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Retirement Visa

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My sympathies, Paul. What a hel_l of a day that must have been.

Thank you for sharing. It helps others like me, who will be jumping through the same hoops this time next year.

Hope it goes smoothly next week.

Thanks for that. I wouldn't have written my story on here if I had thought nothing was wrong. Things definitely test your patience when you go to immigration. I've heard that the immigration officers are overworked and they have a lot to put up with. Maybe they do, but it is not my fault. Some of them are very nasty and unpleasant towards people, and this is not acceptable for me or most foreign people. Granted the lady that served me was OK, but she wasn't going to move one step because I was 13000 baht short. I have heard that it is moving in April to Chang Wattana area, maybe then they will be a little more efficient and hopefully a little bit friendlier. When I was there, I had the feeling that really they didn't want you here in Thailand. Very sad really.

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FWIW; I have 'held hands' with and walked more people thru their retirement visa here than I even care to count. Every one of them went to the infamous building known as "Cluster-<deleted> on Soi Suan Plu".

While I am loathe to defend the diminutive, (n)ever smiling, yet very smartly attired worker bees there, they are really way overworked given the sheer volume of foreign social misfits and assorted flotsam jetsam they deal with on a daily basis. The stupidity exuded by some of the foreigners in attendance on any given day fills the air. Everyone wants to be treated as a "special case", few understand the rules, and fewer still have the right forms filled out, photos, or half their required documents. It is enough to make the mind wobble. It is also the primary reason the lines move SO slowly.

With that being said; in all the time I've shepherded people thru the process, I've had 3 people denied. All of them had income verification letters from their embassy. Specifically their denials were because; at the time they applied the exchange rate of their currency had fallen below the 800,000 baht minimum requirement. Two were able to show sufficient funds in a thai account to offset the shortfall in exchange rates and we were able to secure their retirement visas. One was unable to get his visa and has since reverted to the tourist visa, visa extensions, and visa exempt route to sustain his meager existence here.

I truly think your bank was the one who screwed you on this; especially as they withheld 100K from your bank balance against a 50K limit on a credit card you had with them. Then again it pays to read the very fine print on those forms and they could have well been within the letter of the contract they had with you concerning the credit card.

I am sorry for your predicament, but glad you're getting it sorted out and have the time to do it before your current visa expires.

REMEMBER GO EARLY: Most times I arrive at Suan Plu at 7:45, have breakfast, and read the paper. When they open the door to get a queue number from the information desk I have always received a low, low number. We're usually out before 10:30.

I would never ever go there after 9:30AM and think you'll get out before 3 or 4PM, especially when visiting Room 101.

Thanks for your reply. You are right, the bank screwed it up for me good style, it wasn't my inability to understand the situation. Never mind, I will be back at the bank next week to cancel my credit card, wait for the money to go back into my account then buy another letter off them for 100 baht with the right amount stated on the letter. Then I will take you advice and go very very early and hopefully I will be in and out with my new retirement visa. Cheers one again for your input.

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...What Thai bank was the culprit in this???

The Thai bank is The Bangkok Bank. I, like you, don't understand their policy. My limit is 50000 baht so why don't they hold back 50000 baht. That I could understand. Never mind, on Tuesday I am going to cancel it and have the money refurbished in my account. I've had enough of the nonsense.

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...Please tell us the exchange rate they used...

Ok Bill , my wife told the officer 81.00, I do believe she wasn't far out, but when we came out of there my wife said I wish I had told her 87 now. Meaning , she wished she had told her a high enough rate so that we could qualify. It seems silly really. If I was an immigration officer, I would have a printout of the daily rates on my desk. What do you think Bill? Good idea? It's not rocket science! Let me know your thoughts on this.

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are there any other requirements to this retirement visa?

800k in the bank and what?




For the extension based on retirement (which is not a retirement visa):

Have an O visa or convert to an O visa in Thailand

Age, at least 50.

Money in Thai bank at least two months before first application, at least three months for later applications.

Various photocopies, a photo, fill out the form, and pay the fee. Done.

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I notice you mentioned your wife, if she is Thai you only need 400,000 in the bank.

The Bangkok bank update your passbook while you are there and that is the amount they have to put in the letter to immigration.

How much did the embassy guarantee you get every month.

Immigration go on the Bangkok exchange rate for that day, you don't tell them what the rate is?

Something not quite right here :o

Can you elaborate on the above please.

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...Please tell us the exchange rate they used...

Ok Bill , my wife told the officer 81.00, I do believe she wasn't far out...

Paul, in the original post in this topic you said that you got the embassy letter from the British Embassy. This seems to indicate that we are talking about the Pound Sterling.

You went to the immigration office on Friday, 6 February. On that date, Bangkok Bank's buying rate for incoming remittances in GBP was 51.2175.

At present, we know the following from you:

  1. You used the combination of income and money in the bank for your retirement application.
  2. The immigration officer asked your wife for the exchange rate.
  3. Your wife told the immigration officer that the exchange rate was 81

What you have not told us yet is the following:

  1. the exchange rate you used in your conversion of the income to Baht to arrive at a combined total of 787,000 Baht together with the amount of Baht stated in the bank letter
  2. the exchange rate that the immigration officer really used for his calculation

These two calculations may be a bit difficult for you and other members can help you with it if you will kindly provide the following details:

  1. the amount of income in GBP shown in the embassy letter
  2. the balance in Baht shown in the bank letter
  3. the amount in Baht the immigration officer said you were short of 800,000 Baht



P.S. This post has dragged on for 42 posts without sufficiently clear information from the OP. I should like to suggest that no further posts be made until the question of the exchange rates used by the OP and by the immigration officer is clarified.

Edited by Maestro
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I dont understand

what kind of credit card requires that u have a deposit of 100,000 in ur bank? Sounds more like some sort of debit card to me

I have never heard of that. I hold a thai Platinum american express card with a 150,000 limit and its a cc and does not link to any bank account.

In my opinion u secrewd up not the immigration or bank offical. Bank officals dont know the law and you did soi why did u accept him saying NO problem?? and immigration was just doing her job.

You knew in advance u needed 800,000 yet u did not have it sooo whose fault is it?

My paper that i get form the bank matches 100% what i have on deposit.

PLus now u need the additional 13,000 baht in the account 3 months as that IS THE LAW.

I just dont get how so many people here don tundersdtand the same law year in year out.

800,000 in the bank 3 months before u apply for extension or 65,000 bhat/month or a combination

Its quite simple in my eyes

Report ot immigration every 90 days to check in

Edited by phuketrichard
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I use SCB and they give me a separate letter for the savings account that backs up my credit card. Why wouldn't your bank?

Someone mentioned that the people that work at the immigration office are not the brightest people in the employment pool. I disagree because they actually follow their scripts to avoid any sign of favoritism. We are responsible for compliance whether it is the inane 90 day reporting rule or ever changing financial requirements. We cannot complain about corruption on one hand and then knock the people who do not take bribes and follow the rules.

We have to put ourselves in the officer's place. Could we or would we do it any differently? I have used the Suan Phlu office for years and have never spent more than 1 1/2 hours to get my retirement visa and multiple entry stamp. The office will be closed in a few month and hopefully the new digs will streamline the process.

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I use SCB and they give me a separate letter for the savings account that backs up my credit card. Why wouldn't your bank?...

Thank for your interest on this subject. My bank did give me another slip showing the account with credit card adjustment. I asked for it just to be on the safe side. I highlighted it to the immigration officer but she was not interested. She said she goes by the letter from the bank only. As for my five hours wait there, I am not joking it was a nightmare. It was hot, maybe air conditioning not 100%, people coughing everywhere, children screaming....a total nightmare. I have been there many times before over the last 9 years but has never been as bad as this day. I have not complained about corruption, I have just said it seems silly to refuse someone because they are short by 13000 baht. It is about time they gave us retired people a break from all this nonsense. We bring a lot of money into this country. A little bit of flexibility would be nice.

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I dont understand

what kind of credit card requires that u have a deposit of 100,000 in ur bank? Sounds more like some sort of debit card to me

I have never heard of that. I hold a thai Platinum american express card with a 150,000 limit and its a cc and does not link to any bank account....

Thanks for your interest. I have explained the situation many times on here but unfortunately for some reason they have removed a lot of the comments. Again, my bank letter said 100000 baht less than my updated passbook. I questioned this at the bank before I went to immigration. The 100000 baht is held back because I have a Visa credit card with a limit of 50000 baht. I was told not to worry about it then when I got to immigration they said there wasn't enough in the bank. The officer would not take any notice of my passbook. She said she goes by the computerised letter that the bank gave me, which showed me 100000 baht down on the figure in my passbook. I am cancelling my credit card tomorrow so that the computer can throw up the 100000 baht on my account and I will buy another letter from the bank with right amount on , then go back to immigration, I hope this explains what happened more clearly.

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...Your wife told the immigration officer that the exchange rate was 81...

Sorry this was a mistake Bill. my wife said 51 not 81. This is what the officer worked everything out on. I was short because she went by what was on the bank letter and not what I had on my passbook. There was a difference of 100000 baht between the bank letter and the passbook. If she had gone by my passbook which is the real amount in my account I would have passed easily with my combined total of private pension and bank account balance. I how that clears your query up. Thanks for your interest on this....appreciated. I'm going to the bank to cancel my credit card and to get the 100000 baht reinstated on my account so that it will show up on the new letter from the bank. Then back to the immigration and to try again. Ill get it this time because there will be no excuses....sure. But my feelings are, what a hassle for a 60 year old retired guy. Is all this really needed? I live a long way from my bank and the immigration is a long way from where I live too. Post your comments Bill. Cheers!

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I'm going to the bank to cancel my credit card and to get the 100000 baht reinstated on my account so that it will show up on the new letter from the bank. Then back to the immigration and to try again. Ill get it this time because there will be no excuses....sure.

Sorry for being a pessimist and I hope I am wrong. When you get the new letter will it show the balance as being in the bank for more than 3 months? Or will it show the new improved balance as from the day you cancell your credit card.

As I said , I hope I am wrong but just make sure.

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I think in fairness to Paul ...

The Officer did ask me for the Sterling Exchange Rate when I last extended my Visa for Retirement.

This was in June when it was about 60 which is what I told her - but I dont know what rate she used.


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I'm going to the bank to cancel my credit card and to get the 100000 baht reinstated on my account so that it will show up on the new letter from the bank. Then back to the immigration and to try again. Ill get it this time because there will be no excuses....sure.

Thanks for your interest. On the letter it shows how much you have in the bank on the day you get the letter. Once I cancel the credit card I may have to wait a few days for the 100000 baht to go on my account then go back to the bank again when the main computer has added it to my account. I won't know the full story until I go to the bank in the morning.

You know some people on here seem to think I am stupid or something. As I have said I went to immigration with an open mind knowing I had enough money in the bank. I don't need people to tell me how to calculate the 800000 baht. The only mistake I made on here was a typing error and said that the officer worked it out at 81 baht to the pound instead of 51 baht. The fact that she wasn't even interested in my bank passbook amazed me. That showed my true bank balance. Even if she had looked at my passbook and averaged it out over the last three months I would have had more than enough to qualify. Ok, I hope you understand....the sooner tomorrow comes the better so that this can be sorted out. It's so frustrating. Even people on here are doubting my words.

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Thanks for your interest. On the letter it shows how much you have in the bank on the day you get the letter. Once I cancel the credit card I may have to wait a few days for the 100000 baht to go on my account then go back to the bank again when the main computer has added it to my account. I won't know the full story until I go to the bank in the morning.

You know some people on here seem to think I am stupid or something. As I have said I went to immigration with an open mind knowing I had enough money in the bank. I don't need people to tell me how to calculate the 800000 baht. The only mistake I made on here was a typing error and said that the officer worked it out at 81 baht to the pound instead of 51 baht. The fact that she wasn't even interested in my bank passbook amazed me. That showed my true bank balance. Even if she had looked at my passbook and averaged it out over the last three months I would have had more than enough to qualify. Ok, I hope you understand....the sooner tomorrow comes the better so that this can be sorted out. It's so frustrating. Even people on here are doubting my words.

I have a suggestion. Instead of cancelling the card why not get a cash advance (ATM?) from the card and then deposit that in your account. That might be quicker and easier that cancelling the card since the money does not have to be in the bank for 3 months.

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I have a suggestion. Instead of cancelling the card why not get a cash advance (ATM?) from the card and then deposit that in your account. That might be quicker and easier that cancelling the card since the money does not have to be in the bank for 3 months.

Thanks for your suggestion, but I have already decided that I want to cancel the card. I do not use it a lot and it seems silly that the bank will hold onto that forever, meaning the 100000 is not spendable. I don't need this Visa card, and with hindsight would rather pay cash for things. The only useful thing about the Visa card was that whatever you bought you did not have to pay for 45 days. It was interest free for that period of time. Good to hear your views though, thanks.

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My sympathies, Paul. What a hel_l of a day that must have been.

Thank you for sharing. It helps others like me, who will be jumping through the same hoops this time next year.

Hope it goes smoothly next week.


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I use Pattaya immigration to do my retirement visa, you can go a month early and they are very good there, I have used them 3 times and now live in Bangkok, before lived in Pattaya. I will go back to Pattaya to do my visa again this year and hate the Bangkok immigration office... in fact I am planning to leave Bangkok as soon as I can sublet my studio

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If you live in Bangkok Pattaya immigration will not do your extension. They will send you back to Bangkok.

I will give them a Pattaya address and tell them I moved back there... which will be true because by then I should have my apt sublet by then

Edited by Rainmon
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