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it was raining half a click down towards doi saket, when picking up the GF last night, coming back to san kamphaeng, nada.

maybe i should plan a bbq,wash the car or get the lawn mower out

Waxing the car usually works!!!

Up in Mae Ai, in my wife's tambon, there was a flash flood yesterday!!!

maybe i should plan a bbq,wash the car or get the lawn mower out

My car has been in for a service for the last five days (grumpy and house bound) the barbeque has rusted out, and I can't be bothered to drag the lawn mower out. What are the options? :)

... snip ... My car has been in for a service for the last five days (grumpy and house bound) the barbeque has rusted out, and I can't be bothered to drag the lawn mower out. What are the options? :)

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Maejo Man,

Eat the grass.

best, ~o:37;

... snip ... My car has been in for a service for the last five days (grumpy and house bound) the barbeque has rusted out, and I can't be bothered to drag the lawn mower out. What are the options? :D

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Maejo Man,

Eat the grass.

best, ~o:37;

makes a change from smokin the stuff :)

maybe i should plan a bbq,wash the car or get the lawn mower out

My car has been in for a service for the last five days (grumpy and house bound) the barbeque has rusted out, and I can't be bothered to drag the lawn mower out. What are the options? :)

Dems real problems MM, but I'd be a bit worried about finding out what you must not wash , that you get a flash flood, if you do wash it.....

Enlighten us Kn Scotbeve Please


My cranium has gone soggy! Used to be every time I washed & waxed the car it duly rained.... Got away with it 3 times this year without a drop. Will try again when I get back in CM. But it should be raining by then...

An actual flash flood in Mae Ai district, yes! ; -}

My cranium has gone soggy! Used to be every time I washed & waxed the car it duly rained.... Got away with it 3 times this year without a drop. Will try again when I get back in CM. But it should be raining by then...

An actual flash flood in Mae Ai district, yes! ; -}

Washed & Waxed 3 times and got away with it, huh....... One thing my old pappy taught me,,,, "Paybacks are hel_l" ...by any chance was your car parked in Mae Ai ?? :)

My cranium has gone soggy! Used to be every time I washed & waxed the car it duly rained.... Got away with it 3 times this year without a drop. Will try again when I get back in CM. But it should be raining by then...

An actual flash flood in Mae Ai district, yes! ; -}

Washed & Waxed 3 times and got away with it, huh....... One thing my old pappy taught me,,,, "Paybacks are hel_l" ...by any chance was your car parked in Mae Ai ?? :)

Heh, heh.... no, baking away in Mae Rim.


Not sure about rain today , but I can tell you this ...... Its gonna be hotter than hel_l today.....

In my office with cross vents..... fans on and windows open it is now 36.9 degrees and it not quite 10AM

Its all a plot by the electric comany to make us run up the bill by turning on the A/C

Heres a question for someone who may know the answer....

Do they still make the A/C units , the kind known as window units, that are all in one????

What I mean is not the wall hanging kind with the detached outside air compressor.....

Hot inquiring mind wants to know


Not sure about rain today , but I can tell you this ...... Its gonna be hotter than hel_l today.....

In my office with cross vents..... fans on and windows open it is now 36.9 degrees and it not quite 10AM

Its all a plot by the electric comany to make us run up the bill by turning on the A/C

Heres a question for someone who may know the answer....

Do they still make the A/C units , the kind known as window units, that are all in one????

What I mean is not the wall hanging kind with the detached outside air compressor.....

Hot inquiring mind wants to know


Yes they do. The question is where are they sold in Thailand.?

Not sure about rain today , but I can tell you this ...... Its gonna be hotter than hel_l today.....

In my office with cross vents..... fans on and windows open it is now 36.9 degrees and it not quite 10AM

Its all a plot by the electric comany to make us run up the bill by turning on the A/C

Heres a question for someone who may know the answer....

Do they still make the A/C units , the kind known as window units, that are all in one????

What I mean is not the wall hanging kind with the detached outside air compressor.....

Hot inquiring mind wants to know


Yes they do. The question is where are they sold in Thailand.?

Saw them (window air cond. units) in BKK yeeeeears ago.

Not sure about rain today , but I can tell you this ...... Its gonna be hotter than hel_l today.....

In my office with cross vents..... fans on and windows open it is now 36.9 degrees and it not quite 10AM


I'd come over and check out this bold statement, but they havn't delivered my car back yet :)


tv weather had rain forecasted on saturday when i looked yesterday, now its sunday. Its like a carrot dangling in front a donkey, but im unsure what theyre trying to do to us, giving us this false hope, perhap a rain dance is in order.

Not sure about rain today , but I can tell you this ...... Its gonna be hotter than hel_l today.....

In my office with cross vents..... fans on and windows open it is now 36.9 degrees and it not quite 10AM


I'd come over and check out this bold statement, but they havn't delivered my car back yet :D

Too Late now..... I have had the A/C on since 10:01 & it has dropped almost 3 degs..... this is turning on the A/c at least 2 hrs earlier than normal

Some of the church folks were willing to lend me a big black kettle which I could sit in and fill with water up to my neck. Said they had a couple left over from the missions in deepest, darkest u no where.... I got in yesterday, but the water got so hot, and with passers by throwing in veggies, I started to worry...... I don't want to put Gonzo soup on the menu.. Remember some time ago, I threatened , with the hard times to open , was it .... Gonzo's Soup Kitchen, or was it Gonzo Soup Kitchen....

Listen MM , about the transportation problem you are having,,,,,,,, you want me to send out the little old 90 year old samlor man???? He has a very nice A/C samlor, completely enclosed facilities for 2....... He can peddle you and whomever around , he sings mostly old Italian songs he was taught in Venice in another of his incarnations... He could be out to your place within 4 - 5 days I'm sure...

You know me..... A man without wheels is a man lost.



since Gonzo when slightly off topic with his where to find a wall aircon unit,

i found this idea for you home hobbyists

DIY aircon that uses less electricity than yr standard AC unit

it probably works too


Sorry I did go off topic,,,,, I confess.... mea culpa....

But in some minor defense , you know the condensation drip that used to come out of the old A/C tube is probably a greater measurement than the rain fall we have had to date...

Db that video is just appealing enough to the Rube Goldberg in me to give it a try..... although the vid did not mention putting in some water, thats a given , but I also had the thought of putting in a little ice to kick it off maybe a little cooler.

Please if anyone wants to talk about this contraption, again please start another thread off this one as it is off topic, but interesting...


Sorry I did go off topic,,,,, I confess.... mea culpa....

But in some minor defense , you know the condensation drip that used to come out of the old A/C tube is probably a greater measurement than the rain fall we have had to date...

Db that video is just appealing enough to the Rube Goldberg in me to give it a try..... although the vid did not mention putting in some water, thats a given , but I also had the thought of putting in a little ice to kick it off maybe a little cooler.

Please if anyone wants to talk about this contraption, again please start another thread off this one as it is off topic, but interesting...


in another video they had the copper coil run into a chilly bin full of ice water, the copper was wound a few times like a spring to add more chill to the water being circulated,

anyway,my earlier comment about forecasted rain for sunday has now changed to tuesday next week,

I think it will rain a lot very soon. I see ants starting their parade in to the house and that can predict a period of heavy rain.

ive seen ant trails running into my house for the past month or so

first these little light coloured brown ones and now little black ones :)

every other day ive been chalking ant killer on their trails to stop the influx of these critters, and still not much rain to speak of

ive heard that the mozzies and flying ants and moths come out en mass before the heavens open up, esp at night but ive yet to see them come out

ive heard that the mozzies and flying ants and moths come out en mass before the heavens open up, esp at night but ive yet to see them come out

Frogs and the flying termites are normally the best indicator. The frogs are croaking well, but no termites yet, and the glass is rising this evening, so nothing tonight :)


yep.. black clouds heading south from north of Payap area... and I just heard thunder. No crazy wind though... :)

But it could just be mother nature taunting us again....


Just had one of the most savage storms ever, the garden is a disaster with trees uprooted and 40mm of water on the garden. The worst has passed but still heavy rain.


Nice storm here around Wat Suan Dok... not long enough but better than nothing. Temperatures dropped to 28 d. C. Quite pleasant!!! Some more rains expected on Wednesday.... Maybe, the begining of the rainy season which comes ususally around this time of the year Let's hope

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