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Battered Tourism Sector Seeks Urgent Government Help


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THey can't even get the figures right for the press or the grammar

"dropped from 165,000 in the same period of 2008, to 27,000 in 2009" - so what's the chance of anything they say being right?

June '08 - 165,000

1st half June'09 27,000

Project the number for all of June'09 as being 54,000 and that equates to about a 66% fall in my book....for all of the reasons stated above.

Welcome to the Land of Smiling Assassins :)

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Thailand is too expensive now. A large bottle of decent beer is 45 baht in the shops and at least 110 baht in a bar. Top quality beer is 145 baht in the bars. Ouch!

A friend went to the Phillipines recently and said the alcohol prices are very cheap, most things are very cheap and everyone is very friendly and welcoming to foreigners. More beaches and islands too.

I am off to Vietnam next month to take a look. I hear things are very interesting over there (and cheap).

Thailand needs to devalue the baht; that they won't do that until they the economy dies. Look at the last time; avoiding and deigning there was a problem until the economy dived and they were forced to devalue. Loss of face is more important that doing the right thing and saving the country!

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personally, I think the world economic situation is playing a big part the drop in travel. I've had to cancel my last 2 planned trips to Thailand because I basically cant afford it. People are getting made jobless or having to take less pay in order to stave off redundancies. My company enforced a 5% pay reduction across the company. Unless the Thai Goverment has some sort of solution to ending the economic crisis worldwide, its just going to need to sit it out like the rest of us.

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They can blame Flu, yellow/red shirts, political unrest but its all to do with money. The westerners don't have as much disposable income and the Thais have been overcharging too much recently. The baht is well over valued. Its just not the 'cheap' ( value) holiday it once was. I went to a restaurant where they were charging the same money for a Gin and Tonic as you would pay in a West End London Pub! Other countries like Vietnam, cambodia etc are much better value. The ever changing Visa policies is just a small example of shooting themselves in the foot ( a national pastime). Actually i don't care...I rather like it quieter...the less tourists the better and you never know it might get bette value again!

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Please people you are all jumping the gun here; government officials are taking our advice very seriously, the Pattaya Police have set up operations to incourage xpats to stay and pass on the good word of how Pattay is the only place to holaday in Thailand. :)

Why is Pattaya the best destination and what does that have to do with overall correction of the plight of Thailand and the relationship to tourism

I actually tell my friends intending to visit Thailand to steer clear of Pattaya - the beach is filthy and the touts are horrendous and the vendors will cuss you

that is not a good place to promote tourism - its a sexual tourists playground and shows all the signs of decay

Pattaya is a major tourist destination for Thailand so it has relevance to this thread, if you had bothered clicking on the link and reading it before posting; you would have figured out that I was being sarcastic due to the link being about Pattaya police corruption targeted at farang. :D

yes I ask the question why Pattaya? Pattaya tourism only attracts a certain class of people for one thing. If they were serious about promoting tourism then promote thailand where families can go. The only people who would defend Pattaya are the sort of people that you would not want you children around. Pattaya is not thailand and trying to promote this place they would only be harming the tourist industry even more. Pattaya is already known around the world for what it is not need to promote that industry any further.

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making life easier for foreigners here and not thinking we are all dam stupid, it is us that keep this country afloat and provide the services that they need aon a professinal level, teaches to teach their kids better english so they can get a better education and provide more for their family...

getting rid of the rediculous 150 baht fee that gets added onto any atm transaction on top of ur own banks fee and the currency conversion fees.....

Stupid is as stupid does. (or posts, in this case) :)

Indeed where would Thailand be without people like you to teach them proper English... :D:D:D

Get a grip! And whether you're a tourist or an expat, there's certainly nothing forcing you to stay in Thailand.

Sure the country has serious issues. If things get worse I may well decide to pack up and leave. But what country doesn't have problems these days???

If you can't appreciate the positives you are always welcome to leave. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. :D

Yep, BigBike, It makes you wonder why they left their native countries to begin with, and speaking as an ex pat I don't think there is much about Thailand that bothers me. I certainly don't expect Thailand to change their culture, politics and business to suit my tastes. Live with it or leave....

Now as far as tourist go? I avoid them like them plague, and if Thais want to figure out a way to attract a larger number of drunken Brit, Aussie, German, and American sex tourists in sleeveless tee shirts, and rip them off. Well, more power to the Thais!

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No need to worry, the government have got things under control.

they're scrubbing the pavement in walking street. this will simultaneously eradicate swine flu and bring back tourist confidence. what's next? repainting the white lines of Bangkok's streets to solve the problems in the south.

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many people cited the "barmat incident' as one of the causes and blame it on thais.... but actually its the FARANG OWNER of the bar who is the ass hole at the origin of the problem , he called the cops over a barmat that a DRUNK customer was playing around with .... and then he pushed to file a suit against her .... this guy should be hanged by the balls and his bar confiscated for being such a prick ... i sincerely hope that his bar will be boycotted ...

this case of a thief cought on spot is riddicoulus !

How can anyone who is the culprit herself, blame the victim for her own wrongdoings??

By the way, if she would not have denied the theft AND resisted police AND verbally attacked police, she would have got out of this situation much lighter (not to my liking, I personally think the thiefes are scum and should be treated as it)

Oh yes, I forgot to realise that this woman comes from a first world country and does not wish to be annoyed by local police. Who they are to dare,.. :)

Edited by Tawai
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Thailand is too expensive now. A large bottle of decent beer is 45 baht in the shops and at least 110 baht in a bar. Top quality beer is 145 baht in the bars. Ouch!

A friend went to the Phillipines recently and said the alcohol prices are very cheap, most things are very cheap and everyone is very friendly and welcoming to foreigners. More beaches and islands too.

I am off to Vietnam next month to take a look. I hear things are very interesting over there (and cheap).

Thailand needs to devalue the baht; that they won't do that until they the economy dies. Look at the last time; avoiding and deigning there was a problem until the economy dived and they were forced to devalue. Loss of face is more important that doing the right thing and saving the country!

Yep, fairly high inflation in recent years, the recent tax hike on beer, greed by the thai's in general.

Looked at the Phillipine Peso yesterday out of interest and its falling in value. The Baht at the moment is getting about 34.1 to the $ and in recent weeks has been rising. Also agree went into a 7-11 in the Phillipines and the beer is cheaper than the Pepsi :) .

The Thai's don't even seem to be sitting back doing nothing, ATM charges,strengthing Baht,tax hike on booze. Had it to good since 1998, all down to a devalued currency. Can't see the next 10 years being the same though.

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"I'm going to be a bit blunt here, but you know what ? Not Happy ? Go back home."

Yom07 ,you are missing a point or two.

When the visa rules changed many who could financially afford to live in Thailand were directly asked to leave.

I am under 50 years of age and have no interest in a business or working in Thailand.

I did visa runs for seven years and supported hotels,tuk-tuk drivers,taxis,buses and restaurants remaining legally in Thailand.

I supported Thai girfriends and their families and mostly enjoyed my time in Thailand.

When the country makes a blatant attempt to restrict foreign visitors they do go elsewhere.

I have stayed in Cambodia and now Indonesia since Thailand changed their visa requirements.

I have also stayed for long terms in Malaysia and Viet Nam.

The point is that there is a distinct human mechanism/condition that recognises unfairness.

When you are treated unfairly you are decidedly unhappy and then finally,you must go elsewhere.

Now the overwhelming numbers show this is a fact.

For many different reasons there is no 'going back home'.

I have spent one-third of my adult 'life' in foreign countries so 'home' is an interchangeable option and choice.

Unfortunately,for many of us,going back to Thailand is no longer a viable option.

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We where due to land in Thai at 6pm Thai time for a months stay but the only reason why we decided against it was because of the swine flue. Theres every chance of contracting the virus in Thailand especially if flying internally which we do a lot when were over there.In fact any large gatherings including buses and trains.If i or my family are going to catch the virus i'd rather it be in my home country. I dont cherish the thought of being quarantined in a Thai hospital and having to pay.

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We where due to land in Thai at 6pm Thai time for a months stay but the only reason why we decided against it was because of the swine flue. Theres every chance of contracting the virus in Thailand especially if flying internally which we do a lot when were over there.In fact any large gatherings including buses and trains.If i or my family are going to catch the virus i'd rather it be in my home country. I dont cherish the thought of being quarantined in a Thai hospital and having to pay.

Jeez...do you have an ambulance on standby every time you cross the road?

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anyone know if they will give free 60 day tourist visas outside the country again? I liked that :)

Ah Ah Ah.... what they should expect after all the mess they did ?

Sure to boost the tourism sector in their typical way to act, they will

make more difficult the Visas, for both tourists and foreign residents (which are the ones who generally can improve services, marketing, customer care etc etc)

make more difficult and complicate to acquire a properties here, rather then finally open their mind and finally allow

foreign to acquire till 1 Rai to avoid the typical speculator but to facilitate the ones coming over to spend the deserved

pension time or just to whom wish to invest some money here,

increase the domestic airfare rates which are really too high saying "amazing Thailand"

keep the taxis in island like Samui rip off the tourist as first welcome "this is Thailand" and

last but not least somehow they will burn off the next incoming peak season with some typical clever political moves...

Good luck Thailand, I still love you !

Glad you mentioned those Samui Taxis, 400 baht from the airport to my Bangrak apartment last time I went, thats £8 for a 2 minute journey, more expensive than London.....what a complete p**s take. I do feel sorry for the poorer working classes who may lose their jobs in the service sector because of this decline, what will they do for money because there sure isn't any job seekers allowance or decent social care in place. Perhaps now the country will accept its developing status, stop pushing for rapid globalisation and start helping its own people with better socail care, higher minimum wages, better education and higher taxes for the very wealthy to readjust the rich/poor divide.

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Hmmm my math... a drop of 611%, in as 27000 goes into 165000 6.11 times....

OR... this year is 16.3 % of what the previous year was...

Airport closures, riots, global economic recession, and now H1N1.... What's next???

a 500% increase in the price of tourist visas. that'll do it.

that plus a similar increase in hotel rooms, food, taxi's, and national parks... yeah, that's it... :)

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I think the last drunk Sexpat in Pattaya has a better understanding about Tourism than any of their specialists.

Ban dual pricing

copy the visa regulations from any other country

make a unit of Farang police who hunts scammer

I think the planning could be done in not more than 2 days.

To fix the worst problems would need not more than 2 month.

again, all of these things are specific to people who live here. they are not the things which are putting off the farang who want a fortnight on the beach.

On the other hand, might those living here not convey their negative vibrations to the shorttime visitors?

In these situations the borderlines are somewhat diffuse, mainly because there is no obligation to stay or to come.

There is more, and maybe better choice available.

And the number of those who decide to leave or not to come is growing.

Very fast, and definetely.

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Money - Thailand isn't cheap any more its as simple as that... We're in a global recession. Exotic holidays are one of the first sacrifices people make. There are much cheaper exotic holidays now as previously mentioned.

These issues raised before have always been a problem in Thailand. They didn't detract tourists before.

corruption, scamming, xenophobia, dual pricing, pollution, violent crime, extortion, visa regulations, nightlife, political unrest, personal safety, Thais mai pen rai attitude.

Its always been that way.

Look at the quality compared to the cost. Its a dangerous place.

Bottom line is Thailand is now expensive.

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Just want to add it would also help to treat us that have been living here for several years

and been spending Millions of Baht to support their economy not to treat us as second or 3rd class citizens.

I wholeheartedly agree, but I'd put it a bit more bluntly. American English translation: "after spending thousands on booze and hookers, how come we don't get more respect!?"

They don't bow down to us (wait, they do, wai and all...) and the girls wouldn't touch us with a bargepole and prefer ugly locals no matter how nice we are (wait, they don't...)

Would you really like to be treated by other Thais (particularly superiors / officials) as an average first class citizen (e.g. Somporn the Som Tum vendor in your soi, or to be more objective your Thai colleagues at work), and not as an average Farang?

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I can't agree with much of what you say is accurate, BUT - the point you make is that the Thai authorities are making a good job of developing a really NEGATIVE perception for anyone visiting their country, whether as a tourist or business or potential long-term stay.....you bcan addto the list with things like import duties om personal belongings and cars, the facilities for boats, bribery and corruption - all this costs the country - yet they still persists in ridiculous and frquent changes to iimmigration laws etc - no wonder people are put off.

I think most of us can agree, we all have similar tales to tell, and these are all the stories we talk about with our families and friends back home and around the globe, who pass them on to others.

Question is, can something be done or is it already to late?

We all must be looking forward to the next move. It's like watching a comedy show on how to promote tourism, can't wait for the next episode.


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many people cited the "barmat incident' as one of the causes and blame it on thais.... but actually its the FARANG OWNER of the bar who is the ass hole at the origin of the problem , he called the cops over a barmat that a DRUNK customer was playing around with .... and then he pushed to file a suit against her .... this guy should be hanged by the balls and his bar confiscated for being such a prick ... i sincerely hope that his bar will be boycotted ...

Oh, come on!

Of course the bar owner was stupid, but I guess the police & all made themselves the laughing stock by getting serious about it.

Most of the comments in the foreign press was about the way the police & all operated.

The barowner was just a sideline.

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How does 165000 to 27000 equate to a 33.45% drop? Even if this statistic was meant to be a drop "OF" 27000, it does not add up. This is wildly wrong or else I an misinterpreting "year on year".......


Hmmm my math... a drop of 611%, in as 27000 goes into 165000 6.11 times....

OR... this year is 16.3 % of what the previous year was...

Airport closures, riots, global economic recession, and now H1N1.... What's next???

I think what he means is that June went from 165 thou for a specific period to 27 thou BUT that for the "year to date" we are down 33%. This is nothing to where they will be by September, i wd suggest 65% down at least and little chnace of any high season recovery unless the Baht dives which i fear also unlikely. It is going to get worse, and I agree that we who live here still do not get treated with any respect, but we chose to live here, what can we do?

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making life easier for foreigners here and not thinking we are all dam stupid, it is us that keep this country afloat and provide the services that they need aon a professinal level, teaches to teach their kids better english so they can get a better education and provide more for their family...

getting rid of the rediculous 150 baht fee that gets added onto any atm transaction on top of ur own banks fee and the currency conversion fees.....

Stupid is as stupid does. (or posts, in this case) :)

Indeed where would Thailand be without people like you to teach them proper English... :D:D:D

Get a grip! And whether you're a tourist or an expat, there's certainly nothing forcing you to stay in Thailand.

Sure the country has serious issues. If things get worse I may well decide to pack up and leave. But what country doesn't have problems these days???

If you can't appreciate the positives you are always welcome to leave. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. :D

Yep, BigBike, It makes you wonder why they left their native countries to begin with, and speaking as an ex pat I don't think there is much about Thailand that bothers me. I certainly don't expect Thailand to change their culture, politics and business to suit my tastes. Live with it or leave....

Now as far as tourist go? I avoid them like them plague, and if Thais want to figure out a way to attract a larger number of drunken Brit, Aussie, German, and American sex tourists in sleeveless tee shirts, and rip them off. Well, more power to the Thais!

Serious issues?? The whole country and its' system, from the top down, is a total mess. Lots of other countries are not as stupid as Thailand. The rip off and racism is constant and I just got tired of it.

My guess is that a lot of ex pats live there solely because it is a cheap place to live. Well, it used to be. Now there is competition from its neighbours and this does not auger well for Thailand.

Tourists?? Drunks? Sex tourists? Don't lump us all in the same cess pit.

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In the last two weeks here is what i have experienced:

My tennis fees have doubled from 50 to 100 baht and hour.

The entrance fee for Khao Yai park has gone from 200 to 400 baht a visit.

Lunch buffet at the Nana hotel has gone from 180 to 200 baht.

My van driver increased his price 300 baht for the ride from Khao Yai to BKK

I have lived here 5 years

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Battered tourism sector seeks urgent government help

Mr. Tosaporn said that with the falling number of tourist arrivals from almost every nation, except from Iran and Hong Kong, the earlier estimated arrival levels of 11 million tourists projected by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) will be unlikely to achieve the target.

"The causes of the sharp drop in tourist arrivals are attributed to the closure of Suvarnabhumi Airport by the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) in November and December, and recent domestic political turmoil, combined with the current outbreak of the H1N1 flu,” Mr. Tosaporn said.


-- TNA 2009-06-17


all 3 areas, same time.


personally, i will leave thailand if the 'boys in brown' dont start to behave. i also got pulled out of a taxi on my way home and the police attempted to search me.

i was furious at being thrown out of a bar at 1 and told the cop he wasnt searching me. then pestered him about why they close all the bars at 1??? i was very angry.

he only asked for my passport (copy) then i went on my way.

i have had enough of thailand after 8 years. time to find more friendly and cheaper place to live - WHERE I DECIDE WHEN ITS TIME TO GO HOME....


... thailand will learn a hard lesson. they need dollars or they wont have rice.

and all that money that passes to the bar girls every morning isnt on anybodys books - but its a huge amount of cash which isnt getting sent back to Isan now.... it will make a huge difference to the economy, even if it is the black economy...

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Xenophobic Yellow shirts caused the biggest damage when they shut down Suvarnabhumi. 300,000 travelers stranded- uncountable problems caused to those stranded. Foreign Minister Kasit thought is was 'FUN". They brought it on themselves. Kasit should be dumped to show the real change in Thailand's thinking. Red Shirts did not target tourist specically -Yellow and Kasit did.
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many people cited the "barmat incident' as one of the causes and blame it on thais.... but actually its the FARANG OWNER of the bar who is the ass hole at the origin of the problem , he called the cops over a barmat that a DRUNK customer was playing around with .... and then he pushed to file a suit against her .... this guy should be hanged by the balls and his bar confiscated for being such a prick ... i sincerely hope that his bar will be boycotted ...

Oh, come on!

Of course the bar owner was stupid, but I guess the police & all made themselves the laughing stock by getting serious about it.

Most of the comments in the foreign press was about the way the police & all operated.

The barowner was just a sideline.

This was a disgrace. Any cop with even half a pea brain would have sorted the issue out on the spot. The fact is she did not steal the mat....it was put in her bag by another woman. But then there would be no little tea money offered.

Just a small example of the institutional bullying that occurs everywhere in Thailand.

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making life easier for foreigners here and not thinking we are all dam stupid, it is us that keep this country afloat and provide the services that they need aon a professinal level, teaches to teach their kids better english so they can get a better education and provide more for their family...

getting rid of the rediculous 150 baht fee that gets added onto any atm transaction on top of ur own banks fee and the currency conversion fees.....

Stupid is as stupid does. (or posts, in this case) :)

Indeed where would Thailand be without people like you to teach them proper English... :D:D:D

Get a grip! And whether you're a tourist or an expat, there's certainly nothing forcing you to stay in Thailand.

Sure the country has serious issues. If things get worse I may well decide to pack up and leave. But what country doesn't have problems these days???

If you can't appreciate the positives you are always welcome to leave. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. :D

Yep, BigBike, It makes you wonder why they left their native countries to begin with, and speaking as an ex pat I don't think there is much about Thailand that bothers me. I certainly don't expect Thailand to change their culture, politics and business to suit my tastes. Live with it or leave....

Now as far as tourist go? I avoid them like them plague, and if Thais want to figure out a way to attract a larger number of drunken Brit, Aussie, German, and American sex tourists in sleeveless tee shirts, and rip them off. Well, more power to the Thais!

Serious issues?? The whole country and its' system, from the top down, is a total mess. Lots of other countries are not as stupid as Thailand. The rip off and racism is constant and I just got tired of it.

My guess is that a lot of ex pats live there solely because it is a cheap place to live. Well, it used to be. Now there is competition from its neighbours and this does not auger well for Thailand.

Tourists?? Drunks? Sex tourists? Don't lump us all in the same cess pit.

Sorry about that. I had no intention to toss all into the same cess pit...but upon re-reading my post, I understand the impression you might have gotten from reading it.


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