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Returning To The Uk


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Why do asylum seekers queue up at Calais to get across the channel to England?... because they know very well that they'll get given everything+kitchen sink when they get here. If they were 'true' asylum seekers, they'd apply when arriving in France.

Thai's have a strong identity and they didn't lose it bt handing out meal tickets and visas to any old falang who wanted permanent residence. Personally, I don't think the Thai imm. laws are all that bad... from a Thai's point of view. However, my wife might disagree when I have to jump through hoops to be with her. Swings 'n' roundabouts I guess.

... but if you want to talk about the implimentation of Thai imm. laws, now you're getting into Benny Hill territory :o

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America has most of Great Britains issues. They seem to cope. Hows that?

Maybe the American machine is bigger than the sum of its parts, and green and pleasant England is a featherweight in the worlds heavyweight boxing ring.

One of the major differences between Britain and the US, is the climatical variety. In the States, it is possible to live in places as diverse as Alaska and California. In the UK the weather is virtually miserable everywhere. The population is qutie large too. Lack of opportunities and high taxation. The States does not suffer from this problem, at least not in every state.

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If socio economic problems and national well being in the UK were a weather forecast, it might read something like this:-

An area of high work pressure will be moving slowly and continuously over most of the mainland today. Patchy depression will be followed by periods of glibness that will persist throughout the evening. A grey cloud over high ground, low ground and all coastal areas, will persist... forever. A strong front moving in from the North, South, East and West will bring high taxes and financial hardship to all who are left in the open. A storm warning has been issued by the tax office. Offshore areas (read tax havens) will benefit from favourable conditions. Hurricaine Blair continues to cause severe finantial woe throughout the shires and shows no sign of abating. The Radar image shows a fattening treasury and the inland waterways show a deepening resevoir of personal debt.

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There are so many reasons it's beyond a joke.

I couldn't agree more with Simon43 and Englishman among others - only an Englishman knows exactly what it's like back home.

I grew up in the late 70's and 80's and have very happy memories of that whole era and now it's all gone, and no, it's not just because I've grown up and being a kid is obviously better.

The younger generation in England are so so so screwed up it's unbelievable and it's cool to be a bitch and it's fashionable to be an enemy of the police.

There's no respect for the police let alone the Royal family and that's because both are crap.

There is such a facade of streetwise, mutha######er, DJ culture <deleted> among the young that they don't know what it is to be real anymore and they are terified of not being part of that in crowd and those who are not and those who don't look the part are persecuted ruthlessly, far more than in the past.

Every aspect of England from Tony Blair to The Spice Girls, the rediculous legal system and the media have made the place an absoloute mess which one only really sees when looking in from the outside.

I am emancipated from all that rubbish and I am not alone.

All I miss is pub grub and some of the T.V. - that's not much to miss is it.

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There is a new political party in the UK its called


No its nothing to do with the IDIOTS in the B, N. P.

Where it is of interest to expats is that there policy is :-

Postal votes for expats. :D

As expats you don't lose the right to the NHS service at the moment you do. :D

Frozen pensions to be made up to UK rates and cost of living rise each year. :D

The STUPID situation is right now if you live in Malaysia or the EU you will get your full pension plus yearly increases, if you live in Thailand, Australia, America, and many other places your pension is frozen, there are some war veterans living on £5 or £6 a week. :o

Also they are dedicated to taking the UK out of Europe, controlling immigration and scrapping political correctness. :D


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I had an e-mail shortly after my 30th from Carl out of Madness telling me to cheer up and look all around me - but he didn't mean it from the point of view that I was a lucky sod to be in Bangkok.

It's alright for him, he fulfilled his musical ambition at the arse end of the 70's when it was still possible to do so.

Am I wrong in saying that nowadays, the younger generation (that below mine) is so insecure due to saturation of pretty boy/sexy girl bands that they will do anything for fame - hence the vast amount of TV shows that are catering for this need for adoration because real love is either out of fashion or is so dificult to find?

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Also they are dedicated to taking the UK out of Europe, controlling immigration and scrapping political correctness.  :D

Who can blame them?

Poltical correctness is something that has spiralled way, WAY out of control and it is something that also seems to not have any limits.

In fact all three of the above are possibly the most guilty of killing England. :o

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I think a combination of stupid any petty laws and by laws, integrated with political correctness, and the banning of corporal punishment in schools has been the downfall of a once brilliant country!!

Was it Richard the Second who said before battle .... "British by birth English by the grace of God!" He will be turning in his grave!!!!

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I feel genuinely sad for those in England who are not travel types, desperatly clinging onto their patriotism. :o

They should accept that things have gone WAY beyond the point of repair, let go of their patriotism, just let it go, let it go and see some of the world and find somewhere they like, get over their broken heart and fall in love with another. :D

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Its not much better across the pond in Ireland either we have also lost our sense of identity I have noting against Romanians or other foreigners or Nigerians either but the amount of racist behavior that has sprung up in Ireland OVER THE LAST 5 YEARS IS TRULLY FRIGHTENING.

The brits had it good in the 50-60 when all they had to worry about was the Irish and we built most of the motorways for them then. Now look what they have to worry about colonialisum catching up. How come the French get on with the immigrants from there previous colonies.

Happy im moving, to the land of smiles.

Happiness is what you make it, you don’t find it.

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The brits had it good in the 50-60 when all they had to worry about was the Irish and we built most of the motorways for them then.

Thanks guys. Can you come back and fix them now please?

Ahh,the goods auld days.



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The UK has just banned the word Jap as it is racist--and i thought Jap was short for japanese!!---then again Paki is short for Pakistan!! anyway the UK is far too soft and tolerant--when anyone breaks the law they put them up in nice hotels er i mean prison!! :o

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The UK has just banned the word Jap as it is racist--and i thought Jap was short for japanese!!

I didn't know that the word JAP had been banned.

Are they going to ban BRITS as well.

When i want to buy 1/2lb. (sorry 560gms.) of BLACK JAP. wood screws or a new JAP. CO-TO-CY. i might be arrested as a raciest. :D

Will they ban T.V. Incase TRANSVESTITES get a bit queer. :D

OR Ties (as in neck ties) incase THAILAND gets annoyed and invades England. :o

Its time that i returned to Thailand. :D

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Seems like mine is the only voice to disagree with the general concensus.

Personally, I am amazed at how well respected the UK is by almost every other country. The UK still punches well above its weight in the international arena. The UK economy is still growing at a fast rate and is now the 4th largest economy in the world. Look back to 1979 and things were very different. Not that I particularly support the Thatcher views but she turned around a country that was getting more and more limp. Britains standing in the world is now very high by almost everyone except white Brits. British news is shown daily in almost every country around the world. Both the BKK pos and the Nation feature British stories on a continual basis.

Go ask where the new wealth had been generated from and in many many cases its from immigrants who have contributed a massive amount to Britian. OK so the cultures of the UK are changing and reflecting the fact that there are more and more ethnic views to consider but that is not always a bad thing. Indian food is now outselling fish and chips - who's buying it? White Brits of course.

Personally I left the UK becasue I was offered a much higher salary package working in another country and then ended up getting transferred to Thailand which I really enjoy but I would consider going back to the UK if the right opportunity came along.

Many things hack me off about the UK but unless you have seen other countries extensively, its easy to complain. As for the comments about the British royal family, that just reflects a lack of respect for something because of the freedoms of speech that are so jealously guarded in the UK. The Royal Family generate a huge amount of income and is the reason why Britain is so successfull in inbound tourism numbers. If you look at the facts, they aint coming for the weather are they?

Has Britain underinvested in many things - absolutely and due to crazy policies, many things have gotten pretty bad but compared to Thailand, the law is still respected and followed by the majority. There are no suspicious deaths that get treated as suicide. Health care is still free at point of delivery. Property ownership rights for anyone are clearly laid out in law. These are things that foreigners hold very close to their hearts.

Ask a poor American how well his health care system looks after him? It does not and there is a huge underclass in the US numbering millions that cannot even read or write. Ask a poor Singaporean how well they are looked after by the government and the answer is they are not. Britain has a policy of a free health service that cripples its direct and indirect taxation however that is due to the fact that the British by tradition never want to see anyone suffer. Look what it did to Thatcher when she tried to refomr the sacrosanct cow of the NHS. Go ask somebody with cancer in Singapore how well their health care system looks after them if they have no medisave funds. Same in Thailand and many other places. The only other countries with comparable health care systems are in West European countries such as France, Germany and Swden - however all these countries are in a worse position than the UK with higher levels of taxation.

I also think that the reason you hear about Brits abroad is that if you understand the travel business, you will see why. Brits enjoy cheaper airfares than almost any other country and their holiday business has grown tremendously. Almost every Brit expects to go on an overseas holiday every year however many more French and Germans holiday within their home country. The reason for this is that the package holiday was invented in Britain utilising chater flights and block booked hotels in Spain. Holiday companies could sell a holiday for about half the price of the same holiday for a German national staying in the same hotel.

Consider also that London has been the international centre for flights has meant that from a historical point, you could fly almost anywhere in thre world from London. Paris and Frankfurt have been playing catch up for the last 15 years. example, Singapore Airlines first International longhaul flight, was to London. One of Thais first internatioanl flights was to, yes London, Qantas etc, Cathay Pacific, the list goes on and on. Many international airlines have 2 times as many flights into the UK as the rest of Europe combined for example look at American Airlines or Singapore Airlines. Both have more seats daily into the UK than to the rest of mainland Europe. Similar story with Malaysia Airlines, United etc.

As a result of this actvity, far more Brits hold passports than other nations as its cheaper to holiday abroad than stay in the UK. Therefore there are a considerable number of Brits who have deciced for whatever reason that they prefer to live abroad than contend with life in old blighty as they feel they can have a better life (often incorrect as stated by someone else. I also now many Brits that could not live abroad and have gone back to UK).

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Well that's exactly the point isn't it...

As a result of this actvity, far more Brits hold passports than other nations as its cheaper to holiday abroad than stay in the UK. Therefore there are a considerable number of Brits who have deciced for whatever reason that they prefer to live abroad than contend with life in old blighty as they feel they can have a better life (often incorrect as stated by someone else. I also now many Brits that could not live abroad and have gone back to UK).

Sure, people are so desparate to get out, they'll do it in a hurry without making adequate plans and find themselves right back where they started.

It's not the point that the UK has good standing in the eyes of the international community. The point is that the quality of life for people on the streets, on ground level, may well be spin doctored into an image of prosperity but the latent grim realities are that people (including myself) just can't stand the pace of things anymore. People want time for their families/friends/hobbies. A high income, when compared to other countries, means NOTHING when it costs a net days income to take your family to see a movie and buy a few sweets etc and we're taxed to the wahoo!

I'm working myself into an early grave here and it's got to stop... I'm getting out.

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Putting aside the weather, cost of living, illegal immigrants etc etc etc

My own view is that, unlike MOST other countries, Britain has managed to make it almost a capital offence to be patriotic!

Think about this. In the US, Switzerland, France etc, and of course Thailand, virtually every national of that country is PROUD to be a citizen of that country. You stand for the national anthem. You fly your national flag from your house, car etc. You are proud to say 'I am an American, I am a Thai' etc.

So what about Britain? If you try to fly the national flag, then people either think you are a fascist or a drunken football yob. If you stand for the national anthem (if it ever gets played), then everyone thinks you are mad. And I'm sorry, but how on earth can you have any respect for that useless bunch of plonkers called the British Royal Family??

I would love to have a sense of national pride in my home country, but for as long as I can remember, successive govenrments have introduced more and more rules to make it ###### hard to feel any sense of loyalty or patriotism...

Just my 2 penies worth . . .


Absolutely right!

Can't say more......

Accept that, if you come from Wales you'll say "I am Welsh.

If you come from Scotland you'll say "I am a Scot".

If you come from Ireland you'll say "I am Irish".

BUT, those who come from England (mostly) say " I am BRITISH?"

How in fact, can anyone be British?

You can claim to come from Britain, of course

But, you would have to be part Irish, Welsh, Scottish & English surely, to be British!.

Because Great ( which only means big ) Britain is the sum total, of all of these.......is it not?

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Very wells said, Diigger, but don't expect too much agreement with you on this site, more than a few 'expats' in Thailand have run away from something back home. They don't like to be reminded of that.

So they blame where the UK rather than address the truth.

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I am lucky (!) to be in the position where I spend 3 weeks in Thailand, and then 1 week back in the UK, repeating this every month. So I am able to compare the differences between the two countries very easily.

I agree that many Brits do jump ship without adequate thought as to how they are going to earn a living etc in a foreign country.

Overall, it seems to be that the quality of life for the average Brit is pretty poor back in the UK. The general concensus (rightly or wrongly), is that the man/woman in the street sees the hand-outs and government assistance going to those who have least right to it, ie illegal or economic immigrants.

I make no excuse for believing that a government should look after it's indigenous people first, before giving hand-outs to others.

That's why I'm happy here in LoS, because I fully understand that the Thai government responsibility is to look after the Thai people, not foreigners such as ourselves. It's up to us to learn the language and integrate into Thai society.

I just wish more of the immigrants coming to the UK would follow that line, rather than sponging off the state who give them preference over indiginous Brits.

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Very wells said, Diigger, but don't expect too much agreement with you on this site, more than a few 'expats' in Thailand have run away from something back home. They don't like to be reminded of that.

So they blame where the UK rather than address the truth.

I also agree.I was in England last year as a visitor for a couple of months, and saw much of the country. My remaining impression is of the extraordinary beauty of the countryside and the kindness of the people I met.I admit I stayed away from the larger cities although did spend some time in London.In all elements of culture -theatre,art,music-England is a world leader and even the standard of food has improved immensely. There is no doubt that England is a marvellous country, with a great past and now facing the future head on without sacrificing the traditions of humor,tolerance and fair play.Not perfect but far from being the hellhole disgruntled Brits on this forum claim.

The interesting point to emerge is why so many underachieving, half-educated Brits gravitate to this forum with their yobbish and ignorant comments on the royal family, immigration etc etc.I suspect that in many cases these people come from the disaffected lower middle class with little money, educational or intellectual resources.They would have little chance to survive in a competitive environment and thus drift to places like Thailand where standards, how to put it politely, are not so demanding.

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The interesting point to emerge is why so many underachieving, half-educated Brits gravitate to this forum with their yobbish and ignorant comments on the royal family, immigration etc etc.I suspect that in many cases these people come from the disaffected lower middle class with little money, educational or intellectual resources.They would have little chance to survive in a competitive environment and thus drift to places like Thailand where standards, how to put it politely, are not so demanding.

Appreciate the positive comments about England, Boris, but.... Steady On!!! :o

Thailand, although a very enjoyable place to live, can also be quite demanding. Unless you've got money flying out your a*se, to make it long term you have to learn the language and make a decent, honest attempt to "fit in". This is what I've found anyways...

Reading the posts of many members of this forum, I believe they've done just that. There's a much larger percentage of people that come out here with the wrong attitude, then find themselves leaving 6 months later pennyless.

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Thailand, although a very enjoyable place to live, can also be quite demanding. Unless you've got money flying out your a*se, to make it long term you have to learn the language and make a decent, honest attempt to "fit in". This is what I've found anyways...

Reading the posts of many members of this forum, I believe they've done just that. There's a much larger percentage of people that come out here with the wrong attitude, then find themselves leaving 6 months later pennyless.

I agree, although now matter how good or respectful ones attitude or how popular one is with the Thai's - when the money runs out, the money runs out - and being a decent member of expat society can't help you.

Something I know all too well.

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The interesting point to emerge is why so many underachieving, half-educated Brits gravitate to this forum with their yobbish and ignorant comments on the royal family, immigration etc etc.

Boris, don't be so hard on yourself, we will make allowances for you.

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Does passing criticism on the UK Royal Family make me a yob? Or daring to speak out about the ridiculous immigration policy in the UK make me half-educated?

Oh well, my 7 years study to get a 1st class Honours and Master's degree was obviously a complete waste of time :o

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Oh well, my 7 years study to get a 1st class Honours and Master's degree was obviously a complete waste of time  :o

Like quite a few of us.

That's the hard reality, I'm afraid.

Studying does not promote entepreneurship.

Where the "real" money is.

And where you succeed because you need to succeed.

You really need to.

Because you have nothing.

Or not much

Chinese Proverb "Do not corner a cat against a wall or you will face a tiger"

And the reverse is true also,...

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