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The You Tube Thread

Tony Clifton

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I don't like to download RealPlayer onto my computer. It is spyware that reports back to RealPlayer the videos you are watching. I believe there was a class action lawsuit over this issue. There are other ways to download flash clips from youtube.

You're unfortunately right about that! The despicable b**tards! That's why, to thwart their establishing correctly my VDO watching profile, I play the Yin and Yang game with them. One Obama download, one McCain; one Allah Akhbar IED Attack, one Marines in Action; one UBL pronouncement, one Mission Accomplished; one Pattaya Coyote Girls, one John Hagee; one Soi 6 Follies, one Holy is the Lord; ...

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Every YouTube video I try either on their site or embeded into another site shows up "We're sorry, this video is no longer available" The is so frustrating.

Pull up a video, then add "&fmt=18" to the end of the webpage address (i.e. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=D1R5Yh4HY9k&fmt=18). Then enter that new address, so the youtube page reloads. This changes the video stream playback from standard quality to higher quality. For many people with TOT ADSL, this allows streaming of youtube videos. Otherwise, get a flash video program and download and save the flash video file.

Edited by zaphodbeeblebrox
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Strange, I just started getting the below message attempting to access youtube. Both IE and FF using a DTAC EDGE connection from home. Seemed to be ok from work yesterday. Also worked a week ago from home. Firewall is off.

"Access Denied (policy_denied)

Your system policy has denied access to the requested URL.

For assistance, contact your network support team."

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Tot pattaya: indeed problems with YT. yesterday I took my laptop with me to pathum thani, I found a wireless connection and was able to use YT. I don't know the server of that connection but I just confirmed to me that TOT Pattaya is the cause of the problem. I didn't change any settings on my laptop.

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I haven't used YT for a while now (about more than a month). But when I tried one of the links somebody sent me today, it came with a message that the vid is no longer available. Curious, I went directly to the youtube website and tried one of the more popular videos there (the ones on the front page). I came across the same message, "Sorry, this video is no longer available".

Is there a ban in effect right now? I remember last year the whole of Thailand has no access to YT but at that time, at least you get that freaky "eye" image along with a message from the Ministry of Information.

Is this affecting ToT only? I'm in Pattaya and subscribed on ToT 1MB aDSL.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

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Am having problems with any type of streaming video. Not just YouTube. On Onion as well. Video will load completely, but will then freeze up.

Tried the &fmt=18 on YouTube and actually got the darn thing to play, but -- no frickin' sound!

What is going on?

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Every YouTube video I try either on their site or embeded into another site shows up "We're sorry, this video is no longer available" The is so frustrating.

Pull up a video, then add "&fmt=18" to the end of the webpage address (i.e. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=D1R5Yh4HY9k&fmt=18). Then enter that new address, so the youtube page reloads. This changes the video stream playback from standard quality to higher quality. For many people with TOT ADSL, this allows streaming of youtube videos. Otherwise, get a flash video program and download and save the flash video file.

That crack has allowed me to watch many otherwise "unavailable" YouTube clips. Again thanks for sharing it. Worked well for a time but unfortunately in the past few days it has been less and less effective. It is now a hit or miss affair. For example I can stream your above quoted link but not

BTW, the FLV file cannot be saved if it's not available!

Could it be that TOT Pattaya is reading this blog and doing its darnedest to plug this crack loophole? :o

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It looks like it didn't take TOT too long to cotton on to that little ruse of adding '&fmt=18' to each page. I had a whole week of Youtube but today I have been locked out again. I can watch links that I have already watched from my download history but adding '&fmt=18' to new pages doesn't work anymore, alas!

Does anyone have any other technichal tips that may work?

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Obviously TOT Pattaya is going all the way now to block YouTube. This morning all I get is:

Network Error (dns_server_failure)

Your request could not be processed because an error occurred contacting the DNS server. The DNS server may be temporarily unavailable, or there could be a network problem.

For assistance, contact your network support team.

I'm going to my "network support team" at their Pattaya Klang office this morning and see if I can get "assistance". TOT is truly a ridiculous ISP! :o

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I went to TOT Pattaya Klang this morning. The friendly little girl in the back office had no idea what YouTube is and, anyway, could not replicate the non-available problem because Flash Player is not installed on her work station PC (the YT page would open up with all the bells and whistles except that at the screen place was the message that Flash Player had to be installed). I had to convince her that all my friends in Pattaya have the same problem and it's with TOT only. She discussed the matter on the phone with a technician who said it was a Server problem and he would try to fix it later today.

If it's not fixed by this weekend I'll go back and complain Monday. I suggest that all disgruntled TOT users do the same.

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Very confusing. After adding &fmt=18 I can watch all these "giraffes" clips (previous post) and also some (not all!) other clips that come in High Quality without the add-on. But most of the Obama series, for example, like

, are blocked.

I'll try TOT again Monday. This time I'll get the girl to download Flash Player and see for herself what the problem is.

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After at least several days of limited functionality of YouTube, things are back to normal. Whereas before I had to use the &fmt=18 trick to get videos to play, and restart my browser in order to obtain audio, and I could not access videos embedded on websites outside YouTube.

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After at least several days of limited functionality of YouTube, things are back to normal. Whereas before I had to use the &fmt=18 trick to get videos to play, and restart my browser in order to obtain audio, and I could not access videos embedded on websites outside YouTube.

What happens if, for example, you click

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Regarding the message "this video is no longer available"...

People need to remember the recent past in order to understand.

APRIL 2007

The Junta ban Youtube, because of a few offensive videos. The whole website. Access denied.


After months of ridicule and negociations... The ban is lifted.


YouTube eventually agreed to create a "filter" system. This system allow to block some videos, depending on the location of IP address of the viewer.

The idea : from outside Thailand, you can still see the "sensitive" videos... but from Thailand, you can't :you get the "This video is no longer avalaible" message.


So, after reading your problems now... I see only one explanation : YouTube messed it up. And has lost control over its filter system.

However, I do think that the thai authorities -again- are playing with their ban system, and obviously too : they messed it up.


[i should add that there is a new kind of filter : "this video has been removed due to term of use violation". From Thailand.

But outside, the video is still viewable.]

Edited by cclub75
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So, after reading your problems now... I see only one explanation : YouTube messed it up. And has lost control over its filter system.

However, I do think that the thai authorities -again- are playing with their ban system, and obviously too : they messed it up.

I think you've got it right. I thought too about this being possibly a filter initiated originally by YT to please the Thais and now gone awry on some Thai ISP servers like TOT Pattaya. I was in BKK a week ago, where I have True 4MPS, and, strangely enough, I got a couple of these "sorry, no longer available" messages but a retry would nevertheless stream the clip OK. Indication of a "bug", isn't?

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<br />
So, after reading your problems now... I see only one explanation : YouTube messed it up. And has lost control over its filter system.<br /><br />However, I do think that the thai authorities -again- are playing with their ban system, and obviously too : they messed it up.
<br /><br />I think you've got it right. I thought too about this being possibly a filter initiated originally by YT to please the Thais and now gone awry on some Thai ISP servers like TOT Pattaya. I was in BKK a week ago, where I have True 4MPS, and, strangely enough, I got a couple of these "sorry, no longer available" messages but a retry would nevertheless stream the clip OK. Indication of a "bug", isn't?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

i was wondering why since few weeks i guess, i had that message of video no longer available in a second while my browser is telling me it's waiting for date to come from youtube.

the "&fmt=18 " hack is in fact the video in high resolution, that's why it's slower than usual, i guess their block comes from the url format as adding something after is not affected by the block.

for those of you who still want their video and see them, videodownloader extension of firefox is not effective BUT you can use www.keepvid.com and download your video, you'll need a FLV player or if you have ffdshow installed on your computer you can read them by the media player, currently only the high resolution videos can be downloaded.

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<br /><br /><br />

you can use www.keepvid.com and download your video.

Trying to use www.keepvid.com to download one of the "sorry, not available" YT clips this is the censorship message I get:

<H1 id=mainTitle>The website declined to show this webpage</H1> HTTP 403 <H3 id=likelyCauses>Most likely causes:</H3>

  • This website requires you to log in.

<H2 id=whatToTry>What you can try:</H2>

Go back to the previous page.

More information

This error (HTTP 403 Forbidden) means that Internet Explorer was able to connect to the website, but it does not have permission to view the webpage.

For more information about HTTP errors, see Help.

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<br />
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />you can use www.keepvid.com and download your video.
<br /><br />Trying to use <a href="http://www.keepvid.com" target="_blank">www.keepvid.com</a> to download one of the "sorry, not available" YT clips this is the censorship message I get:<br /><br /> <H1 id=mainTitle>The website declined to show this webpage</H1> HTTP 403 <H3 id=likelyCauses>Most likely causes:</H3><ul><li>This website requires you to log in.</li></ul> <H2 id=whatToTry>What you can try:</H2> <br /><b> Go back to the previous page.</b><br /> <br /><b><a href="http://res://ieframe.dll/http_403.htm#" target="_blank"></a> <a href="http://java%20script:expandCollapse(" target="_blank">More information</a></b><br />This error (HTTP 403 Forbidden) means that Internet Explorer was able to connect to the website, but it does not have permission to view the webpage.<br /><br />For more information about HTTP errors, see Help.<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

as i said in my post you need to use the high quality download link as the other is blocked.

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it's true that your link is not working, it's connected to the ip while all my working links are related to video.google.com( maybe they did start banning also the ip of the youtube servers.

can someone with thai reading abilities can go the forum www.adslthailand.com and have a look why they're banning youtube?

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