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Help Me. They Want To Kick Me Out

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well, i think i will go to KL

It is best to take the wife with you when you go, together with your marriage certificate, signed copy of her ID card, completed application form TM7, a short letter from her to the embassy requesting the visa be issued, recent passport sized photo, Thai bank book with some funds and fee.

you are correct and let the wife do the talking because they do speak Thai :)
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well, i think i will go to KL

It is best to take the wife with you when you go, together with your marriage certificate, signed copy of her ID card, completed application form TM7, a short letter from her to the embassy requesting the visa be issued, recent passport sized photo, Thai bank book with some funds and fee.

you are correct and let the wife do the talking because they do speak Thai :)

not so easy with 2 kids.

above you said no problem. with or without wife?

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OK give me the money and I will go for you. What do you want from these guys they are trying to help you and you keep putting up obstacles. I honestly think that you are taking the Mickey.

because nobody give me a clear answer.

do i need my wife to go with me or not?

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From what I can see, KL / Essen and Madrid are reports with Thai wife and kids ( in my case ). :D Not sure about Perth.

Honestly. You have to be a bit flexible, as you want something. :D

Btw: I also never had a problem in Los Angeles. :) Got a NON IMMI there for 4 years, while we were living in the USA.

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In my experience with multiple non O's , there is no need at all to take your wife with you .

A note from her with date and all will do at countries around Thailand , outside Asia no need for that , at consulates mostly citizens of that particular counrty take care of all .

A translation in English of the marriage certificate I would take with you ( if applying outside Asia ) , they ask for that at the Amsterdam consulate .

Some posters think its better to make sure to take the wife with you , but they should read many reports better ,

one stated 15-25k ticket to Germany , don't think it included his wife on that amount .

One more thing you are there for a visa to visit your wife , not you and your wife to visit her from such far .

So no need to take her with you .

I have applied for NON O's in Amsterdam , KL en Penang in the past , A'dam issues the visa straight away , 5 minutes .

But in Malyasia the next day .

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OK give me the money and I will go for you. What do you want from these guys they are trying to help you and you keep putting up obstacles. I honestly think that you are taking the Mickey.
You not the only one who thinks that :D

More than agreed with you :)

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The blokes been here 5 years and still knows diddly squat!. They should kick him out and then he can go off and gen up on the Thai visa laws like the rest of us.

There is a German language forum too and no doubt he has been on there and despite receiving good advise on TV, he is winding us all up. :)

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The blokes been here 5 years and still knows diddly squat!. They should kick him out and then he can go off and gen up on the Thai visa laws like the rest of us.

There is a German language forum too and no doubt he has been on there and despite receiving good advise on TV, he is winding us all up. :D

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Yes. It has to be your money/income.

The rule changed 25th November 2008

If you cannot meet the requirement you need to go to a Thai Consulate and get a Multi Entry Non Imm O Visa. Kl or Penang would probably issue. You would need some money in your bank but nowhere near 400,000 Baht.

This Visa would give you unlimited entries for a year. A maximum of 90 days each entry. A border run just before it expires would give another 90 days giving a total of 15 months.

The cost of the Visa is 5,000 Baht.

Good Luck.

As described, with Multiple Entry Non Imm O Visa a stay of up to 15 months can be acheived. If one would want to stay on beyond the 15 months, what would be procedure ?

Thanks and cheers.

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As described, with Multiple Entry Non Imm O Visa a stay of up to 15 months can be acheived. If one would want to stay on beyond the 15 months, what would be procedure ?

Thanks and cheers.

Apply for same visa again, or apply for extension of stay if can meet the requirements.

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I did KL last month and with no problems, but they were not issuing visa's the same day, not even to the people who were kicking up a fuss about having flights booked... and you have to get to the embassy before 11am for visa application so even the first flight with Air Asia from BKK won't get you there in time ( well I tried and didn't make it) so it was a 2 night stop over for me.

Edited by kmj
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You were actually on extension of stay (not a visa). Yes, the rules changed on 25th November last year. Joint income no longer allowed. You have to meet the requirements of 400k in bank (in your name) for 2 months prior to application or 40k/month income (your income).

Or obtain multi-entry Non-O visa from KL. Reports indicate bank book showing 35k+ will suffice (plus a few other papers). That will require 90 day border runs. Do a border run just before the visa expires and you will be stamped in for a further 90 days stretching your visa to 15 months.

my paper work was processed in dec last yr and this new rule was not mentioned. so am i to expect a new ruling on this yrs renewal? or will they just leave it alone?

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You were actually on extension of stay (not a visa). Yes, the rules changed on 25th November last year. Joint income no longer allowed. You have to meet the requirements of 400k in bank (in your name) for 2 months prior to application or 40k/month income (your income).

Or obtain multi-entry Non-O visa from KL. Reports indicate bank book showing 35k+ will suffice (plus a few other papers). That will require 90 day border runs. Do a border run just before the visa expires and you will be stamped in for a further 90 days stretching your visa to 15 months.

my paper work was processed in dec last yr and this new rule was not mentioned. so am i to expect a new ruling on this yrs renewal? or will they just leave it alone?

You will face the new rules on your next extension. Immmigration was late with announcing the the rule change, that happend in Dec.

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Just another witness account...

I did the multiple non-O 1 year visa in KL last November 26. I tried it two month before that when I was on a business trip but they sent me home because I had not enough original documents with me.

Here is what I had to present them:

Bank booklet of my Thai bank account (I had more than 400K on it, but I heard it's not so important how much is on it)

Original Marriage Certificate and the original letter issued and stamped by the registry office (form 2) with the marriage certificate

Signed copy of my wife's passport (if available) and ID card

Signed copy of my wife's tabienban (household registration?)

And off course my passport, picture and fully filled in application form plus 500 RM (not 550 in my case). No need to bring my wife with me. Handed in morning of day 1; picked up my passport with visa on afternoon of day 2. And by the way, KL is a nice city. No need to be afraid or Muslimophobic or Xenophobic or any other ...phobic.

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I've obtained Multi "O" visas in KL twice... last time 1 month ago... You don't need your wife... bring your bankbook with some money in it to show (Photocopy required) and the other documents you need.

KL is a GREAT town... Everyone speaks English and lots of shopping and great restaurants with all styles of food... PLUS its Cheap compared to Singapore and Hong Kong... also comparable to Thailand... And it's CLEAN - Makes me hate to return to Bangkok.

Fly down on Sunday.. you can be back in Bangkok Tuesday night. Just check the embassy website to be sure they will be open as they close for both Thai and Malay holidays. Get to Embassy at around 8:30 am.. you will wait awhile before the doors open, but then you will be sure to get a seat inside and will be out within an hour.

Book return Flight around 5 pm... (AirAsia has best prices, especially if you can book 3 month in advance) Embassy opens at 2:30 to pick up passport day after to give it to them. You could pick it up and head straight to the airport. Plenty of time.

Bring the letter from your wife (can be in Thai) requesting they give you Multi Entry Visa. ( Dear Thai Embassy, Please give my husband a One-Year multi entry Visa, Thank you, <name>) This is all you need to say. They didn't ask for my letter last time, but my wife was with me.

Cost is 550 Ringget or 5,500 baht... They do take Baht now... This is a change. but safer to pay in Ringgit

That's it.... Depending on your Airfare Cost and hotel you can do this for as little as 10,000 baht, including Visa.

Enjoy KL... I do.


Edited by CosmicSurfer
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what's about vientiane?

or pnom pengh?

anyone experience with them?

it's not so far from here

No. Only KL and probably Penang.

can i get it the same day, or how long does it takes?

Takes 1 day, last cost was 250 Ringit (about 2,500baht). They require

1. A copy of your marriage Certficcate

2. Your passport

3. Copy of your wife's ID and..

4. House paper (of your wife).

If you have a mobile phone take it with you any problems a quick call to your wife together with the Embassy staff resolves any questions they have.

........... No need to show Money.........!!!!!

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OK give me the money and I will go for you. What do you want from these guys they are trying to help you and you keep putting up obstacles. I honestly think that you are taking the Mickey.

because nobody give me a clear answer.

do i need my wife to go with me or not?

Yes! It is better. They need to assure themselves that you are indeed married and your marriage is subsisting, not a marriage of convenience, just to stay on in the country!If you have kids, bring them along too. That would strengthen your case!

Honorary consuls are not so strict as they do not enforce the rules like a normal embassy would!The rules applies to all countries, not just Thailand!For Asians going to Australia, America, or Europe,stricter screenings are enforced.

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You do not need the spouse to obtain a non immigrant O visa. If they are with you fine - if not be sure to have the ID card signed copy and home register signed copy and a short letter from her asking for visa to be issued (that is likely overkill but should cover all bases).

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how long does it takes in KL?

Apply morning Day 1, collect afternoon Day 2

Same thing in Bali and the flight is cheap. But if I were in your shoes I would take my wife with me so it appears that you are on a vacation, giving the appearance that you have no financial or marital problems. I could tell from the conversation that my wife had with them that her being there made his job 100 percent easier because he did not have to speak English and there was no question weather we were still together. But seeing how she is the only one with a job and probably paying for the trip maybe it would be best for you to go alone to save money. But you having children really need to change your standing or you are going to be kicked out in the long run anyway. The visa requirements get stiffer every 5 years so you can bet on all amounts only increasing. You need to sit down today over a beer and think about where you need to be in five years and what you need to do to make this happen. Oh, you have two kids so you better figure out the next 10. If I were you and living in a foreign country with no career and having children I would get a job throwing every penny into her business, building it up to cover your visa requirements putting you legally on 45% of the business. This way you qualify for a work visa or you will be caught one day picking up broken glass in the restaurant and kicked out for working without a work visa. If you are unable to meet their requirements for a visa how are you going to pay for the children’s college and meet your requirements tomorrow? How are you going to meet your retirement requirements that are double the non O if you are my age and don’t have $15,000 US in an account somewhere? Your children won’t be able to cover you because they will never make more than 12,000 baht a month without a college degree. So you better get a job in another country and start seriously packing away some cash into her restaurant because it is not big enough to support two children and a furang. Don’t get me wrong I am by no means set for life. I worry about being in your situation every day. It is my worst fear being we are around the same age made me want to talk about this. I don’t know if you are just having a run of bad luck in a dying job market but I hope your long term “plan” is not to live off of your wife’s income. Unless the restaurant is yours too and you just failed to mention this to everyone. If not this one visa stamp is the least of your trouble but only a road sign that says Dead End.

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Is it possible he can get a year without leaving by enrolling in a Thai language course, education visa???

[Can somebody explain why you need the 400,000 B from Inside, but not if you Apply from outside? - or is there an explanation?]

oh... make friends with a Brit expat --- fly to Hull and get a year "to visit a British friend"

<<< that's what is says.

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The 400k is for a one year stay without leaving and shows funds to support you and family for that period. From outside you can not obtain more than a 90 day entry and could be asked to show 20k on any entry (although normally you are not). To stay without the need to leave requires a higher monitory amount - as is true in most countries (where amounts may be much, much higher). If unable to meet those requirements for extension of stay you have the option of visa entry so all is not lost.

Edited by lopburi3
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