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Phuket Immigration Crackdown Announced

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>>Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??

Somehow I don't think collecting the information upon checkin ( as happens in most countries) is the same as reporting foreigners details to immigration.......is it?

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If your not breaking the law or otherwise causing trouble, you have nothing to worry about. Just follow the rules or go home and take your sniveling with you. Every western country is putting laws and procedures in place to monitor undesirables. Why is it that so many take everything Thailand sod as a personal attack.

The fact is that many of the rules are put in place to catch and deal with Asians in Thailand breaking laws and does not have anything to do with Westerns.

If you don't like it here, please go home.

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>>Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??

Somehow I don't think collecting the information upon checkin ( as happens in most countries) is the same as reporting foreigners details to immigration.......is it?

No. The aforementioned countries report it to the local police. Pretty much the same isn't it.

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Just a quick word "off topic" here.

I really wish people would quit talking about us foreigners as being "guests". I am not a guest. I have gone through all the proper procedures etc to obtain a one year extension. I am a "legitimate RESIDENT" of this country. Ok???

Having spent over thirty years of my life in many countries all over the world, I can say that I have had to show my passport in the hotels of most of them. In the States I have to show my drivers license. Big deal.

Um, sorry Jimbo, but, unless you have established and successfully applied for permanent residency (or citizenship), you are not a "legitimate RESIDENT". At best, you are a non-immigrant, temporary resident with a very limited and restricted set of rights. After 23 years here, I'm not crazy about the moniker "guest" either (I blame myself as I could have qualified for residence and citizenship but chose not to apply). But the fact is that this term "guest" is applicable in many ways; unfortunately not the good connotations like being pampered and not being charged for anything, but rather being subject to the whims of your host which, in this case, is the government of Thailand. So like it or not, the term "guest" is more accurate than "resident" for most foreigners here. Of course, the two terms are not mutually exclusive, so I guess the term "resident guest" could be applied, as it is at hotels and other hospitality venues.

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Hotels in Pattaya have been reporting this info to the government. I used to check into my favorite hotel without a passport but about 2-3 years ago, passport required or at least a copy of the pertinent info regarding each guest. The hotel I stay at likes the concept of using the internet of reporting. Less hassle for them. No passport now, no room.

I guess I must be staying at the wrong hotels, since a little bird tells me that the following Hotels allow you to present a girl instead of a passport for check-in purposes :D .

'Lovely Homes' ( behind Fairtex on Pattaya North Road)

'Full Love In' (off the back skuttle road opposite exite Night club on 3rd Rd)

'PS Hotel' (up the side of the Hopf Beer house on Soi Yamamoto, Beach Road)

As long as you don't mind the sound of doors opening and closing all night, you'll be just fine... :)

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did anyone who is complaining about this step of the IMMIGRATION (not police!) read the news to the end!?

IF you live in Phuket and have guests stay in your house, hotel, guesthouse etc, you can use the ONLINE FORM on the immigrations website to register your guests.

Chill out guys... it's not that big of a deal, and it does not affect TOURISM as the tourist would not get fined - the people who "house" the guests would - Thai and foreigners the like.

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>>Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??

Somehow I don't think collecting the information upon checkin ( as happens in most countries) is the same as reporting foreigners details to immigration.......is it?

No. The aforementioned countries report it to the local police. Pretty much the same isn't it.

Of course in any country with a functioning immigration computer / database, it is the same. Police are able to access the computer from any terminal in the country.

If a terrorist is STUPID enough to register under a real name at a guest house or hotel, then the system works perfectly.

However if the evil masterminds manage to work out that by renting an apartment or house they can easily evade such checks, the system is less than the perfect weapon against terrorism, or even against immigration misdemeanours.

Hopefully the Phuket police will start a compulsory training course for Thai security guards outside apartment blocks for the recognition of terror suspects who arrive after 17:00 in the evening with the cunning disguise of not having airline tags on their suitcases.

Come to think of it, I should really insist that the landlady at my condo re-registers me every time I arrive back from the airport after leaving Thailand (and the other 100 plus farang in the block). Or if I have a complaint about the poor state of repairs, I can now threaten to turn her in for not filling out the form for the last 22 occasions I left Thailand and returned ....

The possibilities for paperwork are almost boundless. Such a sensible procedure.

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I'm surprised this is the only thing so far.

With that big meeting in July of all the foreign ministers (plus Hilary Clinton), of course the police is going to try and get things in order. ESPECIALLY, after what happened at the cancellation of the ASEAN summit. Any prudent leaders would do their best to ensure that this meeting goes off without a hitch.

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Immigration want to see passports and ID they should return to their periodic raids near Sukhumvit Road between Soi 3 and Soi 5. They actually sell passports in the area and many of the residents have more than one identity. Drug dealing is rampant there too. A perfect place for the Rohingyas terrorists to hang out. I'm just saying...

This is at least the second post where you hijack a thread to talk about soi 3 and 5... what's the matter here, do you live there is it annoying you? How about you start a thread about it, so people who care will read and reply. Or even better, how about you take some pictures and send them to the police or newpapers... I think talking about it in every thread here on TV is not going to change much.

Edited by jbhh
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>>Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??

Somehow I don't think collecting the information upon checkin ( as happens in most countries) is the same as reporting foreigners details to immigration.......is it?

No. The aforementioned countries report it to the local police. Pretty much the same isn't it.

Last time I looked police and immigation were the same as much apples and oranges are the same.....They're both fruit but the similiarities end there.

I'm from a Western country and I know quite a few people in the hotel biz and none of them say they need to report all guests to the police.  Records are kept in case of a problem, but reporting guests arrivals and departures isn't part of the equation.

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>>Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??

Somehow I don't think collecting the information upon checkin ( as happens in most countries) is the same as reporting foreigners details to immigration.......is it?


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Maybe the "whiners, complainers or clueless" should look up the word "guest/khaaek"?

First you are a "guest" of LOS, NOT so much a guest where you hang your hat once you get to your destination...(notice how the word desti-NATION fits here?)

If someone has nothing to hide then there should be no problem regestering or reporting-in wherever you hang your hat -eh?

This "regestering or reporting-in" of whoever, wherever from the hotels or the guests' "host" is *NOT* an extreme goverment request, it is in *FACT* a prudent, reasonable and RESPONSIBLE government poilcy...

N*w I w****r h*w l**g it w**l t**e f*r t*e ch***ng-in on a*l t*e L*S "co******on" to s***t?

Chan phuut saawt ... .. .



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Immigration want to see passports and ID they should return to their periodic raids near Sukhumvit Road between Soi 3 and Soi 5. They actually sell passports in the area and many of the residents have more than one identity. Drug dealing is rampant there too. A perfect place for the Rohingyas terrorists to hang out. I'm just saying...

Where do they get the information for the false identities and passports? When you check into some hotels why do they need to photocopy your passport in colour not just the page with your personal information but also the inside cover which bears the coat of arms? Why do they need to photocopy anyway why not just write down the required information? What happens to the copies of my passport when I leave the hotel?

I have no problem with the thai authorities knowing where I am or what I am doing because I have nothing to hide. I do wonder tho what is happening to all these photocopies of my personal information floating around thailand. I come in and out of Thailand every three weks and always use the same address on my arrival card and that is the family home. Does my defacto have to report my arrival at the address to confirm I am actually staying there?

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Much fuss about very little, it seems. This has been the rule for quite a while now and all they announced is that they intend to enforce it (in Phuket). I have to say some of the responses just blew me away - forearm tattoo, yellow star, rfid??? Makes you wonder...

Reality check - During my lat biz trip I had to produce my passport at hotels in Italy, Germany and yes, the UK. Same every time I'm in Singapore.

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"...Have you ever considered that we are all citizens of the same planet? Why do you want me to stay where I was born, or otherwise i have no human rights, are just a guest at the mercy of the ones born there? What a stone age concept of living! Hey, get out of my cave, I was born here, but not you!..."

I basically agree with this point of view.

But for the time being we all need to take things as they are.

At last any state has the sovereignty over its own area - at least in theory :) - and the right to collect information of who is moving here. It cannot be worse than CIA or GeStaPo activities... :D

As I have nothing to hide: where is the problem of getting registered? When I board an aircraft it is a similar procedure I guess and it does not hurt me or hinder me to move around.

Positive side effect: If I get (unwillingly) missing, it is easier to track, find and help me.

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If Thailand has problems, and Thailand wishes to address them in certain ways.

I think it is fair to let them.

All countries that I know of, is trying to keep track of

their foreigners..


Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??

Well why not try AMERICA. "The land of the free". Thats one. Oh I supose that you dont show any identification at all when you check into a hotel, right? well must be cause the hook you are with already paid for the room.

Yea know I read Thai Visa all the time and I am really amazed at how really F___en stupid you or most of you people realy are.

It would be nice sometime to read some intellegent comments. But I guess thats a dream.

and after they have taken your fingerprints at the border

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I'm surprised this is the only thing so far.

With that big meeting in July of all the foreign ministers (plus Hilary Clinton), of course the police is going to try and get things in order. ESPECIALLY, after what happened at the cancellation of the ASEAN summit. Any prudent leaders would do their best to ensure that this meeting goes off without a hitch.

Yes I agree they have to know the whereabouts and movements of all tourists. The red and yellow shirts would never do anything to disrupt such an important meeting. I can see it all so clearly now tourism booming in July and farangs mounting huge demonstrations in the streets and disrupting the thai way of life. Yes it is always the farangs fault.

:D:) just kidding don't get upset

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Here we go again.

Another one for chasing tourists away.

In the same league as raising prices to get the same income.

If the tourists stay away, for whatever reason, you make it more difficult for the remaining visitors.

Why would it be strange to ask who is staying in your hotel? Try to check in at the Marriott or Hyatt or another organized accommodation without an ID. See how that works.


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Phuket Immigration crackdown announced

Phuket Immigration Superintendent Chanatpol Yongbunjerd told the press that the crackdown follows the recent arrest of three ethnic Rohingyas on charges of involvement in an international human smuggling ring.

The three men, two of whom were arrested in Songkhla's Haad Yai district, are also suspected of having links to terrorist groups including Jemaah Islamiyah (JI).

Have you noticed how the Rohingyas are suddenly the bad boys? Takes the heat off the investigation into their maltreatment by the Thai security forces.

The crackdown is also part of stepped-up security in the run-up to the 42nd Asean Foreign Ministers Meeting, scheduled to take place at Laguna Phuket from July 16 to 23, Col Chanatpol said.

Is this crackdown just for Phuket or is it nationwide?

Phuket Immigration Inspector for Investigation Suparerk Pankosol, who also attended the meeting, told the press that homeowners who fail to inform Immigration of foreigners staying in their homes – either as guests or under rental agreements – face fines not exceeding 2,000 baht.

What about foreigners staying in private homes who have been reporting every 90 days. Does the homeowner have to report as well?

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Don't the Thais have the right to ensure those who come into and stay in the country are ligitimate? Many countries in the world have registration systems to provide information on who is living where and for how long. What's the problem?

It's no hardship for the foreigner, it's the guesthouse or hotel that has to provide the info and like i say many other countries do the same.

With the security situation in Thailand and the world the way it is ithink it's well over due!

As far as the issue of security is concerned, this policy would make more sense if hotels/guesthouses were required to report all guests staying with them, including Thai nationals. Why would someone be considered a possible security threat for no other reason than them being a "foreigner"? Are hotels required to routinely record and report details of their Thai guest's identity cards when they check in?


All hotels require ID, from ALL guests

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Don't the Thais have the right to ensure those who come into and stay in the country are ligitimate? Many countries in the world have registration systems to provide information on who is living where and for how long. What's the problem?

It's no hardship for the foreigner, it's the guesthouse or hotel that has to provide the info and like i say many other countries do the same.

With the security situation in Thailand and the world the way it is ithink it's well over due!

As far as the issue of security is concerned, this policy would make more sense if hotels/guesthouses were required to report all guests staying with them, including Thai nationals. Why would someone be considered a possible security threat for no other reason than them being a "foreigner"? Are hotels required to routinely record and report details of their Thai guest's identity cards when they check in?


Thai guests at legitimate hotels must present their ID cards for copying at check in.

Even legal, respectable Thai wives of foreign nationals.

We are all recorded the same, jsut maybe not for the same purposes.

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Have you ever considered that we are all citizens of the same planet? Why do you want me to stay where I was born, or otherwise i have no human rights, are just a guest at the mercy of the ones born there? What a stone age concept of living! Hey, get out of my cave, I was born here, but not you!

We have a global economy, like it or not, we face global problems, affecting all of us, no place to hide. But still, here is a line, so many lines all over the globe, cross it and you are a suspicious alien! C'mon, wake up guys, and develop!

Gee, have you ever considered that if you want to move into a cave where someone was born and had lived their whole life, that you might have to ask their permission first? It works this way with families, communities, regions, and countries for a reason. Are you seriously suggesting that "globalization" somehow elevates your "right" to move wherever you want above the rights of those that have been there for a long time? Don't put forward a straw man argument of "no human rights". You have basic human rights, not just the same rights and privileges as those who have established the community. At least not until you've earned them. If I, my family, and my neighbors have spent our lives developing a desirable community, is it your "human right" to automatically get the benefits of our efforts simply because we live on the same planet and face similar challenges? If that's the case, please let me know when you are finished building your house and harvesting your crops, so I can move in and start eating.

It seems pretty "stone age" to me to take away people's rights to associate with who they choose. Global economics and global problems require cooperation, but do not dictate that everyone accept everyone else unreservedly. I certainly believe their should be less emphasis on nationality and borders, but also think that establishing roots counts for something as well. So, if you want to move to a new place that is an already inhabited location, try one of two time-tested methods:

1. Go there, respect the people that are already there. Earn their respect. Show them that your presence can add something to their community and that you are not there just to "take"; or

2. Invade, conquer them by force and then take their stuff

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If Thailand has problems, and Thailand wishes to address them in certain ways.

I think it is fair to let them.

All countries that I know of, is trying to keep track of

their foreigners..


Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??


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I think if you have haven't done anything wrong or plan to do anything wrong then you have no reason to fear. How many people from around the world flee to Thailand to escape prosecution in thier own country. I think 100's if not 1,000's are hiding out in Thailand for offences ranging from theft, fraud, murder and not to mention the pedophilles. I think this is a good tool to round up these people and if the thai authorities are working with other world authorities then good on them.

I do not mean that these people hide out just in Thailand but all through south east asia. Just hope the other countries in the region adopt this same policy and catch more of the scum of the world.

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This is all window dressing just for the counties attending the ASEAN summit (should it happen). To show that the Thai Authorities take security seriously, they will now know where everyone will be staying, but what practical good will that do - not sure. But it will make the world leaders who were airlifted from Pattaya feel much more secure. I would also expect their to be similar enforcement of 'laws' for Thais too nearer to the summit. Although we not hear as much about those laws.

And to be honest is it really that much of a ball ache. If you get stoped in your car by a cop - in any country - they want to see your driving license. same, same but different.

And maybe give the top cop some credit - He actually came out and gave a press conference stating his intentions allowing everyone to get their house in order. Could've said nowt and then just 'decided' to enforce it, a bit like the immigration does with visa requirement changes.

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If Thailand has problems, and Thailand wishes to address them in certain ways.

I think it is fair to let them.

All countries that I know of, is trying to keep track of

their foreigners..


Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??




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I own a guesthouse and this simply looks like trouble. If they want me to comply with reporting all guests of my establishment it better not be those lengthy and seemingly pointless "90-day notification" forms.

I believe this is just another one of those "crackdowns" put in place to impress the upcoming political visitors and it will quickly be forgotten once the summit is over and immigration finds out how impossible it is to enforce.

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Back in the UK i am monitored by CCTV over 50 times a day so this is minor.....if they are doing an immigration crackdown, can they send home the 3 farang bums that sit drinking every night outside the 7/11 on Soi Ragnam in Ratchawithi, they heckle passers , look filthy, need detoxing and should just go home and be alcoholics rather than make farangs look bad and the place look untidy ! I would bet my bottom dollar they are all on overstay anyway.

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