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Devastated- Dumped by my beautiful TGF


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If bargirls were earning 350k a month, they wouldn't be using their family's one piece of land as loan collateral (valued at an avg. of 500k Baht at best for 150k Baht loan amounts) at 3% a month interest, paying 2-3 times the principle before paying the loan off, and then repeating the cycle over and over again.


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There are good and bad stories every where. Before OxFord's post, the best I had heard was of ONE bg (in Pattaya) who had 3 fish on the hook and was raking in about 100,000 baht a month (while still working). That story came from the guy who managed the bar/club she worked in.

My latest g/f works in the same club her sister used to. Her sister met a nice falang who set her up with a beauty saloon, so she (the sister) no longer works in a bar (honestly, I know her). Not sure if he sends extra money or not.

As a dancer, I think the g/f is earning about 30k a month, plus tips. She rarely ever gets b/f'd (according to her sister, girlfriends and mamsan), but from what I saw, very few of the dancers were getting b/f'd (in a period of 10 straight days, I saw 1 girl get barfined and go ST). It is low season though.

Sooo, 35,000 baht a month perhaps on average (and I'm not sending her any money !).

Another girl in the club, working as a waitress (serving drinks and cleaning tables) was making 4,500 a month (plus tips). She told me one night when she noticed my bin was the same as her monthly salary.

Honestly, if 8 girls in 1 club were earning 350k a month (or more) EACH, they wouldn't still be there. They'd be living the hi-so life, hanging with Tata and company. We're talking almost $9,000 US a month.

Maybe they have a balance of 350k or more in the bank, but it's not likely they are adding 350k a month.

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And always keep in mind, there are as many "horror" stories going around among the bar girls too, about how some friend , relative or whatever who got shafted by a falang.

With that in mind, ofcourse they will try to play the field, to always have a backup.

And if you think about it, so should you. Always keeping a backup handy tends to make for a calmer and relaxed attitude in life. :o:D:D

I did actually know one who did jugle 5 guys at the same time, everyone was paying her appartment rent and sending her money, which when summed up actually did amount to quite a bit of cash each and every month. After doing this for some odd years she finally choose just one guy, got married and till this day they stay happily together.....

But i guess that would leave 4 guys out to dry, unless they too had a handy backup available to help them drown the sorrow..... :D:D:D

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Most of the bar girls I know (actually, all of the bar girls I know) make upwards of 350 000 baht a month.

Gawd! Don't tell that to the girls working in my bars - we will have no staff left :D

... and maybe I should start working as a BG if the money is that good :o


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As someone who probably can relate to what I said in this thread posted; there are bargirls and then there are bargirls. Just because you meet a few Issan girls in patpong one or two nights a week doesn't necessarily qualify you to judge the earning potential or actuality of all working girls in all bar/club establishments the city over. If after reading this thread you think I am saying that all bargirls earn this much, then you should re-read it. :o

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Sorry Will but that is utter exaggeration , you're talking about £5,000 equivalent.

This may be feasible for the odd " Superstar " , but maybe you hang with some very "speshun" BG's....

To avoid confusion, I (off the top of my head) have viewed the bankstatements (or bank 'books') of 13 separate bargirls. 8 of them work in the same bar, then 2 in another and 2 'freelance' and one japanese club girl. The least well off had a general monthly income of 350 000 baht from working three days out of seven.

If you cannot imagine how, I am not going to give the game away! (but it's not rocket science.)

Believe me or not, up to you of course :o I am sure there are many bargirls who earn much less, but the facts I have seen would seem to suggest not -that- many.

I am quite 'speshun' though, yes.

Question 1 - Why would 13 separate girls show you their bank books and then allow you the time to audit the bank books in order to arrive at their general monthly income (amount paid in)?

Question 2 - Why do you consider the "audited earnings" of these 13 girls are indicative of the many thousands of girls working the bars?

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I would find it hard to believe that girls earn that much.....even with punters sending them money each month.....One friend of mine showed me her pay break down once....she made 40,000 that month but it was a good month. She now earns a lot more working between Dubai and Singapore.

I would think that the average would be a lot less than was stated.

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so 350k/9 days = 40k per night! pigs @arse, even for a top model in paris you dont pay that much :D

as i can recall there was a story once of a top ratchada fishbow girl, who made about 250K a month, but that was being a mia noi to a wealthy jap and sh@gging politicians :D

stop the crap and lets get back to reality, not all the guys are fcukwiths, not all the bg's are that smart, i reackon if the top ones make 40k she'd be lucky, all the others are dogs and lucky to survive on peanuts :o

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blah blah blah. They make the money from scams, not from going with customers. They fabricate relationships. They are not typical. They do not represent the average working girl.

Mods might as well close this thread now, it's very old.

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hot lookers are looking for the BIG dumb sucker who will buy them a condo outright ,or beauty salon . they hear about the girls who win the jackpot with some dummy so they all want to find one .

wouldnt you ? its easier than doing the lottery and the odds are low.

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There's plenty of fish in the sea :o - enjoy the fishing

so true,

You lost a battle, not the war, chalk it up to experience,

You had some good times with her right ?, so it was worth it.

Better to have loved than never at all, yada, yada,

... can't be with the one you love , love the one your with ... (Steven Stills, CSNY),

It is easier to meet a non-BG than you think, smile, talk, ....

New relationships with anybody are always uncertain, Good luck and thanks for sharing. :D

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if you imagine a list rollcall of punters ,new names are added to the top of the list every week as they get lots of attention.

your name gets shunted down the list IF you dont pay monthly money, buy a property, new car ,bike, diamond ring or buffalo.

eventually you reach the bottom of the list and are suplus to requirments .

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I have experince of this topic, not personally but one of my wifes frineds used to get me to write emails to Farang all over the world that were daft enough to send her money. She was getting about 100k baht a month of various men, she spent this money playing snooker with me and the wife and her Thai b/f who is a policeman. She is now living in Sweden married to a bloke but she still goes back to Thailand once a year for a month to see her new Thai b/f.

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Thai Girl - if you dont like Falang and this forum why are you here?

There are other places in thailand to meet a decent girl,  My wife  her friends well some of them have asked me if i could find someone for them,  I mean it's not that easy.

Please dont think of anybody on this forum, they are poisonous.

Most farangs think they are so superior to Thai people and in this forum it is no different. If you don't like one of your wifes friends than try to fix her up with one of the idiots from this Forum.

If she is a nice girl how could you do that to her?

In most cases it's the Thai woman that ends up with the rubbish farang, not the other way round. :o

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Hei,hei, dont knock it, ok so there are sooo many bar girls working for money her, but lets face it..is it not more sensible to get some money in the bank, rather than follow the example of the so called modern, eductated and smart western girls who run around discoes/bars/nightclubs and basically have sex for free drinks?

Right or wrong aside,  most bar girls does not see it as a permant life occupation,  it s just a pit-stop on her way to a "better" life. When this is achived most would rather forget their bar girls expirience, and just continue enjoy a normal lifestyle.

So as in any relationship, sometimes its best to let the past be the past and foccus on the future.

So to the, OP dont loose faith, go looking there are bound to be someone right for you out there.....or should i say out here...... :o

Are you an historian ?

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Thai Girl - if you dont like Falang and this forum why are you here? Quote from crossbones.

If you hate Thailand so much crossbones why are you on here?

cough "troll"

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I have been in Thailand, for two years, speak decent Thai compared to most of the farang, I have listened to. And have dated poor girls and rich girls, BG and non-BG, alike.

From what I take of this forum, every topic that concerns women comes down to money..............everyone wants to be with a girl that cares about you and not your money, well there is only one sure way to know.

Find a wealthy or middle class girl, and then tell her your poor.

My last girlfriend I dated for 3 months, she had plenty of money because her family owned quite a few restaurants.

She was constantly taking me out to places like the Hyatt, Convent, and Oriental.

Did it work in the end? No.

But I definitely knew that she wasn't after my money, because I consistently pretended that I made about 20% of what I actually do.

Of course this scenario won't work for a poor isaan BG, but then again, if your 20 years older than a girl, you speak her language like a 2 year old, and you think she is with you for some reason other than money, than maybe you need to close the valve on the canister of nitrous oxide, that you've got your lips rapped around.

Can you give me her phone number I could do with a few free meals. I'm even prepared to close the valve on a canister of nitrous oxide and rap my lips around it. Sounds like a blast........

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I have an answer to the original question of this thread that should pretty much end it right here. This is the very first cliche I came up with when I began studying human behavior formally, it applies to many/most scenarios in foreigner/Thai girl relationships, and will be put on my tombstone...

"Don't look for logic where there is none."

Why do you need to know where you went wrong? So you won't do it again? If you didn't know NOT to try and make a hooker a girlfriend in the first place, what makes you think you will learn anything from it afterwards?

Confuscious says "He who steps in wet dirt gets muddy."

It should be obvious but I guess it isn't.

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I have an answer to the original question of this thread that should pretty much end it right here.  This is the very first cliche I came up with when I began studying human behavior formally, it applies to many/most scenarios in foreigner/Thai girl relationships, and will be put on my tombstone...

"Don't look for logic where there is none."

Why do you need to know where you went wrong?  So you won't do it again?  If you didn't know NOT to try and make a hooker a girlfriend in the first place, what makes you think you will learn anything from it afterwards?

Confuscious says "He who steps in wet dirt gets muddy."

It should be obvious but I guess it isn't.

Your nick says it all. Tell the punters to say it to every new lady encountered :o

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