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Shhes, the guy took his private game too far, too bad. Get over it.

And the mysterious foot print?  Where are all the cameras in the lobby and hallway which can help clear things up?


Enough with the conspiracy theories. It is highly unlikely the death was due to homicide at the Swissotel Nai Lert Park. I hate to disrupt to repackaging of the deceased but he had a history of behaviour that one one would term as "unhealthy". He wrote about his excessive drug use (LSD, cocaine) and lifestyle in his 1995 autobiography Endless Highway. He was a recovering alcoholic. This type of lifestyle usually leads to the heart giving out. I am now 100% certain the autopsy will demonstrate this.

For additional background, I also suggest people read the Los Angeles Superior Court case no. BD 347828. Smoking Gun which posts public court documents described David Carradine, as somone with "a long history of alcohol abuse, arrests, and bizarre behavior."


What more do you people need to understand that the likelihood of foul play is near zero?

Death by misadventure. Case closed.

Enough with the conspiracy theories. It is highly unlikely the death was due to homicide at the Swissotel Nai Lert Park. I hate to disrupt to repackaging of the deceased but he had a history of behaviour that one one would term as "unhealthy". He wrote about his excessive drug use (LSD, cocaine) and lifestyle in his 1995 autobiography Endless Highway. He was a recovering alcoholic. This type of lifestyle usually leads to the heart giving out. I am now 100% certain the autopsy will demonstrate this.

For additional background, I also suggest people read the Los Angeles Superior Court case no. BD 347828. Smoking Gun which posts public court documents described David Carradine, as somone with "a long history of alcohol abuse, arrests, and bizarre behavior."


What more do you people need to understand that the likelihood of foul play is near zero?

Death by misadventure. Case closed.

Gk, working for the Bib huh? Case closed as per Gk.

of all places in the world to do this,,you think he could have got his sexual kicks with some hot girl or girls from a go go or bar.....rip kung <deleted> legend
David rest in Peace.

It is ironic that one place in the world you do not need to masturbate is Bangkok.

Dont know why comments like this are necessary. Maybe he could have, maybe he didnt want to. Maybe he is some of the millions of men who do not find picking up a random prostitute appealing. Maybe he doesnt like the look of Bangkok go go girls. Maybe, have was perfectly happy with one woman and did not believe in having any kind of sexual relations outside of his marriage. Maybe he did, but just didnt feel like it that night. Or, maybe someone was there with him. We dont know. But, just because seemingly many men here get their kicks from paying a third world girl to call them 'handsum' and massage their ego and other body parts, doesnt mean all men enjoy the same experience. We dont know the facts, so in the mean time, have a little respect why not?

Shhes, the guy took his private game too far, too bad. Get over it.

And the mysterious foot print?  Where are all the cameras in the lobby and hallway which can help clear things up?

There was no footprint. As i stated earlier There was no evidence to suggest there was another person in the room. This in my belief was just a little something added by the press.

I might point out i do not declare all this to be fact, Only that it is a true account of a conversation between two persons in the investigating police station.


From all the details reported thus far, it certainly sounds like a case of self-pleasuring...

The only question is... did he AEA alone, or did he have an assistant?


Eek, you might want to read the news reports on Carradine a bit...

He had been married five times, and divorced four. His recent past wife accused him in court papers in 2003 of unspecified life-threatening deviate sexual behavior and accused also of maintaining an incestuous sexual relationship with a family member. And that's just the surface. A boy scout, he was not.

Dont know why comments like this are necessary. Maybe he could have, maybe he didnt want to. Maybe he is some of the millions of men who do not find picking up a random prostitute appealing. Maybe he doesnt like the look of Bangkok go go girls. Maybe, have was perfectly happy with one woman and did not believe in having any kind of sexual relations outside of his marriage. Maybe he did, but just didnt feel like it that night. Or, maybe someone was there with him. We dont know. But, just because seemingly many men here get their kicks from paying a third world girl to call them 'handsum' and massage their ego and other body parts, doesnt mean all men enjoy the same experience. We dont know the facts, so in the mean time, have a little respect why not?

No cameras in the lobby and hallway leading to the room?  I find it hard to believe in this day and age that the hotel in question does not have surveillance. At least this would get of all conspiracy theories if the video evidence was presented.  RIP Cane.

From everything I have read about his death, look like he was into some KINKY SEX Thing(?) HMMMM!! OVER TO YOU all :)

We should leave him alone and let him R.I.P

and stop comment on his tragic departure!

Eek, you might want to read the news reports on Carradine a bit...

He had been married five times, and divorced four. His recent past wife accused him in court papers in 2003 of unspecified life-threatening deviate sexual behavior and accused also of maintaining an incestuous sexual relationship with a family member. And that's just the surface. A boy scout, he was not.

Dont know why comments like this are necessary. Maybe he could have, maybe he didnt want to. Maybe he is some of the millions of men who do not find picking up a random prostitute appealing. Maybe he doesnt like the look of Bangkok go go girls. Maybe, have was perfectly happy with one woman and did not believe in having any kind of sexual relations outside of his marriage. Maybe he did, but just didnt feel like it that night. Or, maybe someone was there with him. We dont know. But, just because seemingly many men here get their kicks from paying a third world girl to call them 'handsum' and massage their ego and other body parts, doesnt mean all men enjoy the same experience. We dont know the facts, so in the mean time, have a little respect why not?

Hey Eek you may not realize this is a discussion forum where some may not think exactly the way you do. I applaud you train of thought but don't dis others who have there own ideas about what happened or what's going on.

A tragic accident for sure (IMHO). I hope someone can post an address for the leaked police photographs that are surly out there somewhere.

It is quite silly to be asking for police photos to be posted on this forum. How would he have them, anyway? And if he did, he certainly shouldn't be in possession of them.

Actually, I got emailed pictures from the Santika fire very fast after it happened, aswell as pics of the 1-2-Go-crash, so the idea that there are pics out there floating around of David isn't really far fetched...


jfchandler, I didnt know that. Quite shocked if true (particularly the family member part). In my comment I didnt presume he did or didnt have someone with him. We also cannot speculate about his relationship with his wife at this stage in his life. Maybe at age 72, he was a more considerate parter. But, I think these comments just seem inappropriate. They are not even for speculations sake.

Anyway, at this rate the thread is going downhill rapidly in any case to be honest, with or without those kinds of comments.

Hey Eek you may not realize this is a discussion forum where some may not think exactly the way you do. I applaud you train of thought but don't dis others who have there own ideas about what happened or what's going on.

Hi grant. I wasnt meaning to come over as disrespecting peoples speculative posts, but the ones i picked out werent speculative.

Well, never mind really, i think most of us agree that its a very strange and sad situation. Hopefully was a sad accident, rather than foul play.

jfchandler, I didnt know that. Quite shocked if true (particularly the family member part). In my comment I didnt presume he did or didnt have someone with him. We also cannot speculate about his relationship with his wife at this stage in his life. Maybe at age 72, he was a more considerate parter. But, I think these comments just seem inappropriate. They are not even for speculations sake.

Anyway, at this rate the thread is going downhill rapidly in any case to be honest, with or without those kinds of comments.

in some way its getting impiously and this thread should be closed if that continues.


Eek, I believe this link was posted previously in this thread...

It's from The Smoking Gun web site, and includes a copy of the pertinent court filing.

Just because it was filed in court, of course, doesn't mean it was true... But it doesn't mean it wasn't...either.

I've always admired David Carradine as an actor. So, of course, I'm curious to know how he really died, sordid or not.

jfchandler, I didnt know that. Quite shocked if true (particularly the family member part). In my comment I didnt presume he did or didnt have someone with him. We also cannot speculate about his relationship with his wife at this stage in his life. Maybe at age 72, he was a more considerate parter. But, I think these comments just seem inappropriate. They are not even for speculations sake.

Anyway, at this rate the thread is going downhill rapidly in any case to be honest, with or without those kinds of comments.


David Carradine's lawyer is calling on Thai authorities to launch a murder investigation, because she believes the actor was killed and his death made to look like a suicide.

But the star's lawyer and longterm friend Vicki Roberts refuses to accept he killed himself or died in a sex game - and is calling on Thai authorities to launch a murder investigation.

Roberts tells RadarOnline, "I believe that there may have been foul play. Anybody could stage a suicide after a murder."

The attorney also denies claims by Carradine's ex wife Marina, that he engaged in sexual behaviour that was dangerous to his health during their marriage. Roberts claims the accusations, which appear in papers from the ex-couple's 2001 divorce, are "extremely inflammatory and completely false".

Coroners at Bangkok's Chulalongkorn hospital completed an autopsy on Friday, although the cause of death is not expected to be determined until the results from toxicity tests are in.

David Carradine's lawyer is calling on Thai authorities to launch a murder investigation, because she believes the actor was killed and his death made to look like a suicide.

But the star's lawyer and longterm friend Vicki Roberts refuses to accept he killed himself or died in a sex game - and is calling on Thai authorities to launch a murder investigation.

Roberts tells RadarOnline, "I believe that there may have been foul play. Anybody could stage a suicide after a murder."

The attorney also denies claims by Carradine's ex wife Marina, that he engaged in sexual behaviour that was dangerous to his health during their marriage. Roberts claims the accusations, which appear in papers from the ex-couple's 2001 divorce, are "extremely inflammatory and completely false".

Coroners at Bangkok's Chulalongkorn hospital completed an autopsy on Friday, although the cause of death is not expected to be determined until the results from toxicity tests are in.

In the real world a death investigation looks at all of the possibilities and would be carried out methodically. Hopefully the even Thai police will be able to string the facts together after looking at all of the evidence. The lawyer for the Carradine family is just putting spin on the very public death of a celebrity. If this wasn't happening in Bangkok, Thailand it would be a pretty straight forward case however the reputation of the police department and their nutty press releases bring on a whole new bunch of problems.

If this was a case of homicide or even accidental homicide even the Thai police could figure it out. A convoluted plot and body placement scenario just doesn't look possible at this time. Kudos to the attorney for earning her fee but she will not be successful in making the public believe this was anything but a tragic accident.


The photograph published in the 'Thai Rath' newspaper this morning makes the whole thing seem suspicious.

How do you tie your own hands together so neatly?

Enough with the conspiracy theories. It is highly unlikely the death was due to homicide at the Swissotel Nai Lert Park. I hate to disrupt to repackaging of the deceased but he had a history of behaviour that one one would term as "unhealthy". He wrote about his excessive drug use (LSD, cocaine) and lifestyle in his 1995 autobiography Endless Highway. He was a recovering alcoholic. This type of lifestyle usually leads to the heart giving out. I am now 100% certain the autopsy will demonstrate this.

For additional background, I also suggest people read the Los Angeles Superior Court case no. BD 347828. Smoking Gun which posts public court documents described David Carradine, as somone with "a long history of alcohol abuse, arrests, and bizarre behavior."


What more do you people need to understand that the likelihood of foul play is near zero?

Death by misadventure. Case closed.

The case is far from closed. Two circumstances do not make sense.

1. If auto-erotic asphyxiation was being practiced, would one tie their hands together with a cord and then tie their hands to their neck or tie the end of the cord around their neck and ALSO, presumably first, tie another rope/shoelace around their penis and then tie the end of that rope/shoelace around their neck? Maybe I do not know enough about AEA, but all the ropes/cords/shoelaces being tied to and going "all over" does not make sense to me. Also seems strange to tie ones owns wrists up and then tie the same cord around ones neck. Seems hard to do in my opinion. If it is possible, why would one do it? My friend thinks David might have had a "accomplice" helping him during kinky sex (which might have included AEA) and that David died accidently during the kinky sex. He believes the woman, women, ladyboy(s), or whoever got scared and left. I definately believe someone else was involved. I find it hard to believe he could have tied himself up in this manner...and why?

2. It makes no sense that a person in BKK would choose to AEA by himself in a closet when he could be with a beautiful (or many beautiful) "bargirl" "go-go" woman, ladyboy, or who ever he was into. That is a crazy, unbelievable cenario. In a closet in BKK by himself. I find this very improbable! He was in BKK people. Beautiful, available women "everwhere". But no, he wanted to tie himself up like in a spider's web and practice AEA alone in a closet in a hotel room. I don't believe it.

I and another friend believe he could have been murdered by someone who had seen the crazy "Kill Bill " murder scenes in the past, learned that David was in BKK, and decided to kill the killer (David)who acted in those crazy murder scenes. The killer killed the famous actor who was involved in the crazy killing scenes in the movies. He was killed in a bizarre fashion just as in the movies. That would be a huge prize for a demented murderer! And then to make the bizarre murder scene look like AEA so the police would not investigate past the scene which might lead to the murderer's arrest. Make the murder look like an accident or suicide, but make it a bizarre scene just as in a "Kill Bill" movie. Somewhere in LOS there could be a twisted murderer who just pulled off a very bizarre murder of a very famous person who acted as a bizarre murderer. A strange plot indeed. This is Thailand people and this scenario is very possible.

I imagine David's death will be a "mystery" for a long time... like JFK, Bruce Lee, Brandon Lee, etc..

"But do you hear the grasshopper which is at your feet"?

RIP Grass Hopper.

Enough with the conspiracy theories. It is highly unlikely the death was due to homicide at the Swissotel Nai Lert Park. I hate to disrupt to repackaging of the deceased but he had a history of behaviour that one one would term as "unhealthy". He wrote about his excessive drug use (LSD, cocaine) and lifestyle in his 1995 autobiography Endless Highway. He was a recovering alcoholic. This type of lifestyle usually leads to the heart giving out. I am now 100% certain the autopsy will demonstrate this.

For additional background, I also suggest people read the Los Angeles Superior Court case no. BD 347828. Smoking Gun which posts public court documents described David Carradine, as somone with "a long history of alcohol abuse, arrests, and bizarre behavior."


What more do you people need to understand that the likelihood of foul play is near zero?

Death by misadventure. Case closed.

The case is far from closed. Two circumstances do not make sense.

1. If auto-erotic asphyxiation was being practiced, would one tie their hands together with a cord and then tie their hands to their neck or tie the end of the cord around their neck and ALSO, presumably first, tie another rope/shoelace around their penis and then tie the end of that rope/shoelace around their neck? Maybe I do not know enough about AEA, but all the ropes/cords/shoelaces being tied to and going "all over" does not make sense to me. Also seems strange to tie ones owns wrists up and then tie the same cord around ones neck. Seems hard to do in my opinion. If it is possible, why would one do it? My friend thinks David might have had a "accomplice" helping him during kinky sex (which might have included AEA) and that David died accidently during the kinky sex. He believes the woman, women, ladyboy(s), or whoever got scared and left. I definately believe someone else was involved. I find it hard to believe he could have tied himself up in this manner...and why?

2. It makes no sense that a person in BKK would choose to AEA by himself in a closet when he could be with a beautiful (or many beautiful) "bargirl" "go-go" woman, ladyboy, or who ever he was into. That is a crazy, unbelievable cenario. In a closet in BKK by himself. I find this very improbable! He was in BKK people. Beautiful, available women "everwhere". But no, he wanted to tie himself up like in a spider's web and practice AEA alone in a closet in a hotel room. I don't believe it.

I and another friend believe he could have been murdered by someone who had seen the crazy "Kill Bill " murder scenes in the past, learned that David was in BKK, and decided to kill the killer (David)who acted in those crazy murder scenes. The killer killed the famous actor who was involved in the crazy killing scenes in the movies. He was killed in a bizarre fashion just as in the movies. That would be a huge prize for a demented murderer! And then to make the bizarre murder scene look like AEA so the police would not investigate past the scene which might lead to the murderer's arrest. Make the murder look like an accident or suicide, but make it a bizarre scene just as in a "Kill Bill" movie. Somewhere in LOS there could be a twisted murderer who just pulled off a very bizarre murder of a very famous person who acted as a bizarre murderer. A strange plot indeed. This is Thailand people and this scenario is very possible.

I imagine David's death will be a "mystery" for a long time... like JFK, Bruce Lee, Brandon Lee, etc..

"But do you hear the grasshopper which is at your feet"?

RIP Grass Hopper.

Some good points there.

The Bangkok police make me laugh by repeating the mantra 'We have checked CCTV footage, nobody entered the room'.

Perhaps they might consider the window. Consider the way he was tied up (knots etc.)

But I just read he is on a plane back to the USA.

^Yes, it is hard news. Because a photo speaks a thousand words and is more illustrative than endless expat speculation. We are trying to solve this mystery and it is after all a police case.

Great, another thaivisa detective is on the case.

Wow! The photo in the ThaiRath Newspaper does not look like an accident with the hands tied like that! It looks like another person must have been involved.

It also does not look like a 5 star hotel room.


Attached photograph.

It also does not look like David C.

Cheers, Rick

and it looks like that picture was taken in an average hotel room, 1200 Baht p.n. price range.

Wasn't he staying in a suite not in a better guest house room? Also the body shape... looks like a much younger person... but who knows


"Khunying Pornthip Rojanasunand, a Thai forensic pathologist and Director of Central Institute of Forensic Science, stated the incident met four of the criteria for accidental death involving autoerotic asphyxiation. "

Source: Wiki

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