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Brit Faces Two Years In Thai Jail For Being 'rude'.


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Why are you so sure the black man is right?

Just wondering. Was it absolutely necessary to mention the colour of his skin?

well,it seems to be the underlying issue here,was he treated unfairly because of skin colour?And in response to the issuing of degrees in Thailand,i am referring to Thai teaching Thai.I have no doubt anyone can buy a degree here,i have seen them for sale.Do you feel the word "Black"is offensive?I am not racist,i am merely trying to understand others.

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This is an outrage! the guy travels on a genuine passport and has to board that plane. Is it "female intuition" - can't they alert the Brtish authorities to check out the guy, passing on the passport details and their exit photo?

How would you feel if you could not board that plane?!?

I would have given her a piece of my mind, too!

That's enough for jail time?!? I disagree!

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This is an outrage! the guy travels on a genuine passport and has to board that plane. Is it "female intuition" - can't they alert the Brtish authorities to check out the guy, passing on the passport details and their exit photo?

How would you feel if you could not board that plane?!?

I would have given her a piece of my mind, too!

That's enough for jail time?!? I disagree!

They have a job to do,i doubt they thought"Hey,lets mess this guy up".He did himself no favours getting angry,and i bet he wishes he didn't now.But jail time for that,not right.My wife deals with the same type of people,and is often called because of her understanding of English.As soon as the farang gets aggressive,he's out the door,escorted by the police.If he wants to push his luck,he can come back in,but he will be treated a lot worse the second time 'round.No one likes being bullied,perhapes this is a lesson for those so inclined. :o

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Why are you so sure the black man is right?

Just wondering. Was it absolutely necessary to mention the colour of his skin?

well,it seems to be the underlying issue here,was he treated unfairly because of skin colour?And in response to the issuing of degrees in Thailand,i am referring to Thai teaching Thai.I have no doubt anyone can buy a degree here,i have seen them for sale.Do you feel the word "Black"is offensive?I am not racist,i am merely trying to understand others.

I'm not accusing you of being racist (I usually enjoy your posts. I would not if I thought you are racist) and I don't think that the words "Black", "White", "Yellow" or whatever are offensive but sometimes the (useless) mention of the colour can be perceived as offensive. You could have said "Why are you so sure the man is right?". Anyways, that's a storm in a teacup, let's go back to the topic.

Edited by adjan jb
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It would appear that he swore at the immigration official, criticised Thailand & snatched his passport back, so on that basis he got what he deserved & if he does receive a prison sentence, he has only himself to blame - end of discussion. I'd just add that I've no sympathy for him whatsoever.

Have you ever seen an immigration official swear or shout at a tourist, call them "stupid", make derrogatory racial remarks and toss their passport back at them? Do they go to jail too?

The Brit may have been an arse but putting someone in jail for ill manners is as pathetic as it is barbaric. A more reasonable response would be to fine him and send him home.

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I find this very hard to believe even here in Thailand . . . There is something not quite right here . . . There is far more to this story....

does seem a bit strange....

as from what is made out, he has done nothing wrong?? ...... and the UK Consul in Phuket would have helped him out straight away..

I could be wrong, and often am, but when I was helping a fellow Brit in trouble in Phuket, admittedly some years ago, the local 'Crown Representative' was an Honorary Consul and was almost useless--he really only seemed to want the position to help him with his local business dealings--I sincerely hope he's not the guy that the Brit in question is relying on to come to his aid.

EDIT function is not working on my computer so--

Just read about this fiasco in a rag called PhuketWan and, apologies to the NEW Honorary Consul since he's not the one who was filling the post when my friend was in need of consular assistance---sadly, though, things appear to have changed little---I always thought that, as the local representative of the Crown abroad the consul, even an honorary one, was really there to HELP fellow Brits when in difficulty--doesn't seem that this is the case though, at least not from the perspective of this case.

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Why are you so sure the black man is right?

Just wondering. Was it absolutely necessary to mention the colour of his skin?

well,it seems to be the underlying issue here,was he treated unfairly because of skin colour?And in response to the issuing of degrees in Thailand,i am referring to Thai teaching Thai.I have no doubt anyone can buy a degree here,i have seen them for sale.Do you feel the word "Black"is offensive?I am not racist,i am merely trying to understand others.

I'm not accusing of being racist (I usually enjoy your posts. I would not if I thought you are racist) and I don't think that the words "Black", "White", "Yellow" or whatever are offensive but sometimes the (useless) mention of the colour can be perceived as offensive. You could have said "Why are you so sure the man is right?". Anyways, that's a storm in a teacup, let's go back to the topic.

I guess when you look at it that way,it may seem a little insensitive.I will be more careful of my wording in future. :o

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I know the Thai education system better then most,my wife went through it and my daughter is going through it...Both have better education then the average Australian student.. dry.gif

Case closed then as we can't hope to get a more objective analysis than yours, from a person with no emotional investment in making his learned evaluation.

BTW: I have heard that in Thai unis, once accepted, as long as you pay the fees, you are 100 percent guaranteed to graduate.

Well,you heard wrong. :o

As a former university teacher, I'm afraid Jingthing is right.

In passing........ I didn't think it was all Thai universities, but I defer to adjan jb's first-hand experience overall. Rajabhat universities (e.g. the one in Chiang Mai) are certainly notorious for it. Lower standards, higher fees - but you'd have to be all but brain-dead not to leave with a degree.

Some of the "he had it coming" brigade's comments on this thread are truly depressing - but same same for all such threads on here.

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A BRITISH man is facing a two-year sentence in a hellish Thai prison for being 'rude' to an official.

Voice reader Simon Burrowes, from Wembley, north London, was ending a holiday with a friend when Thai authorities in Phuket airport detained him on January 31, preventing him from returning to the UK.

Immigration officials suspected Burrowes' passport was a forgery. Speaking to The Voice via phone from Thailand, Burrowes said: "A woman at immigration was looking at my passport and then handed it to the man behind her. I was ushered to sit down whilst he took out a magnifying glass and proceeded to check my passport for half an hour," he explained.

He was told that he was not getting on the plane and was taken to a detention centre, whilst his friend Matthew was able to fly back to the UK. Burrowes said: "I'm a black man so I'm used to getting hassle at airports, but I was shocked by this." For three weeks, the 44-year old was held with 126 men in a cramped prison cell.

"Thai prisons are notorious for being some of the worst. There is no privacy. You go to the toilet in the open and there is no toilet paper. There were guys in there that had scabies and were next to me," said Burrowes.

He contacted the British Consulate, who confirmed his passport was genuine. However, the disgruntled Brit claims that the Consulate should have done more, saying that they took long to react to his case.

"I was disgusted and beside myself. People talk of them [the British Consulate] like they are the cavalry. If you have issues abroad they come charging to help. But they didn't really help me," he fumed. Burrowes was later charged with 'rude and aggressive behaviour' towards an immigration officer, a claim he denies, and was released on £2,000 bail. He must remain in Thailand until his trial begins on April 26, and his lawyer has warned he could face a two-year jail sentence.

"I have to find some way to sustain myself financially while I am here. I went to Thailand to enjoy the land, learn the culture and spend some money. It's turned into a nightmare," he said. Burrowes is hoping that he will soon be able to fly back to the UK.

"If they find me guilty, who knows what will happen. I met people in prison who are doing five years for having two spliffs on them. It's very difficult to hold yourself up in a Thai prison. I feel very bitter about what has happened," he said. A spokesman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London told The Voice they are

looking into the case.

Link to story here.

It would appear that he swore at the immigration official, criticised Thailand & snatched his passport back, so on that basis he got what he deserved & if he does receive a prison sentence, he has only himself to blame - end of discussion. I'd just add that I've no sympathy for him whatsoever.

So if you go to immigration with a legal passport, and get detained by officials claiming incorrectly that it is a fake, then you just perform your usual act of bending over and asking them to please not thump you too hard if they don't mind. Have you ever thought of bottling and selling your excess masculinity?

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It is not easy at time to live in the land of Smiles, sometime you just have to GRIN and BEAR IT, case in point went to bank to deposit check, show copy of passport/with visa stamp, bank book in hand, show Thai Driver license, teller and manager still insisted on seeing orignal passport. :D:o:D

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In passing........ I didn't think it was all Thai universities, but I defer to adjan jb's first-hand experience overall. Rajabhat universities (e.g. the one in Chiang Mai) are certainly notorious for it. Lower standards, higher fees - but you'd have to be all but brain-dead not to leave with a degree.


You've got crystal balls

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Guilty as charged!

Another arogant Pom goes where he belongs.

There are clear messages posted at airport enterances warning about abusive language directed at custom officials.

Nice to see Thai authorities taking a stance over these eletist Engilish wide boys :o

What a nice unoffensive post. Tarring all English people with the same brush and if you are going to have a go at the English please make sure that you spell it right. By the way what does eletist mean?

Whatever happened and we don't really know all the details. The sentence is far to harsh!

Cheers, Rick

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In passing........ I didn't think it was all Thai universities, but I defer to adjan jb's first-hand experience overall. Rajabhat universities (e.g. the one in Chiang Mai) are certainly notorious for it. Lower standards, higher fees - but you'd have to be all but brain-dead not to leave with a degree.


You've got crystal balls

Too many answers to that to know where to begin............ so I'll settle for :o .

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Yes some thais are racist so are a hel_l of a lot of black people, not to mention the giant chip some of them have on their shoulders . I daren't even look at most of them in england for fear of being knifed to death . If this man was rude to the officials it would not surprise me at all. and yes i know some coloured people have a lot more to put up with than non coloured people but sometimes you have to bite your lip and get on with it especially when dealing with customs officials wether in thailand or not .

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Jeez,stop editing your post for just one minute...........

What is wrong with editing? Any professional writer will tell you that REWRITING is much more important than the first draft. I will never understand people who think it is some kind of sin to edit their own posts for WHATEVER reason. I find that people who whine about editing are coming from an anti-intellectual and paranoid stance. Also, there is a time limit on edits.

The difference it makes is this:If you have felt that you were victimised in a similar way,then naturally you will feel the need to speak out and condemn such actions.I have never been treated any way other then politely when dealing with officials,police whatever in Thailand.I have always been polite to you on Tv,but you are really just being silly now.

OK, fair enough. I just said I had run across some brutish officers who were VERY RUDE to me without any reason whatsoever. I never said I was victimized in a similar way.

Edited for reason: Just for the hel_l of it!

Edited again to add sentence: I find that people who whine about editing are coming from an anti-intellectual and paranoid stance.

Edited again to add above comment x2

Edited again to add second section, new quote and response.

Edited again to add " who were VERY RUDE to me without any reason whatsoever"

Edited again to blow my nose.

Edited again to add bold emphasis to What is wrong with editing?

Edited again to make edit, but then decided to not make edit.

Edited by Jingthing
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Guilty as charged!

Another arogant Pom goes where he belongs.

There are clear messages posted at airport enterances warning about abusive language directed at custom officials.

Nice to see Thai authorities taking a stance over these eletist Engilish wide boys :o

Another loudmouth Botany Bay descendant.

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Jeez,stop editing your post for just one minute...........

What is wrong with editing? Any professional writer will tell you that REWRITING is much more important than the first draft. I will never understand people who think it is some kind of sin to edit their own posts for WHATEVER reason. I find that people who whine about editing are coming from an anti-intellectual and paranoid stance. Also, there is a time limit on edits.

The difference it makes is this:If you have felt that you were victimised in a similar way,then naturally you will feel the need to speak out and condemn such actions.I have never been treated any way other then politely when dealing with officials,police whatever in Thailand.I have always been polite to you on Tv,but you are really just being silly now.

OK, fair enough. I just said I had run across some brutish officers who were VERY RUDE to me without any reason whatsoever. I never said I was victimized in a similar way.

Edited for reason: Just for the hel_l of it!

Edited again to add sentence: I find that people who whine about editing are coming from an anti-intellectual and paranoid stance.

Edited again to add above comment x2

Edited again to add second section, new quote and response.

Edited again to add " who were VERY RUDE to me without any reason whatsoever"

Edited again to blow my nose.

Edited again to add bold emphasis to What is wrong with editing?

Edited again to make edit, but then decided to not make edit.

The REASON i said "Stop editing"is because i was trying to reply to your post,but it kept changing....But now you're just being silly. :o

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"When the official started to ask questions, Burrowes became angry,

Khun Suksopon said, and snatched back his passport.

Burrowes then said ''F*** You'' and criticised Thailand in an offensive way, Khun Suksopon added.

''If you go to England and behave the way this man did, what would happen?'' Khun Suksopon asked.

you would be given a fast track visa , a work permit , benefits , an interpreter , a counsellor , a lawyer , a hot meal , warm clothing , medical care , and housing for your family and in laws.

the immigration official would be severley disciplined for causing a "service receiver" to feel offended and sent for 6 months corrective training and if the "service receiver" also happened to be a member of a minority group ( religious , ethnic , sexual , animal , vegetable or mineral ) a lengthy inquisitorial investigation would take place resulting in all the placard waving do goody lefties taking to the streets in a show of solidarity towards the "service receiver"

rude and ill mannered ( whether justified or not ) foreigners have rights too in the uk.

Edited by taxexile
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I'd say, rightly or wrongly, they're making an example of this guy. A number of months ago they made a point of sticking warnings against abusing officials up in every immigration and customs booth at Bangkok airport. They've obviously decided that they're not going to tolerate any more rudeness towards them. Shame that some of them aren't too shy at dishing it out though and can now hide behind this law.

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I certainly have had some rude customs officials interrogate me already.

At the time I probably would've loved to see them get some time for being that way.

But the penalty is way too harsh isn't it?

I imagine there was rudeness going on on both sides.

British customs people need to get that official's name and passport number in case they ever shows up in their country.

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This kind of overreaction based on pride, face, and poison nationalism, is bad for Thai tourism. I hope it is widely publicized. A country that treats ANY of its tourists this BARBARIC way needs to learn that they are the ones damaging the international reputation of Thailand, not some random cheeky tourist.

Edited by Jingthing
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you could reserve your judgement until hearing the recording

Now that is a complete joke.

The public will NEVER hear that tape, even if it really exists.

You're really going all out against the immigration officer...Why are you so sure the black man is right?Are you so sure that he would never do such a thing?Because of his colour,do you feel he must just be getting victimised?You are really pushing this one,have YOU been a victim of an unfriendly (Small brained,uneducated) Thai official? :o

Some critical thinking is in order, dude. This has NOTHING to do with the officer. It has to do with the Thai justice system. They don't publicly release evidence of this nature. This is not an open society like most in the west. That is a fact. In Pattaya for example NONE of the LOCAL press is even ALLOWED at court trials. So people convicted in the press and on thaivisa, even if they are found not guilty, it is not reported. Just the facts, man.

Surely they would release it,if it's in their interest?I didn't know that the press were not allowed in court,seems a bit unfair on the defendant.

You've been here over 2 years and you did not know that?? This is not the west. the problem is many expats take a western view of things on tv. they (some of them not all) are out of step with the reality of thais and thailand.

i love most thais and the country, do not get me wrong. but, from their posts, many farang seem to be living on a different planet

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I had to look up wittering, its a Brit thing:

witter (witters 3rd person present) (wittering present participle) (wittered past tense & past participle )If you say that someone is wittering about something, you mean that they are talking a lot about things that you think are silly and boring.



(disapproval) (=prattle)

They just sat there wittering about what lectures they had tomorrow. V about n, Also V

Witter on means the same as witter., phrasal verb

They started wittering on about their last trip to Provence. V P about n, Also V P

Jing will you please stop wittering about wittering! Great word eh!

Cheers, Rick

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A passport photo is rejected if it is not suitable,and if he had no shirt on,then i don't see how he could have got the photo accepted.I think that the Thai immi.chap started off ok,just questioning Simon,but i suspect Simon used his size and mouth to belittle the guy,and from there,it's all downhill. :D I like "beachers" comment about Thai's having small brains and big ego's...To get a job in immigration requires a BA.So much for small brains.....And i wouldn't take to kindly to arrogant foreigners trying to stand over me. :o But going to jail for this,mmmmmm,Seems a bit harsh. :D

A BA in Thailand...HAHAHAHA wow want an education...

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