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Central Festival Flooded


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Sad to see the basement area, outside, a meter deep after the rain. The planners will be brought to the table over this the first of the rainy days. I love to see projects like this in the city I live, just hope that it can make money. With the economy the way it is I would not want to own a shop there. The Starbucks is one of the nicest I,ve been in worldwide and very friendly.

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Looking at the way the building was built, it should have been pretty obvious that this was going to happen. Look how low the ground floor is compared to beach road!

I wonder how they are going to fix this problem!

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You've just got to chuckle, it seems the Thai general concept is build it in the sunshine and conveniently forget the heavy rains in this part of the world.

I see it time and time again, wether it is a garden shed or multi billion project.

I'm sure they will find a solution eventually, maybe bannana boats in the basement.

I can see some serious loss of face around the board table. It will be interesting to see the results of any investigations. Is it a design problem or is it the usual misapropiated funds problem?.

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Well I don't know much about this subject, but Royal Garden and Mike's Shopping Mall have underground car parks, and they never get flooded.

Oh I forgot - those two establishments are nearing their "sell By Date" and are being replaced by the spanky new Avenue and Central\Festival, with Bangkok qualified construction engineers who know what they are doing.

A few weeks ago I made my one and only venture into the Pattaya Central. What a waste of space! Full of upmarket very expensive merchandise that no one was buying, and very few customers. I went into Boots to buy some sweeteners, and my wife was "pressure sold" into buying some bullshit vitamins for over 2,000 Baht. I was not at all pleased.

I noticed that for the first few weekends the roads were jammed with out of town visitors to Central. Seems to me that the rush has died down, and no-one is coming back.

I'm not against Central per se. I like the Chidlom and Bang Na branches and have spent many hours there. But the one in Pattaya is just a dispassionate, up-market characterless joint, with none of the teaming customers - students and the like - and the cheaper entrepreneurial stalls on the walkways which help to provide some of the atmosphere.

A few days ago I went in Mikes, and Royal and found both places full of tourists, desperately spending their hard earned foreign currency. They clearly have given the new Central the "thumbs down".

I think someone has got this all wrong - but that's just my opinion.

Edited by Mobi
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Well I don't know much about this subject, but Royal Garden and Mike's Shopping Mall have underground car parks, and they never get flooded.

Oh I forgot - those two establishments are nearing their "sell By Date" and are being replaced by the spanky new Avenue and Central\Festival, with Bangkok qualified construction engineers who know what they are doing.

A few weeks ago I made my one and only venture into the Pattaya Central. What a waste of space! Full of upmarket very expensive merchandise that no one was buying, and very few customers. I went into Boots to buy some sweeteners, and my wife was "pressure sold" into buying some bullshit vitamins for over 2,000 Baht. I was not at all pleased.

I noticed that for the first few weekends the roads were jammed with out of town visitors to Central. Seems to me that the rush has died down, and no-one is coming back.

I'm not against Central per se. I like the Chidlom and Bang Na branches and have spent many hours there. But the one in Pattaya is just a dispassionate, up-market characterless joint, with none of the teaming customers - students and the like - and the cheaper entrepreneurial stalls on the walkways which help to provide some of the atmosphere.

A few days ago I went in Mikes, and Royal and found both places full of tourists, desperately spending their hard earned foreign currency. They clearly have given the new Central the "thumbs down".

I think someone has got this all wrong - but that's just my opinion.

Mobi You just dont understand Pattaya is going up-market :D

No Bars or Prostitutes in Pattaya any more :o

Its a family holiday place now :D

See Im still around.

Cheers Tony :D

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A few weeks ago I made my one and only venture into the Pattaya Central. What a waste of space! Full of upmarket very expensive merchandise that no one was buying, and very few customers.

This is also my disappointment with the mall.. Very expensive shops with ugly clothes that even my Grandmother wouldn't be seen dead wearing :o There aren't any funky fashion clothes at all for youngsters either.

The only reason I go to the mall is either for the restaurants, the B2S, or the Cosmetics store on the 1st floor of Central Mall...

The small shops are a huge disappointment... I was looking forward to the mall opening so that I could completely re-new the whole contents of my wardrobe :D

I also went into Boots to buy some new Nail Varish.. I had the whole shop of girls around me trying to tell me which color to buy, telling me which is the newest color blah blah blah... Seriously... Im capable of choosing my own Nail color! Sheesh... So I walked out and spent my $$ in Central cosmetics place... Looks like Mobi's wife had the same problem in there..

What IS it with all the sales people breathing over your shoulder when you are trying to look at something?! Thats what REALLY puts me off and makes me walk out of a place!

Unfortunately, the last time I went to Central a few days ago, It was DEAD... And it was a Sunday! The only place where there seems to be a bit of life is in Shabushi restaurant!

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A few weeks ago I made my one and only venture into the Pattaya Central. What a waste of space! Full of upmarket very expensive merchandise that no one was buying, and very few customers.

This is also my disappointment with the mall.. Very expensive shops with ugly clothes that even my Grandmother wouldn't be seen dead wearing :o There aren't any funky fashion clothes at all for youngsters either.

The only reason I go to the mall is either for the restaurants, the B2S, or the Cosmetics store on the 1st floor of Central Mall...

The small shops are a huge disappointment... I was looking forward to the mall opening so that I could completely re-new the whole contents of my wardrobe :D

I also went into Boots to buy some new Nail Varish.. I had the whole shop of girls around me trying to tell me which color to buy, telling me which is the newest color blah blah blah... Seriously... Im capable of choosing my own Nail color! Sheesh... So I walked out and spent my $$ in Central cosmetics place... Looks like Mobi's wife had the same problem in there..

What IS it with all the sales people breathing over your shoulder when you are trying to look at something?! Thats what REALLY puts me off and makes me walk out of a place!

Unfortunately, the last time I went to Central a few days ago, It was DEAD... And it was a Sunday! The only place where there seems to be a bit of life is in Shabushi restaurant!

What happened to you Meg? You've atarted writing negative posts now.

Next time you find sales ladies are annoying you, just tell them politely to leave you in peace. That's what I do and it works just fine.

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:o What a joke. The place is brand spanking new and with the first rains it is flooded... Sad really.


Seriously though, have you ever come across a new building anywhere in the world without some teething problems? It could have been something as simple as a blocked drain.

It seems to be when anything goes wrong with anything in Thailand people on here are fast to critisize Thais and their abilities.

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:o What a joke. The place is brand spanking new and with the first rains it is flooded... Sad really.


Seriously though, have you ever come across a new building anywhere in the world without some teething problems? It could have been something as simple as a blocked drain.

It seems to be when anything goes wrong with anything in Thailand people on here are fast to critisize Thais and their abilities.

What?? I criticize everyone, not just the Thai folks.

I would have thought that knowing the high levels of rain in the area, the notorious flooding and the crappy drainage system that these bigwigs would have made doubly sure that this high profile shop would have been immune to flooding. Of course that is just my opinion.

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The so called big wigs and engineers can make all the plans they want. If the guy that installed the system made a mistake the place floods. If they installer was taking the day off and then came back a day later maybe he forgot to check his work. Whatever, the place flooded and it will get pumped out and life goes on.

Complain about all the upscale shops and prices. When was the last time you saw a zillion dollar mall built and they leased the spaces to the people that set up shop in soi Buakao. If you don't like it don't go there.

Pattaya is changing, slowly but it is changing. I hate change from what I am comfortable with just like the next person but the only thing that will not change is that we all have "x" amount of time in this world. So the rest is stuff we live with in whatever way we deal with change. If we whine and complain all the time, like I do, then your life will less enjoyable. I am trying to"change" and not complain so much about stuff here and make "my" life more enjoyable. Some others should try that also.

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What IS it with all the sales people breathing over your shoulder when you are trying to look at something?

Thaisos expect this. This is Thailand.

WHY should we accept this,i dont.Until certain shops train their staff correctly i just walk out with a big grin on my face.Must admit i love to play hide and seek with them,they hate it lol.Every time i look at something the staff try to make me look at the most expensive things,even when i say i want 2 they believe me,thick <deleted>.

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What IS it with all the sales people breathing over your shoulder when you are trying to look at something?

Thaisos expect this. This is Thailand.

Spot on there jing! Thais (and particularly Thaisos) like this illusion of being waited on hand-and-foot when out shopping. It drives most farangs up the wall, especially when you aren't really shopping for anything but just killing some time... I don't think there's a Thai terminology for 'window shopping' is there?

I imagine that the Boots girls are on a big push to get any sales if the foot traffic is low in a high-rent location. Pity about that since Boot's anywhere else in the Kingdom is usually a nice, harassment-free, air-conditioned shopping stop.

Anyway, I saw those blue firehoses yesterday afternoon as they pumped the lower levels onto Beach Road. Maybe someone left a plug in that should be left out!

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Guess they could just put a floating market down there.

Why Not , the new one in Pattaya is a bust , they could just move it in


The new floating market in pattaya is packed out every day of the week, are you perhaps referring to the decorative floating market within the Village mall?

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Strange how all you whiners complain and whine about Thailand & Thai people, when your actually living here. If you arent going to make things better I guess there's no point in criticizing. Oh yes, the design job was done by a foreigner what a coincidence!....what a dumb farang!

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> Oh yes, the design job was done by a foreigner what a coincidence!....what a dumb farang!

Yes, yes, but the work was physicaly carried out by a Thai company, whether it was a Thai national that did the work or a 'guest' worker we will never know.

The likely cause is build up of sand, cement waste washed down the storm drain during construction that was not later checked/tested or flushed out prior to project handover.

I doubt a farang would be trusted with the high profile sign offs on actual project completion phases, the highly skilled Thai managers can do that - I bet there was a photographer and maybe a ribbon cut.

I wonder if they tested the safety systems?

Has any one cast an eye over the place with respect to building safety?

The last time I was in Big C's mall on Second Road, someone had played with/tested/cleaned the fire hoses, however the fast deployment system that makes having them of any use was not reset when the hose was returned to it's housing - so useless in a fire situation.

I've witnessed portable fire extinguishers being 'serviced' - they were wiped down with a damp cloth then redated. TIT

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