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State Of Emergency Announced In Bangkok

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It seems to me a lot of people here are missing the point about the current conflict. This is not a battle against Thaksin, Samak, the PPP or the TRT.

It is a battle where by a minority want to overturn a democratic system in favour of a grossly socially inequitable feudalistic form of government.

Thailand is a corrupt country relative to western democracies. It is a developing democracy moving from a feudal system through an absolute Monarchy to a democratic Monarchy. There will be winners and losers in such a change. However, the power-brokers of today wish to turn back the clock to a more archaic form of government which is generally not accepted in western countries which have already undergone this political evolutionary process in past centuries.

The sins of Samak or Thaksin are not an issue here. They can be dealt with by the courts. What really is at stake here is Thailands future as a developing democracy and its future in developing from a basically third world country into a modern economic world partner.

Its far too easy (and emotive I would add) to focus on the politically "hot" topics of the day and to not see the bigger picture.


I couldn't have said it better.

The obsessed tunnel vision some posters have against members of the present and former governments, or entire government at all, is almost sickening. The day-in-day-out posts they write have nothing to do anymore with the reality and future of Thailand.

These same people will ALWAYS find a new target to bash upon to filter their own narrow minded views.

It's the same as if some obsessed Thai people would write and object against (members of) governments in the countries they live in, abroad.

Having an opinion is nothing wrong with but to make it a personal battle is something one has to think about twice. Trying to be objective is not their strongest point; on the contrary, they can't even listen or try to accept views from others which differ from theirs.

The complete Thai system and society is so deeply rotten that the people behind the Thai velvet curtains are now even trying to to overthrow the democratically elected and formed coalition government because the PM showed up in a cooking show and the same afore mentioned posters go along with that... :D

The ENTIRE world will look and almost laugh themselves to death if the Thai government is overthrown because of a cooking PM.......... :D

It's just sick; speaking about losing face for Thailand.... :D


Brilliantly put, Ando and LaoPo.

All that's been said, plus a couple of other points:-

Their absolute refusal to accept facts, e.g. vote buying is sadly rife amonst ALL parties and has been for decades, most of them are just as guilty as PPP (which is why nearly every party is up before the EC), yet we hear only the endless bleat "they weren't elected, they bought it!"

PAD's leadership make is crystal clear that their principal aim is not just to get rid of Samak/PPP, but to redraw the whole democratic framework - the New Politics. Yet so many pro-PAD posters are in denial of that fact, as even they can't stomach the prospect of an appointed, unelected junta with the military playing a prominent role in keeping the status quo safe for evermore.

I agree.

Also some great posts with links overnight. Gave me a lot to read this morning.

I agree.

As imperfect as it may be, with vote-buying going on with money from both sides, democracy in action is preferable to anything else on the horizon.

Mr T is being prosecuted on several levels. If Samak is guilty of similar charges let the judiciary go forward with it.

I still think the "Cooking with Samak" charges are silly and contrary to the intent of the ban on outside work ........... :o

But don't take a step back to feudal times with an appointed junta.

America had it's time in the South with poll taxes and other illegal efforts to deprive poor blacks the right to vote. They were all wrong.

Democratic rule and obeying the laws of the land (which includes prosecution for illegal occupation of government buildings ) is what is needed.

I have no love for Mr Samak or his predecessor. I do want peace with justice for the people of Thailand.


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On another note, while PAD are getting blamed for destroying property, seems the men in cockroach-brown uniforms are also doing their fair share of destruction in nearby buildings. One in particular (I didn't get the name) which is used to received diplomats, has been damaged beyond belief, carpets torn everywhere, condoms all over the floors :D, police uniforms hung out to dry everywhere, women's underwear as well :D. No doubt the entire building will have been stripped of any valuables by Thailand's finest. :o PAD has announced sort of a press conference sometime soon to show the extent of the damage.


Samak's Judgement Day

By Supon Thanukrit

The Nation

Published on September 9, 2008

Constitution Court to decide today if PM violated charter by hosting TV cooking show

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej's fate will be decided this afternoon when the Constitution Court rules on whether he violated the charter by hosting commercial television shows while in office.

The court, led by President Chat Chonlaworn, is scheduled to read its verdict at 2pm.

If Samak is found guilty, he will have to step down. The entire Cabinet will have to go with him, and Parliament will have to pick a new prime minister.


Now Reuters got it... the PPP Plan...

BANGKOK, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Thailand's ruling People Power Party (PPP) said on Tuesday it would renominate Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej as premier if a court disqualified him for hosting TV cooking shows while in office.

On another note, while PAD are getting blamed for destroying property, seems the men in cockroach-brown uniforms are also doing their fair share of destruction in nearby buildings. One in particular (I didn't get the name) which is used to received diplomats, has been damaged beyond belief, carpets torn everywhere, condoms all over the floors :D , police uniforms hung out to dry everywhere, women's underwear as well :D . No doubt the entire building will have been stripped of any valuables by Thailand's finest. :o PAD has announced sort of a press conference sometime soon to show the extent of the damage.

Source please

Some of these posters are denying the reality of the situation.

Sondhi and his illegal band of thugs were armed to the teeth long before AAD showed up:


LOL... thanks for that one, I had never before seen an oar being described as "armed to the teeth"... usually those description refer to firearms or at least something more like this...


I'm sure you would be equally amused if the PAD thugs smacked you on the head with it SJ? :o

Big knives make good photos but the story line someone was trying to give us is that the band of thugs who took over Government House were unarmed, peaceful protesters.

There are hundreds of media pictures out there that show they were anything but unarmed or peaceful.

There are firsthand reports from Bloomberg and other reporters the night of the confrontation of bullets flying by them coming from the Government House toward the AAD mob.

PAD is for the most part armed and paid by the royalist/military/Bangkok elite who wish to overthrow an elected government and install their own henchmen to continue looting the government. Anything else is just fluff to disguise their motives.


May I suggest you look at this post of mine AND ESPECIALLY the two pics included.


I'm sorry but the distance the mob traveled means nothing to me.

Neither group of armed thugs should be tolerated. They should be disbursed or if they refuse arrested.

If Samak must go, so be it. Let it be though the laws at hand and not by a violent mob.

No good will come to Thailand by installing a legislature appointed by the rich and influential.


Now Reuters got it... the PPP Plan...

BANGKOK, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Thailand's ruling People Power Party (PPP) said on Tuesday it would renominate Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej as premier if a court disqualified him for hosting TV cooking shows while in office.

This is the most idiotic thing I ever heard.....where on earth you find a PM and his governmet force to resign for hosting a Tv show... :o:D:D

Now Reuters got it... the PPP Plan...

BANGKOK, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Thailand's ruling People Power Party (PPP) said on Tuesday it would renominate Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej as premier if a court disqualified him for hosting TV cooking shows while in office.

This is the most idiotic thing I ever heard.....where on earth you find a PM and his governmet force to resign for hosting a Tv show... :o:D:D

The second most idiotic thing is there are people on this forum that agree with it. :D

Now Reuters got it... the PPP Plan...

BANGKOK, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Thailand's ruling People Power Party (PPP) said on Tuesday it would renominate Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej as premier if a court disqualified him for hosting TV cooking shows while in office.

This is the most idiotic thing I ever heard.....where on earth you find a PM and his governmet force to resign for hosting a Tv show... :o:D:D

The second most idiotic thing is there are people on this forum that agree with it. :D

You two have clearly not heard the man in question speak.

The law simply states the PM can't be moonlighting with a second job... it doesn't have to be in conflict with any government interests and it is fairly consistent to what most other nations would expect of their Leader.

Of course it seems (judging from news articles that have been published about the court hearing yesterday) that having a second job is not the problem here. As he apparently wasn't paid for participating in the cooking show. It actually seems that the concerned shows were merely re-runs. I'm sure there is not ONE country, where the PM would be made to step down because he hosted a cooking show. It's ludricous even to take such a trivial matter serious.

One of the commenters on BP has stated that Samak did the cooking shows for 7 years and under Thai law whatever employment status you start out with after 2 years you legally are seen as an employee. I have not heard this before but if true then it puts another twist on the situation.

Now Reuters got it... the PPP Plan...

BANGKOK, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Thailand's ruling People Power Party (PPP) said on Tuesday it would renominate Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej as premier if a court disqualified him for hosting TV cooking shows while in office.

This is the most idiotic thing I ever heard.....where on earth you find a PM and his governmet force to resign for hosting a Tv show... :o:D:D

The second most idiotic thing is there are people on this forum that agree with it. :D


Also there have been psots from every imaginable news source on this since yesterday please no more.


The best possible outcome for this is for Samak to have a rap orund the knuckles for a minor breach and to have all the proceeds he receieved set aside for the cleaning of Government House.

I certainly wouldn't want to see him go at this stage - he's far too funny. After the UN meeting would be about right when the more serious charges are brought against him.



I was just talking to my secretary about politics, something I don't usually do. She has always been a huge fan and supporter of Thaksin, but she was telling me while she still respected Thaksin and hoped he would come back she hated this current government and hopes they will soon be gone.

I only post his as it is a viewpoint I didn't expect. Maybe it is more prevalent than I think.

my, my, my...hammered... we never knew!!!



If the cooking show doesn't do it for Samak, there's always Sept 25 last appeal ruling. That's two years in jail without probation.

Re. cooking show - he claims he was elected by the book, let's see what books say about his moonlighting on TV while serving as a PM. Less than an hour before the veridict is read now.

Lao Po u are completly out of touch regarding the situation with the rural 'poor' and their relationship with the government. I can't believe you can be so naieve. You are defending the people in the poorer areas who have no education and are being PAID by the ruling party to vote... how silly are you ?

What are you suggesting then, take away their right to vote ?

What is it with the 'no education' remarks. Did you ever meet some of the people you speak about, I actually did, as I have spent quite some time there, and I know quite some people there. They are not that uneducated as you seem to think.

people who are selling their vote, should be banned from voting for lifetime. They destroy democracy.


The PPP didnt seem to pull off the big Udon we love samak mob and the promised 50 province event seems to have not happened. Money must be tight or is there something we are missing? It is not like feudal masters to promise they will do something and then not deliver. That looks really weak.

On another note, while PAD are getting blamed for destroying property, seems the men in cockroach-brown uniforms are also doing their fair share of destruction in nearby buildings. One in particular (I didn't get the name) which is used to received diplomats, has been damaged beyond belief, carpets torn everywhere, condoms all over the floors :D, police uniforms hung out to dry everywhere, women's underwear as well :D. No doubt the entire building will have been stripped of any valuables by Thailand's finest. :o PAD has announced sort of a press conference sometime soon to show the extent of the damage.

The cops turned Government House into a bordello..... :D the-never-ceases-to-be Amazing Thailand....

On another note, while PAD are getting blamed for destroying property, seems the men in cockroach-brown uniforms are also doing their fair share of destruction in nearby buildings. One in particular (I didn't get the name) which is used to received diplomats, has been damaged beyond belief, carpets torn everywhere, condoms all over the floors :D , police uniforms hung out to dry everywhere, women's underwear as well :D . No doubt the entire building will have been stripped of any valuables by Thailand's finest. :o PAD has announced sort of a press conference sometime soon to show the extent of the damage.

Source please

You know it wasn't NBT but ASTV. Who else would announce this?

Wait for the press conference or announcement, pics will accompany.

The law simply states the PM can't be moonlighting with a second job... it doesn't have to be in conflict with any government interests and it is fairly consistent to what most other nations would expect of their Leader.

Of course it seems (judging from news articles that have been published about the court hearing yesterday) that having a second job is not the problem here. As he apparently wasn't paid for participating in the cooking show. It actually seems that the concerned shows were merely re-runs. I'm sure there is not ONE country, where the PM would be made to step down because he hosted a cooking show. It's ludricous even to take such a trivial matter serious.

One of the commenters on BP has stated that Samak did the cooking shows for 7 years and under Thai law whatever employment status you start out with after 2 years you legally are seen as an employee. I have not heard this before but if true then it puts another twist on the situation.

I haven't seen that anywhere either. All I've seen reported is that it continued into his premiership.

Can you help us please, sjaak?

The PPP didnt seem to pull off the big Udon we love samak mob and the promised 50 province event seems to have not happened. Money must be tight or is there something we are missing? It is not like feudal masters to promise they will do something and then not deliver. That looks really weak.

Where were the 50 000 DAAD members supposedly coming to Bangkok?

Every PPP-PTV-DAAD-TRT imitation of ASTV was and still is is a flop.

The law simply states the PM can't be moonlighting with a second job... it doesn't have to be in conflict with any government interests and it is fairly consistent to what most other nations would expect of their Leader.

Of course it seems (judging from news articles that have been published about the court hearing yesterday) that having a second job is not the problem here. As he apparently wasn't paid for participating in the cooking show. It actually seems that the concerned shows were merely re-runs. I'm sure there is not ONE country, where the PM would be made to step down because he hosted a cooking show. It's ludricous even to take such a trivial matter serious.

One of the commenters on BP has stated that Samak did the cooking shows for 7 years and under Thai law whatever employment status you start out with after 2 years you legally are seen as an employee. I have not heard this before but if true then it puts another twist on the situation.

I haven't seen that anywhere either. All I've seen reported is that it continued into his premiership.

Can you help us please, sjaak?

From the nation:

After entering Government House, Samak hosted the show a few times until February 16, but the segments were never aired, he said. Samak arrived at the court at 9am yesterday in a jovial mood. However, he looked stressed after an hour of testimony, when at one point he was cut off by a judge because he did not allow the judge to finish his statement first.

Samak told the court he had been programme host since he was governor. He had never asked for remuneration but received compensation for transportation and food ingredients used in the shows.

He did not receive a salary, as he did not regularly host the shows. Payment was made on a show-by-show basis. Four episodes a month were recorded. He stopped hosting the shows after he was blamed for acting improperly as governor. The tapes were then rerun, and he did not receive any extra money for them.

Samak said the production house sent a letter asking him before he ran for the general election last December 23 whether he would continue hosting the show. Although he received legal advice that it was not paid employment, he told the company to find someone to replace him.

"Since the cancellation, I've never [hosted the shows]. The company has never given [more money]. I've then never asked for [money]. I took the position on February 6, then I stopped [hosting them] after someone criticised me. I've never thought it would be this severe [a case]," he said in court.



Thank you for that. It'll be interesting to see how much of this is evidenced on both sides and what the soon-to-be-announced decision will be.

Could hammered's secretary please bring us all a coffee?


:o I like TOC's chomping-at-the-bit article written either way... (just delete the incorrect result)....

Constitution Court Hands down Ruling on PM Samak’s Cooking Show Case

UPDATE : 9 September 2008

The Constitution Court has handed down its ruling on Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej’s cooking show case. The prime minister has been convicted/acquitted of violating the 2007 Constitution by hosting two commercial television shows.


Where were the 50 000 DAAD members supposedly coming to Bangkok?

Every PPP-PTV-DAAD-TRT imitation of ASTV was and still is is a flop.

"Greetings from the rumor mill" reported by Wishfull Thinking and Tang Noi....




Samak's Judgement Day

By The Nation online

Follow key developments of another suspenseful day in politics as they happen.


(Please refresh your page regularly for latest information)

10.15 am : Chart Thai deputy leader Somsak Prissanananthakul says Party leader Banharn Silapa-archa might emerge as the next prime minister if incumbent Samak Sundaravej was disqualified by the Constitution Court this afternoon.

Should Samak be removed from office by the judicial review, the Chart Thai Party would convene an urgent meeting to assess the situation which might lead to the nomination of Banharn, Somsak says.

10 am : Constitution Court judge Charan Pakdeethanakul says that the verdict on the prime minister's qualifications was ready for release this afternoon as scheduled.

8.30 am : Samak and his cabinet members start their weekly cabinet meeting in Prachak Silapakhom army camp.

6 am : Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej visits a fresh market in Udon Thani province before chairing a mobile cabinet meeting in Muang district. He appears in good mood while shopping in a fresh market.

The prime minister has his breakfast at a pork soup shop at 6 am and visits the Udon Thani Municipality Market. He is smiling while shopping.

He smiles back at a reporter without saying anything when asked whether he would accept the ruling of the Constitution Court in a disqualification case against him in the afternoon.



Samak's Judgement Day

By The Nation online

Follow key developments of another suspenseful day in politics as they happen.

(Please refresh your page regularly for latest information)

14 pm: The court seems to be delaying its verdict. We are not sure by how long.

13.50 pm: One weird theory has emerged. What if Samak continues serving as a caretaker prime minister nonchalantly? Some legal experts _ who are pro-PPP of course _ point out that the 30-day timeframe to elect a prime minister is applied for the first parliamentary convention (after an election) only.

So, basically there are three scenarios at the moment _ Samak serving as caretaker PM, Chat Thai leader Banharn Silapa-archa replacing him, and Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva performing a political daylight robbery by stealing enough parliamentary support for his rise to premiership.

12.55 pm: Samak departs the Udon Thani Airport after telling his mobile Cabinet not to worry about him. Things are tense in Bangkok, with virtually everyone awaiting the court verdict and speculating what will happen next.



Anyone NOT expecting that?? Hey this is Thailand :o

Last Friday i went to order a tank cap for my bike... was told (after some calls had been made) "it'll be delivered Monday afternoon, you can pick it up Tuesday morning".

So i went there today, and of course it wasn't there. After some more calls had been made then "it will be delivered afternoon today, you can pick it up tomorrow morning".

I BET it won't be there tomorrow either :D

So when will the verdict come? Maybe when i got my tank cap..........



Does anyone else realize that to even call it 'Judgement Day' on the topic of, yes, appearing in a 30 minute cooking show, is very effective in showing the world what a nutcase country this is? :o

It's actually really really funny and I'm sure may feature in some of the 'odd news' fillers around the world!

30082954-01.jpg Some 2,000 students in Phuket skip classes to rally against Samak Government on Tuesday morning. They campaigned for motorists to turn on front lights of vehicles and blow horns to show their disapproval of the govternment.//Yongyot Phruksarak (The Nation)

I find it rather extraordinary that school kids are attending protests. They seem to be in uniform. Do parents give permission ? Do teachers arrange this ? How does this come about ?

(Apologies if discussed already -- impossible to keep up with everything.)

I am not surprise. When I was a kid, I would find excuse to do such a thing. Not that I agree or disagree with the protest, but I to get the day off enjoying the fun with my classmate. Sure beat going to school. I do not represent the majority of the school's student, but there is quite a lot of us, that like to stir trouble (just for the fun of it).



Samak's Judgement Day

By The Nation online

Follow key developments of another suspenseful day in politics as they happen.

(Please refresh your page regularly for latest information)

14.15 pm: Some food for thought in the meantime: If Samak decides to bite the bullet and defy the Constitution Court, it doesn't mean he can get away with it just like that. Firstly, a caretaker prime minister and caretaker Cabinet will find it totally difficult to go on. Seconly, Samak has another court case coming _ the appeal against a defamation conviction. If the Appeals Court upholds the lower court, he will be all but doomed because a chance to overturn it at the Supreme Court is very low.

We have been reminded that there is also a fourth scenario _ Samak being re-elected by Parliament because the charter seemingly doesn't prevent that if he loses today's case. Again, he will face the Appeals Court timebomb in the defamation case nonetheless.

Continued in previous posts

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