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Can Anyone Analyze This Attached Pattaya Foodland Receipt?


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I was rooting through some trash, and I found this Foodland PATTAYA receipt from a few months ago.

A friend of mine once told me they could tell a lot about a person, just by looking at what they buy at the market. So I've attached a copy of a receipt. I hope it's legible... I'm not very good at these technology things.

If you can read it, is there anything in it that you can advise me about?

Some of it is in Thai, I'm guessing that's mostly fresh vegetables. I think the 160 baht charge was for some fresh shrimp. The milk chocolate was for a friend, (I only eat dark chocolate, trying to cut down on sugar).

If anyone posts their receipt, I'll reciprocate and analyze yours too.

And if it's NOT legible, maybe you could analyize what kind of person would post such a receipt.


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(Brilliant) Analysis #1:

You're not an upcountry native of Isaan. (eating beef sirloin, salmon steak, gouda cheese, salsa sauce). The dead-giveaway was the White Scott Napkins. What? No toilet paper on your table? Where's your adopted Thai culture?

Analysis #2:

You enjoy the finer fare of western foods and are not particularly enamored with Asian/Thai cuisine. You are a reasonably good cook at home.

Analysis #3:

Some kind of animal at home? (Pedigree?) You're a DOG lover! (Yeah, that's it...)

Analysis/educated guess #4:

All Thai-language items must be facial cosmetics, skin cleansers, or whitening (tanning?) creams! :o

Analysis #5:

Watches his weight (chicken breast, which he eats sans skin); but does occasionally indulge secretly (Milk chocolate for a friend? Yeah, right.).

And Lastly:

What kind of person would post such a receipt and invite analysis? A completely self-absorbed, narcissistic, slightly aloof, ethno-centric farang. The type who can lure pseudo-intellectuals like myself into spouting his prolific psycho-babble all over cyber space.

Edited by toptuan
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(Brilliant) Analysis #1:

You're not an upcountry native of Isaan. (eating beef sirloin, salmon steak, gouda cheese, salsa sauce). The dead-giveaway was the White Scott Napkins. What? No toilet paper on your table? Where's your adopted Thai culture?

Analysis #2:

You enjoy the finer fare of western foods and are not particularly enamored with Asian/Thai cuisine. You are a reasonably good cook at home.

Analysis #3

Some kind of animal at home? (Pedigree?) You're a dog lover!

Analysis/educated guess #4

All Thai-language items must be facial cosmetics, skin cleansers, or whitening (tanning?) creams! :o

And Lastly:

What kind of person would post such a receipt and invite analysis? A completely self-absorbed, narcissistic, slightly aloof, ethno-centric farang. The type who can lure pseudo-intellectuals like me to spout their prolific psycho-babble all over cyber space.

Analysis of Analysis 1: I never thought using table napkins was such a high-class thing, but when you mentioned people using toilet paper, on the table... OMG... that's never crossed my mind... but I know not everyone is one the same budget, and in a pinch I guess it works. I have to say that I usually just use a paper towel as a napkin. Is it really true... do Thai people really use toilet paper on the table? I hope it's not those pink rectangle ones that look like coarse sandpaper.

Analysis of Analysis 2: Yes, I usually eat "western'... but I'm trying real hard to eat more asian food... made some good progress recently, especially eating kale with garlic. I'm not really a good cook, too lazy to buy and plan out menus, but I'm a pretty good judge of who is.

Analysis of Analysis 3: yes, Sherlock, I have two dogs... and a soi dog I feed too. I'm glad you didn't suggest I might be Thai and might eat the dog food as some kind of deli spread... like a "schmear" of cream cheese. I do like cats too.

Analysis of Analysis 4: yes, lots of skin whitening cream. that's my goal... to look as white and enemic as possible.

I still can't get over that toilet paper/napkin thing... that's too much for me to handle.

The lady that works for me (I hate to say "my maid", as i don't consider her a possession, more of a "team player"), well, she's not a wealthy lady, and I know she is careful with money... she gets paid very well, but now I'm wondering if she would spring for paper towels, or just use cheaper toilet paper, at her home. She has two kids, and some kind of husband... I'm imagining them sitting on the floor, eating, with a roll of toilet paper there, and maybe pulling off only one sheet at a time.

We really do take things for granted.

This has been very therapudic for me.

Edited by Weho
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This has been very therapudic for me.

I provide psychiatric counseling for about $120 US per hour. My post took me three hours. (Two-and-a-half of those hours meditating in an upside-down yoga position, regarding your elegant life-style).

Will PM you my bank account details for remittance. Assume 95 baht per dollar exchange rate. :o

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They are obviously not soi dogs, three different flavours of Pedigree, must be hard to please, probably similar to the owner :o

Two non-soi, one soi. Good observation that there were different flavours of Pedigree.

I have the maid mix the canned dog food with some fresh beef or chicken, sometimes ground beef. Surprisingly, it's not that much more expensive than the canned stuff... but they need the canned food to assure they get a balanced diet with vitamins/calcium etc.

They aren't too hard to please... and trust me, the soi dog doesn't hesitate at all... she scarfs up what I give in about two seconds.

I really don't think i'm too difficult to please... I'm very much "down to earth"... I'm considered a very "genuine" person, (at least by Pattaya standards).

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This has been very therapudic for me.

I provide psychiatric counseling for about $120 US per hour. My post took me three hours. (Two-and-a-half of those hours meditating in an upside-down yoga position, regarding your elegant life-style).

Will PM you my bank account details for remittance. Assume 95 baht per dollar exchange rate. :o

Then how is it that your post was timed at 31 minutes after Weho's?

I'm beating up on sub-contractors all the time for such easily disproven statements.

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1. I think the 10 baht coupon was one of those ones they peel off rotting meat or rotting vegetables or something... I don't recall. One time at TOPS they forgot to deduct for a similar coupon, it was 25 baht off something... I noticed this when I got home... A few days later, I marched back in there, with the coupon and receipt, and DEMANDED my money... they did give it to me, but it took almost 30 minutes of discussions and meetings with their staff.

2. I don't use tampons... I'm "out of commission" in that department, if you know what I mean... I would like to relate that many years ago, I was in a market in the United States of Amerigay, with my father, in the produce department. My father pointed out that Hollywood actor Walter Pidgeon was there. I didn't know who he was, but he looked sort of dignified. My father and I wandered around, without the trolley. Then we saw the Walter Pidgeon took our cart, and was heading away with it, not noticing it was our cart. So we interveened, and got the trolley cart back. Walter Pidgeon sort of laughed it off... but I was a nastly like child, and that wasn't enough for me. So I ran to the feminine hygeine department, and grabbed two boxes of Kotex brand sanitary napkins. When Walter Pidgeon wasn't looking, I casually dropped them into his cart, and went on my way. I still do things like this, even today. Imagine their embarassment at the check out line... like some 80 year old guy arguing with the head checker, "those aren't mine!"

3. "Rooting" is a term that means something like searching, rummageing (sp.?) around somewhere, like a trash bin. Not sure what your reference was related to.

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This has been very therapudic for me.

I provide psychiatric counseling for about $120 US per hour. My post took me three hours. (Two-and-a-half of those hours meditating in an upside-down yoga position, regarding your elegant life-style).

Will PM you my bank account details for remittance. Assume 95 baht per dollar exchange rate. :D

Then how is it that your post was timed at 31 minutes after Weho's?

I'm beating up on sub-contractors all the time for such easily disproven statements.

It's obvious! A ThaiVisa system error! :o

Edited by toptuan
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This has been very therapudic for me.

I provide psychiatric counseling for about $120 US per hour. My post took me three hours. (Two-and-a-half of those hours meditating in an upside-down yoga position, regarding your elegant life-style).

Will PM you my bank account details for remittance. Assume 95 baht per dollar exchange rate. :D

Then how is it that your post was timed at 8 minutes after Weho's?

I'm beating up on sub-contractors all the time for such easily disproven statements.

It's obvious! A ThaiVisa system error! :o

Then you should approach Thai Visa for compensation once your invoice has been rejected by WeHo. I can introduce you to some very shifty lawyers (well, more so than usual) who will provide a platform for you to take this serious case to the proper authorities.

Edited by Humphrey Bear
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