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Hello, I have an elderly father who has sugar diabetes and a chronic wound which turned into gangrene, eating up most of his leg. In addition to this he was diagnosed with Addison's disease and now lost more than 60-70% of his weight. I can no longer work as I need to constantly care for him, dementia has clearly settled in and the hospital bills have become far too much to manage alongside of care. I have contacted the British embassy, they have provided with a list of medical repatriation companies. Based on this, I have now created a Go Fund Me to try and raise the money required to get his weight up in a hospital environment and repatriate him. I personally don't use Facebook, but sent the link to everyone I can. Does anyone here know of ways or websites in which I can share the link for exposure? All of this is completely new to me and I am not comfortable in asking others for help, so any advice would be appreciated.


Somehow you found this forum, but don't know how to post things on the internet.  Surely 'go fund me' would assist in that endeavor, as benefits them also.


"I have now created a Go Fund Me to try and raise the money  ... I am not comfortable in asking others for help"   ...   hmm


Good Luck anyway, seems you'll need it.

1 hour ago, Jonny2311 said:

I can no longer work as I need to constantly care for him,


So you are living and working in Thailand-----surly the looking after him from an outside person (house women)  would be cheaper then you stopping work?


When (If) he gets back to the UK --what then ??  


Is he to be abandoned ----:omfg:


How did he get to be here ---did you come here after him.....Please if you are going to ask for donations -- fill in some of the gaps


The Go Fund Me has been the last resort. As for filling in the gaps. My dad came here to retire. I have been back and fourth to Thailand month in month out to help him. He has had nurses looking after him, but he is difficult to look after. I can't even understand what he is saying anymore as his voice has gone. For your information, I do not live and work here. Due to the emotional stress, I am unable to do my job without the consistent mistakes being made. 

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