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What On Earth Did I Do To You?


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So what on earth did I do to you? Huh?

Overnight some pathetic individual has gone into my profile and voted me from 3 stars to 2. Anyway, its no great loss as I recently discovered that they are not made from real gold and are worthless. :D Haha, so who got the last laugh now :D .

Seriously though, it amuses me the people that take this form of revenge. I'd luv to know what I said, must have struck a nerve, perhaps gave someone that real reality check and they didnt like what they saw in the mirror. :)

Anyway folk, don't worry, neverdie is a tuff ole bugga, he will soldier on dispite his low popularity amoungst the peasants.

Meanwhile, perhaps the responsible party might like to step up to the plate and have a propper crack at ole neverdie, sounds like you wanna piece of the 1938 school boys boxing trophy and im here to tell you that my teeth are out, the glasses are off and if somebody will help me up into the ring, IM READY TO GO :D

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I liked your old pic..the flapping jaw..4 stars
We have profiles?

yeah jimmy, i often go into yours and wonder to myself "What went wrong for this poor bugga" :D

Just gave you more gold Mate....Now, you profile gonna look like the milky way :)

Wow, Im almost feeling HI-SO now, geeze thanks, will put you in my will, dont get too excited, the only thing i have is the fake gold stars :D

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I liked your old pic..the flapping jaw..4 stars

Yes, i liked him too, but seriously you wouldnt believe how many complaints I had about the old man neverdie avatar.

just another example of the things i do, just to try and please people :)

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mario y are repeating yourself again time to twink about alzheimer's

Can you tell me Dr. Alzheimers first name?

No? That's how it starts.

I was trying desperately to remember that, then I forgot again. :)


I take them....As long as it used to belong to you, it's almost as good as real gold.... :D

WOW, Finally a real fan.....i returned the gold, we're spending up big, might even break georges budget :D

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Just voted for you dear neverdie, twice. You are now a 3 star hero again. before the end of th day you will have 5 stars, mark my words.

Thankyou kind sir,

I wont rest until I own the forum.

Ohh and Im gonna start an investigation into this & I wont be happy until I have the culprits head on a platter :)

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"Why would you care ??"

Yeah, wondering too. Until now nd seemed to be a very reasonable fellow. :D

But don't worry. I once sympathised with backpackers and a star was gone instantly... :D

Birdman, Im not sure if it was the fact that you empathised with the backpackers or if posters here are getting sick of ur nudie runs around Bangkok. Anyway, I gave you 5 stars just because your a mad baaastard and crack me up often.

i never knew about this "star" system. anyway, Neverdie, i gave you a 5. i hope your life turns around soon...

Well you have made my day champ, I thought after your comments about me being a ladyboy that my days of 5 stars were over in your books.....anyway, gotta run, have some dresses to iron :)

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I hate being rated. Ever since I used to teach in college and several punk losers decided to pimp me by jointly giving me the lowest rank on my semester review. I even had to meet with the ass't dean over it. They were the twerps, but I was put on the rack over it. :D

Nasty little bhuggers, I cant believe that the dean would can you over such a thing....little so and so's

How far back does the record of who's viewed your profile go?

I've got absolutely NO IDEA, I'm only new here at thaivisa :)

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