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A Disagrement W/ Your Thai Spouse?


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I am sure this has been covered again and again, but here is my question for the legal or othervice expertice, please.

Situation being living at the wife's/GF house.

Having her get mad for not anything serious.

Her inviting the BF in the first place to stay there.

She wanting/willing to throw him out.

She wanting/willing to keep everything he owns.

In Bangkok, if it changes anything.

Destrying the guy's property.

So what will be his rights? None?

I would be interrested of a foreigner females rights as well, if ....

Thanks will be given for sensible responses.

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I am sure this has been covered again and again, but here is my question for the legal or othervice expertice, please.

Situation being living at the wife's/GF house.

Having her get mad for not anything serious.

Her inviting the BF in the first place to stay there.

She wanting/willing to throw him out.

She wanting/willing to keep everything he owns.

In Bangkok, if it changes anything.

Destrying the guy's property.

So what will be his rights? None?

I would be interrested of a foreigner females rights as well, if ....

Thanks will be given for sensible responses.

When in Rome do as the Romans do........

At the very first opportunity, grab everything of value that is yours that you can and get the hel_l out. You will be far ahead in the long run!

There are many fishes in the sea, especially S.E.A.


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It appears as though the divorce rate in Thailand is reaching the levels of the UK, which is now the highest in Europe. We are recently receiving countless of these kind of emails regarding wives/girlfriends

Edited by TEFLMike
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How can she stop you from taking your stuff when she has been knocked out?

edit: I do apologise

The Apology accepted this time. Not The second.

I thought did bring up a serious question.

Still no reasonable/of thought reply.

And yes she is also breagnant.

Cheers for you. :o

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Your making a mountain out of a mole hill.

You have a couple choices.

You can sweet mouth her and get back in her good grace or you can pack your stuff and leave when she is not around. I for one would take the second option.

On the matter of keep or damaged property write it off to a learning experience. Going to the police will be more trouble than its worth.

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So what exactly was it that you did that got her so angry? I know people that think sleeping around is no big deal, so what you think is not serious may be serious to others.

Please tell us more about the situation leading up to this incident so we can give better help.

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Yes, please tell us what you did to make her upset. If you cheated on her then I have no sympathy for those that break others hearts. If she breaks your things then too bad for you. If she is just plain nuts then I'm sure you already know it's not going to work out.

If she's just a bit crazy coz she's pregnant then you need to sit down with her and work it all out.

By the sounds of your very limited explaination you have something to hide yourself about your own actions though. Feel free to fill in all the missing details.

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The obvious first question is, are here tantrums in some how related to here pregnancy? Or rather, has this behavior only been taking place since she has been pregnant.

If so then I'd get my head into reading up on what is causing this and how to deal with it.

If however this is a long term behavior then then you really need to start asking yourself some questions.

Like why are you willing to put up with this?

If being on her turf is preventing you from asserting your right not to be p1ssed about, then move out into your own place and change the balance of the equation.

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You are in Bangkok, rooms in bangkok are cheap and easy to find. First go out one afternoon and rent a room for a period of a month at least.

Recommend she spend a day shopping. Give her some money for the shopping trip. Once she is out of the house. Pack your vaulable belongings call a taxi and go to the new room / apartment.

Call her that eveneing from your mobile phone and explain the problem and why you have had had to move away for a while. Do not under any curcumstances give her your new address.

If after some time she calms down you can try to move back together. But leave the newly rented room / apartment full of your belongings so you can leave whenever things become to much.

If she has become violent, or threathening viloence I would not even bother calling her. My ex wife was terrible. I have been attacked with bottles, knives and on one occasion a concrete block (got me a good one square on the eye). If there are viloent episodes then go to the hospital and the police and have records made.

Good luck. I had a similar situation. It's a nightmare but you will get through it..

I say you get out of her place and rent your own.

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A large part of my divorce settlement was my tools. They included a gasoline powered Lincoln welder and oxy acetylene torch. I had those tools stored in my locked workshop. Naturally she got the house and workshop. She wanted to charge me rent for storage. When I went to collect my tool collection, the workshop lock and all my things were gone. I called the sheriff and when he came to make a report, he asked if this was a domestic problem. He told me that he doesn't get involved in domestic disputes and left. That WASN'T in Thailand. It isn't just Thailand where the man normally gets the short end of the stick.

If your wife throws you out, you best take whatever you can because it's not likely you will get much else. At least here, you have a pretty good idea where you stand.

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Thanks for the replies and the sympathy some expressed. I was just loking a bit more info of the law. Well, guess it would be a time to hire someone if it goes to that.

For obvious reasons I can't reveal too much of my identity. Just to answer to some posters inquiries I can say that we are on the sixth year of the relationship and there is no cheating involved as far I know of. These "tandrums" are nothing new also. But I am surprised that most posts suggest to leave this "sick case" behind.

I'd just try to work it out, if possible. If not? That was the original reason for my post.

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