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Hua Hin Airport is one of the least utilized airports in Thailand, possibly even in the world. Shame on these guys. They can do so much better. Thailand desperately needs more regional airports, especially within a few hours of Bangkok. Anything to ease congestion, and save souls from the nightmare of getting in and out of Bangkok has to be a good thing for the nation and it's people. Shame. Shame. 

Hua Hin might as well be 1,000 km. away, with the lack of high speed transport options. It's no wonder Thailand can't attract many affluent tourists. The same promises being made for 20 years for an airport that desperately needs a significant number of international flights and domestic flights, to take pressure off of the airports in Bangkok, and the absolute nightmare of getting back and forth.


The lack of many flights a day is something that just has never made any sense

“We will begin by growing the flight base at Hua Hin Airport with a focus on international destinations, and domestic travel and our numbers will take time to grow.  We will get started immediately working with the town and recruit local businesses to participate in our new programs, Open to the World and LIVE-LEARN-WORK-PLAY, in Hua Hin,” Laroche said. Ha. What a joker. 


New routes are a decent thing to have, but Thailand absolutely has to get its act together and create some high-speed ways to move people around. There should be High-Speed Rail from Bangkok to Hua Hin, which there is not. Rama II is an abomination. The current situation with Rama II a decade behind schedule, and moving at a snail's pace is an absolute boil on the face of Thailand. 


There should be commuter flights from Bangkok to Hua Hin Airport, which there is not.


There should be flights from Hua Hin airport to Pattaya, which there is not, since Hua Hin airport is one of the least utilized airports in all of Southeast Asia.


This hapless administration has to at least make an attempt to get their act together, and they need to stop pretending that they are competent and that they are representing the Thai people. They are not competent, and they are not representing anyone here in Thailand, other than their own self-interests, and the interests of the elites. Period. 




  • Agree 1
2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

There should be flights from Hua Hin airport to Pattaya, which there is not, since Hua Hin airport is one of the least utilized airports in all of Southeast Asia.



Or at least start the high speed Ferry again, have used it a couple of times and it was quite relaxed.

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