One of these days, as local hospital doesn't do it.




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3 hours ago, KhunLA said:

I'm on a Keto-ish diet. 

Heavy on fats, protein, carbs, and try to keep 

a raito of 75%...20%.....5%, respectfully.  Though usually fail, and more like 55-30-15%  


Don't do as much saturated fats as suggested, and leaner cuts of protein.  Eggs everyday for first meal, after a 15 or 16 hr intermittent fast overnight (2000 - 1200 hrs).


Main things I cut out are starchy carbs, potatoes (rare), pasta, and cut way back on my bread intake.  Along with healthier version of whole wheat & rye flour bread (no sugar).  Try to stick to fibrous veggies (greens)


Milk kefir, and soon to add water kefir, for gut health, probiotics.


Eliminated most sugar along with high GI fruits.  Has progressed over the past 2.5 yrs, a bit more stricter along the way.


Made quite a noticeable change, little to no inflammation, good sleep, excellent blood work numbers and blood pressure.  Was put on a statin a couple years ago, and stop taking that.  My cholesterol is even better now without the statin.


No negatives, still eat quite good, and don't really miss much.   Been eating real whole foods for quite some time, so pretty healthy to begin with.  Never was an ultra processed, junk food eater.


Intermittent fasting overnight should help with weight loss, and maintain a good weight.  Does for me, since doing, and no hunger pains, since overnight, and simply have morning coffee, and keep busy, till about noon, and 1st meal.


I do take a few supplements, as I simply don't eat enough food to get everything.  They are ...

... Magnesium, real game changer for sleep

... COQ10

... Creatine

... Multi-vitamin

Thanks for your reply. What magneseum are you taking?


Ive had memory issues for 4 yrs now. 



Sugar is the enemy for the brain. Many good interviews on youtube available. They all recommend Keto diet. 


I just have to find some receipes and get started. I will cut down on rice, bread, pasta, potatoes and no UPF. 

2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Taking Creatine may help.  Vid below.


I don't take supplements on weekend, to flush any excess out, if any.   I do know, if I don't start taking my multi vitamin for a day or so, after the weekend, I'll get a bit of brain fog.


So obviously something in the vitamin, that my diet is lacking.  Do need to get a vitamin & mineral blood test, to see if I'm deficient in anything.  One of these days, as local hospital doesn't do it.




I took creatine for 6 weeks and was amazed about how much energy I had. My body felt really good. I was doing more exercises. BUT my hair started thinning. It really sucks about this so I stopped. 


In a few years when my hair has more or less gone by natural causes I will go back on creatine. Have you tired it?

1 minute ago, advancebooking said:

I took creatine for 6 weeks and was amazed about how much energy I had. My body felt really good. I was doing more exercises. BUT my hair started thinning. It really sucks about this so I stopped. 


In a few years when my hair has more or less gone by natural causes I will go back on creatine. Have you tired it?

Beef has creatine in it. Just eat beef.

4 minutes ago, advancebooking said:

Thanks for your reply. What magneseum are you taking?


Ive had memory issues for 4 yrs now. 



Sugar is the enemy for the brain. Many good interviews on youtube available. They all recommend Keto diet. 


I just have to find some receipes and get started. I will cut down on rice, bread, pasta, potatoes and no UPF. 

Powders are superior to tablets. Much higher absorption rates. The best thing to do is buy a combined electrolytes powder for morning and a sleep magnesium one for night

14 minutes ago, advancebooking said:

I took creatine for 6 weeks and was amazed about how much energy I had. My body felt really good. I was doing more exercises. BUT my hair started thinning. It really sucks about this so I stopped. 


In a few years when my hair has more or less gone by natural causes I will go back on creatine. Have you tired it?

Yes, already stated, one of the few supplements that I do take.  Take about 3gr a day, as just a supplement.  Eat some foods high in Creatine, but I don't think nearly enough.  ("A 4-ounce / 113gr serving of beef contains around 500 mg of creatine")


RDA for me would be 3-7.5g, since I'm about 75kg.

... "The recommended daily dose of creatine is 3–5 grams, or 0.1 grams per kilogram of body weight" ... 

27 minutes ago, advancebooking said:

Thanks for your reply. What magneseum are you taking?


Ive had memory issues for 4 yrs now. 


Sugar is the enemy for the brain. Many good interviews on youtube available. They all recommend Keto diet. 


I just have to find some receipes and get started. I will cut down on rice, bread, pasta, potatoes and no UPF. 

Magnesium Citrate, easily digested, inexpensive, and no diarrhea effect that some mention.


Never was a fan of white rice.  Have tater tots once in a while.  Pasta, I switched to egg noodles only.  Wee bit better, and don't eat often. 


Bread was the hardest to cut back on, as we bake our own (no sugar), and damn tasty, if I say so myself.


Only eat a couple slices a week, if that, instead of half a loaf a day :cheesy:

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, KhunLA said:

I'm on a Keto-ish diet. 

Heavy on fats, protein, carbs, and try to keep 

a raito of 75%...20%.....5%, respectfully.  Though usually fail, and more like 55-30-15%  


Don't do as much saturated fats as suggested, and leaner cuts of protein.  Eggs everyday for first meal, after a 15 or 16 hr intermittent fast overnight (2000 - 1200 hrs).


Main things I cut out are starchy carbs, potatoes (rare), pasta, and cut way back on my bread intake.  Along with healthier version of whole wheat & rye flour bread (no sugar).  Try to stick to fibrous veggies (greens)


Milk kefir, and soon to add water kefir, for gut health, probiotics.


Eliminated most sugar along with high GI fruits.  Has progressed over the past 2.5 yrs, a bit more stricter along the way.


Made quite a noticeable change, little to no inflammation, good sleep, excellent blood work numbers and blood pressure.  Was put on a statin a couple years ago, and stop taking that.  My cholesterol is even better now without the statin.


No negatives, still eat quite good, and don't really miss much.   Been eating real whole foods for quite some time, so pretty healthy to begin with.  Never was an ultra processed, junk food eater.


Intermittent fasting overnight should help with weight loss, and maintain a good weight.  Does for me, since doing, and no hunger pains, since overnight, and simply have morning coffee, and keep busy, till about noon, and 1st meal.


I do take a few supplements, as I simply don't eat enough food to get everything.  They are ...

... Magnesium, real game changer for sleep

... COQ10

... Creatine

... Multi-vitamin

do you have some examples for dinners that I can eat that are ketogenic. I looked on chatgbt. I think Im going to lose a lot of weight which is not good as Im a skinny guy already. No more brown rice or potatoes or bread. 


If I cook rolled oats for breakfast is this ok for keto diet?


I have not found it necessary to go full keto. I eat low-carb fruit and vegetables. Went from 93 kg to 78 kg.


Fruit - strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, apples,


Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, bamboo. Salad greens. Celery.


Lots of eggs, fish, chicken, pork, beef. As much cheese as I want. Yoghurt, no added sugar.


Pork rinds ( good source of collagen ) and almonds for snacks.


Rolled oats are high carbohydrate. Eat protein for breakfast.

  • Agree 1
1 hour ago, advancebooking said:

do you have some examples for dinners that I can eat that are ketogenic. I looked on chatgbt. I think Im going to lose a lot of weight which is not good as Im a skinny guy already. No more brown rice or potatoes or bread. 


If I cook rolled oats for breakfast is this ok for keto diet?

Here's foods that I eat, and are available in TH. 


Which I picked from this site, as some aren't readily available here, or I simply don't eat them.






You can and should eat carbs, complex carbs in small amounts. About a 100gr daily. That's two three small servings of rice or potatoes or some good bread. The rest you eat daily should be fatty meat eggs or some nuts. But mostly meat. 


I often use scrambled eggs, Kai Jio, as a substitute for rice when eating.


If you eat out and have Thai food you will be getting sugar.  They love putting sugar in just about everything.


Nobody on here can diagnose your memory issues, but I believe as a general rule, a low carb/keto diet will be helpful for brain health and memory/dementia issues. Many now call Alzheimer's for diabetes type 3, claiming it is (among other possible causes) a metabolic disease. Insulin resistance in the brain causes poor uptake of glucose to fuel the brain, but on a keto diet ketones are produced from fat to take over glucose's role in the body and brain (well ±30% of the brain must have glucose, but the rest thrives on ketones). Ketones do not require insulin, so one can bypass the insulin resistance. You can also bypass insulin if you do some intense workouts, look it up (non-insulin dependent uptake of glucose).


As for diet specifics others have given you some (mostly) good ideas already. But general rule is Fat 75%, protein 20% and carbs 5%. Then you can adjust to taste. Just be aware that there is a phenomenon called "physiological insulin resistance" or glucose sparing state, as opposed to pathological insulin resistance. The former is not dangerous, but it usually happens on a very low carb diet, where you rely on the liver to make the small amount of glucose the body never can do without (parts of the brain, optic nerve, red blood cells plus some more areas). So the cells are made temporarily insulin resistant to give the vital parts the glucose they need. Eating some carbs for a day or two will quickly turn off this mechanism, so it may be a good idea to cycle in some carbs now and then.


How will you know you have succeeded? Two ways: 1) Get a ketone meter, similar to a glucose meter. This may be difficult to buy in Thailand, also via the internet (e.g. Amazon will not ship it here), so you will have to have a friend ship it to you or trans-ship it via a third party (FDA approval rules I believe). I have one (Keto-Mojo) and it works very well. Together with a glucose meter (I use Accdu-Chek Guide, very good) one can track accurately the progression to keto nirvana, also nice to have if you do some prolonged fasts (3-4 days) every now and then.


2) You will just know! After a "fat-adaptation phase" of 2-4 weeks you will not be hungry much, cravings go away, energy returns, brain fog lifts and mood is much better than on a carb heavy diet. Weight loss should also be quite easy. The adaptation phase may be hard, and there you will need some self control. Many give up just before they arrive in fat-burning mode, so stick with it!


I did the keto diet a few years ago, dropped 15kg but when I did my annual blood test there were a few problems due to the requirements of the keto diet so I had to stop doing it,  maybe if I was younger and  was able to be more active it would have been ok but unfortunately I had no option but to stop doing it.  


I was surprised to learn that my ideal weight for my height 5'11", is between 72 to 75kg, I was 82kg, after a month of keto 79kg, only one meal per day at 5.00pm, coffee in morning, it is struggling to go below 79kg, but I will stick with it, determined to get down to 72kg, exercise every second day with weights, no beer, occasional whiskey or vodka, I can see a marked improvement in my Bph, and found that if your body loses weight so does your prostate.

On 2/14/2025 at 8:39 PM, advancebooking said:

I took creatine for 6 weeks and was amazed about how much energy I had. My body felt really good. I was doing more exercises. BUT my hair started thinning. It really sucks about this so I stopped. 


In a few years when my hair has more or less gone by natural causes I will go back on creatine. Have you tired it?

Just a myth with no evidence in science

On 2/16/2025 at 9:01 AM, BadBouy said:



Not trustworthy, he is all over the place shopping a bit here and there, and mix up science with his own pseudo science.


He is very convincing, and that makes him dangerous

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There are studies that suggest long-term keto is not healthy.

I don't do keto. I consume a fair amount of fruit, which is high in carbs.

But I do limit other forms of carbs - bread, grains, rice, potatoes, ...

But I don't know how healthy I really am. So I won't advise anyone else what to eat or not eat. 


On 2/14/2025 at 4:35 PM, fredwiggy said:

It's never necessary to go on any "diet" because all have their downsides. Having a healthy lifestyle is easy if you just eat a variety of food. If you need to lose weight fast, which isn't recommended anyway, you can use the keto because you will be starving your body from it's easily accessed source of energy, sugars. That will help you burn stored fat and is okay to use for a period. It is never smart to totally give up carbs because they ensure a healthy gastro system. Low carb, high protein, moderate to low fat is okay. The slower you lose weight, the more likely you are to keep it off, as you're adopting a new lifestyle and not relying on fast results that might have you return to old eating habits once you've lost the weight you want.


If you don't need to lose weight and just want to eat healthy,more carbs in the way of fruits, grains, veggies and root vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes of a few varieties and the squash family are good choices. Just watch what you put on them. Too much butter, margarine or oils isn't healthy, as is too much salad dressings on your salads. 


Fatty fish is healthy, like salmon, sardines, trout, tuna or herring. Eggs are a good source or protein. Just eat more whites than yolks, especially if your cholesterol is high.  Meat should be lean as possible if you want to lose weight and keep your heart  healthy, as too much fat isn't good either. Nuts in small quantities are good, as is peanut butter, as long as you get the ones without added sugar and oil. Bread, whole grain, is okay in small amounts. I've eaten it daily, along with pasta, oatmeal, root vegetables, squashes, whole grain cereals, and a variety of rice for over 50 years and have stayed lean. 


Everything I've mentioned helps with brain health also.You never have to go radical while eating. Everyone can stray from their "diets", meaning a good healthy lifestyle, as long as it's only occasionally. Many will favor a certain diet, saying it's best, but no diet works forever if you want to stay healthy and lean. You can find many opinions on many diets online but eating healthy is a lot easier than trying to follow a diet that could hurt you in the long run.

I suggest start studying the matter for a while. What I read here is a mix of yes and no's! A mess if you ask me. Grain`? Cereals? Fruits? pasta? oh dear. not for anyone trying to lose weight. This topic is to big to get into here. Keep carbs under 100 grams a day as a start and see how tgat worls out. Try intermittent fasting. Go on line and study. 

  • Confused 1
1 hour ago, Hummin said:

Not trustworthy, he is all over the place shopping a bit here and there, and mix up science with his own pseudo science.


He is very convincing, and that makes him dangerous

Dangerous compared to what :cheesy:


Most people eat loads of sugar plus many smoke and drink.


His advice is harmless.

  • Agree 1
1 hour ago, save the frogs said:

There are studies that suggest long-term keto is not healthy.

I don't do keto. I consume a fair amount of fruit, which is high in carbs.

But I do limit other forms of carbs - bread, grains, rice, potatoes, ...

But I don't know how healthy I really am. So I won't advise anyone else what to eat or not eat. 


Can you walk up 400 steps? If not you are not healthy. If you can you are.

3 minutes ago, Harrisfan said:

Can you walk up 400 steps? If not you are not healthy. If you can you are.

I don't know. Haven't tried.

Pushing my luck though by not doing much exercise lately. 

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