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Good Places To Eat In Chiang Mai


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Phuket Seafood 51/1 Irrigation Canal Rd.

Sounds interesting. Whereabouts on the Irrigation Canal Road is that?

It's not on the satellite image, as it mustn't be older than 3 years (which the images are). That's where it is though. No English sign (not that i could see anyway), but they have an English menu. Yes the same prices as the Thai menu.

Now that you jogged my memory with the location, I do recall seeing this place and it's on my end of town. I'll have to check it out soon. Thanks! :o

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What about this new steak and fondue restaurant at Moonmuang (the former True Blue)? Has someone eaten there already? How is it?

are u serious? i thought it was gonna be a girlie bar thing... and now u are talking fondue?

Edited by tigerbeer
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I'm always tempted when I see the mussel dishes on the menu. One bad experience, where I got sick afterwards, has me limiting my non fish seafood eating to Bangkok and beach cities now. All the more reason to plan the occasional trip out of town.

New Zealand mussels 250 baht a kilo from Rimping Nim City. Barbecued with garlic and parsley butter..Superb, just ask McG and Crowboy. They were both fighting the cats over the shells by midnight.

not a bad price, in NZ it would be about 75baht a kg in our local supermarket or free off the rocks on some islands and bays

photo of some we just steamed on our trip back in NZ in may- yummy


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I'm not much of a burger fan as I've never really cared much to finish up like most Americans.

However, as I was strolling through Anusarn I noted Mikes Burgers have a place there too. As I've tried Mc D, AW, BK, Wendy, Harvey et al, I thought I'd give Mike's a go - after all so many people on these blogs seem to rave about them.....poor souls

Last night there were 4 staff behind the counter. I waited for my order 15 minutes and was beginning to wonder if the 'two hours and it's free' was really a joke?

I must say that the cheesburger set (when it arrived) was a great dissapointment.

First the round 'thing' covered in some greasy concoction nearly made my gall bladder erupt.

The burger itself was really no great shakes, but the redeeming feature of Mikes is that I could drown the taste with French mustard.

However, there's nothing to put on the fries, which in some part resembled real chips.

I think a little vinegar might be nice even if it does offend Americans or even some mayonaisse - any kind except Thai 'best foods'!

I was fairly hungry, so in a sense it satisfied my needs but I certainly wouldn't bother eating there again, especially if I were in a hurry!

I'm quite happy to add yet another burger place to my list of places not to eat.

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Has anyone mentioned the G&M German Sausages yet?

This sausage factory is in the middle of nowhere, unbelievable.

Yes, I once went to their sunday lunch buffet, 150 bahts, amazing, but I would be unable to return there. If someone can draw a map or edit a Google picture and post it, that would be nice.


I'm going to ask a friend who knows the location well to take me there again (of course he will have a free lunch) and I'll take note on the way.


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I'm not much of a burger fan as I've never really cared much to finish up like most Americans.

However, as I was strolling through Anusarn I noted Mikes Burgers have a place there too. As I've tried Mc D, AW, BK, Wendy, Harvey et al, I thought I'd give Mike's a go - after all so many people on these blogs seem to rave about them.....poor souls

Last night there were 4 staff behind the counter. I waited for my order 15 minutes and was beginning to wonder if the 'two hours and it's free' was really a joke?

I must say that the cheesburger set (when it arrived) was a great dissapointment.

First the round 'thing' covered in some greasy concoction nearly made my gall bladder erupt.

The burger itself was really no great shakes, but the redeeming feature of Mikes is that I could drown the taste with French mustard.

However, there's nothing to put on the fries, which in some part resembled real chips.

I think a little vinegar might be nice even if it does offend Americans or even some mayonaisse - any kind except Thai 'best foods'!

I was fairly hungry, so in a sense it satisfied my needs but I certainly wouldn't bother eating there again, especially if I were in a hurry!

I'm quite happy to add yet another burger place to my list of places not to eat.

i am not the least surprised. had eaten many burgers there before. well at least the branch at sriphoom road near spicy's. used to be alright. but the last time i ate there, i found the quality of meat to be totally substandard. change of meat supplier?

Edited by tigerbeer
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I'm not much of a burger fan as I've never really cared much to finish up like most Americans.

However, as I was strolling through Anusarn I noted Mikes Burgers have a place there too. As I've tried Mc D, AW, BK, Wendy, Harvey et al, I thought I'd give Mike's a go - after all so many people on these blogs seem to rave about them.....poor souls

Last night there were 4 staff behind the counter. I waited for my order 15 minutes and was beginning to wonder if the 'two hours and it's free' was really a joke?

I must say that the cheesburger set (when it arrived) was a great dissapointment.

First the round 'thing' covered in some greasy concoction nearly made my gall bladder erupt.

The burger itself was really no great shakes, but the redeeming feature of Mikes is that I could drown the taste with French mustard.

However, there's nothing to put on the fries, which in some part resembled real chips.

I think a little vinegar might be nice even if it does offend Americans or even some mayonaisse - any kind except Thai 'best foods'!

I was fairly hungry, so in a sense it satisfied my needs but I certainly wouldn't bother eating there again, especially if I were in a hurry!

I'm quite happy to add yet another burger place to my list of places not to eat.

Sounds like you should stick to grotty fish and chips dives. :o

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Wouldn't even consider Fish and Chips here....I'm still wondering what posessed me to stop at a burger bar....maybe after all my years I'm still trying to see why American's adore burgers. I'm sure that apart from helping them weigh over 250 lb on average, they like the feeling of the grease, ketchup and mustard running down their chins. no, I'll stick to Thai food - I won't die without 'moms' apple pie, like the good ole USof A boys :o

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Cmon UG, all Americans love burgers, and why shouldn't they...food of the gods when done well.

Nothing gets my blood boiling like people badmouthing burgers!

actually those burgers at the Jiffy, 7-11, Esso are kinda good as well. for 19baht. not food of the gods though but it does help me get pass some drunk nights.

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We like eat at a Thai restaurant along the Ping river. Strange directions here - go past Good View etc then past the Rimping Condo, turn L at the next lights, cross the (Nokornping?) bridge and L again. Follow the road along the river, it is a Karaoke with a restautant next dooron your L, easy to park. The seafood is really good and at Thai prices. It is riverside and generally very uncrowded, except for the odd farang early on?

Went with my g/f and two kids, had excellent and fresh steamed fish, 3 plates of prawns in batter, 2 plates of french fries, two plates of fried pork something, rice, squid salad plus mixers for our byo whisky and kids fruit drinks, all for under B500. And the food is really good.

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Another TV member and I had a great dinner at Buonissimo's, right on the river. House wine, a real Italian sausage pizza with Italian cheese and mushroom, some other stuff. Great Italian Italian food.

wish they made their own sauce. love the lasagna sauce at dukes.

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well, theres a few places around here I can probably add to the list.

for thai food:

the best pad thai is available from a little tucked-away shop right next to DK bookstore, on the moat. when you're facing the book store, it's behind the parking lot and to the right. try the 'pad thai mai sai saen', it's quite good, and even many thai people haven't tried it.

the best gapao for my money is from a little sidewalk shop in front of the 7-11 on sankampaeng/tha pae road, inside the superhighway (very close to the sankampaeng/superhighway intersection). absolute best pat grapao moo/gai/gung in CM, and I'd bet money that it's among the best in thailand.

best som tam- same area, but further away from the road. on that little island of restaurants, there's a traditional isaan restaurant (furthest to the north) that makes absolutely wonderful som tam.

best tom yam- tunghotel road, right in front of the d-town hotel/condominiums. it opens at 7:30 (AM) and closes early, and it's always packed at lunch time. 25 baht a bowl. wonderful stuff.

best muu ping (pork on a stick): theres a little stand at the first major intersection on tha pae road (inside the moat). it's 8 baht a piece, but well worth it- 3 sticks will fill you up. there's quite a bit of meat on those things. on sunday nights, the lady moves her stand further south, just south of the road block for the walking street.

best chinese... I don't know the name of the restaurant, or the street it's on, but if you're on the night bazaar road, go to the end, hang a left at that intersection, and about halfway to the road that runs along the river you'll see a big chinese restaurant front on the left, with a small soi right after it. park in the soi behind it, and head in. this place has been confirmed as the best in town by all the chinese people I know who don't already have restaurants of their own.

best ribs: hells kitchen. all the down-home southern cooking you can think of. if you want ribs, corn bread, collard greens, sweet potato pie, corn on the cob and potato salad, hells kitchen. definitely. located on a small market just off the night bazaar (on the east side- left when you're driving the night bazaar street), in the same line of buildings as omalley's irish pub.

best burgers: Dukes is the best I've found, without making my own. mikes is a close second.

best pizza: La Gondola or La Stefano's, under the Rim Ping condominiums and on tha pae road inside the moat, respectively. dukes pizza is good too.

best french restaurant: Chez Bous (may be spelling that wrong). just north of the mae ping hotel, on that same street.

best chilli dogs: chiang mai saloon, off the night bazaar to the right, go past the go-go bars and it will be directly on your left, across from a bank and a tattoo parlor.

best mexican food: Salsa Kitchen. in a string of tourist bars, just off the road that runs paralell to the sunday walking street (to the north). a bit hard to find, but well worth it. also... I think it's called 'baja kitchen' or something- by the same guy that made mike's burgers. on the east side of the moat, on the outside, close to the northeast corner.

best coffee shop: Dok Talom. located on tha pae road, inside the moat, behind the wawee coffee (don't go to wawee. wawee is the mcdonalds of coffee), directly across the small courtyard from la stefano's.

best italian food: any of stefano's restaurants. La Gondola, La Stefano's, I think there's one other, but I haven't been to it yet.


best thai wine: Monsoon Valley. their white wine is excellent. I've seen french conniseurs try it and demand to know where it's *really* from (kind of a joke my friend's dad here enjoys playing on his clients- "here, try this!" "it's good, where's it from?" "thailand." "mhmm! no, really, where's it from?"), but it's really thai. the red wine is so-so, but the white is excellent.

I think that just about covers it for now.

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After reading statements like this:

"all Americans love burgers, and why shouldn't they...food of the gods when done well"

So I decided to give burgers another chance. I had a burger at "Mad Dog" and again it probably wasn't done well. To be honest I never found a place, where they are done well. Maybe can someone enlighten me, where I can find such a place ?

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After reading statements like this:

"all Americans love burgers, and why shouldn't they...food of the gods when done well"

So I decided to give burgers another chance. I had a burger at "Mad Dog" and again it probably wasn't done well. To be honest I never found a place, where they are done well. Maybe can someone enlighten me, where I can find such a place ?

Burgers like all food is subjective and what you may like I may loathe. For me the best straight up cheese burger is Chiang Mai Saloon. For more "interesting" burgers ie with blue cheese dressing or with Swiss cheese then the Duke at the Mae Ping is the place to go. For an Australian style and my favourite then Woodies, next to the 7-11 near Spicy's is the place to go. Basic burgers like Mike's and at Mad Dogs are mediocre at best and banal at worst.


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well, theres a few places around here I can probably add to the list.

you are pretty easy on making "best in Thailand selections I know these places and they are fine. I especially know the ones you mention on the road out to San Kamphaeng . They are good but you are pushing it with "best in...." comparison. The same follows for you "Best" Som Tam which I know but is no better than any of about 500 other similar places around town.

best muu ping (pork on a stick): theres a little stand at the first major intersection on tha pae road (inside the moat). it's 8 baht a piece, but well worth it- 3 sticks will fill you up. there's quite a bit of meat on those things. on sunday nights, the lady moves her stand further south, just south of the road block for the walking street.
This is getting silly - there are about 10,000 places that sell the same thing and at the same quality, get real.
best chinese... I don't know the name of the restaurant, or the street it's on, but if you're on the night bazaar road, go to the end, hang a left at that intersection, and about halfway to the road that runs along the river you'll see a big chinese restaurant front on the left, with a small soi right after it. park in the soi behind it, and head in. this place has been confirmed as the best in town by all the chinese people I know who don't already have restaurants of their own.
I think you are talking about the Chinese restaurant on Charoen Prathet soi 1 - it splits and does a divide from Charoen Phratet and also Sri Donchai. The Chinese food there is very good and well patroned by the local Chinese Thai people plus farung.
best ribs: hells kitchen. all the down-home southern cooking you can think of. if you want ribs, corn bread, collard greens, sweet potato pie, corn on the cob and potato salad, hells kitchen. definitely. located on a small market just off the night bazaar (on the east side- left when you're driving the night bazaar street), in the same line of buildings as omalley's irish pub.
You will find any number of locals disagreeing with you on this. Salsa Kitchen is much better. They definitely have the best ribs in town.
best french restaurant: Chez Bous (may be spelling that wrong). just north of the mae ping hotel, on that same street.
I think you must be referring to the All you can eat restaurant which is is not French but is a good place for a big feed at a decent price. It is oriented to visitors not locals but remains popular with both. If you really want to eat quality French food then find a place called Le Crystal. That is real French food but be prepared to pay for it.
best chilli dogs: chiang mai saloon, off the night bazaar to the right, go past the go-go bars and it will be directly on your left, across from a bank and a tattoo parlor.
The street you are trying to think of is Loi Kroh and it is probably well known to the majority of the readers on this forum. Yes the Chilli Dogs are fine and I suggest you stick to them because the rest of your knowledge of food around town is pretty limited.
best mexican food: Salsa Kitchen. in a string of tourist bars, just off the road that runs paralell to the sunday walking street (to the north). a bit hard to find, but well worth it. also... I think it's called 'baja kitchen' or something- by the same guy that made mike's burgers. on the east side of the moat, on the outside, close to the northeast corner.
Seriously if you are going to post this stuff at least do some research. Salsa Kitchen does great ribs, fairly ok mexican food and excellent Margaritas. The other place you are thinking of is called Miguels which will surprise you as being the Spanish varient of Mike who started it after he sold his burger place which is oddly enough called :Mike's Burgers"
best coffee shop: Dok Talom. located on tha pae road, inside the moat, behind the wawee coffee (don't go to wawee. wawee is the mcdonalds of coffee), directly across the small courtyard from la stefano's.
There are a lot of other and better coffee places that Dok Talom and the McDonalds of coffee is Starbucks. Both Black Canyon and Wawee are greatly superior to the Seattle coffee version on manufactured hamburgers.
best italian food: any of stefano's restaurants. La Gondola, La Stefano's, I think there's one other, but I haven't been to it yet.
Both are overpriced and not particularly good, however Steffano's is the better of the two. I was going to suggest a couple of places to you that are much better but to be blunt you obviously wouldn't appreciate them so I won't bother. Most of the locals who frequent such restaurants know and patron them anyway so it won't matter.
best thai wine: Monsoon Valley. their white wine is excellent. I've seen french conniseurs try it and demand to know where it's *really* from (kind of a joke my friend's dad here enjoys playing on his clients- "here, try this!" "it's good, where's it from?" "thailand." "mhmm! no, really, where's it from?"), but it's really thai. the red wine is so-so, but the white is excellent.
I don't know where you found your "French conniseurs" but if they think that is great wine then I think you should go to their choice of restaurant also and leave the rest of us to drink and eat the real thing.


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Apparently Munro's has already sung her Nimmanhaemin swan song... and to think I still have free drink coupons there!

Perhaps Duke's, or better yet The House, should consider opening a branch on the Rodeo Drive of Chiang Mai. With the openings of Vietcong and Punnanny Condos in the coming months, the old Down Under/Munro's has the potential to be a killer investment...

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