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Ping, now ya upset me.....

Speshully as we are NOT getting tallies for all the fun junk that was transferred from PUB.

Neva care, will soldier on.


It was fun getting to a 100 posts.

Took the boredom out of my mornings.

10,000 looks inpossible, it has taken me a week to progress from 5955

It was fun getting to a 100 posts.

Took the boredom out of my mornings.

10,000 looks inpossible, it has taken me a week to progress from 5955

AND George mite be dead, us young guys gunna miss out


That's because of the numbers not counting for the jokes and games sub-forum. I think you'll find a lot of people's post rate will suddenly be slowing down!

Yeah, only intelligent posts will earn points.


Intelligent posts or not you lot must spend your whole life on the computer, you worked out how many hours you spend on here, Sad eh !! go out into the sunshine, thats if you are not to old to get about. if thats the case get the GF to push the chair :o:D


Not much sunshine around in the hours I am normally here.

Place to be when bored, football is boring, well my team is losing.....lol

I enjoy the repartee in some freds, good laffs.

Tis a way to glean local info.

Yeah, tis fun and games, but still good.


Kimera's right. I spend far too much time in front of the 'puter when I could be doing much more productive activity. It's a bit like a decent whisky - it can be addictive. How many times have you been at a pub/bar and thought, 'I'll just have one more and then I'm off'... only to find yourself still there an hour or two later. Same with the 'net.


That the problem when footy is over,

Often watch 2 Super 14 games, drinkies too.

THen when time comes for folks to go........

always the same,,,,,

"I'll just have another little one."

Cupla hours later, I am waking people up.......

"GO HOME!!!!!"...........LOL


Well I'm heading up the country in the next few days, so I probably won't have net access for most of the time I'm up there (anything from a week to a couple of months). There are a few free wifi points around the place, so I'll see how I go.


Good luck, Ping

Take care, catchup weneva matey .

BTW, my gal is scheduled to arrive, 2 weeks today, from Manila.

Wheeeeeeee,,,,,,, :o


I'll be going on Tuesday.

Good luck to you, Pete, with youf gf. But aren't you actually calling her your fiance? I thought you were well old enough to know better than getting married again! Will you never learn? :o


Yeah Ping, fiancée she is.

Neva thought I would marry again, never say never........etc

I am selfish, need summun in my house.

Mature ppl need a nursemaid...... hehe, a sleep over one.

Hope she doesn't see this, met her in TV.

Sex will not rear its lovely head.

Well not until I am off the drug, zoladex, grrrrrrrrrr....

No harm in dreaming, cannot even manage a damp dream.....

Ping, hope to see you at times in here.

Cheers matey.

BTW, g/fs were at ON's...... hahaha

Edit 4 spelling.

Why does spell not work in TV, except when in edit?


I'm always editing to fix up typos. A spell checker may be handy in 'Fast Reply', as long as it allowed both US and UK English alternatives.

How are you going with your health, then? Things looking to be back on the right track for you?

Did you see that LivinKata is now a mod for the Phuket sub-forum (amongst others) - which is around a month's probation before making him a super mod? Good to see. No doubt he'll make short shrift of some of the ratbags who've been infesting the sub-forum in recent times.

Did you see that LivinKata is now a mod for the Phuket sub-forum (amongst others) - which is around a month's probation before making him a super mod? Good to see. No doubt he'll make short shrift of some of the ratbags who've been infesting the sub-forum in recent times.

Thanks for that vote of confidence Ping.... :o


Thanks for asking, Ping.

Next oncology checkup in July.

Has been positive so far, but gotta get off that drug first.

Except for in TV, the "ieSpell" works automatically, it is great, in TV just click on it and it does the job. (IE7+)

The default dictionary is blotty president's american, I have added proper Queen's English spelling, up to you.

Hope LivingKata is able to control, as you call them, ratbags in Phuket...... in the forum too......

.................................. :o ................................ :D

Good luck, L....K..........


Yes, Firefox 3 and IE7. Can't seem to get the Firefox one to work in here, so I'll try the IE one next time I visit the forum. Thanks for the tip.


There is a new IE8, but a lotta stuff does not work using it yet.

Hope nobody has downloaded it and is thinking their poota is at fault.


Just wondering, any people who regularly visiting Phuket.

Will the present protests in Bangers affect you decision to visit this year.

I am coming in about 6 months, not worried, tho' some people tell ne I am nutz......LOL

Hey I may be.

Not missing Loy Krathong, no way.

Just wondering, any people who regularly visiting Phuket.

Will the present protests in Bangers affect you decision to visit this year.

I am coming in about 6 months, not worried, tho' some people tell ne I am nutz......LOL

Hey I may be.

Not missing Loy Krathong, no way.

I'm coming later in the year, first visit in a while.

The protests don't worry me, I stay well away from the hot spots.

What does worry me is my long term thoughts on moving to Thailand. It seems to be going to shit politically, economically and violently.

Also noted LOS was recently named, in a report from Singapore, the second most corrupt country in SE Asia. (After Indonesia)


My feeling is there are tourists who will not come due to the ongoing protests even if they realise that Phuket is far removed from Bangkok & Pattaya although we have had a couple of disruptions here at the airprot & Laguna. However, from now on I think tourist numbers will drop off purely for economic reasons. Ask the hoteliers if they have good bookings for next high season.

Despite Phuket's resilience it will be a tough time for business here, is already affecting mine & no doubt many others. Sometimes I wish I could be like some of the others on this forum who have their finances set up in a way whereby they can spread their time equally between Phuket & home country. However, one cannot just batten down the hatches & wait for the storm to blow because it may be a long time blowing. In terms of business one needs to stay out there.

I am not much of a drinker these days & so do not normally venture down to the circle pier road. I have a friend who recently opened a bar there called The Office. He claims there are no bar girls, just a place to enjoy a drink & chat. Any reports on this?

The circle is a long standing joke, with the demolition & traffic light fiasco last year, although it works reasonably well when there are no controls either human or otherwise. The same can be said of many traffic lights when they are down during which time there is hardly ever a line up. It seems to bring out a better side to our drivers who have to become more considerate.


I thought the circle regulated traffic excellently.

Have always said that.

There is that stupid left turn only from the pier road, crazy.

Otherwise, the fountain may as well have been left there.

Roundabouts are the best regulators of traffic in all conditions, morning rush, evening rush.


I haven't got away yet Pete - been laid up with gout. Should be going in a few days. Re the political tension in Thailaind, its history is rich with it. There have been far more troubled times, even in relatively recent history, than the problems going on at the moment, but there is certainly the potential for the problems to escalate considerably. And the loss of face over the ASEAN business must have taken a very heavy toll. All the same, even if things continue to degenerate, you are highly unlikely to have significant problems in Phuket (although the pests seem to like the airport). I can't see the political turmoil going away in the short term, either.


Dunno if I mentioned this before.

Ping, ya notice the Kraft have sneakily put up price of Vegemite.

To rub salt into the wound, they reduced the size from 450 gram to 400 grams.

Marmite for me now, much cheaper and I like it.

Main reason I bought Vegemite was for the 450 g glass jar, great for jam and small preserves.


It's not April 1, Pete - you can't be serious about Marmite! But I just recently bought a new jar of Vegemite and you're right - the jar seemed smaller (but I hadn't noted the actual quantity difference - and it was overpriced. I'll wager that if Vegemite were still in Ozzie hands, it would be far less expensive.

It's a bit like Nescafe coffee - charge the price the market will bear (the old Japanese principle) rather than a price that is fair and reasonable. I paid $25 today for a 500g tin of the standard Nescafe Blend 43 (AKA Red Cup) coffee today! Bushells was selling for a fraction of that price. After all, it's all coffee and the ingredients/processing can't be all that different.

So Nescafe charges an exorbitant price because no-one else can replicate the taste of its coffee - just as Kraft charges an exorbitant price for Vegemite because people will pay it... just as the Australian Gov't charges an unholy tax on cigarettes because it's a populist policy and they know smokers will pay it (and they're about to thump prices up again). Get me outta here and back to Phuket! (Where, for some odd reason, Red Cup is far more reasonably priced and smokes are still comparatively very cheap).

BTW, a jar of Vegemite lasts quite a while - aren't you prepared to cough-up an extra few dollars for months of enjoyment (Kraft is banking on you doing so).

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