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Who Is The Most Interesting Tv Member


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not wishing to rain on anyone's parade, but I see that the top rated poster has 3,200 posts. What was that about an ininite number of monkeys typing on an infinite number of typewriters (obviously old)?

Here's a light shower for your parade.

The top Overall poster has over 33,500 posts. But then, he's been around since it all began and had to read (and comment on) almost every post written in the early days.

Of course, averaging 15 smileys a day doesn't take up too much time ! :o

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Perhaps a better conjecture might be who is the least interesting poster?

Surely the nomination for that sinecure must be the spectacularly ( to be somewhat oxymoronic) tedious Britmaveric? :D

britmaveric is one of my favorite posters. He is always mature, sensible and mannerly. looks like being a gentleman turns some types off. :o

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Perhaps a better conjecture might be who is the least interesting poster?

Surely the nomination for that sinecure must be the spectacularly ( to be somewhat oxymoronic) tedious Britmaveric? :D

britmaveric is one of my favorite posters. He is always mature, sensible and mannerly. looks like being a gentleman turns some types off. :o

Yes, Britmaverick! Wasn't he the 'gentleman' advocating the 'cracking of heads', as in splitting peoples' skulls open with some awful blunt instrument I dare say, just after the PAD occupied Government House?

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With any due reverence to those named here as most interesting, I feel the best members are all long gone.

It's in the irreverent nature of those most entertaining posters, and the rules of this conservative forum, that the two cannot co-exist and of couse, might always wins out.

To look at me you wouldn't think I once had a devil may care attitude to posting my thoughts about various subjects and other posters. :o

I've learn't to pull my head in, and am now one of the most boring old farts on the forum. But at least I'm still here. :D

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Perhaps a better conjecture might be who is the least interesting poster?

Surely the nomination for that sinecure must be the spectacularly ( to be somewhat oxymoronic) tedious Britmaveric? :D

britmaveric is one of my favorite posters. He is always mature, sensible and mannerly. looks like being a gentleman turns some types off. :o

Yes, Britmaverick! Wasn't he the 'gentleman' advocating the 'cracking of heads', as in splitting peoples' skulls open with some awful blunt instrument I dare say, just after the PAD occupied Government House?

They are occupying it illegally. I dare say that the fools deserve a little head-cracking. :D

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lopburi3 is the most interesting member; because he is actully contributing to this page and not just being another massposter.

Seconded, though I'm not sure 'interesting' is quite the right word (not to say he isn't interesting). Valuable would probably be a better description. lop's focus is generally on providing first-class advice and hard information, not entertainment or opinion as such. Shame he continues to be MIA. I'm sure a lot of people miss him.


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I'd also like to big-up:

Jingthing - because he's completely nuts (Oh, yeah and Maigo, though he's nuts in a different way)

Sabaijai, Guesthouse and girlx because they always have something intelligent and interesting to say

Pretty much everyone who contributes regularly to the Thai Language forum...


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I'd also like to big-up:

Jingthing - because he's completely nuts (Oh, yeah and Maigo, though he's nuts in a different way)

Sabaijai, Guesthouse and girlx because they always have something intelligent and interesting to say

Pretty much everyone who contributes regularly to the Thai Language forum...



Why thank you for noticing, kind sir.

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With any due reverence to those named here as most interesting, I feel the best members are all long gone.

Could Old Croc be missing Terry 57? :D

Good one General.

I was definately not referring to him.

To name couple: The Moog (aka Jeffery Stanthorpe), Scampy, Tornado and many more. :o

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For me, I miss Chownah, his interesting views and knowledge in the farming forum helped me a lot, im not a totally organic farmer but his help with organnic farming has saved me a lot of money and now we are producing tastier fruit.

Perhaps his ban will be lifted sometime?

Interesting? well, anybody who does not quote/reply to 2/3/4/5/6/ posts and then write 'i agree" what a terrible waste of web space, I like to see a sentence or 2 as an answer,


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For me, I miss Chownah, his interesting views and knowledge in the farming forum helped me a lot, im not a totally organic farmer but his help with organnic farming has saved me a lot of money and now we are producing tastier fruit.

Perhaps his ban will be lifted sometime?

Interesting? well, anybody who does not quote/reply to 2/3/4/5/6/ posts and then write 'i agree" what a terrible waste of web space, I like to see a sentence or 2 as an answer,



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Oops, forgot to mention the Teuton of all Teutons, that brooding presence enveloping Pattaya into a mercantile grip not seen since the Hanseatic league cornered the market in freshly smoked kippers.

Yes, I give you the the winnet of all winnets, the klingon beyond parallel, Dr.( my pool is bigger than your country) Naam.


PS. A very interesting man, but does it hurt?

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There is no THE most interesting poster, there are quite a few.

Just because someone has the most posts / views doesn't mean (in my eyes) that they may be the most interesting, it could be they're just an extrovert type who likes to post like a machine gun.

I think Nignoy, Rambo, The Dude and Highonthai are the most interesting characters on TV. They don't say much, but when they do it's usually interesting and worth a good chat about, less is more kinda vibe.

They are single dudes on the move like me and love the adventure side of Thailand and not the static farm-mentality style. The guy with a semi-submersible drilling rig also is fairly interesting. :D

Some of the machine gun posters that are interesting are the dude with Stalin signing all the death warrents, Peace blondie as well cause he knows his shit when it comes to biking matters and doesn't mind sharing his knowledge.

Last but by no means least is The Discotronic Dr of Disaster (Dr Naam) also is noteworthy too! :o

Edited by JimsKnight
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