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Big Tipping Tourist


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Sorry Jingthing I was very drunk this morning. I think my posts were inappropriate and I fully understand what you meant by PMing without crying to the Mods. Being drunk, this conspiracy thing came to mind thinking that you were PMing everyone who disagreed with you just so that your message can be spread. Sorry my fault. Honestly.

Hope you carry on enjoying posting.

A hundred times sorry. :o

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In my opinion, most (not all) people who tip way over the top tend to do so because it makes them feel good, or they perceive it to make them look big, wealthy, generous etc etc.

I find that if you go to the same restaurant frequently, it's more important to be genuine, polite and respectful of the people that work there than it is to try and impress them with your tip. I very much doubt that the people in my local restaurant are spitting in my food because I only tip them 20 or 30 baht a time, and restaurants are always going to find you a table if there is one because that is the business they are in.

Having said that, if people want to give huge tips then that is up to them, but they should try to be honest about their reasons for doing so.

If the service is below average then I leave nothing. Some people I know have a hard time doing this as they feel pressured into leaving a tip (especially if the waiter is standing there clearly waiting for one) and would rather pay some money than face any type of awkwardness, even if they feel that a tip is not deserved. In this case leaving a tip is farcical.

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In my opinion, most (not all) people who tip way over the top tend to do so because it makes them feel good, or they perceive it to make them look big, wealthy, generous etc etc.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Its kind of funny people bragging about being such good souls and selfless, when they do it for THEMSELVES. They are buying a good feeling. When you give to a beggar, he gets money, you get the feeling that you are a caring, charitable person. This isn't a bad thing.

Being that I don't have any self esteem issues, I am not rich, I am not in the market for good feelings from servers selling the good feelings (I have much better ways to spend money), I tip at the local standard when I am in Thailand, and other local standards in other countries. I don't have any problem with it, the servers don't seem to either (although I don't spend alot of energy thinking about what they are thinking, why do some people care so much), and neither should anyone else.

That said, I think it is important to figure out what the local standard is. If it is expected to tip a certain way, and the service is OK, it is mean to not tip at all. It is a bit tricky in Thailand to figure out exactly what the local expecations really are because they vary whether you are Thai or farang tourist or farang expat, especially in the tourist areas.

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if a guy gets immense pleasure out of big tipping, i dont see the problem. why others see it as a problem is sheer lunacy of interplanetary galactic proportions.

got to be jealousy. low self esteeem? litle man cumplex?

jingy. your thinking does make sense when applied to farangs bldg houses, buying cars and gold 4 rural thai women. but to tipping service people?

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I PMed both Cobra and Meemee because they have both shown a pattern of personal attacks directed at moi, and I thought it best to try to handle this like a gentlemen and politely ask them to cool it rather than cry to the mods.
Quit PMing me, you have something to say to me say it on the board,

No one is "attacking you", it's called a difference of opinion, seems you can give it but have a problem taking it, :o

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BS, I take it; I take it BIG TIME. Don't worry, no more PM's, report button is much better, no good deed goes unpunished.

I noticed you failed to include my comment about your LIE that I mentioned anything about my "seniority" here. How convenient, Cobra

Not once, never, did I mention anything about my "seniority" or number of posts, how frigging ridiculous. I will let their darkness shine without further comment. Cheers.

Oh look, its your relative, snake in the grass:


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BS, I take it; I take it BIG TIME. Don't worry, no more PM's, report button is much better, no good deed goes unpunished.

Oh look, its your relative, snake in the grass:


Get back on your meds Jing, :o

I like the pic of the cobra, thanx, and don't worry about calling my relatives snakes,

I won't report you as you routinely threaten to do to everyone else you big baby :D ,

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You are reported. I will let the mods sort out the blame on this, Cobra. And "big baby" that I am, I accept any action they decide to take about this, to you OR to me.

You were wrong, this little stupid personal spat should have been dealt with by PM and you refused to do that, so now we have this absurd situation.

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I tip whenever I'm satified and happy with the service. :D So that means I tip to the people beyond those who are in personel service industry- hotel, restaurants, tour quide etc. I do sometime tip sale lady if she happens to serve me with her enthusiasm along with her bright smile :D . It's not much really, 10 -20USD a time. But it makes her day because she knows someone appreciate her effort.

Every X-mas, we hand-out envelope with money to our mailman, our lawn crew, our regular grocery boy, our faverite waiter at our regular eating joint, our shampoo girl, average 40-60USD for each person. We feel that these people have been taking good care of us all year long, so once a year we're happy to show our appreciation.

But if the service in the eating established upset me, :o twice I found myself leaving two pennies on the table. :D

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I tip whenever I'm satified and happy with the service. :D So that means I tip to the people beyond those who are in personel service industry- hotel, restaurants, tour quide etc. I do sometime tip sale lady if she happens to serve me with her enthusiasm along with her bright smile :D . It's not much really, 10 -20USD a time. But it makes her day because she knows someone appreciate her effort.

Every X-mas, we hand-out envelope with money to our mailman, our lawn crew, our regular grocery boy, our faverite waiter at our regular eating joint, our shampoo girl, average 40-60USD for each person. We feel that these people have been taking good care of us all year long, so once a year we're happy to show our appreciation.

Kudos Tinker, :o

That's exactly what I'm talking about, generosity for generosity's sake,

Nothing to do with status, or to demean, just simple appreciation.

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In my opinion, most (not all) people who tip way over the top tend to do so because it makes them feel good, or they perceive it to make them look big, wealthy, generous etc etc.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Its kind of funny people bragging about being such good souls and selfless, when they do it for THEMSELVES. They are buying a good feeling.

JohnnyF and Jingthing, why do you think you have any clue what the motives are for "most" people who tip "over the top" (read: more than you want them to).

You don't. You can't read other peoples' minds.

BUT, even if you could read their minds, it's still not your business what other people tip, regardless of their motives. Just learn to be big boys (or girls) and deal with people doing differently than you.

As for me, I don't tip big to make me feel good, I tip big to make you feel bad. That's just how I roll.

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an ex of a srupid farang is one who is asked by his gurrfriend how mut munney he save s every month and then decides to marry her.....lol.

actually i think thais who say others r stoopid for leaving a bi g tip will never get anywhere financially. their mindset is just horible.

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As for me, I don't tip big to make me feel good, I tip big to make you feel bad.

Then you just wasted your money ... twice. I don't care if you tip 1000 percent. It's your money. But don't expect people not to wonder what you are trying to prove (showoff).

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Already told you what I think. Such a person is buying a good feeling for himself. He is a generous person he thinks. If showing off to others, he is a big rich man. I would not care, but, true, I would think if he made a big show about it that he is probably a Grade A A-hule. Because here you are talking about two different things actually: tipping big and tipping big to make a public show about it. Obviously, the latter is obnoxious.

The Psychology of the OVERTIPPER

written by a veteran American waiter

The Over Tipper -- The Over Tipper, though ultimately benefiting the server, tips at almost embarrassing levels. Overcompensation or garish display of wealth? Regardless, most servers will laugh all the way to the bodega, buy an $8 pack of cigarettes, and then light them with all of that paper money.


So you see the OVERTIPPER does it for himself; the waiters think you are a fool.

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i still dont understand.

y do u get so upset?

Do I sound upset to you? OK, I am upset.


This is an outrage! People overtipping, there ought be a law!

I have a question for you too. Do you text alot?

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no. y type why when y will do?

Because you are not writing in English? I think its more polite to show the courtesy to your readers to spell out your words. Just a tip for you. Take it or leave it.

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Jingthing :o . The link to the other thread from the worldlywise Tipping Guru was a very intresting and perhaps valid read until she capped it off with ''Tipping is regarded as a big no-no in Thailand, Vietnam and fiji.'' I dont know about the Nam but every member on this forum already knows Tips are accepted in Thailand. I live and work with 16 fijians and as one of them just explained to me tips are readily welcome in fiji but not expected, Fijians like their money like they love their food FACT! Therefore her credibility to me has just blown completely out of the window. By pretty much stating in your replies that your views on tipping are FACT just because you can back it up with an article written by somebody in a magazine etc is an extrmely arrogant stance to take. Dont beleive everything you read Jingthing ''opinions are like A holes, We all have them.'' A man of the world like yourself should appreciate that (50 countries! Doe's that include transiting through airports on your travels? hehe!)

You replied to my previous post that I shouldn't tell people where they should or should'nt live. I apologise to anybody who got the end of the stick on that one as that was not my intention. I personally think you were picking holes on that one Jingthing. I was simply offering a simple solution to anybody living under the terrible cloud of terror and disease that is sweeping the universe.... Tipping.

for a man who is against tipping, and please don't deny you are for there are 10 pages on this topic already with many negative replies from yourself, You contradicted yourself in one of you recent replies by saying that you tip to the local standards. What are the local standards Jingthing? i was now under the impression that the Thais find Tips unnaceptable. you are residing in Pattaya sir, A city of diversity where there are rich foreigners, Poor foreigners, Filthy rich foriegners, comfortably well off foreigners, and cheap charlies. There is absolutely no such thing in Pattaya as a local standard Tip but there is obviously an average. I have come to the conclusion that the amount of a local standard tip is probably the amount that is suitable to yourself.

I really was really annoyed with posts from other forum members that you had PM'd them with warnings of impending compaints to the MODS be it they disagree with you anymore, It borders on the childlike. the whole purpose of an open forum is Q and A, Opinions however valid and finally DEBATE! I have read nothing on this thread that is in anyway an insult to you. i would say to you sir ''Grow up!'' but i feel that you maybe offended by it, so i wont.....

I have really enjoyed this thread but i must say that i cannot be swayed from my original opinion. if you like tipping then tip, if you dont then dont. As Shakespeare once said. '' To tip or not to tip!

Who cares........''

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Of course, I deny I am against tipping. I always tip when it is appropriate to tip. If I could design the world, I would design it without tipping, but that is not the world we live in, at least in many countries, as of course there are countries with no tipping.

Also, lukey, there are so many false characterizations in your post, that I won't even bother responding further. My previous comments stand by themselves. How you have characterized them is in your head only. Get the message: stop bickering! Stay ON TOPIC.

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You really are on a bit of a roll at the moment, arent you Jingthing? In one week, you've managed to transform yourself from respected poster to laughing stock.

Are you have problems at home, perhaps? Is there anything you'd like to talk about?

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You really are on a bit of a roll at the moment, arent you Jingthing? In one week, you've managed to transform yourself from respected poster to laughing stock.

Are you have problems at home, perhaps? Is there anything you'd like to talk about?

Troll bait NOT TAKEN anymore.


a person (that would be me) who attracts trolls (that would be you) and responds to them unknowingly to their scheme (that would NO LONGER be me);

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Ummm. You are a strange fish Jingthing. Your replies are random to say the least. i would love to ask you where there are false characterizations in my previous post however i do feel a further response from you would achieve very little. They say no-one in Pattaya could ever be lonely, However If somebody like yourself could be this rude and abnoxious in cyberspace then i believe this cliche to be false.

Check Bin Krap! :o

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Donald trump left a 10,000 tip two nights ago at a restaurant!

Personally, I think tipping 1000 baht to a food vendor is just ridiculously silly but I guess the vendor is not complaining and its their money, so its none of our business.

I heard that about the Trump. He is in a class by himself and everyone knows he is a world class Azzhula, so good on him, and the lucky waiter.

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