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Pattaya Postal Service

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SOURCE: Pattaya Mail Newspaper: Dated Friday 21st March 2008

More on the postal system

Dear Sirs,

I hope you publish the following in line with some earlier comments that went to print: The Thai postal system is disgraceful and steps should be taken to bring it in line with the more efficient systems of ‘lesser’ neighbours.

First, I sent a box of Christmas gifts to an 87 year old aunt, living alone in the UK, by registered mail, despatched November. By January it had not been received so I followed up and after a month my parcel sent from Big C in Sukhumvit was found in Naklua Post Office.

Despite it being registered I had received no notification of its whereabouts. It had been opened and most of the contents were gone. I was told it had been returned from the UK as no one was at home when delivery took place. A total fabrication.

My aunt never leaves her home, and despite the local post office keeping records of foreign mail and delivery, there was no mention of the parcel when steps were taken to check with them.

I am 65 now, due for a UK pension and I completed all the documentation relevant to this and despatched in Pattaya, with assurance it would take about 7 days. 30 days later it has not arrived in the UK. Another letter sent to a former employer, has, again not arrived.

This is not an impressive record for Thailand!

As a former resident of Singapore, Philippines and Japan, I am used to an efficient, trustworthy service. What was interesting is that when the documents from the British Government arrived at my home for completion, the envelope had been slit open, then resealed with tape.


Dr John Ronald

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SOURCE: Pattaya Mail Newspaper: Dated Friday 21st March 2008

More on the postal system

Dear Sirs,

I hope you publish the following in line with some earlier comments that went to print: The Thai postal system is disgraceful and steps should be taken to bring it in line with the more efficient systems of 'lesser' neighbours.

First, I sent a box of Christmas gifts to an 87 year old aunt, living alone in the UK, by registered mail, despatched November. By January it had not been received so I followed up and after a month my parcel sent from Big C in Sukhumvit was found in Naklua Post Office.

Despite it being registered I had received no notification of its whereabouts. It had been opened and most of the contents were gone. I was told it had been returned from the UK as no one was at home when delivery took place. A total fabrication.

My aunt never leaves her home, and despite the local post office keeping records of foreign mail and delivery, there was no mention of the parcel when steps were taken to check with them.

I am 65 now, due for a UK pension and I completed all the documentation relevant to this and despatched in Pattaya, with assurance it would take about 7 days. 30 days later it has not arrived in the UK. Another letter sent to a former employer, has, again not arrived.

This is not an impressive record for Thailand!

As a former resident of Singapore, Philippines and Japan, I am used to an efficient, trustworthy service. What was interesting is that when the documents from the British Government arrived at my home for completion, the envelope had been slit open, then resealed with tape.


Dr John Ronald

Dr Ronald, calling the mail service here "disgraceful" is far too kind. I have made several attempts to have documents sent to me from the Social Security Administration, in the USA. The items they are sending are only forms. They have absolutely no monetary value. But, of course, few Thais would realize this, and may well suspect that there is something of value inside an envelope from a government source.

I have made 3 such attempts, and have verified, by phone, that the address on file with the SSA is my full and correct address here in Pattaya. I have not received any of the envelopes they have sent.

Like everything else in Thailand, the postal service is populated with a significant number of theives. Anything that looks like it may have some value is most unlikely to reach the intended recipient. All packages are opened, and checked for value. I have received some packages of American made cat food for our American born cat, who won't eat the crap produced here in Thailand. All of those have been opened, but cat food is not, apparently high on the list of items these thieving dogs want.

What a wonderful country!

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I had a jiffy bag of tea bags sent from the U.K. I noticed that it was opened and taped back down.

So instead of the 180 which should have arrived, I got 122. Thieving bar stewards.

Your Mum nicked 58 tea bags, she told me.

The 58 tea bags covered the postage............

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The way to go in Thailand is DHL {out} all important stuff (about 1000 baht).

Incoming is more tricky. You will have to befriend your postman, then bribe him, so that you receive all mail.

No other advice.

Our postman never brings a parcel to our home even when we are in. The postcard still gets put in the box telling us to pick it up.

Its not the postman doing this it is the sorting office thieving bar stewards.



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I had a jiffy bag of tea bags sent from the U.K. I noticed that it was opened and taped back down.

So instead of the 180 which should have arrived, I got 122. Thieving bar stewards.

Your Mum nicked 58 tea bags, she told me.

The 58 tea bags covered the postage............

The postage cost more then £20 to send. :D Anyway you was right about it being my mum... :o

Sorry back to the topic.. Postman Thailand....What was it again?


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I've had no problems sending things if via USPS Global Express. A bit costly, but if you need something sent, it's still probably cheaper than UPS or DHL. Sending greeting cards was the worst. They never arrived. I had to start sending them by Priority at $11 a piece just so they would get to their destination. I suppose if you wanted to teach the thieves a lesson, you could always fill an envelope with dirty tissues. :o

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I am sure a few have had bad experiences, and I was told when I first came here never to use/ trust the Thai postal system.

Anyway my jewellers still sent my £2,500 Tag Heur watch to my OLD address in Thailand, they tried to deliver it 3 times (I've seen the cards), and then sent it back to England. My brother eventually brought it over for me.

Sending stuff back home, I now have a relationship with the local post office, and for an extra 100 baht or so per parcel, they guarantee it will leave LOS.

I guess my point is that we all have different experiences, and especially here everyone listens to the scaremongering. I did, and told all my family and friends not to send me birthday cards on my first year here. They all did, and they all arrived, (which is a bummer as this was to be my excuse for not sending b'day cards).

Just my tuppence worth, but I think that for a country in a developmental stage such as Thailand, they are certainly streets ahead of the UK in terms of the postal system.

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Living in Bangkok, I've had few problems with the postal service here. I've had at least 6 bank cards sent out successfully. When one disappeared, I stopped having them sent out. I was most surprised to receive a motorcycle helmet within a week of it being sent from the UK. I expected it to get nicked as it was used but good quality. Perhaps it was too bulky to walk out of the sorting office.

However the OP's Pattaya experience sounds inexcusable.

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Not only Pattaya, this is Nation wide, if not world wide.

It's not world wide. I'd have to say that the most dependable and honest government service in the USA is the US Post Office. Mail does occasionally get lost. They're not perfect. But it's rare. And your no more likely to lose something of real value than you are to lose personal letter, or some inexpensive item you've mailed in a package. And registered mail is as close to perfection as any human endeavor can be.

Like many things, the dependability of the US Mail really spoils us. It makes it more difficult for us to deal with the inefficiency and dishonesty we experience here.

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In the last six years, counting about nearly 40 international post items, only about 20% have arrived un-scathed, and nearly 40% have gone missing all-together.

Pack of lying, stealing scumbags that work in the post / customs. Who exactly? I have no idea and don't care. Don't use their service at all anymore.

Complaining doesn't get you anywhere either.


Internal post by registered or EMS service is first rate. Thumbs up on this.


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I sent photos to Australia and envelope was opened by the Australian authorities.

My friend sent a gift of clothing to me here in Thailand but I have not received - maybe I should go search at Naklua P.O.?

These days I suppose the P.O.s everywhere have the right to open packages and search for drugs (but don't they have sniffer dogs?).

For pension and other important documents I use DHL - no hassle and no sleepless nights.

Edited by Tammi
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Not denying that rotten apples are in abbundance. But so far I have had exclusively positive experiences with the postal service here. Packages have arrived in in less than a week from Norway. And about the same ammount of time the other way. Nothing opened or stolen. Of course nothing of value have been sent either way so far.

The only problem, was when my mom sent some easter theme table cloths my grandmom had made for us. She had simply stuffed them in an envelope, allong with a card.

Instead of delivering to our house, we got a card saying we had to go to the post office to pick it up. We arrived there, was ushered into the office of the postmaster, who profusely aplogized becosue of the torn envelope, asked us to check that everything was there and in order, and practicly begged me to ask my family in Norway to use better quality wrappings next time they mailed something to me, so as to avoid further embarrasment. SOmething a promptly promised.

So for now, I'll use regular mail. One trick though. I have sent my adress in Thai script home, and my folks printed out adress stickers with the adress in both roman and Thai letters.

I think that actually helps a lot, as I do not think the local postman have a word of English.

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Not only Pattaya, this is Nation wide, if not world wide.

Like many things, the dependability of the US Mail really spoils us. It makes it more difficult for us to deal with the inefficiency and dishonesty we experience here.

I don't think that's right... I have heard that 1 in 10 Americans are in jail.


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Not only Pattaya, this is Nation wide, if not world wide.

Like many things, the dependability of the US Mail really spoils us. It makes it more difficult for us to deal with the inefficiency and dishonesty we experience here.

I don't think that's right... I have heard that 1 in 10 Americans are in jail.


It's 1 in 32 :o But that doesn't take in to account marriage.

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Not only Pattaya, this is Nation wide, if not world wide.

Like many things, the dependability of the US Mail really spoils us. It makes it more difficult for us to deal with the inefficiency and dishonesty we experience here.

I don't think that's right... I have heard that 1 in 10 Americans are in jail.


It's 1 in 32 :o But that doesn't take in to account marriage.

Whereas, here in Thailand, most of them continue to roam the streets.

However, this thread is talking about the postal service, as was I. The American criminal justice system is an entirely different subject. It like all discussion about anything not directly related to Pattaya, is banned on this illustrious forum; as I have been reminded by management.

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The only problem I've had with mail in Thailand has been due to the UK postal service.

I sent an important letter to Jersey by EMS and was told by the Thai post office it would arrive in 10 days.

I tracked it online (OP should try this to find out where his parcel really went) and it was in London in 3 days. It then took 2 WEEKS to get from London to Jersey.

When I complained to the Postal Service in UK all they said was go complain to the post office that you sent it from, even though it was not the Thai postal service that fcuked it up.

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Thai postal system sucks, nearly every Birthday / Xmas card i send gets interfered with or lost.

DHL works 100% everytime. Just be careful sending stuff out of Thailand to UK, that you don't get charged import duty / tax. Helps to mark it as second-hand goods, or low value--under £25 i recall.

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Also lost my share of greeting cards.

One water pump cylinder mailed in a small box from BKK to Chonburi was opened along the way. :D

My Thai wife refuses to use the Thai postal service as much as possible. DHL and her last week were busting my balls over a telephone number required to send an envelope to a Canadian P.O. Box belonging to the Canadian Govt., <deleted>, I want to send an envelope, they specialize in that don`t they? Not making a phone call, I want to send a dam_n envelope to a known address, they kept hassling over the telephone number. Took part of the day and they dropped the number. :o

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I have to fall down on the generally positive side in my dealings with the Thai postal system. Of course, it is with the caveat that goes for just about any postal service...don't send obviously valuable items throu them. Also, as an aside, comparing Thailand's with Japan's and Singapore's is really not fair...maybe Malaysia or Philippines (which is very bad too) would be better.

Getting back to my experiences, for years, I received Citibank account and Mastercard credit card statements mailed to me in Thailand (both to Bangkok and Pattaya addresses) without problems. These statements often contained very sensitive financial and personal information but they were never tampered with. (For many years now, I have had electronic statements rather than physical delievery of the statements). I have also received US federal tax and country property tax statements and refund checks without problems. In addition, I have ordered many items from Amazon and these very obviously contain saleable items and the boxes are easy to spot as they have "Amazon.com" & "Amazon" printed everywhere on the outside and these too have always been delivered unopened.

As to mailing items out, this is where I have had a couple problems...a couple Thai craft type items I shipped to USA never arrived...maybe 2-3 times out of a dozen shipments over 10 years. Many other important financial and tax documents and checks that I have mailed to the US over the years have always arrived. I generally send letters/documents via standard airmail only and they arrive in 5-7 days. I have used the registered service in the past but this doesn't increase the speed...just that you supposedly can track the item on the web and I think they are to get a signature from the recipient.

Of course, if something was super-critical or time-sensitive, I would use DHL.

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  • 7 months later...

What happen if the "postman" can not put a letter into my mailbox, because the gate of the village is locked and no guard or what so ever is there to let him in?

Will the letter be back at the post office and remain there for some time? Which of the post office keep that letter? I live on kao pratumnak.

The letter is important for me, but worthless for others....

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What happen if the "postman" can not put a letter into my mailbox, because the gate of the village is locked and no guard or what so ever is there to let him in?

Will the letter be back at the post office and remain there for some time? Which of the post office keep that letter? I live on kao pratumnak.

The letter is important for me, but worthless for others....

Beware of sending mail out by using one of the many Postal Service Agencies..........last week I delivered some XMas-cards to the Postal Service Agency (looks like a UPC outlet). I noticed a sign on the desk stating: "We only guarantee, that your mail and parcels will be delivered to Thailand Post." In other words.........there's no guarantee.

If the mailman can't deliver your mail, he will leave a note stating that your mail can be picked up at a certain Post Office (don't know whether this is for all-mail or just registered pieces).

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Beware of sending mail out by using one of the many Postal Service Agencies..........last week I delivered some XMas-cards to the Postal Service Agency (looks like a UPC outlet). I noticed a sign on the desk stating: "We only guarantee, that your mail and parcels will be delivered to Thailand Post." In other words.........there's no guarantee.

Yes, avoid those agencies. I sent a batch of holiday cards from one a few years ago and not a single card arrived at its destination.

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I have completely given up on the Thai postal system, as well. When I first moved here I tried getting personal items sent on two occasions but NONE have made it.

It seem that the Thai government has (typically) turned a blind eye to what appears to be one of the largest groups of organized criminals in the country (2nd to the BIB, I suppose). On top of that, they reward them with a paycheck.

This is one more example of why Thailand doesn't have a chance of every progressing into the 21st century, or perhaps the 20th or 19th...

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